C. S. P. B. Crux Sancti Patris Benedecti, Croce del Santo Padre Benedetto. C. S. S. M. L. Crux Sacra Sit Mihi Lux, Croce sacra sii la mia Luce, N. D. S. M. D. Non draco sit mihi dux, Che il dragone non sia il mio duce, V. R. S. Vadre Retro satana, Allontanati satana! N. S. M. V. Non Suade Mihi Vana, Non mi persuaderai di cose vane, S. M. Q. L. Sunt Mala Quae Libas
Ciò che mi offri è cattivo, I.V. B. Ipsa Venena Bibas, Bevi tu stesso i tuoi veleni burn satan scit u sang da ngan, drink your poison made by yourself: in Jesus's name amen alleluia. burn satan scit u sang da ngan, drink your poison made by yourself: in Jesus's name amen alleluia
Mustafa sayed ali 3 weeks ago · LINKED COMMENT
oh. now you write a new Quran good for you but nothing is true and you dont have to be a muslim if you don't like it. Please stop laying about my religion
+Mustafa sayed ali sharia is nazism, ie, Islam will die, erased on all the world
CIA 666 NSA DATAGATE satana in culo a tutti 322 NWO FMI SpA Gmos agenda, biologia sintetica, alieni di merda, A.I. ] lo sanno tutti, che tutto quello che io faccio, è sempre di pubblico dominio: per convenzione universale Unius REI, voi smettete di manipolare Windows7 e toglietevi dalle palle!
questo è il crimine peggiore, il MASSIMALISMO, e non importa chi lo può commettere: 1. se presunti atei, che sono soltanto degli sporcaccioni, che vogliono fare tacere la propria coscienza, o, 2. se presunti religiosi ipocriti, perché religiosi veri o atei veri non sono massimalisti, invasivi DOGMATICI e bulli come è la ideologia del GENDER, Sodoma a tutti per legge dello Stato! NOI NON NEGHEREMO MAI LA LEGGE della Natura, la LEGGE NATURaLE ed il DIRITTO DI UN BAMBINO DI AVERE UN PADRE ED UNA MADRE normali, VERI, coraggiosi, CHE HANNO AVUTO LA DIGNITà E IL CORAGGIO DI AFFRONTARE, E DI RESPONSABILIZZARSI DI FRONTE ALLA PROPRIA IDENTITà SESSUALE, che è amore che unisce le alterità divergenti
tutti quelli che sono favorevoli alla sharia: sono nazisti per il califfato mondiale e faranno il genocidio di tutti i popoli, che è quello che la LEGA ARABA ha fatto e fa da 1400 anni! Islamici non sono italiani, francesi ecc.. sono sauditi nazisti, questo è un crimine ideologico che deve essere punito con la pena di morte, come ogni crimine di alto tradimento!
Egyptian convert still in jail having served his time
Published: June 22, 2015Having spent most of his adult life either harassed, in hiding, or in jail, former Muslim now Christian Mohamed Hegazy can expect more of the same. Hegazy, who has been in prison since December 2, 2013, is known to be the first Egyptian to openly seek a change from Muslim to Christian
The Calling
The True Knowledge is found in God
Prov 2: 5 Then shalt thou understand the fear of the LORD, and find the knowledgeof God
Rom 11: 33 O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! how unsearchable
2 cor 2: 14 Now thanks [be] unto God, which always causeth us to triumph in Christ, and maketh manifest the savour of his knowledge by us in every place. [are] his judgments, and his ways past finding out!
Prov 8: 17 I love them that love me; and those that seek me early shall find me.
The Bible describes many of it’s heroes with plenty of faults. Some of it’s heroes doubt God, are fearful when they face battle, argue and make mistakes. A book that is truthful about it’s heroes can be trusted more than one that isn’t. By Patty Ross
YouTube Rewind 2012
@322 Kerry // patetico coglione, cospiratore, ladro, bugiardo, satanista, ruffiano, tu hai ucciso John Kennedy, ed, tu hai rubato il signoraggio bancario al popolo americano!
ShalomGerusalemme 6 minuti fa
187AUDIOHOSTEM 666 // io ridurre in frantumi, il tuo cranio, ma, in pezzettini cosi, piccoli, che, neanche, tutte le puttane dello inferno riusciranno piu, ad incollare esso
[[ Armi chimiche in Siria: inquinata la scena del crimine! @322 Kerry stop, criminale, a minacciare, continuamente, altrimenti, il tuo Al/Qaiada, fara nuovi attentati, con le armi chimiche! STOP SADDAM, DI BOMBARDARE CON ARMI CHIMICHE IL TUO POPOLO! in questo modo sono stati distrutti 1000.000 di cristiani in Iraq ]] 17.09.2013, Il rapporto dell'Onu ha confermato che nell'attacco del 21 agosto a Damasco e' stato stato usato il gas sarin. Il che, in linea di massima, era chiaro anche prima che arrivasse la conclusione degli esperti. Nessuna risposta pero' alla domanda clou: chi e' stato? Cio' nonostante Stati Uniti, Gran Bretagna e Francia hanno interpretato a modo loro questo documento, annunciando che esso proverebbe la responsabilita' dell'esercito siriano. Nelle quaranta pagine del rapporto, non si trova nemmeno un cenno al fatto che proprio il regime di Assad avrebbe usato il gas contro l'opposizione e contro la popolazione civile.
