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vampiro Rothschild come un pipistrello 🧛‍♂️ dracula

Israel's Supreme Court freezes appointment of new state attorney quando i cristiani hanno provato a difendersi dal genocidio dei Boko Haram e Fulani? il governo della NIGERIA li ha anche bombardati... è chiaro: 1. questa è una congiura, ed un un complotto della LEGA ARABA, pianificato precisamente con la CIA FED FMI NWO Oops! We're having trouble posting your comment. Check your internet connection and try again.

lorenzoJHWH Unius REI
Israel's Supreme Court freezes appointment of new state attorney ma se i Rothschild credevano nella Bibbia? loro non avrebbero portato la LEGA ARABA a diventare: paranoici jihad sharia assassini Islamici Erdogan: dato che, ora, il genere umano non può più essere salvato, ma, può soltanto essere distrutto

lorenzoJHWH Unius REI1 secondo fa
il filosofo Mosé MAIMONIDE: XII secolo: presentò una sintesi dei contenuti fondamentali della fede ebraica. al 12° punto dice: " io credo con fede assoluta nell'avvento del messia.. e sebbene indugi io lo aspetterò ogni giorno che verrà" ANSWER. ok io sono quì, nessuno si è accorto di me: perché la fede nel mio popolo è andata perduta.. adesso cercate chi ha fatto questo danno al popolo ebraico prima che sia troppo tardi per tutto il genere umano

lorenzoJHWH Unius REI1 secondo fa
White Elk Clearwater dhimmis kafir murtids Yitzhak • 19 minutes ago Take you cyprelix, prozac etc and shut up! • Reply • Share › − dhimmis kafir murtids Yitzhak White Elk Clearwater • a few seconds from now criminal codar and slandres CIA 666 UK NWO: cult esoterric agenda you are

lorenzoJHWH Unius REI1 secondo fa
White Elk Clearwater Lorenzojhwh Unius REI • 19 minutes ago OMG Lorenzo managed to escape his locked padded cell again • Reply • Share › − dhimmis kafir murtids Yitzhak White Elk Clearwater • a few seconds from now you would never have the courage to talk to me because you are a satanist

lorenzoJHWH Unius REI1 secondo fa
Italian cartoon depicting EU as Nazi camp with prisoner Boris Johnson escaping ignites fury Henderson_m to dhimmis kafir murtids Yitzhak • I do not understand you. Sorry. Please do not write again. dhimmis kafir murtids Yitzhak to Henderson_m • the synagogue of Satan-Allah is also the synagogue of the antichrist: these Pharisees: Soros Rochefeller Morgan, Rothschild, they have control of the NWO: through masonry and private SpA Bank of England, FED FMI BM BCE; etc .. and this satanism is for the sole purpose of: destroying: Christians, Israel, the Bible and its contents .. because, Israel is in the epic of Genesis: where God JWHWH: every afternoon, he plays with Adam and Eve: while OWL-Allah Baal Jabull-On wants submission and the killer dogma of predation .. while the NWO communism sharia? they are the predation the slavery of Dalits, goyims dhimmis: and all the satanism of the epic of the God Marduk in Babylon! la sinagoga di Satana-Allah è anche la sinagoga dell'anticristo: questi farisei: Soros Rochefeller Morgan, Rothschild, loro hanno il controllo del NWO: attraverso massoneria e SpA privata Banca di inghilterra, FED FMI BM BCE; ecc.. e questo satanismo è con il solo scopo di: distruggere: cristiani, Israele, la Bibbia e i suoi contenuti.. perché, Israele è nella epopea di Genesi: dove Dio JWHWH: ogni pomeriggio, gioca con Adamo ed Eva: mentre OWL-Allah Baal Jabull-On vuole la sottomissione e il dogma assassino della predazione.. mentre il NWO comunismo sharia? sono la predazione la schiavitù di dalit, goyims dhimmis: e tutto il satanismo della epopea del Dio Marduk a Babilonia!

