Solidarietà internazionale per combattere la fame Intervento della Santa Sede a GinevrA. 26 marzo 2014. Pubblichiamo la nostra traduzione dell'intervento svolto il 10 marzo dall'arcivescovo Silvano M. Tomasi osservatore permanente della Santa Sede presso l'Ufficio delle Nazioni Unite e Istituzioni specializzate a Ginevra durante la XXV sessione ordinaria del Consiglio per i diritti dell'uomo sul diritto al cibo. Signor Presidente La mia Delegazione coglie con piacere l'opportunità di parlare a questo Consiglio dell'urgente necessità che i Governi e la società globale rispettino proteggano agevolino e adempiano meglio il diritto umano al cibo. Siamo profondamente grati al Relatore speciale uscente per i suoi significativi sforzi a questo riguardo ed esprimiamo il sincero auspicio che in futuro si compiano altri progressi al fine di assicurare che il diritto al cibo non sia «ridotto a un diritto a non morire di fame» e venga davvero riconosciuto come «diritto inclusivo a un'alimentazione adeguata e a tutti gli elementi nutrizionali» necessari «per vivere una vita sana e attiva e mezzo per accedervi» ( La comunità internazionale ha certamente compiuto progressi nell'affrontare il tema della sicurezza alimentare. In occasione della Giornata mondiale dell'alimentazione 2013 (José Graziano Da Silva Direttore Generale della Fao La sicurezza alimentare è la sfida del futuro «L'Osservatore Romano» giovedì 19 settembre 2013) l'Organizzazione per l'alimentazione e l'agricoltura delle Nazioni Unite ha riferito che dalla fine della seconda guerra mondiale la disponibilità di cibo pro capite è cresciuta di oltre il 40 per cento. Ha però anche spiegato che la fame colpisce ancora oltre 840 milioni di persone ma è molto meno evidente poiché persiste principalmente tra quanti vivono nei Paesi in via di sviluppo. Questo tipo di fame si manifesta come «morte lenta» causata da denutrizione privando i bambini delle opportunità e impedendo loro di raggiungere quelle pietre miliari dello sviluppo come la crescita secondo parametri normali lo sviluppo neuromotorio le prestazioni scolastiche che sono date per scontate dalle persone ben nutrite che vivono in Paesi ad alto reddito... «ciò costituisce un vero scandalo» ( Signor Presidente nel suo Messaggio per l'ultima Giornata mondiale dell'alimentazione Papa Francesco ha asserito con forza che «fame e denutrizione non possono mai essere considerati un fatto normale al quale abituarsi quasi si trattasse di parte del sistema» Per spezzare questo circolo vizioso occorre prendere misure strutturali come l'attuazione di leggi quadro a livello nazionale e lo sviluppo di politiche alimentari giuste. Abbiamo anche bisogno di processi ben sviluppati tra cui l'attuazione e il controllo delle politiche nonché dello stanziamento adeguato di risorse. Infine dobbiamo esaminare con attenzione i risultati e l'impatto sulla base di statistiche relative alla fame e alla malnutrizione e di indicatori riguardanti la disponibilità di cibo le entrate sufficienti e i prezzi abbordabili per acquistare un'alimentazione adeguata per le famiglie e i membri più vulnerabili della società.
In un certo senso Signor Presidente Papa Francesco ha tracciato una Road Map volta a favorire ulteriormente la piena attuazione del diritto al cibo. «Qualcosa deve cambiare in noi stessi nella nostra mentalità nelle nostre società» ha esortato proponendo che «un passo importante sia abbattere con decisione le barriere dell'individualismo della chiusura in se stessi della schiavitù del profitto a tutti i costi» (ibid.). Pertanto la mia Delegazione suggerisce che il raggiungimento del diritto al cibo esige solidarietà sociale tra tutti i popoli in aggiunta alle salvaguardie legali e politiche già stabilite da questo Consiglio. A livello nazionale ciò esige investimenti pubblici e privati adeguati per consentire ai piccoli agricoltori di aumentare la produttività di ottenere un surplus di guadagno sufficiente per migliorare le condizioni nelle quali coltivano la terra e di essere in grado di contare a lungo termine su prospettive di entrate sufficienti per sostenere le loro famiglie. Occorrerà una particolare attenzione per agevolare l'autonomizzazione e la partecipazione delle donne nelle campagne per favorire l'agricoltura e lo sviluppo rurale. Riguardo al settore privato dobbiamo cercare una distribuzione più equa delle risorse che non sfavorisca i piccoli produttori di cibo locali. Nel fornire assistenza umanitaria occorre assicurare l'accesso al cibo e alle risorse delle popolazioni colpite sia all'interno dei confini che attraverso gli stessi. L'assistenza allo sviluppo dovrebbe includere componenti agricole affinché il diritto di produrre e di commercializzare il cibo venga assicurato senza discriminazioni. La solidarietà a livello internazionale è parimenti importante negli sforzi per garantire il diritto al cibo. L'accordo raggiunto a Bali durante la nona Conferenza ministeriale dell'Organizzazione mondiale del commercio su «l'azionariato pubblico ai fini della sicurezza alimentare» è sulla stessa falsariga ed è un chiaro esempio di come il multilateralismo possa riacquistare il suo ruolo centrale nel confrontarsi con nuovi problemi affrontare nuove opportunità e soprattutto promuovere un commercio più libero e più equo non come fine a se stesso ma come uno tra i tanti approcci per porre fine alla povertà per tutti. L'attuazione di questo accordo provvisorio offrirebbe ai Paesi che ne hanno bisogno un accesso più sicuro stabile ed equo al cibo.