ShalomGerusalemme 9 minuti fa
@322 Kerry stop, criminale, il tuo Al/Qaiada, fara nuovi attentati, con le armi chimiche! STOP SADDAM, DI BOMBARDARE CON ARMI CHIMICHE IL TUO POPOLO! in questo modo sono stati distrutti 1000.000 di cristiani in Iraq ]] Pero' -- ed e' quello che suscita parecchie preoccupazioni -- viene sottolineato che gli ispettori sono stati portati in luoghi che sono passati di mano piu' di una volta, per cui e' impossibile arrivare con tutta la certezza alla verita'. Nel linguaggio poliziesco potremmo dire che la scena del crimine e' stata inquinata. Ad esempio, leggiamo che evidentemente le scheggi degli ordigni esplosi insieme ad altre prove materiali, erano stati spostati prima dell'arrivo degli ispettori e che i razzi M14 potevano avere sia ogive originali che rudimentali. La conclusione degli ispettori infatti non dimostra la colpevolezza dell'Assad. Per tutto il periodo che siamo stati sul luogo, si legge nel documento, sono arrivate varie persone con nuove prove,
187AUDIOHOSTEM 9 minuti fa
ShalomGerusalemme 9 minuti fa
@322 Kerry stop, criminale, a minacciare, continuamente, altrimenti, il tuo Al/Qaiada, fara nuovi attentati, con le armi chimiche! STOP SADDAM, DI BOMBARDARE CON ARMI CHIMICHE IL TUO POPOLO! in questo modo sono stati distrutti 1000.000 di cristiani in Iraq ]] il che fa supporre che siano state spostate e probilimente, manomesse e manipolate. Nel presentare il rapporto Ban Ki--moon non ha tratto conclusioni univoche. Ha soltanto definito l'uso delle armi chimiche un crimine di guerra. Invece di cercare il colpevole, l'obiettivo della missione degli ispettori era capire se erano state usate e meno le armi chimiche e come erano state usate. Sara' compito di altri decidere se e' necessario portare avanti l'inchiesta per accertare la responsabilita' di chi ha usato le sostanze tossiche. Ognuno di noi ha il proprio parere. Io posso dire soltanto che questo e' stato un crimine molto grave. Gli esperti dell'Organizzazione per la proibizione delle armi chimiche
187AUDIOHOSTEM 9 minuti fa
187AUDIOHOSTEM 9 minuti fa
ShalomGerusalemme 9 minuti fa
@322 Kerry stop, criminale, il tuo Al/Qaiada, fara nuovi attentati, con le armi chimiche! STOP SADDAM, DI BOMBARDARE CON ARMI CHIMICHE IL TUO POPOLO! in questo modo sono stati distrutti 1000.000 di cristiani in Iraq ]] e dell'Organizzazione mondiale della sanita' hanno svolto l'inchiesta a partire dal 26 agosto. E' stato stabilito che nell'attacco erano stati usati i sistemi lanciarazzi di produzione sovietica RPU-14 che erano stati forniti alla Siria prima del 1969 e poi dismessi. Pero', secondo informazioni del 2010, razzi del genere sono stati in dotazione degli eserciti in Afghanistan, in Egitto e nello Yemen. In tutti questi paesi sono forti i gruppi di al-Qaeda che partecipano al conflitto siriano. Era facile quindi fornire questi ordigni in Siria perche' diventassero "prove". La Russia piu' volte aveva invitato i partner a non trarre conclusioni affrettate e concentrarsi sulla consegna degli arsenali chimici siriani sotto controllo internazionale.
ShalomGerusalemme 10 minuti fa
[[ Armi chimiche in Siria: inquinata la scena del crimine! @322 Kerry stop, criminale, a minacciare, continuamente, altrimenti, il tuo Al/Qaiada, fara nuovi attentati, con le armi chimiche! STOP SADDAM, DI BOMBARDARE CON ARMI CHIMICHE IL TUO POPOLO! in questo modo sono stati distrutti 1000.000 di cristiani in Iraq ]] In un incontro a Mosca con il ministro degli esteri egiziano Serghej Lavrov ha annunciato che bisogna rispettare gli accordi fra Mosca e Washington del 14 settembre. E' necessario renderci conto che se veramente vogliamo risolvare il problema della distruzione delle armi chimiche in Siria, la road map russo-americana apre una nuova strada attuabile, reale, concreta, pratica e professionale. Se qualcuno ritiene piu' importante minacciare ed intimorire di continuo con vari prestesti, deve sapere che in questo modo si spinge l'opposizione ad organizzare nuove provocazioni.
Army eliminates terrorists, destroys their hideouts and gatherings. Jun 27, 2013. Provinces, (SANA) -- The armed forces continued its operations against the armed terrorist groups in Homs and its countryside and eliminated scores of the terrorists. A military source told SANA reporter that the army fully controlled al-Sha'er gas field in Palmyra countryside and killed the terrorists in the area. The army killed scores of terrorists in the areas of al-Qarabees, al-Khaldyeh and al-Qusour in Homs city. The army units also pursued the armed terrorist groups in the areas of al-Wa'er, Kiseen, Talbeseh, Deir foul, Eyon Hassein, al-Ghanto and Beit Hajjo in Homs countryside and inflicted heavy losses upon the terrorists. -- ANSWER -- @OBAMA 666 --- con questa storia del tuo Al Qualeda caliphate worldwide, in Syria, per il genocidio, pulizia etnica delle minoranze, tu hai gettato la maschera della pecora, putana!
ShalomGerusalemme ha pubblicato un commento 21 minuti fa
@King Saudi Arabia - if you are the true face of Islam? then, the true face of Islam is Satanism Nazi! In fact, your allies are Satanists super: 666 Rothschild IMF [International Monetary Fund], and 322 Bush NWO [New World Order], one only, synagogue of Satan, with you: Babylon the Great Whore, you are! but, the Islamic your curse that lasted 1400 years? will end very soon! .. you are the god owl: Baal, Maruk, JabullOn, at the Bohemian Grove! also you drank human blood, with them!