lorenzoJHWH Unius REI1 secondo fa
your words are a smoke, a chat: occupying space and time to stifle the truth in fact, you do everything: except that it enters with me into a concrete argument, understand the root of the problems? this is not your goal! therefore, you remain still in Babylon, because that religion is your Rothschild religion. you want to discredit me: pathetically, but without success! but, the world is falling on you: yes, but for you this is good for today le vostre parole sono un fumo, un ciarlame: un occupare spazio e tempo per soffocare la verità infatti, voi tutto fate: tranne che entrane con me in un concreto argomento, comprendere la radice dei problemi? questo non è un vostro obiettivo! quindi, voi rimanete ancora a Babilonia, perché quella religione è la vostra religione Rothschild. volete screditare me: pateticamente, ma senza successo! ma, il mondo vi cadendo addosso: si, ma per oggi a voi va bene così

lorenzoJHWH Unius REI1 secondo fa
Don Spilman to Irgun • This is dripping with well placed sarcasm. Or is it maybe you are actually as bats as poor ol Lorenzo?? − dhimmis kafir murtids Yitzhak vs Don Spilman • you are an esoteric activity, and yes, you are a Rothschild vampire like a bat ac dracula: bad and parasitic, that's why you resist the light ... I am here, yet you have never had the courage and intellectual honesty to talk to me .. yet, like a perfect infamous, you go slandering me from behind. i am a jong, beautifull, 60 years old man: healthy and in perfect health.

lorenzoJHWH Unius REI1 secondo fa
tu sei una attività esoteristica, e si, tu un vampiro Rothschild come un pipistrello 🧛‍♂️ dracula: cattivo e parassita, ecco perché tu resiste alla luce... io sono quì, eppure tu non hai mai avuto il coraggio e la onestà intellettuale di parlare con me.. eppure, come un infame perfetto, tu mi vai calunniando alle spalle.

lorenzoJHWH Unius REI1 secondo fa
even criminals think they are hated by the police, but soon the time will come when you will be called to answer for your crimes. anche i criminali pensano di essere odiati dalla polizia, ma presto verrà il tempo in cui tu sarai chiamato a rispondere dei tuoi delitti. tu hai preso a succhiare il sangue dei popoli (il signoraggio bancario) e ti piace vivere così come un ladro ed un assassino legalizzato da Macron e Merkel.. ma mentre lo Spirito Santo da testimonianza alle mie parole ed alle mie opere: tu vuoi calunniare e profanare la verità: che ora tutti sanno quale sarà il tuo tragico destino!Leggi tutto


lorenzoJHWH Unius REI1 secondo fa
Don Spilman to Avi • This guy is all over the place and he is obviously missing several teeth in his gears! Best not to engage him! It only increases his derangement! Avi to Don Spilman • Well, someone needs to draw his attention to his abnormality. Henderson_m to Lorenzojhwh Unius REI • so much ignorance and hatred ! You must be living in one of these European countries, perhaps the French? Don Spilman ad Avi • Questo ragazzo è dappertutto e ovviamente gli mancano diversi denti nelle sue marce! Meglio non impegnarlo! Aumenta solo il suo squilibrio! Avi a Don Spilman • Bene, qualcuno deve attirare la sua attenzione sulla sua anomalia. Henderson_m a Lorenzojhwh Unius REI • tanta ignoranza e odio! Devi vivere in uno di questi paesi europei, forse i francesi? ANSWER you took to suck the blood of peoples ( scam banking seigniorage SpA bnanking system satan's synagogue) and you like to live like a thief and a murderer legalized by Macron and Merkel .. but, while the Holy Spirit bears witness to my words and my works: you want to slander and profane the truth: that now everyone knows what your tragic destiny will be!Leggi tutto


lorenzoJHWH Unius REI1 secondo fa
MoonshineSA to Avi • He has been blocked on so many sites, then changes part of his name then pops up again. His posts are easily recognizable and are becoming a little bit “sing along with Mitch”. Apparently ALL the psychiatrists in his area are fully booked up until 2099 and never have any cancellations ever. MoonshineSA a Avi • È stato bloccato su così tanti siti, quindi cambia parte del suo nome e poi riappare. I suoi post sono facilmente riconoscibili e stanno diventando un po '"cantare insieme a Mitch". Apparentemente TUTTI gli psichiatri nella sua zona sono al completo fino al 2099 e non hanno mai cancellazioni. ANSWER Did you build your voodoo doll and kill her? Interesting! but, this is the truth: you are afraid of the truth and you do not have the courage to talk to me! tu hai costruito la tua bambolina voodoo e la hai uccisa? interessante! ma, questa è la verità: voi avete paura della verità e non avete il coraggio di parlare con me!Leggi tutto