In questo Anno internazionale dell'agricoltura familiare Signor Presidente la mia Delegazione desidera esortare questo Consiglio a includere quale componente speciale dei suoi sforzi per promuovere e preservare il diritto umano al cibo «l'educazione alla solidarietà e a uno stile di vita che superi la "cultura dello scarto" e metta realmente al centro ogni persona e la sua dignità parte dalla famiglia» (ibid)
Le sanzioni e lo spiraglio. Barack Obama prospetta misure più stringenti contro la Russia ma lascia aperta la porta al dialogo. 26 marzo 2014. Bruxelles 26. Resta alta la tensione in Ucraina dopo l'annessione della Crimea alla Federazione russa. Da ieri la bandiera russa sventola su tutte le installazioni militari in Crimea. Forse anche per questo il presidente statunitense Barack Obama — oggi in missione a Bruxelless dove incontra gli esponenti del Governo belga il segretario generale della Nato e i vertice dell'Ue prima di giungere a Roma — ha lanciato ieri dall'Aja un monito a Putin: se non si ferma il resto del mondo è pronto a reagire. E l'Alleanza atlantica sta già preparando piani per difendere gli altri Paesi dell'est europeo. Obama ha sottolineato che dopo l'annessione della Crimea la Russia «è più isolata che ai tempi dell'Unione sovietica».
Dalla famiglia una garanzia di sviluppo Presentato l'incontro mondiale di Philadelphia. 25 marzo 2014. A servizio della famiglia con intelligenza coraggio e amore: prende spunto da questo triplice presupposto il cammino di preparazione all'ottavo Incontro mondiale delle famiglie in programma dal 22 al 27 settembre 2015 a Philadelphia. «Intelligenza nel leggere il presente della famiglia; coraggio per affrontare i complessi e numerosi problemi; amore per cercare di risolverli tenendo sempre presente il Vangelo della famiglia e della vita» ha spiegato stamattina martedì 25 marzo l'arcivescovo Vincenzo Paglia presidente del Pontificio Consiglio per la famiglia riprendendo le indicazioni di Papa Francesco.
Il presule è intervenuto nella Sala Stampa della Santa Sede alla conferenza di presentazione dell'avvenimento insieme al pastore dell'arcidiocesi che lo ospiterà il cappuccino Charles Joseph Chaput. «Teologia della famiglia; spiritualità e santità coniugale; ecclesiologia e pastorale della famiglia; famiglia e rapporto con la cultura contemporanea; famiglia e migrazioni; famiglia ed ecumenismo: queste alcune delle piste e degli ambiti di un lavoro comune da portare avanti» ha spiegato monsignor Paglia al fine di «accompagnare nel loro cammino tutte le famiglie del mondo con una pastorale intelligente coraggiosa e piena di amore». Del resto l'incontro di Philadelphia si colloca in un «momento particolarmente importante per la vita della Chiesa» visto che Papa Francesco «ha voluto porre al centro dell'attenzione proprio il tema della famiglia». Lo testimoniano i due Sinodi dei vescovi quello straordinario in programma a ottobre e quello ordinario dell'anno seguente entrambi dedicati alla famiglia. E proprio alla vigilia di quest'ultimo appuntamento del 2015 si collocano le giornate di Philadelphia. Anzi ha fatto notare il presule «non si deve dimenticare che questo itinerario ecclesiale si inserisce anche in quel filone di analisi e di dibattito che l'Onu ha proposto in questo anno con l'indizione dell'anno della famiglia» per cui non va sottovalutato lo stretto legame tra l'appuntamento che si svolge in Pennsylvania «e i dibattiti che si stanno svolgendo nella sede centrale delle Nazioni unite a New York. È un invito a tutte le istituzioni religiose e civili a lavorare insieme per un futuro migliore della famiglia nel mondo». Infatti ha concluso il presidente del dicastero vaticano da essa dipende «il destino di una umanità pacifica e solidale. Il convergere nella famiglia aiuta tutti i popoli a sentirsi e a operare come un'unica famiglia».
Per la difesa e la protezione dei bambini Comunicato della Sala Stampa della Santa Sede. 05 febbraio 2014. Al termine della sua sessantacinquesima sessione il Comitato per i diritti del fanciullo ha pubblicato le sue osservazioni conclusive sugli esaminati rapporti della Santa Sede e di cinque Stati parte alla Convenzione sui diritti del fanciullo (Congo Germania Portogallo Federazione Russa e Yemen). Secondo le particolari procedure previste per le parti della Convenzione la Santa Sede prende atto delle osservazioni conclusive sui propri rapporti le quali saranno sottoposte a minuziosi studi ed esami per pieno rispetto della Convenzione nei differenti ambiti presentati dal Comitato secondo il diritto e la pratica internazionale come pure tenendo conto del pubblico dibattito interattivo con il Comitato svoltosi il 16 gennaio 2014. Alla Santa Sede rincresce tuttavia di vedere in alcuni punti delle osservazioni conclusive un tentativo di interferire nell'insegnamento della Chiesa cattolica sulla dignità della persona umana e nell'esercizio della libertà religiosa. La Santa Sede reitera il suo impegno a difesa e protezione dei diritti del fanciullo in linea con i principi promossi dalla Convenzione sui diritti del fanciullo e secondo i valori morali e religiosi offerti dalla dottrina cattolica.
Chiesa evangelica. attaccata in Kenya. 24 marzo 2014. Quattro persone sono state uccise e altre 17 sono state ferite ieri nell'attacco sferrato da uomini armati contro i fedeli raccolti in una chiesa evangelica di Likoni nei pressi di Mombasa nel sud-est del Kenya. Secondo quanto ha riferito il capo della polizia locale a un'emittente radiofonica gli autori dell'attacco sono riusciti a fuggire. Tra i primi interventi di condanna dell'accaduto c'è stato quello dei responsabili delle comunità musulmane della zona.