ShalomGerusalemme ha pubblicato un commento 21 minuti fa
@King Saudi Arabia -- se tu sei il vero volto dell'Islam? allora, il vero volto dell'Islam è il satanismo nazista! infatti, i tuoi alleati sono i satanisti Rothscgild 666 FMI, e 322 Bush NWO.. ma, loro sono il dio gufo al Bohemian Grove! che c'è, forse anche tu hai bevuto il sangue umano, insieme a loro?
ShalomGerusalemme ha pubblicato un commento 28 minuti fa
actions Al Quaega, international terrorism USA CIA NATO, masonic system Bildenberg [Syria facing international terrorism funded by petrol sheikhdoms, pharisees IMF 666 NWO ally Saudi Arabia, agenda Sharia worldwide caliphate ]. Jun 25, 2013. Damascus, (SANA) -- Speaker of the People's Assembly Mohammad Jihad al-Laham affirmed that Syria is facing international terrorism orchestrated by old and neo colonialist countries and funded by petrol sheikhdoms that seek to legitimize terrorism by issuing takfiri fatwas that justify murder and destruction. During his meeting on Tuesday with secretary general of the Mauritanian Socialist Democratic Unionist Party, Mahfouz Weld Aziz, al-Laham said that Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Turkey are conspiring against Syria and supporting terrorism in service of suspect agendas, and that the Arab League is being controlled by Qatar.
ShalomGerusalemme ha pubblicato un commento 28 minuti fa
actions Al Quaega, international terrorism USA CIA NATO, masonic system Bildenberg [Syria facing international terrorism funded by petrol sheikhdoms, pharisees IMF 666 NWO ally Saudi Arabia, agenda Sharia worldwide caliphate ]. He said that the countries which support and arm terrorist groups in Syria will suffer the consequences of these actions when international terrorism turns its attention to them. Al-Laham affirmed that Syria stood fast due to the awareness of its people and its support for the Syrian Army, adding that the terrorists' use of explosive belts and car bombs showcases their failure in achieving anything in confronting the Syrian Army. For his part, Weld Aziz voiced the Mauritanian people's support for Syria in the face of the conspiracy,
ShalomGerusalemme ha pubblicato un commento 28 minuti fa
actions Al Quaega, international terrorism USA CIA NATO, masonic system Bildenberg [Syria facing international terrorism funded by petrol sheikhdoms, pharisees IMF 666 NWO ally Saudi Arabia, agenda Sharia worldwide caliphate ]. asserting that Syria's victory over the crisis is a victory for all Arabs and lauding the role of Syrian national media in uncovering the details of the conspiracy. He also lauded the sacrifices of the Syrian Army, saying that its battle with extremist terrorism is the battle of all Arabs. Al-Laham meets occupants of al-Asad suburb and al-Huriya neighborhood, Speaker al-Laham affirmed that the People's Assembly is open to all opinions and that it's working to find solutions to provide citizens' needs and reduce the effects of the crisis on them.
ShalomGerusalemme ha pubblicato un commento 28 minuti fa
actions Al Quaega, international terrorism USA CIA NATO, masonic system Bildenberg [Syria facing international terrorism funded by petrol sheikhdoms, pharisees IMF 666 NWO ally Saudi Arabia, agenda Sharia worldwide caliphate ]. During a meeting with people from al-Asad suburb in Damascus countryside and al-Huriya neighborhood in Damascus, al-Laham called for rallying forces and working together to overcome obstacles. He stressed the need for arranging the two areas' needs according to their priority in order to handle them with the relevant sides, saying that the progress made by the Syrian Army in confronting terrorist groups will relieve citizens' suffering. The citizens reviewed some of the problems they are facing due to attacks by terrorists and lack of some services,
ShalomGerusalemme ha pubblicato un commento 29 minuti fa
actions Al Quaega, international terrorism USA CIA NATO, masonic system Bildenberg [Syria facing international terrorism funded by petrol sheikhdoms, pharisees IMF 666 NWO ally Saudi Arabia, agenda Sharia worldwide caliphate ].calling for finding immediate solutions for shortages of fuel, gas and bread and providing health and sanitations services. They also called for eliminating terrorists and securing the roads which the terrorists are targeting. For his part, chairman of the national reconciliation committee at the Assembly, Omar Osi, reviewed the committee's work and the successes it achieved in resolving several cases of abductees, missing people and detainees.
ShalomGerusalemme ha pubblicato un commento 2 ore fa
אבי עזרא, said 17 hours ago channel reported for antisemitism - ANSWER - ShalomGerusalemme 1 second ago Idiot, trolls of shit! i am King of ISRAEL. [@ Benjamin Netanyahu Prime Minister of Israel - I WANT TO KNOW WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS EVIL!] [@Benjamin Netanyahu Prime Minister of Israel -- IO VOGLIO SAPERE CHI È IL RESPONSABILE DI QUESTA MALVAGITÀ!]
ShalomGerusalemme ha pubblicato un commento 2 ore fa
[Moscow: UN, US, Russia agreed on necessity of holding Syria conference soon. Serious dialogue among Syrians is only way to resolve crisis. but, criminal Al Quaeda, Minister: Saudi diplomacy: for: Worldwide caliphate sharia agenda, has no place in any solution. ]. Moscow, (SANA)_[Update] The Russian Foreign Ministry announced that representatives of the UN, US and Russia, during a meeting in Geneva on Tuesday, came to an agreement on the necessity of holding the international conference in Syria...Read more... ... Medelci: Serious dialogue among Syrians is only way to resolve crisis. Moscow, (SANA) -- Algerian Minister of Foreign Affairs Mourad Medelci affirmed that the only permanent way to resolve the crisis in Syria and guarantee its stability in the future is through serious dialogue...Read more... ...