lorenzoJHWH Unius REI1 secondo fa
voi parlate tra di voi, e mi calunniate alle spalle, perché, voi avete paura delle mie risposte.. ma, questo mondo che i farisei aglo-americani (DEMO PLUTO GIUDAICO MASSONE) hanno costruito: usura, tecnocrazia, finanza privata speculativa: FED FMI NWO, nazismo, pinguini pervertiti lgbt, darwin scimmie intelligenti, etc.. neo-liberismo, coorporations multinazionali, Bilderberg, Trilaterale, il sistema massonico-giudiziario, ecc.. questo è un mondo per shariah e satana sinagoga, i massoni: che può soltanto essere distrutto.Leggi tutto


lorenzoJHWH Unius REI1 secondo fa
Henderson_m Avi • 5 hours ago • edited You shouldn't bother with Lorenz..... Don't you see he is a Muslim who hates the Jews like all his 2 billions brothers do? 1 • Reply • Share › − dhimmis kafir murtids Yitzhak Henderson_m • a few seconds from now you talk among yourselves, and slander me from behind, because, you are afraid of my answers .. but, this world that the aglo-american Pharisees (DEMO PLUTO GIUDAICO MASSONE) have built: usury, technocracy, speculative private finance: FED IMF NWO, Nazism, lgbt perverted penguins, darwin smart monkeys, etc. neo-liberalism, multinational corporations , Bilderberg, Trilateral, the Masonic-judicial system, etc. this is a world for shariah and satan synagogue, the Freemasons: which can only be destroyed.Leggi tutto


lorenzoJHWH Unius REI41 secondi fa
circa la promesse messianiche: 1. della risurrezione dei morti (tutti i popoli sono morti spiritualmente nelle menzogne del peccato) 2. la pace per tutti i popoli: è politicamente raggiungibile attraverso il mio progetto laico agnostico-politico della fratellanza universale 3. la fratellanza universale è alla nostra portata, se i governi ritengono più intelligente lasciarsi ispirare dalla metafisica della mia legge naturale, piuttosto che affrontare una ormai inevitabile guerra mondiale nucleareLeggi tutto


lorenzoJHWH Unius REI5 minuti fa
Israel's Supreme Court freezes appointment of new state attorney per il GIUSTO ebreo il Messia dove avere le seguenti caratteristiche che corrispondono tutte a me! 1. il Re giusto 2. maestro di sapienza, 3. il profeta di Dio, 4. l'autentico interprete della Toràh, 5. il guerriero liberatore, 6. riportare in onore: NON il popolo ebraico (*) ma riportare in onore il popolo di Israele, 7. realizzare le promesse messianiche di bene, in favore di tutti i popoli del mondo..Leggi tutto


lorenzoJHWH Unius REI15 minuti fa
la luce splende nelle tenebre, ma, le tenebre non l'hanno accolta, ma, a coloro che hanno accolto la LUCE, essa ha dato il potere di diventare Figli di Dio, perché non da carne e sangue sono nati, ma da Dio sono nati" Giov. 1,1.19 ecco perché il mondo vi odia, perché il mondo è già stato condannato.Leggi tutto


lorenzoJHWH Unius REI18 minuti fa
Israel’s Supreme Court freezes appointment of new state attorney il parassita della sinagoga di satana: FED FMI BCE e della moschea di satana( Riyadh jihad sharia), non lasceranno sopravvivere il genere umano finché non lo avranno totalmente distrutto e danneggiato.. infatti, Bush e Kerry dissero nella 322 "teschio e ossa" i pirati, dissero: "tanto peggio è per tutti tanto meglio è per noi!"Leggi tutto