Cosa resta della lotta alla fame Tra scarsi investimenti e cambiamenti climatici. 26 marzo 2014. Londra 26. La lotta contro la fame rischia di tornare indietro di decenni a causa dei cambiamenti climatici e l'attuale sistema alimentare è del tutto inadeguato ad affrontare la sfida. Un bambino pakistano denutrito (Afp). L'allarme arriva da Oxfam (la confederazione di diciassette organizzazioni non governative attive in più di cento Paesi) proprio mentre in Giappone è in corso il vertice mondiale per discutere l'ultimo rapporto dell'Ipcc (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) dal quale emerge che il riscaldamento globale avrà un impatto sulla disponibilità di cibo ben più grave del previsto. In un recente studio Oxfam ha "dato i voti" ai Governi per la loro azione nella lotta alla fame e al cambiamento climatico. Il quadro che emerge è impressionante: tutti i Governi del mondo risultano impreparati ad affrontare l'impatto dei cambiamenti climatici.
Per ricostruire. dopo il tifone Haiyan. Visita nelle Filippine del segretario del dicastero per i migranti. 25 marzo 2014. «Aiutare i marittimi colpiti dal tifone dialogando con la Chiesa locale con progetti sostenibili che tengano conto dell'equilibrio ecologico e della difesa dei diritti dei pescatori e che siano economicamente trasparenti».
È quanto ha raccomandato il vescovo Joseph Kalathiparambil segretario del Pontificio Consiglio per la pastorale dei migranti e degli itineranti spiegando lo scopo del viaggio che sta realizzando in questi giorni nelle Filippine accompagnato da padre Bruno Ciceri incaricato dell'apostolato del mare in seno allo stesso dicastero. Dopo il tifone Haiyan del 7 novembre scorso il Pontificio Consiglio ha istituto un fondo speciale per finanziare progetti a beneficio della gente di mare delle aree interessate. Il cardinale presidente Antonio Maria Vegliò ha riferito che «questa campagna ha suscitato una commossa reazione di solidarietà da parte dei centri Stella maris di tutto il mondo e di numerose persone e fino a questo momento ci ha permesso di raccogliere una cifra del tutto ragguardevole».
Barack Obama rassicura l'Ucraina. Cancellato il vertice del g8 con la Russia a Soci [ questi Gmos GENDER sono andati a distruggere la flotta russa del mar nero attraverso un golpe e parlano di che cosa? voi siete tutti testimoni questo è il pretesto perché hanno deciso a tavolino di fare la terza guerra mondiale! ] 25 marzo 2014. Il presidente statunitense davanti alla «Ronda di notte» di Rembrandt (Ap) Le azioni della Russia in Ucraina e in Crimea «minano le fondamenta dell'architettura della sicurezza globale e mettono in pericolo la pace e la sicurezza in Europa. Ucraina e Stati Uniti ribadiscono che non riconosceranno l'illegale tentativo della Russia di annettere la Crimea che è una parte integrante dell'Ucraina. Gli Stati Uniti continueranno ad aiutare l'Ucraina ad affermare la sua sovranità e l'integrità territoriale». È quanto ribadiscono oggi in una nota congiunta i Governi di Washington e di Kiev a margine della seconda giornata di lavori del summit sulla sicurezza nucleare a L'Aja in Olanda. E sempre a L'Aja i leader del G7 ovvero Stati Uniti Germania Gran Bretagna Francia Giappone Italia e Canada oltre ai rappresentanti dell'Unione europea come protesta per le iniziative definite inaccettabili di Mosca hanno deciso ieri che non incontreranno più il presidente russo Vladimir Putin finché «non cambierà comportamento». La prossima riunione si terrà a Bruxelles a giugno a sette. Niente g8 di Soci quindi.
In the wake of the Benghazi attack, there have been overt attempts both within the Obama administration and without to paint Al-Qaeda and Ansar Al-Sharia as different groups. Expert Daveed Gartenstein-Ross likes to refer to Ansar Al-Sharia as a ‘jihadist’ organization while reserving the ‘terrorist’ moniker for the likes of Al-Qaeda. In order to debunk this hair-splitting, we introduce Addendum D, a compilation of multiple Arabic sources that back up the claim there is no difference between the two groups. In fact, Osama bin Laden himself called on Al-Qaeda to change its name to Ansar Al-Sharia. The logic was that if the U.S. declared war on Ansar Al-Sharia, it would be declaring war on Sharia law, which would make recruiting terrorists an easier pursuit.
**UPDATE at 11:45am EST on 8/10/13**
A curious chain of events involving the left-leaning CNN notwithstanding, a link in that chain was a news report by Erin Burnett (you can read about here and here). Two excerpts from that report reflect positively – to varying degrees – on two of our prior exhibits – EXHIBIT B-1 and EXHIBIT Y above.
Ex. B-1 is an article written by Bill Gertz which quotes an al-Qaeda leader as saying that Stevens was killed by lethal injection and didn’t die of smoke inhalation. Burnett echoes this sentiment by asserting that Stevens was alive when he was pulled from the building. Ex. Y is a video quoting Benghazi survivors who say it was clear to them that Stevens was the target of the attackers. In this video below, Burnett seems to second this claim.