ShalomGerusalemme ha pubblicato un commento 2 ore fa
[Moscow: UN, US, Russia agreed on necessity of holding Syria conference soon. Serious dialogue among Syrians is only way to resolve crisis. but, criminal Al Quaeda, Minister: Saudi diplomacy: for: Worldwide caliphate sharia agenda, has no place in any solution. ]. Matviyenko: Syria must not fall under control of extremist groups. Moscow, (SANA) -- Chairman of the Federation Council of Russia Valentina Matviyenko stressed that it mustn't be allowed for Syria to fall under the control of extremist, radical terrorist groups...Read more... ... Salehi: Solving crisis politically without foreign interference... Tehran, (SANA) -- Iranian Minister of Foreign Affairs Ali Akbar Salehi reiterated Iran's call for solving the crisis in Syria politically without foreign intervention...Read more... ...
ShalomGerusalemme ha pubblicato un commento 2 ore fa
[Moscow: UN, US, Russia agreed on necessity of holding Syria conference soon. Serious dialogue among Syrians is only way to resolve crisis. but, criminal Al Quaeda, Minister: Saudi diplomacy: for: Worldwide caliphate sharia agenda, has no place in any solution. ]. Al-Jaafari: No meaningful conference can be held if weapons continue to flow into Syria.. New York, (SANA)_ Syria's Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Dr. Bashar al-Jaafari said that the UN Assistant secretary-general for political affairs Oscar Fernandez-Taranco has not provided a complete picture of the situation in the Middle East...Read more... ... Information Minister: Saudi diplomacy has no place in any solution.
ShalomGerusalemme ha pubblicato un commento 2 ore fa
[Moscow: UN, US, Russia agreed on necessity of holding Syria conference soon. Serious dialogue among Syrians is only way to resolve crisis. but, criminal Al Quaeda, Minister: Saudi diplomacy: for: Worldwide caliphate sharia agenda, has no place in any solution. ]. DAMASCUS, (SANA)-Minister of Information Omran al-Zoubi said that the Saudi diplomacy, which is trembling for fear of the victories of the Syrian army, couldn't represent the Saudi brotherly people ...Read more... ... Russia, Algeria stress need to reach political settlement to crisis in Syria. Moscow, (SANA) -- Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergei Lavrov stressed that Russia and Algeria agree on the need to reach a political settlement to the crisis in Syria...Read more... ... ; ;; drink your poison made by yourself
ShalomGerusalemme ha pubblicato un commento 2 ore fa
. @youtube Bush 322, 666 CIA, IhateNewLayout //--- se io parlo con voi, è soltanto, perché, anche, San Francesco parlava con il lupo, la mia agenda, deve essere, quella di fare diventare: ogni lupo, un cane da guardia, io non ho progettato: di uccidere qualcuno: a livello politico: cioè, fisicamente,. anche se, nessuno deve fare: di me, il complice: dei suoi delitti del cazzo, infatti, in ogni essere umano, anche se: lui è pieno di demoni, come Rothschild il fariseo? io vedo un essere umano mio fratello.. e perché, mi posso dimenticare di essere divino, qualche volta, ma, purtroppo io non mi posso mai dimenticare di essere umano.
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento 10 ore fa
187AUDIOHOSTEM youtube 666: criminal cannibal, for nanking seigniorage SpA: IMF NWO 322, said: 1 day ago, " You Should Try It [Astral Projection] ". --- ANSWER --- The ONLY good thing: that: your witches can do? and when they do: to the "doggy style", because apparently, they have not been able to find a good astral protection for you against me! L'UNICA cosa buona: che: le tue streghe possono fare? e quando loro fanno alla "pecorina", perché a quanto pare, loro non hanno saputo trovare una buona astrale protezione per te, contro di me!
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento 10 ore fa
@ IhatenewLayout 666 (bis) "bevi il tuo veleno fatto da solo" ha scritto un commento: 25 minuti fa: "@ 187AUDIOHOSTEM si nome è Eric???" - RISPOSTA - SATANA ha riempito di merda, Tutte le cellule del Tuo Cervello, 187AUDIOHOSTEM is youtube!" --ANSWER -- SATANA ha riempito di merda, tutte le cellule del tuo cervello, 187AUDIOHOSTEM è youtube: an priest for satan Rothschild's cult god Owl, your master! you can not know him, because, when you do the cannibals, during, human sacrifice on your altar of Satan? he is always hooded! tu non puoi conoscere lui, perché, quando, voi fare i cannibali, durante, il sacrificio umano, sul vostro altare di satana? lui è sempre incappucciato!
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento 10 ore fa
@King Saudi ARABIA -- tu dai un freno, alla tua merda religiosa, coglione!
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento 10 ore fa
06/26/2013 [SYRIA [ @ King Saudi ARABIA - these are the fruits ye cursed, of cursed, your prophet cursed! and your damn IMF-NWO Obama ally 666 322 Kerry, for your cursed dhimmi, Arab LEAGUE, for Sharia worldwide caliphate! ]] Fr Mourad, "a man of faith" who gave his life for Christ and Syrians. Interviewed by AsiaNews, a Franciscan in Syria talks about Fr Franҫois Mourad's mission, who was killed last Sunday in Al-Ghassaniyah (Idlib). Despite Islamist threats, he chose to stay and help the village parish priest and residents. Damascus (AsiaNews) - "Fr Franҫois Mourad was a man of faith, who chose to build from scratch the Monastery of St Simeon Stylites, despite the difficulties of the war, challenging Islamic extremists.