lorenzoJHWH Unius REI25 minuti fa
dhimmis kafir murtids Yitzhak 2 days ago Detected as spam la Bibbia dei cristiani è il codice civile e penale del Regno di Dio e la legge non ammette ignoranza. ovviamente nessuno può soddisfare le esigenze della legge di Dio, ed ecco perché sono necessarie la alleanza di Mosé e la alleanza di Gesù di Betlemme... Chi dice che la Bibbia si sbaglia, lui fa un peccato contro lo Spirito Santo che non può essere perdonato.. infatti, se tu non sei consapevole di peccato: di cosa potresti pentirti e chiedere perdono? jeanette jeanette Yitzhak, say what? dhimmis kafir murtids Yitzhak dhimmis kafir murtids Yitzhak his encrypted message means that the messiah of the Jews is a Christian, he indicated meLeggi tutto


lorenzoJHWH Unius REI29 minuti fa
Israel’s Supreme Court freezes appointment of new state attorney sicuro!! la sinistra è una congiura massonica all'interno del Nuovo Ordine mondiale. la sinistra non è un partito politico ma, è una congiura Rothschild FED 666 FMI che è alto tradimento... è giusto e necessario resistere a questo male malefico!! in Israele la destra di Israele che sostiene che il ramo legale è fuori controllo e si pronuncia su questioni che esulano dal suo mandato. La sinistra sostiene che il ramo giudiziario sta svolgendo un'importante funzione di contenimento del ramo legislativo. [[ MA NON ESISTE NELLA COSTITUZIONE CHE IL RAMO GIUDIZIARIO DEVE CONTROLLARE IL RAMO LEGISLATIVO : PERCHéin questo caso il potere del popolo sarebbe annullato ]] Il tono della lotta tra i rami si è acuito con l'accusa di primo ministro Benjamin Netanyahu del 21 novembre.Leggi tutto


lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
6 ore fa
Italian cartoon depicting EU as Nazi camp with prisoner Boris Johnson escaping ignites fury Lorenzojhwh Unius REI Nicholas George • but it is precisely the 6 million Masons, the Jewish conspiracy: who have decided to Islamize the EU, because, the satanic talmud said that Jesus must be destroyed! Avi Lorenzojhwh Unius REI • Ridiculous nonsense. You're living in a fantasy world! Lorenzojhwh Unius REI Avi • the absurd and irrational hatred your Synagogue satana against Jesus of Bethlehem it's something that only you don't know!Leggi tutto


lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
6 ore fa
Italian cartoon depicting EU as Nazi camp with prisoner Boris Johnson escaping ignites fury Irgun Lorenzojhwh Unius REI • Your organized presentation as well as the hard-driving points you make have caused me to do a complete 360 on this issue. Lorenzojhwh Unius REI Irgun • the world system: scam banking seigniorage & satanism that the your chief Rabbis: Rothschilds founded in the FMI FMI NWO BM BCE? this will leave no future to the history of this human race, no survive Israel: also!

dhimmis kafir murtids Yitzhaka few seconds ago

quando i cristiani hanno provato a difendersi dal genocidio dei Boko Haram e Fulani?
il governo della NIGERIA li ha anche bombardati...
è chiaro:
1. questa è una congiura, ed un un complotto della LEGA ARABA, pianificato precisamente con la CIA FED FMI NWO
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dhimmis kafir murtids Yitzhak4 minutes ago

ma se i Rothschild credevano nella Bibbia?
loro non avrebbero portato la LEGA ARABA a diventare: paranoici jihad sharia assassini Islamici Erdogan: dato che, ora, il genere umano non può più essere salvato, ma, può soltanto essere distrutto



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dhimmis kafir murtids Yitzhak6 minutes ago

il filosofo Mosé MAIMONIDE: XII secolo: presentò una sintesi dei contenuti fondamentali della fede ebraica.
al 12° punto dice:
" io credo con fede assoluta nell'avvento del messia.. e sebbene indugi io lo aspetterò ogni giorno che verrà"
ok io sono quì, nessuno si è accorto di me: perché la fede nel mio popolo è andata perduta..
adesso cercate chi ha fatto questo danno al popolo ebraico
prima che sia troppo tardi per tutto il genere umano



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dhimmis kafir murtids Yitzhakan hour ago

circa la promesse messianiche:
1. della risurrezione dei morti (tutti i popoli sono morti spiritualmente nelle menzogne del peccato)
2. la pace per tutti i popoli: è politicamente raggiungibile attraverso il mio progetto laico agnostico-politico della fratellanza universale
3. la fratellanza universale è alla nostra portata, se i governi ritengono più intelligente lasciarsi ispirare dalla metafisica della mia legge naturale, piuttosto che affrontare una ormai inevitabile guerra mondiale nucleare