CNN has a history of giving the Obama administration extremely favorable coverage. It is for this reason that we introduce these two excerpts from Burnett’s report in one video we call EXHIBIT AA:
**UPDATE at 6:00pm EST on 8/10/13**
CNN’s airing of reporter Arwa Damon’s report provides us with EXHIBIT AB. It is a short video excerpt from Damon’s interview with Ansar al-Sharia commander and ‘lead suspect’ Ahmed Abu Khattala. Note in this clip that Khattala – an admitted witness to the attack – says that “people panicked”. If Benghazi was about a kidnapping operation gone wrong, people would have likely “panicked”.
**UPDATE at 7:30am EST on 8/12/13**
The linkages between Benghazi, the “Jamal network”, Ansar Al-Sharia Egypt, and the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt are becoming clearer. Those who dismiss the branches of Ansar Al-Sharia and the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt but who concede to the involvement of Muhammad Jamal Abdo Al-Kashif (head of the “Jamal network”) in the Benghazi attacks, encounter several problems. An admission that Al-Kashif’s network was involved implicates Ansar Al-Sharia Egypt and an admission that Ansar Al-Sharia Egypt was involved implicates the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. We believe this to be an extremely powerful addition to our report. Addendum E is an article published at Pajamas Media. Addendum E-1 is the Executive Summary.
**UPDATE at 7:30am EST on 8/13/13**
Thanks to multiple Arabic sources, Saad Al-Shater, son of jailed Muslim Brotherhood leader in Egypt – Khairat Al-Shater – made multiple explosive charges during an interview with the Anatolia News Agency. We introduce our summary translation of these charges, coupled with an analysis of how U.S. officials are behaving in the context of them, as Addendum F. The claims made by the younger Al-Shater could not be confirmed but in light of who he is and who he has access to, we find these claims to be far more relevant than not and have chosen to introduce them into evidence. Again, the bizarre behavior of U.S. officials relative to Muslim Brotherhood officials is extremely difficult to explain. Al-Shater’s claims provide as good an explanation as anything we’ve seen.
Note: on August 19, 2013 at 8:15pm EST, we withdrew Addendum F from our case. We were simply unable to confirm that any interview took place between Saad al-Shater and the Anatolia News Agency.
Note: On August 28, 2013, Addendum F may may have gotten a small injection of veracity, thanks to a Fox News / AP article. The headline references Egypt’s arrest of more than 60 Muslim Brotherhood members but among them was Saad al-Shater. While we still cannot independently verify that al-Shater spoke to the Anatolia News Agency, this paragraph from the Fox News article / AP is a bit interesting:
It was not immediately clear why police detained el-Shater’s 23-year-old son. Officials only said Wednesday that police had arrested Saad el-Shater and that he had threatened to release documents allegedly showing ties between his father and U.S. President Barack Obama. Officials did not elaborate.
Note: Based on our findings in Addendum T below, we have decided to reintroduce Addendum F into this case.
**UPDATE at 10:00am EST on 8/14/13**
When reputable Egyptian talk show personality Ahmed Moussa called out U.S. Ambassador to Egypt Anne Patterson over a report that the passport of Christopher Stevens’ “assassin” was found in the home of Khairat Al-Shater, it signified a potentially huge breakthrough. This report is introduced as Addendum G. Such a reality would prove an Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood connection to the Benghazi attacks. That this passport was allegedly found in Al-Shater’s home would serve to bolster the claims of Al-Shater’s son to some degree. Those claims are at the heart of Addendum F.
**UPDATE at 7:15am EST on 8/22/13**
We introduce Addendum H here, which makes a nice compliment to Addendum E. A raid on a Nasr City (Cairo neighborhood) resulted in the death of one terrorist and the apprehension of another, named Tarek Taha Abu Al-Azm, who has been identified as a co-leader – along with Muhammad Jamal Abdo Al-Kashif – in the Jamal network. There is very little information on Al-Azm in western media. Most of what’s available comes from the Long War Journal’s Thomas Joscelyn but contrary to indications that Jamal is the leader of the network, Arabic evidence suggests Al-Azm is. The Jamal network is identified by experts as the entity from Egypt that gives Benghazi an Egyptian connection. As such, both Al-Azm and Al-Kashif are suspects in the attacks. Al-Azm, however, was trained in the U.S. Air Force, which may be yet another reason why the Obama administration has been attempting to downplay and ignore an Egyptian connection to the Benghazi attacks on 9/11/12.
**UPDATE at 5:40pm EST on 8/24/13**
A terrorist who claimed responsibility for the Amenas gas facility in Algeria this past January – Mokhtar Belmoktar – has pledged his support to Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood. The Algerian terror attack resulted in the deaths of three Americans and 37 other innocents. Belmoktar said the attack was an attempt to have Omar Abdel Rahman (the “Blind Sheikh”) released. Egyptian attackers killed at Amenas were reportedly involved in the Benghazi attack as well. There was also a CNN report this past March that seems to implicate Belmoktar in the Benghazi attack. All of this is chronicled in Addendum I. A murderer of Americans who wants the release of the Blind Sheikh has found common cause with Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood.
**UPDATE at 8:30pm EST on 9/5/13**
In a shocking development, prominent Egyptians are filing complaints with that country’s Attorney General that allege Malik Obama – Barack Obama’s half-brother – is a leading financial player in the Muslim Brotherhood. Several Egyptian media outlets are reporting this as well. We introduce our latest report as Addendum J for two primary reasons. First, the current Egyptian government is being petitioned not to allow Malik Obama entry into the country because of his ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. This begs a question: How often has Malik visited Egypt in the past? Again, a primary pillar of our case is that Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt played a role in the Benghazi attack. Malik’s ties to this group are indeed relevant if they exist. Second, Egyptian media seems to be focusing on Saad al-Shater’s purported claims that his father, Muslim Brotherhood Deputy Khairat al-Shater has documents that are very damaging to Barack Obama; this may continue to reinvigorate the credibility of Addendum F.