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento 10 ore fa
[SYRIA [ @ King Saudi ARABIA - these are the fruits ye cursed, of cursed, your prophet cursed! and your damn IMF-NWO Obama ally 666 322 Kerry, for your cursed dhimmi, Arab LEAGUE, for Sharia worldwide caliphate! ]] Unfortunately, his attempt failed, but his life was fulfilled through the most extreme sacrifice: giving his life for Jesus and for the people who were with him," a Syrian Franciscan friar told AsiaNews, anonymous for security reasons. "In past years, Fr Franҫois Mourad repeatedly put his life on the line in Syria pushing for the construction of the monastery," the priest said. "Initially, he bought some land near Aleppo with the help of some local families, but was chased away by Islamic extremists.
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento 10 ore fa
[SYRIA [ @ King Saudi ARABIA - these are the fruits ye cursed, of cursed, your prophet cursed! and your damn IMF-NWO Obama ally 666 322 Kerry, for your cursed dhimmi, Arab LEAGUE, for Sharia worldwide caliphate! ]] So he decided to fall back on Al-Ghassaniyah, where he built a small hermitage a few kilometres from the village with the help of some young Syrians." "His work had just started," the monk explained, "when Islamist troops put the area under siege. He eventually found himself alone as his postulants fled because of the war, witnessing helplessly the destruction and looting of the monastery and nearby villages." "Fr Franҫois Mourad had the opportunity to go away, to take shelter in a safer area, but decided to stay in order to serve his people,
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento 10 ore fa
[SYRIA [ @ King Saudi ARABIA - these are the fruits ye cursed, of cursed, your prophet cursed! and your damn IMF-NWO Obama ally 666 322 Kerry, for your cursed dhimmi, Arab LEAGUE, for Sharia worldwide caliphate! ]] willing to help the local parish priest and the nuns of the Franciscan Monastery of St Anthony in the village of Al-Ghassaniyah, which had an infirmary; the only clinic in the area and a point of reference for many Christian and Muslim families." "Here Fr Franҫois replaced the parish priest whenever he was traveling to other convents, giving comfort to families housed in the convent and the nuns too." On the day of Fr Francois's death, the parish priest was out. When armed Islamists came, the Franciscan friar was alone in the convent with the nuns and some lay Christians.
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento 10 ore fa
[SYRIA [ @ King Saudi ARABIA - these are the fruits ye cursed, of cursed, your prophet cursed! and your damn IMF-NWO Obama ally 666 322 Kerry, for your cursed dhimmi, Arab LEAGUE, for Sharia worldwide caliphate! ]] A few more hours and two priests would have been killed. " According to the monk, Fr Franҫois did not even have time to argue with the gunmen bent on plundering the convent. As soon as he stood in front of them, they shot him dead on the spot. "We found out what happened from a Rosary sister who reached our convent in tears and told us about the tragedy." "Right now, we know that there are still six people in Al-Ghassaniyah, but we do not know whether they are Christian or Muslim.
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento 10 ore fa
[SYRIA [ @ King Saudi ARABIA - these are the fruits ye cursed, of cursed, your prophet cursed! and your damn IMF-NWO Obama ally 666 322 Kerry, for your cursed dhimmi, Arab LEAGUE, for Sharia worldwide caliphate! ]] Our job is to stand with the people and pray. We are doing everything we can to help and assist those who remain, even if it is only by giving some courage and hope." (S.C.)@King Saudi ARABIA -- questi sono i frutti maledetti, del tuo maledetto profeta! e del tuo maledetto alleato 666 Obama FMI-NWO 322 Kerry! @King SAUDI ARABIA -- tu porta via, le tue bestie di satana, dalla Siria! Questo è il mio tempo, il tempo del mio DOMINIO universale, io sono la fratellanza universale, una sola legge, per un solo genere umano!
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento 11 ore fa
[[Per colpire la Chiesa di Pio XII, attraverso, l'invenzione: dei cristiani-nazisti, per colpire: alle spalle: Israele (2013-06-22 L'Osservatore Romano) Ma questa, del:Centro Primo Levi: sembra, ideologia: nazi sionista: demo-pluto-giudaico massone, del FMI 666 NWO, non sembra essere storia!]] Giovanni Palatucci, questore reggente di Fiume nel 1944, arrestato dai tedeschi e morto a Dachau nel febbraio 1945, dichiarato nel 1990 Giusto delle Nazioni per l'opera di soccorso prestata agli ebrei nella sua attività presso la questura di Fiume, riconosciuto dalla Chiesa servo di Dio, è stato improvvisamente trasformato in un persecutore di ebrei, in uno zelante esecutore degli ordini di Salò e dei nazisti. All'origine di questo rivolgimento, una ricerca condotta
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento 11 ore fa
[[Per colpire la Chiesa di Pio XII, attraverso, l'invenzione: dei cristiani-nazisti, per colpire: alle spalle: Israele (2013-06-22 L'Osservatore Romano) Ma questa, del:Centro Primo Levi: sembra, ideologia: nazi sionista: demo-pluto-giudaico massone, del FMI 666 NWO, non sembra essere storia!]] a cura del Centro Primo Levi di New York da un comitato internazionale di storici che hanno analizzato la documentazione esistente negli archivi tanto italiani che croati. Mi auguro che il Museo di Washington, che ha immediatamente cancellato dai suoi siti e dalle mostre il nome di Palatucci, abbia avuto accesso alla documentazione e non solo alla lunga analisi che ne fa il Centro Primo Levi e che, a un'attenta lettura, può al massimo ridimensionare il numero degli ebrei
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento 11 ore fa
[[Per colpire la Chiesa di Pio XII, attraverso, l'invenzione: dei cristiani-nazisti, per colpire: alle spalle: Israele (2013-06-22 L'Osservatore Romano) Ma questa, del:Centro Primo Levi: sembra, ideologia: nazi sionista: demo-pluto-giudaico massone, del FMI 666 NWO, non sembra essere storia!]] salvati da Palatucci riducendoli a qualche decina(quelli documentati): dagli originari cinquemila (della sua segreta organizzazione sociale ed ecclesiastica), che, gli erano attribuiti, e restringere il ruolo da lui avuto in alcuni episodi, ma non certo trasformarlo da salvatore in persecutore degli ebrei. Ugualmente mi auguro che si possa avere rapidamente accesso alle fonti come si è avuto accesso alla loro interpretazione a opera del Centro. Siamo in realtà di fronte a un problema di mancanza di documentazione.