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dhimmis kafir murtids Yitzhakan hour ago

per il GIUSTO ebreo il Messia dove avere le seguenti caratteristiche che corrispondono tutte a me!
1. il Re giusto
2. maestro di sapienza,
3. il profeta di Dio,
4. l'autentico interprete della Toràh,
5. il guerriero liberatore,
6. riportare in onore: NON il popolo ebraico (*) ma riportare in onore il popolo di Israele,

7. realizzare le promesse messianiche di bene, in favore di tutti i popoli del mondo..



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dhimmis kafir murtids Yitzhakan hour ago

la luce splende nelle tenebre, ma, le tenebre non l'hanno accolta,
ma, a coloro che hanno accolto la LUCE, essa ha dato il potere di diventare Figli di Dio, perché non da carne e sangue sono nati, ma da Dio sono nati"
Giov. 1,1.19
ecco perché il mondo vi odia, perché il mondo è già stato condannato.



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dhimmis kafir murtids Yitzhakan hour ago

il parassita della sinagoga di satana: FED FMI BCE e della moschea di satana( Riyadh jihad sharia), non lasceranno sopravvivere il genere umano finché non lo avranno totalmente distrutto e danneggiato..
infatti, Bush e Kerry dissero nella 322 "teschio e ossa" i pirati, dissero:
"tanto peggio è per tutti tanto meglio è per noi!"



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dhimmis kafir murtids Yitzhak2 hours ago • edited

sicuro!! la sinistra è una congiura massonica all'interno del Nuovo Ordine mondiale.
la sinistra non è un partito politico ma, è una congiura Rothschild FED 666 FMI che è alto tradimento...
è giusto e necessario resistere a questo male malefico!!
in Israele la destra di Israele che sostiene che il ramo legale è fuori controllo e si pronuncia su questioni che esulano dal suo mandato. La sinistra sostiene che il ramo giudiziario sta svolgendo un'importante funzione di contenimento del ramo legislativo.
Il tono della lotta tra i rami si è acuito con l'accusa di primo ministro Benjamin Netanyahu del 21 novembre.