**UPDATE at 11:00am EST on 9/12/13**
Tunisia’s Tn-Medias issued a news report recently in which three members of Tunisia’s security force are apparently fed up and have gone public with information that one of the Benghazi suspects was released by their government despite overwhelming evidence against the suspect. At a press conference, the members of the security force said the suspect fled to Turkey, then to his home country of Tunisia before being apprehended and then released by the Islamist government there. We introduce this report as EXHIBIT AC, not because there is necessarily an Egyptian connection but because this suspect is allegedly a member of Ansar Al-Sharia and he is from Tunisia. This provides further evidence that 1.) Ansar Al-Sharia is a terror group, contrary to the claims of Daveed Gartenstein-Ross, 2.) The group has common cause across national borders, and 3.) The release of Benghazi suspects by Muslim Brotherhood governments and groups is consistent with the release of Egyptian suspects under Mursi.
**UPDATE at 6:22am EST on 9/18/13**
On September 16, 2013, Admiral James “Ace” Lyons spoke as a member of the Citizens Commission on Benghazi (CCB) at an event sponsored by Accuracy in Media. During the event, Lyons re-emphasized his belief that Benghazi was possibly about a kidnapping operation gone wrong. Video of his comments constitutes EXHIBIT AD of this report. This EXHIBIT should be examined in the context of and in conjunction with EXHIBITS L, M, and O above:
**UPDATE at 10:01pm EST on 9/18/13**
When Gehad el-Haddad was arrested in Egypt for inciting violence in his capacity as a top Muslim Brotherhood adviser, the news took on added significance because el-Haddad has been an employee of the William J. Clinton Foundation. El-Haddad has also reportedly served as the Chief of Staff to Muslim Brotherhood Deputy, Khairat al-Shater. It is for this reason that we introduce Addendum K, which should be examined in the context of and in conjunction with EXHIBIT H, Addendum F, and Addendum G.
**UPDATE at 5:56pm EST on 9/21/13**
Courtesy of the September 19, 2013 House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, we have a short excerpt of an exchange between Rep. Cynthia Lummis (R-WY) and Ambassador Thomas Pickering, Chairman of the Benghazi Accountability Review Board. This will constitute EXHIBIT AE. This Exhibit should be viewed in conjunction with EXHIBIT Y (above). In his exchange with Lummis, Pickering implies that a plot to kidnap Stevens is not plausible, in part, because Pickering is not convinced that the attackers even knew Stevens was there. This contradicts the testimony – quoted by Bret Baier in EXHIBIT Y – of survivors and witnesses. Furthering damaging to Pickering’s claims is the incestuous nature of the attackers and the February 17th Martyrs Brigade (F17). To assert that the attackers did not know Stevens was at the compound does not appear plausible.
NOTE at 6:26am EST on 9/22/13: After further examination, Pickering was not saying that the attackers didn’t know Stevens was in the compound but that they didn’t know he was in the “closed area of the villa”. Despite this, Pickering’s claim still does not square with EXHIBIT Y. The attackers attempted to get into the building where Stevens was but could not, so they set it ablaze. To imply they did not know where in the building Stevens was is immaterial.
**UPDATE at 8:21pm EST on 10/07/13**
A rather interesting development less than one month after Benghazi ARB Chairman Thomas Pickering appeared to commit a gaffe during congressional testimony, outlined in EXHIBIT AE. Today, the U.S. State Department designated Muhammad Jamal Abdo Al-Kashif and his Jamal Network as “Terrorist” entities. This constitutes EXHIBIT AF. This is significant because it is a formal and official declaration by the U.S. Government that an Egyptian terrorist group – and its leaders – have operated in Libya. While State does not tie the Jamal Network to the Benghazi attacks, plenty of other evidence does. It is significant for State to acknowledge Jamal Network operations in Libya. Moreover, by identifying the network’s leaders as terrorists, State has implicated Tarek Abu Al-Azm as well. Al-Azm was trained by the U.S. Air Force and should be considered a suspect in the Benghazi attack of 9/11/12.
**UPDATE at 2:10pm EST on 10/12/13**
We’d like to introduce Addendum L to this report. An Islamic group in Libya has called for American journalists to be kidnapped in order to exchange them for the release of Abu Anas al Libi, who was recently captured by U.S. Special Forces. This indicates a culture whereby kidnapping is a means to an end and could lend support to the possibility that Ambassador Christopher Stevens was killed in a kidnapping operation gone bad. While this addendum should be examined in conjunction with the findings in the entire aforementioned report, we’d like it to be viewed in the context of the following Exhibits as well: EXHIBIT L, EXHIBIT M, EXHIBIT O, EXHIBIT Y, EXHIBIT Z, EXHIBIT AD, EXHIBIT AE, and EXHIBIT AF, which can all be found above.
**UPDATE at 11:28am EST on 10/17/13**
It has been learned that the former Chief of Staff to Mohammed Mursi is the first cousin of both Ayman al-Zawahiri and his brother Mohammed al-Zawahiri. The familial relationship between Ayman and Rifaa El-Tahtawi may grab more headlines because of the former’s status as al-Qaeda’s number one. However, Mohammed’s ties to groups and individuals that are suspected of having a connection to the Benghazi attacks on 9/11/12 do more to bolster the case against Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood and Ansar Al-Sharia Egypt. It is for this reason that we introduce Addendum M into this case. We suggest reading this Addendum while examining EXHIBIT K, EXHIBIT O, EXHIBIT Y, Addendum B, EXHIBIT Z, Addendum D, Addendum H, Addendum K, EXHIBIT AE, and EXHIBIT AF
**UPDATE at 6:41am EST on 10/23/13**
Various Arabic sources are reporting that recorded phone conversations between former Egyptian president Mohammed Mursi and al-Qaeda’s number one Ayman al-Zawahiri that are reportedly going to be introduced into evidence during the Muslim Brotherhood trials in Egypt, that begin on November 4th. These reports constitute Addendum N. The conversations allegedly involved plans to release as many Jihadists into Egypt as possible in order to protect Mursi from a military coup. Ultimately, this plan failed but what it reportedly reveals is that both the Sinai and Egypt’s border with Libya were areas of interest for Mursi. Al-Akhbar reports that discussions between Mursi and al-Zawahiri involved opening Egypt’s borders with Libya. This would bolster EXHIBIT A, EXHIBIT B, and EXHIBIT AF as well as Addendums E and H above.