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento 11 ore fa
[[Per colpire la Chiesa di Pio XII, attraverso, l'invenzione: dei cristiani-nazisti, per colpire: alle spalle: Israele (2013-06-22 L'Osservatore Romano) Ma questa, del:Centro Primo Levi: sembra, ideologia: nazi sionista: demo-pluto-giudaico massone, del FMI 666 NWO, non sembra essere storia!]] Ma la stessa mancanza di documentazione troviamo nell'attività di salvataggio degli ebrei messa in atto nei conventi di Roma. Vogliamo negarla in base alla mancanza di documenti scritti che la comprovino? L'attività di Palatucci, come tutte le attività di questo genere, non poteva che svolgersi nel segreto. Poteva svolgersi senza legami con quella della Delegazione per l'assistenza degli emigranti ebrei, su iniziativa individuale? Questa è una risposta che ci attendiamo dai documenti, dal confronto con altre situazioni, non dalle interpretazioni.
La realidad de los acontecimientos en Sria>>Ejército extermina a terroristas del Frente de al-Nosra en varias provincias
Ejército extermina a terroristas del Frente de al-Nosra en varias provincias
Jun 26, 2013
Provincias, SANA
Una fuente militar informó que las FFAA eliminaron a varios terroristas en los barrios de al-Karabis, al-Khalidiya y cerca del barrio de al-Kusur en la ciudad de Homs. Asimismo añadió que unidades del ejército tomaron control del yacimiento de gas de al-Shaer en el campo de Palmira, arrasando con los últimos terroristas atrincherados allí.
Asimismo añadió que unidades del ejército tomaron control del yacimiento de gas de al-Shaer en el campo de Palmira, arrasando con los últimos terroristas atrincherados allí.
Igualmente agregó que las FFAA infligieron significativas bajas en las filas terroristas en diferentes poblados y localidades del campo de Homs (Kisin, al-Rastan, Talbisa, al-Ghanto, Beit Hayo..)
FFAA destruyen un depósito de armas de terroristas del Frente de al-Nosra en el campo de Hasaka
Una unidad del ejército destruyó un depósito de armas y municiones de un grupo terrorista afiliado al “Frente de al-Nosra” al sur de la ciudad de Hasaka, dejando a la mayoría de sus integrantes, muertos o heridos, según reveló una fuente oficial.
La fuente añadió que una unidad del ejército acabó con cinco terroristas del “Frente de al-Nosra” que perpetraban saqueos y asaltos en la zona de Sabah al-Kheir en el campo de Hasaka.
FFAA arrasan con terroristas del “Frente de al-Nosra” en los campos de Hama e Idleb
Una fuente militar informó que las FFAA destruyeron varios zulos de terroristas del “Frente de al-Nosra” en las zonas de al-Zalyiya, al-Tarfaui y Rasem al-Wared en el campo de Hama, eliminando a los mercenarios que se encontraban adentro junto con sus pertrechos bélicos.
La fuente añadió que unidades del ejército acabaron con un número de terroristas en los poblados y localidades de al-Yanudiya, Maartamasrin, Deir Ozman, Maarat al-Noman en el campo de Idleb.
Asimismo los zapadores desactivaron cuatro artefactos explosivos activables a distancia, cuyo peso oscila entre 25 y 100 kg, los cuales fueron sembrados por los terroristas en la carretera de al-Mastuma/Ariha.
También agregó que las FFAA aniquilaron a un grupo terrorista y pertrechos bélicos suyos en los poblados de al-Nahle, al-Rami y al-Lauza en el campo de Idleb.
FFAA prosiguen sus operativos en Damasco-campo
Asimismo unidades del ejército llevaron a cabo una serie de operativos contra zulos de terroristas en Ghouta Oriental y el campo sureño y noroeste de Damasco, en los cuales exterminaron a dos cabecillas y destruyeron un depósito de armas y municiones.
Una fuente oficial informó que varios terroristas fueron abatidos en Adra al-Balad y sus alrededores, Zamalka, Arbin, la ciudad de Harasta y la zona de Duma.
Asimismo señaló que las FFAA aniquilaron a terroristas junto con sus pertrechos bélicos en las fincas circundantes de Deir Salman en Ghouta Oriental.
En el campo noroeste, unidades del ejército acabaron con agrupaciones de terroristas en Kara, al-Nabek, los montes de Halbun y al-Zabadani u los montes al oeste de la ciudad de al-Zabadani.
A todo ello, unidades del ejército persiguieron a terroristas en el campo sureño de Damasco donde eliminaron a un cabecilla en Dareya, y destruyeron armas de terroristas en la localidad de Yalda.
Ejército extermina a terroristas en Alepo y su campo
A todo ello, las FFAA efectuaron varios operativos exitosos contra los terroristas en varias zonas de Alepo y su campo, logrando infligir en sus filas significativas bajas y destruirles pertrechos bélicos.