finish the EU

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    Very correct. Truth hurts!
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        To understand just how tragic and disgusting the Holocaust was, spend a few minutes thinking about this -
        One of the nazis’ experiments was to connect a mother and a daughter to electrical equipment that shocked them.
        Then telling each one that they would be shocked unless they shocked the other one. If the mother and/or the daughter refused to shock the other one, they were shocked and the voltage was increased until they capitulated. Now put yourself in one of those chairs. How much pain could you bear before you would hurt the ones you love? And could you live with yourself if you had killed your loved one by shocking them to death.
        I used to hope that I would have had the courage to die first but, thank G-d, I never had to find out. If you want to understand the horror imagine how you would feel, which would be worse your loved one shocking you or you shocking them until one of you died ? Those who survived this may know the answer but they also have to live with it. Never again must mean never again.
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            questa UE tecnocratico massonica e finanziaria: del partito democratico è una CATASTROFICA MINACCIA per la sopravvivenza dei popoli europei
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                Conte DRACULA BIS: bonus fino a 2 mila euro per i pagamenti digitali
                'La lotta all'evasione è un tesoretto da 100 miliardi'
                purtroppo, l'attuale burocrazia e prelievo fiscale, NON consento una attività economica legale in Italia..
                questo governo di traditori (Pd M5S) completerà il disastro/collasso economico e morale della società italiana!
                soltanto una dittatura fascista può salvare il popolo italiano!
                Dopotutto chi era spregevole era soltanto Mussolini: che ha snaturato la natura sociale del fascismo
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                    President RIVLIN ] un alunno di 14anni mi ha detto: "io ho sempre seguito la Chiesa, ma, ora incomincio ad avere dei dubbi di fede"
                    IO HO RISPOSTO: questi dubbi sono fisiologici alla tua età..
                    Dio è qualcosa che se non esistesse: lo dovremmo inventare: perché ne avremmo un disperato bisogno per sopravvivere:
                    infatti se non c'é Dio: quale demonio tu vuoi seguire, e da quale demonio: tu ti vuoi far prendere?
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                        l'UE è una totale congiura demoniaca contro la sovranità di Dio JHWH
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                            Fuga dall'Italia,
                            Dei 186mila italiani che si sono trasferiti all'estero, 3 su 4 sono istruiti.
                            questa UE tecnocratica Rothschild Sinagoga di Satana perfetta: è un alieno cattivo, è la più grande minaccia per i popoli europei.
                            giurati nemici della civiltà cristiana, procureranno la islamizzazione del popolo: per punire scimmie Darwin e pinguini lgbt!
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                                I am confused, what is inaccurate about this cartoon? The cartoonist replaced the offensive words."‘Arbeit macht frei" with European Union. If those words had been left in the cartoon it would have been a different story.
                                The EU is anti-Semitic and I would equate it with the death camps. Europe right now is like 1933, the entire point being Boris Johnson and the UK have been liberated.
                                All over the EU Jewish people are being attacked and muslims will be in the majority in Europe by 2060. It is fast becoming one big death camp for Jewish people.
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                                    I asked myself the same question. There is no problem with this carton but that it POINTS THE FINGER OF THE EUROPEAN NAZI BUREAUCRACY! And of course, the Europeans don't like it because like all Leftists, they don't want to see the truth, even if it blinds them. So they make believe that the cartoon is making fun of the poor people burnt and put like animals in these concentration camps. UNLESS THEY ARE TOTALLY STUPID AND THEIR IQ IS ABOUT 50
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                                      Well the artist was certainly right about Boris escaping an imprisonment from yourapeein disunion, perhaps he should have just shown him running out the front door of a big gray ugly dark prison building with a weathered sign saying ewwwwwwwww!
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                                          No, it wouldn't have had the same impact on people. This way, I can assure you, he printed the image in everybody brain, like a live video playing in their brain 24 hours/day. You'll see, something will change after this cartoon.
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                                              I agree the imagery is captivating and I can see your point, is it hurtful to the Jews or is it only hurtful to the terminally offended? I honestly don’t know, I would like to hear both sides. To those Jews who agree with you is it then worth some angst to be able to carry the more powerful message! It is obviously clever and well considered!
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                                              The cartoon is spot on, Europe willingly swapped 6 million Jews for 20 million Muslims and can't see the root of there problems.
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                                                Great Cartoon and totally accurate. I don't know why the EU is so anti-Israel, and really don't care, but It should stop now.
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                                                    EU is also pro Iran, for trade of course, which is the worst dictatorship in EUrope since Hitler and Stalin. It also takes tax payer money and gives it terrorist organisations like Hamas and Fatah
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                                                        The artist didn't want to say anything about Jews or the Holocaust. His point was: European BUREAUCRACY IN BRUSSELS acts like Hitler's, imprisoning all countries and nationals of individual countries, running their lives and taking away their freedom, taking all their money, and destroying their quality of life. Indeed they act like HITLERS putting all the european countries in a concentration camp. THE CARTOON HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE HOLOCAUST, or with the Jews, or with antisemitism. On the contrary, he is saying that the holocaust came back with a different face: the EU face. I am surprised that the Left is outraged. This means that even the Leaders, people supposedly with high IQ's are not subtle enough to understand and read between the lines. SO SAD!
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                                                            The Church, in case you ever care.
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                                                                your masons of the Jewish conspiracy FED FMI BM NWO BCE bilderberg:
                                                                they took control of the Church and diverted it against Israel and against the Kingdom of God!