**UPDATE at 8:35am EST on 10/24/13**
A report by Fox News’ Catherine Herridge is being introduced as EXHIBIT AG. The contents in this report – to include an official acknowledgment by U.S. officials and the House Intelligence Committee chairman that two suspects in the Benghazi attacks are associated with “Al-Qaeda core” – are powerful unto themselves but are potentially made much more explosive when examined with Addendum N, which points to an operational connection between Ayman al-Zawahiri and Mohammed Mursi. If “Al-Qaeda core” was involved in Benghazi, Mursi would be even further implicated.
**UPDATE at 11:09am EST on 10/24/13**
In a potentially very significant development, the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) has gone a step further than the U.S. State Department with respect to a public pronouncement about Muhammad Jamal Abdo Al-Kashif and his Jamal Network. On October 7, 2013, State identified Al-Kashif and his network as terrorist entities (EXHIBIT AF). Less than two weeks later the UNSC identified the network’s connection to the Benghazi attacks as well as Al-Kashif’s connection to Ayman al-Zawahiri. This UNSC document constitutes EXHIBIT AH. Something else the UNSC did that State did not; it identified Al-Kashif as being part of the Nasr City terror cell that was broken up in October of 2012. Such an acknowledgment also comes with the reality that AL-Kashif is currently jailed in Egypt. This constitutes a jailed Begnhazi suspect that Americans never seem to hear much, if anything about. We encourage readers to consider this Exhibit along with EXHIBTS AG and Addendum N.
**UPDATE at 8:11am EST on 10/26/13**
Introduced here is an article by Al-Watan from October 28, 2012, as EXHIBIT AI. This article says that U.S. Intelligence reports were leaked and show that there were legitimate concerns of an increased al-Qaeda presence in Cairo and that the Nasr City cell, led in part by Muhammad Jamal Abdo Al-Kashif was part of this presence. These reports show links between the Nasr City cell and the attacks in Benghazi. In addition, the former deputy to al-Qaeda’s number one, Ayman al-Zawahiri, met with Mohammed al-Zawahiri (Ayman’s younger brother) at least once, according to Mohammed. This would make a connection between the Jamal Network (Al-Kashif), Ansar Al-Sharia Egypt (Mohammed al-Zawahiri), and Al-Qaeda (Ayman al-Zawahiri).
**UPDATE at 8:57am EST on 10/29/13**
On November 8, 2012, Fox News Channel’s Catherine Herridge reported on the Egyptian police’s breakup of a Jamal Network terror cell in Cairo and announced that this network was wanted for its connection to the Benghazi attacks from two months earlier. She also mentioned that several members of the cell had been arrested. One month after Herridge’s report, Fox News’ Jamie Colby reported on the capture of Muhammad Jamal Abdo Al-Kashif by Egyptian authorities while also saying that he is a suspect in the Benghazi attacks. These two videos are introduced as EXHIBITS AJ1 and AJ2 respectively. Here is Exhibit AJ2:
**UPDATE at 10:17pm EST on 10/30/13**
Elizabeth (Beth) Jones, a figure introduced into this case by Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) on May 8th (See EXHIBIT E above), testified in front of the House Foreign Affairs Committee on October 29th. Audio of her testimony constitutes EXHIBIT AK. While being questioned by Rep. Ted Poe (R-TX) about what groups are responsible for the attacks on Coptic Christians, Jones avoided identifying the Muslim Brotherhood, which has clearly been the group responsible. Exhibit E, which showed that Jones revealed the identity of the Benghazi attackers on as being members of al-Qaeda, caused great difficulty for the State Department. Was her conspicuous refusal to identify the Muslim Brotherhood as being the group behind the attacks on Coptic Christian churches an attempt to avoid a similar black eye for State? If so, what is State hiding and why? Jones’ refusal to state the obvious could point back to coaching from the State Department that instructed her not to acknowledge this quantifiable truth.
**UPDATE at 5:59pm EST on 11/16/13**
A report by Fox News’ Catherine Herridge constitutes EXHIBIT AL, which should serve to discredit the Accountability Review Board’s Unclassified report. Herridge’s report relies on the testimony of a deceased Congressman named Rep. Bill Young (R-FL), whose widow granted Fox News permission to air his words. Young relayed the firsthand account of a witness to the Benghazi attacks. A key part to that account for the purposes of our case is that the attackers knew exactly where Ambassador Christopher Stevens’ safe room was located. When viewed in the context of Exhibit Y (above), which involves a witness account that says Stevens was the “ultimate target of the attack”, we have a very logical conclusion; the safe room was targeted specifically. However, in sworn testimony from ARB Chairman Thomas Pickering (Exhibit AE), the chairman dismissed a botched kidnapping operation by saying he didn’t believe the attackers knew Stevens was in “the closed area of the villa” (safe room).