En el campo de Alepo, unidades del ejército hicieron frente a terroristas del “Frente de al-Nosra” mientras trataban de atentar contra el aeropuerto militar de Menneg, y eliminaron agrupaciones suyas en los pueblos de Menneg, Kafar Antun.
Lynn A., Riyad Sh.
Army eliminates terrorists, destroys their hideouts and gatherings. Jun 27, 2013. Provinces, (SANA) – The armed forces continued its operations against the armed terrorist groups in Homs and its countryside and eliminated scores of the terrorists.
A military source told SANA reporter that the army fully controlled al-Sha'er gas field in Palmyra countryside and killed the terrorists in the area. The army killed scores of terrorists in the areas of al-Qarabees, al-Khaldyeh and al-Qusour in Homs city. The army units also pursued the armed terrorist groups in the areas of al-Wa'er, Kiseen, Talbeseh, Deir foul, Eyon Hassein, al-Ghanto and Beit Hajjo in Homs countryside and inflicted heavy losses upon the terrorists. -- ANSWER -- @OBAMA 666 --- con questa storia del tuo Al Qualeda caliphate worldwide, in Syria, per il genocidio, pulizia etnica delle minoranze, tu hai gettato la maschera della pecora, puttana!
The Reality of Events Army eliminates terrorists, destroys their hideouts and gatherings.
Army eliminates terrorists, destroys their hideouts and gatherings.
Jun 27, 2013.
Provinces, (SANA) – The armed forces continued its operations against the armed terrorist groups in Homs and its countryside and eliminated scores of the terrorists.
A military source told SANA reporter that the army fully controlled al-Sha'er gas field in Palmyra countryside and killed the terrorists in the area.
The army killed scores of terrorists in the areas of al-Qarabees, al-Khaldyeh and al-Qusour in Homs city.
The army units also pursued the armed terrorist groups in the areas of al-Wa'er, Kiseen, Talbeseh, Deir foul, Eyon Hassein, al-Ghanto and Beit Hajjo in Homs countryside and inflicted heavy losses upon the terrorists.
Army units eliminate terrorist leaders, destroy weapons and munitions cache in Damascus Countryside
Armed Forces unit eliminated a number of terrorists including Mahmoud Bashir Abu al-Lail in the areas of Adra al-Balad and its surroundings, Zamalka and Erbin in Damascus countryside, destroying their weapons and munitions, in addition to eliminating five terrorists near Harmala turnpike.
An Army unit clashed with a terrorist group near al-Thanawiya roundabout in the town of Harasta, eliminating two of its members: Osama Shelleh and Ghaith al-Barhamji.
In Douma area, another Army unit destroyed eliminated terrorists from "Liwa'a al-Islam" group including their leader Mustafa al-Waqaq and destroyed two heavy machineguns.
A weapons and munitions cache was destroyed in the farms surrounding Deir Salman in the eastern Ghouta area, eliminating a number of terrorists including Khaled Ghannoum and Amer al-Khatib.
Army units also destroyed terrorist gatherings in Qara, al-Nabek, Halboun mountains and al-Zabadni, with one unit eliminating and injuring members of a terrorist group including Ahmad Sanyour in Halboun mountains and destroying their weapons, while another unit pursued terrorists in the western mountains of al-Zabadani and eliminating a number of them including Ali Burhan.
In Daraya, Army units eliminated terrorists Rami Layla and Abu Saeed al-Derani, the latter being the elader of a terrorist group operating in the town.
In the town of Yelda, the Army destroyed terrorists' equipment and weapons and eliminated terrorists Mazen Saad and Walid Shakrin.
Army units eliminate terrorists, destroy their weapons and munitions in Aleppo
Army units eliminated a number of terrorist and destroyed three 23mm anti-aircraft guns in al-Layramoun area in Aleppo province, with one unit inflicting heavy losses upon terrorists in al-Layramoun roundabout and surrounding farms.
Other Army units carried out special operations west of al-Mansoura, near Jisr Babiss and al-Klairiye, eliminating a number of terrorist groups and destroying heavy machineguns they were using.
Army units repelled terrorists form Jabhat al-Nusra who attempted to attack Mennegh miltiary airport, destroying their gatherings in the villages of Mennegh and Kafr Antoun and in al-Alqamiya area.
In the southern entrance of Aleppo city, Army units eliminated terrorist groups which were committing robberies on the Aleppo-Idleb highway, while another unit clashed with terrorists in the village of al-Malkiye and killed four of them.
In Aleppo city, the Army eliminated terrorists and destroyed their weapons in al-Marjeh and Baidin roundabouts and in al-Sakhour, in addition to repelling a terrorist group which attempted to sneak into the Scientific Research Center in al-Rashidin neighborhood, killing a number of them including a Tunisian called Mohammad al-Haj Saleh who is wanted by the Tunisian authorities for committing assassinations.
Army units discover terrorists' tunnels in Aleppo
A unit of the armed forces, in cooperation with the citizens, discovered a number of tunnels drilled by terrorists toward al-Sulimania and al-Sayyed Ali in Aleppo.
An official source told SANA that citizens reported about hearing strange sounds in late night hours, adding that the authorities investigated the matter and discovered a number of tunnels drilled by terrorists from al-Wakilia and al-Hazaza toward al-Sulimania and al-Sayyed Ali.
The source added that an army unit in cooperation with citizens closed the tunnels.
Army units destroy terrorists' warehouse in Palmyra countryside
A unit of the armed forces destroyed a terrorists' warehouse full of weapons, ammunition and explosive devices in al-Tayba village in Palmyra countryside.
The source added that another army unit killed all members of an armed terrorist group who were perpetrating acts of terrorism at the entrance of the same village, in addition to destroying their weapons and ammunition.