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                                                                    Your organized presentation as well as the hard-driving points you make have caused me to do a complete 360 on this issue.
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                                                                        Oh my word, are you really so easily brainwashed? Actually you overreacted, you should only have experienced 180 degrees of revolution. I just hope you can get back to your normal “sarky/ironical” self soon. (Thanks for the giggle).
                                                                          • Avatar
                                                                            This is dripping with well placed sarcasm. Or is it maybe you are actually as bats as poor ol Lorenzo??
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                                                                              so you agree?
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                                                                                  No he didn’t agree, his 360 degree spin brought him back to where he was before he was so mind alteringly influenced by our old pal’s twaffling.
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                                                                                      I admit I am quite a conservative with my writing, so slang and idioms are not my strong points. This is why I didn't understand, and I hardly understand this Lorenz.... comment. I just saw he is an antisemitic, but Irgun (why did he take the name of the Israeli revolution party against the British which for me represent strength and courage? He doesn't sound like a courageous person! So if he reverse to 360 degree, doesn't it mean he goes back to the Holocaust? I still don't understand. You see I understood the cartoon which for me is 100% clear, but this way of talking, just can't. It is not proper English anyway.
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                                                                                          your words are a smoke, a chat: occupying space and time to stifle the truth
                                                                                          in fact, you do everything: except that it enters with me into a concrete argument,
                                                                                          understand the root of the problems? this is not your goal!
                                                                                          therefore, you remain still in Babylon, because that religion is your Rothschild religion.
                                                                                          you want to discredit me: pathetically, but without success!
                                                                                          but, the world is falling on you: yes,
                                                                                          but for you this is good for today
                                                                                            • Avatar
                                                                                              No. He was being cleverly sarcastic to a T! :)
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                                                                                                  If you believe A over B and do a 360 revolution in your ideas you return to believing in A.
                                                                                                  A 180 revolution would have brought you to believe in B. So Irgun was telling our old pal (who nobody ever understands) that his twaddle didn’t change his thinking one scrap. He went a pinch further with his irony in praising the well organized presentation and hard driven points that caused him (not) to change his mind. It’s very funny if you are a lover of irony. Especially seeing as Jews, according to Jeermy Crybon, do not understand irony. Most Jews are naturally ironic in their speech, it’s sort of how we deal with life.
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                                                                                                      Get ye a copper kettle, n' get ye a copper coil .... (remember that one?)
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                                                                                                          Thank you. OK. Now I understand because you are a much better writer. The fact that I didn't understand Lorenzo...., made it impossible to understand the 360 degrees or even one degree. He is totally incomprehensible.
                                                                                                          You are right about Jews loving Irony and they love sarcasm too and some of them are even cynical as well when something is obvious and only few people see it. I am Jewish too, and I wonder if the artist is not Jewish as well. He put on his cartoon a good amount of irony, I found.
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                                                                                                      the world system: scam banking seigniorage & satanism that the your chief Rabbis: Rothschilds founded in the FMI FMI NWO BM BCE?
                                                                                                      this will leave no future to the history of this human race, no survive Israel: also!
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                                                                                                  As a Jew I found the meme accurate. The EU is run by the most despicable collection of anti-Semites who would willingly complete Hitler’s grand plan.
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                                                                                                      "The comparison between the E.U. and a
                                                                                                      concentration camp immediately prompted a wave of criticism from
                                                                                                      politicians, Rome’s Jewish community and even some of the artist’s
                                                                                                      followers on Twitter.":
                                                                                                      So I am the only one who thinks that this is EXTREMELY FUNNY and ACCURATE. EU IS A CONCENTRATION CAMP, EU IS THE GULAG (I said it dozens of times to every human being I can talk to), EU is bolshevik, EU is AUTOCRAT AND A DESPOTIC PRISON for all the citizens of every country that is comprised in this BUREAUCRAT INSTITUTION. Nobody has the same culture, the same desire, the same vision, the same language, the same goals, but still THEY MUST LIVE AS ONE MAN?
                                                                                                      BRAVO Mr. Mario Improta, You made my day. You are courageous and you didn't need words. The carton says it all ! I am sure most citizens feel the same way you do but don't dare express themselves or are not smart enough to understand that they are hands and feet tied to an autocratic pillar that doesn't let them breathe without receiving the OK FROM THE HIGHER UPS. In fact the Europeans know only two words:
                                                                                                      - OBLIGATION
                                                                                                      - INTERDICTION
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                                                                                                          Isn’t it weird, I was just wondering if there was something wrong with me - I also didn’t think the cartoonist meant anything derogatory about Jewish people. I think the ones who are protesting (or horrified) are those EUphiles who won’t admit their own desire to rule the world in the harsh way the nazis did (perhaps without the killings) or Jews who feel that equating anything to the Holocaust downplays how bad it was.
                                                                                                          I don’t think the cartoon was meant to make the Holocaust seem less evil but did mean to reflect how lucky the UK is to have escaped what could end up being really bad for the free world. Having a few people dictate to so many countries is not the best idea we’ve ever had.
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                                                                                                              LOL. I am also very glad to have found someone, who thinks the way I do.
                                                                                                              I also thought that I will receive tons of nasty replies, and this is why I started my sentence with :"So I am the only one who thinks that this i...." We must be some rare species nowadays. This is the intelligence around us? I found it very obvious at the first line. I cannot figure out why or what the "petrified" people didn't see or comprehend. His cartoon is obvious and so intelligent ! This is what baffles them. Too intelligent for their brains? This way everyone in Europe will start thinking of their living conditions, the tons of money they pay, their promiscuity with people they have nothing in common with, and so much more ! If the artist did something less provocative, nobody would've cared! We live in a stupid world!
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                                                                                                                  Some people have become so sensitive because so many other people pretend the Holocaust didn’t happen. Any sane person who has even one eye can see the evidence for themselves. I spent a long time crying for the people who suffered, and died, because of the hatred of those who perpetrated those evil deeds, or supported the nazis.
                                                                                                                  Especially the children - because I couldn’t bear to think how they must have felt to be starved and mistreated and nobody came to help them. Kids are supposed to laugh and play, to be loved and cherished. If you imagine the fear it becomes unbearable.
                                                                                                                  So I can’t blame those who react to anything that brings that terrible time to mind, but you learn to differentiate between those who hate and those who choose that image to show just how dreadful things grow from minor beginnings. If anyone had known just how revolting people can be all Jews would have left Europe without giving their countries the benefit of the doubt. I think that is what the cartoonist was trying to draw attention to - “don’t let terrible things happen just because you can’t get your mind around how bad people can be if allowed to flourish”.
                                                                                                                  I could be wrong - it’s been known to happen, but I’m hoping that’s what his idea was.
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                                                                                                                      Moonshine, I am glad to have met you. We have a lot in common. I read about the Holocaust when I was 10 years old, the Exodus to be exact. And I read many history books regarding Jews everywhere in the world from Israel to Europe, to Russia, to Spain (the inquisition), to the arab countries, etc. I read books like Treblinka, and so forth. So I know what you are talking about. I also cry, even now, when I saw what they did to people. I always said, it was the killing of course, but especially the humiliation, the starving, the making them walk naked in the cold in front of these SS, their taking from them their humanity and make them like cows that are marked for sale. ABSOLUTELY HORRIBLE, NO WORDS STRONG ENOUGH FOR IT. Even now, as I am writing this, my heart is swelling in pain.
                                                                                                                      So yes the carton perhaps wanted to envision the future of Europe, but I believe that he wanted, especially, to tell people to do what Britain did: to get out of the Europe Union, to be free again. But you are right, they might become another Hitler, or even a BOLSHEVIK STATE where, anyone who disagree with their policies, will be sent to Siberia.
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                                                                                                                          It’s true and dreadful to imagine what they went through. Then spend a few minutes wondering what the h-ll went wrong in those nazis’ hearts. How on earth can any human being watch all that heartbreaking devastation happen and go home to his family and love them? I used to wish that I could see into people’s minds and hearts to understand what causes brutality but then thought that I really don’t ever want to look into those horror chambers, how could one recover? How do you stop something from happening again when most people cannot believe it ever happened in the first place. Because it shouldn’t have happened - we’re better than that, aren’t we?
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                                                                                                                      But they all have the same currency that will finish the EU,....The Euro!
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                                                                                                                          This currency can be changed. Indeed their euros has zero value. They wanted to copy Americans, but they are so stupid: they don't have the same language, the same culture, the same constitution, absolutely nothing in common, and they want to run all the countries like one country? America's states are under one government, a federal government, one language, one system for education with some minor personal policies in each state especially regarding budget, but the main lines are the same. THE EUROPEANS ARE MUCH POORER THAN ANY EVEN BLACK AMERICAN, especially for the countries in the South starting from France going down South. The North might be slightly better but with the importation of the scums on this earth, the Muslims, every country is under A BOLSHEVIK FLAG.

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