**UPDATE at 3:29pm EST on 11/23/13**
It was reported that Egypt expelled Turkish Ambassador to Cairo, Huseyin Avni Botsali for his “interference” in Egyptian affairs. In July, al-Watan reported that Hisham Barakat, Egypt’s Attorney General was investigating complaints that Botsali was using his diplomatic immunity to smuggle Muslim Brotherhood assets out of Egypt. His expulsion from that country may lend credence to those claims. We are introducing Addendum O into this report, which examines this alleged collaboration between Turkey and Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood and the meeting of the Turkish Consul General in Benghazi with Ambassador Stevens 1-2 hours prior to the attack.
**UPDATE at 8:41pm EST on 12/13/13**
It is being reported by multiple Arabic sources, to include Al-Wafd and Almesryoon that Naglaa Mahmoud, the wife of former Egyptian President Mohammed Mursi went public with claims that she has “a treasure trove of secrets about the White House”. We are introducing the totality of these claims as EXHIBIT AM. Nasr Qaffas of Mehwar TV, reported that Mahmoud allegedly said her husband and her had a long friendship with Bill and Hillary Clinton that began back in the 1980’s. The evidence in this exhibit is circumstantial but potentially very important. Consider EXHIBIT M above. It consists of video from an interview between Mursi – Mahmoud’s husband – and Wolf Blizter. In that interview, Mursi makes clear that he wants the Blind Sheikh released. Now consider that the Special Mission Compound in Benghazi was a State Department outpost. At the time, that outpost fell under the purview of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Even the ARB conceded that security was nowhere near adequate. Couple this with the fact that Mahmoud allegedly acknowledged but would not discuss Huma Abedin in the former’s interview with Anatolia Press. Abedin’s mother – Saleha Abedin – and Mahmoud are two of 63 leaders in the Muslim Sisterhood. Huma has been in the employ of Hillary Clinton – to varying degrees – since 1996.
**UPDATE at 11:23am EST on 12/17/13**
Due to the serious implications of the claims attributed to the wife of Mohammed Mursi (EXHIBIT AM), we made the decision to view these claims in the context of relevant evidence that has already been discovered. It is for this reason that we introduce Addendum P to this report. In this addendum, we examine claims made by Mahmoud about the details of her relationship with Hillary, when the families met, common associates (Huma Abedin), as well as culpability in the Benghazi attacks.
**UPDATE at 8:59pm EST on 01/05/14**
On December 28, 2013, the New York Times’ Cairo Bureau Chief David Kirkpatrick published a 7000 word article on the Benghazi attacks. In it, he reported that there was no evidence of either Al-Qaeda or other international terrorist groups. Kirkpatrick claimed that the attackers were all Libyan locals who were angered by the anti-Islam YouTube video. Kirkpatrick’s piece is introduced as EXHIBIT AN, primarily for what it lacks. If there was an Egyptian connection to Benghazi, it’s egregious for the Cairo Bureau Chief of the New York Times to report he could find no evidence of that. EXHIBIT AO is an article published in the Washington Free Beacon by Bill Gertz. In it, Gertz cites U.S. officials who acknowledge that an Egyptian by the name of Muhammad Jamal Abdo Al-Kashif, the founder of the Jamal Network, is wanted for his role in the Benghazi attacks. As the Cairo Bureau Chief for the New York Times, Kirkpatrick should have to explain such an omission. These two Exhibits (AN and AO) should be examined in conjunction with and in the context of Addendum H, Exhibit AF, Exhibit AH, and Exhibit AI,
**UPDATE at 6:30pm EST on 01/06/14**
Being introduced into this case is Addendum Q, which features a key detail of a phone conversation placed by Nakoula Basseley Nakoula – the man credited with producing the Innocence of Muslims video – to Walid Shoebat. During that conversation, Nakoula sought the assistance of Shoebat in clearing the name of Shoebat’s cousin, Eiad Salameh, who is also a longstanding partner in crime with Nakoula. The key here is that Salameh is a fundamentalist Muslim who hates Coptic Christians and Nakoula presents himself as a Coptic Christian. In seeking answers as to why, we direct you to Exhibit Q-1 in this “Ironclad” report above as well as the hyperlinks provided in Addendum Q.
**UPDATE at 9:55am EST on 1/11/14**
On January 10th, the State Department identified Ahmed Abu Khattala and Sufian bin Qumu as terrorists, along with their Ansar Al-Sharia branches in Benghazi and Darnah respectively. We introduce this press release as EXHIBIT AP, which we cover extensively in Addendum R. The backgrounds of both Khattala and Qumu may help to explain why State has been so reluctant to identify them as suspects in the Benghazi attack for so long. Khattala was once a leader in the Al-Jarrah Brigade, which spawned the February 17 Martyrs Brigade, a group contracted by the State Department to provide security at the Benghazi compound. In light of that connection, it’s even more embarrassing for State to have to concede Khattala was also at the scene of the crime. Qumu was once a detainee at Gitmo who was released. These two instances might help to explain why State has been so reticent to tie the Jamal Network to the Benghazi attacks. Tarek Taha Abu Al-Azm, believed to be the behind-the-scenes leader in the Jamal Network, was trained in the U.S. by the United States Air Force.
**UPDATE at 8:45am EST on 1/16/14**
A U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI) issued an 85-page report on Benghazi that we are introducing as EXHIBIT AQ. On page 40 of the report, the bipartisan committee concedes that the Jamal Network “participated in the attack”. The significance of this admission cannot be overstated. Though the Committee doesn’t connect the dots, simply identifying the Jamal Network as having been involved in the Benghazi attack opens up several doors. The implications of this one SSCI admission are explored further in Addendum S.
**UPDATE at 1:26pm EST on 5/15/14**
After publishing Addendum T into this case, we are re-introducing Addendum F into this case. Thanks to an official national security investigation in Egypt, it’s been learned that during the Muslim Brotherhood regime under Mohammed Mursi, an operation led by leader Khairat al-Shater involved trafficking weapons from Libya and Sudan into Syria. This explosive claim is further corroborated by Muslim Brotherhood cleric Safwat Hijazi who has publicly admitted to shipping weapons to Syrian rebels.
**UPDATE at 1:32pm EST on 5/15/14**
We are introducing Addendum U into this case. It should be examined in conjunction with EXHIBIT G above, which is an AP Article published on the night of the Benghazi attack. It was written by Egyptian Sarah El Deeb, who has identified herself as a ‘non-observant’ Muslim but who has demonstrated a pro-Muslim Brotherhood bias in her articles. In this particular case, El Deeb appeared to take liberty with a formal statement issued by Hillary Clinton on the night of the Benghazi attacks. At 10pm ET, Obama contacted Clinton; by 10:30pm ET, Clinton issued a vague statement about “inflammatory material” on the internet being blamed for the attack by “some”. By 10:58pm ET, El Deeb reported that the State Department itself blamed the video.
Islamic extremists slit throat of Christian for refusing to renounce faith
By Ted on June 29, 2013 in General
From Ken Hanley: Radical Islamists in Nigeria have upped their fight for power in recent weeks, expanding their attacks on government forces to local citizens — one of the latest involving a Christian pastor who refused to renounce his faith.
In response, Boko Haram militants slit his throat, The Blaze reported.
The Nigerian newspaper The Daily Post reported that terrorists launched a coordinated attack a couple weeks ago on churches in several communities, ultimately killing the Rev. Jacob Kwiza of the Church of Christ while he picked mangoes in Hwa’a.
A witness told The Post: “As the gunmen threw some explosives at our church, they forced the retired Reverend to renounced Christianity and be converted to Islam, but Rev. Jacob defied the gunmen’s threats of being killed, as he insisted on being a Christian among his people on the hills of Hwa’a. They slit his throat with sharp objects and we started to flee for safety, as we don’t know the next target of these gunmen.”
The militant group is also to blame for a couple of daytime mass shootings at schools. The first incident occurred two weeks ago at Ansarudeen Private School after militants found students in the middle of taking unauthorized exams, The Associated Press reported. The terrorists killed nine and sent six to the hospital with gunshot injuries, a local doctor said. A couple hours later, militants attacked the Government Secondary School, killing seven seniors and two teachers. Two of the militants also were killed after a shootout with law enforcement that lasted five hours.
The government has declared a state of emergency in roughly 60,000 square miles of the nation. And civilians are being warned to be on the watch.
“Today, there are no boundaries and they are targeting the civilian population in a way that shows Nigeria is at a dangerous turning point,” said Comfort Ero, a program director for the International Crisis Group, in The Blaze.
The World Policy Institute reported that Boko Haram is funded in part by bank robberies and by contributions from al Qaeda groups in Africa.
TO MY JEWISH HIGH PRIEST, IN THE JEWISH TEMPLE IN HEAVEN! ] io non posso più proteggere Assad, perché, lui è un solo complotto farisei anglo-americani, LEGA ARABA, contro Israele! ] PERò ASSAD PUò CONDANNARE LA SHARIAH, ED IO CONTINUERò A PROTEGGERLO, COME, IO HO FATTO IN QUESTI TRE ANNI! CHE è PER ME, CHE LUI è ANCORA VIVO! ] [ Il Ministero degli Esteri russo è scontento dai raid degli USA sulla Siria. Il Ministero degli Esteri russo ha dichiarato che gli Stati Uniti e i suoi alleati devono coordinare con le autorità siriane gli attacchi contro i militanti de "Lo Stato islamico" nel Paese. Il dicastero della politica estera ha anche sottolineato che "gli iniziatori degli scenari unilaterali di forza hanno tutta la responsabilità giuridica internazionale per le sue conseguenze". In precedenza, il Presidente russo Vladimir Putin ha dichiarato in una conversazione telefonica con il Segretario generale dell'ONU Ban Ki-moon che gli attacchi contro le basi del gruppo che si definisce come "Lo Stato islamico" in Siria, non devono essere intrapresi senza il consenso del governo di Bashar al-Assad.
TUTTI I GENOCIDI MERKEL MOGHERINI, I TRADITORI MASSONI: BILDENBERG, CHE CI HANNO RUBATO LA SOVRANITà MONETARIA. GENOCIDI, CHE, LA RUSSIA HA IMPEDITO DI COMPLETARE! ] A 60 km da Donetsk è stata scoperta una fossa comune. Gli autonomisti hanno trovato una fossa con civili e combattenti della Repubblica popolare di Donetsk nella miniera numero 22 del villaggio Communar che si trova a 60 km da Donetsk, ha comunicato il portavoce del Comitato investigativo della Repubblica. "Al momento sono stati scoperti visivamente quattro corpi, tra cui una donna, ma vi sono tutte le ragioni per credere che questa è una sepoltura di massa", ha detto l'inquirente. Secondo i dati del Comitato investigativo, due giorni fa nel villaggio sono state schierate le posizioni della guardia nazionale dell'Ucraina. Gli autonomisti non escludono che tutte le vittime siano state giustiziate.
========================== ] NULLA SI PUò PRETENDERE DAL MIO FRATELLO VINCENZO RAMONDETTA, CHE, LUI ABBIA IL DIRITTO ED IL DOVERE DI ANNUNCIARE IL VANGELO: del nostro Signore Gesù Cristo, nato Messiah di Betlemme, nella casa di DAVIDE king!