He pointed out that an army unit killed and injured all members of an armed terrorist group in Bab-Houd , while another army unit destroyed terrorists' dens and gatherings along with the weapons and ammunition inside them.
Army destroys weapons' warehouse for terrorists in Lattakia
A unit of the armed forces destroyed ammunition's warehouse in Lattakia countryside, killing a number of terrorists.
An official source told SANA reporter in Lattakia that a unit of the armed forces targeted an armed terrorist group's gathering in the villages of al-Shahrourah and al-Zwaik, killing a number of terrorists and destroying 3 heavy machineguns and weapons and ammunition's warehouse.
Army targets terrorists' warehouses in Hasaka
An army unit destroyed a weapons' warehouse for terrorists affiliated to Jabhet al-Nusra terrorist organization in Markada area in Hasaka.
An official source told SANA reporter that the majority of the members of the group were killed or injured.
The army units eliminated 5 terrorists affiliated to Jabhet al-Nusra in the area of Sabah Elkhair in Hasaka countryside.
Army units eliminate terrorist in Hama and Idleb
Army units destroyed a number of hideouts for Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists in the areas of al-Thaljiya, Issa, al-Tarfawi and Rasm al-Ward in Hama countryside, along with the munitions and weapons inside them.
In Idleb countryside, Army units eliminated a number of terrorists in the villages and towns of al-Janoudiye, Deir Othman, al-Quniya, Maartamsrin, Tal Touqan, and Ma'aret al-Nu'man.
Another unit dismantled four explosives devices ranging in weight between 25 and 100 kilograms and rigged for remote detonation which were planted by terrorists on the road between al-Mastuma and Ariha.
The Army also eliminated an entire terrorist group and destroyed a heavy machinegun and a mortar launcher in the villages of Nahleh, al-Loza and al-Rami.
Army eliminates terrorists in Daraa
The armed forces clashed with terrorists who tried to attack military checkpoints in the areas of Jasem, Tafas and al-Mukhayam in Daraa countryside.
An official source told SANA that terrorists' hideouts were destroyed in Tafas and scores of terrorists, among them Ibrahim Mohammad al-Shaabanen, were killed.
An army unit clashed with an armed terrorist group that was committing murder and looting acts in al-Mukhayam, killing and injuring scores of the terrorists and destroying their weaponry and ammunition.
Another army unit clashed with terrorists who tried to attack military checkpoints near Jasem National Hospital, killing and injuring many of them, terrorist Sameh Mohammad al-Sahreef was identified among the dead.
Army units destroy terrorists' den in Homs countryside
Units of the armed forces destroyed a terrorists' den and killed all terrorists inside it near al-Ghajar crossroad in Talbisa area in Homs countryside.
An official source told SANA reporter that the operation resulted in destroying 2 anti-aircraft guns and heavy machineguns.
The source pointed out that another army unit targeted an armed terrorist group in al-Karitain- al-Safuania road to the east of Homs, inflicting heavy losses on them.
English Bulletin
Ciò che mi offri è cattivo, I.V. B. Ipsa Venena Bibas, Bevi tu stesso i tuoi veleni burn satan scit u sang da ngan, drink your poison made by yourself: in Jesus's name amen alleluia. burn satan scit u sang da ngan, drink your poison made by yourself: in Jesus's name amen alleluia
Mustafa sayed ali 3 weeks ago · LINKED COMMENT
oh. now you write a new Quran good for you but nothing is true and you dont have to be a muslim if you don't like it. Please stop laying about my religion
+Mustafa sayed ali sharia is nazism, ie, Islam will die, erased on all the world
CIA 666 NSA DATAGATE satana in culo a tutti 322 NWO FMI SpA Gmos agenda, biologia sintetica, alieni di merda, A.I. ] lo sanno tutti, che tutto quello che io faccio, è sempre di pubblico dominio: per convenzione universale Unius REI, voi smettete di manipolare Windows7 e toglietevi dalle palle!
questo è il crimine peggiore, il MASSIMALISMO, e non importa chi lo può commettere: 1. se presunti atei, che sono soltanto degli sporcaccioni, che vogliono fare tacere la propria coscienza, o, 2. se presunti religiosi ipocriti, perché religiosi veri o atei veri non sono massimalisti, invasivi DOGMATICI e bulli come è la ideologia del GENDER, Sodoma a tutti per legge dello Stato! NOI NON NEGHEREMO MAI LA LEGGE della Natura, la LEGGE NATURaLE ed il DIRITTO DI UN BAMBINO DI AVERE UN PADRE ED UNA MADRE normali, VERI, coraggiosi, CHE HANNO AVUTO LA DIGNITà E IL CORAGGIO DI AFFRONTARE, E DI RESPONSABILIZZARSI DI FRONTE ALLA PROPRIA IDENTITà SESSUALE, che è amore che unisce le alterità divergenti
tutti quelli che sono favorevoli alla sharia: sono nazisti per il califfato mondiale e faranno il genocidio di tutti i popoli, che è quello che la LEGA ARABA ha fatto e fa da 1400 anni! Islamici non sono italiani, francesi ecc.. sono sauditi nazisti, questo è un crimine ideologico che deve essere punito con la pena di morte, come ogni crimine di alto tradimento!
Egyptian convert still in jail having served his time
Published: June 22, 2015Having spent most of his adult life either harassed, in hiding, or in jail, former Muslim now Christian Mohamed Hegazy can expect more of the same. Hegazy, who has been in prison since December 2, 2013, is known to be the first Egyptian to openly seek a change from Muslim to Christian
The Calling
The True Knowledge is found in God
Prov 2: 5 Then shalt thou understand the fear of the LORD, and find the knowledgeof God
Rom 11: 33 O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! how unsearchable
2 cor 2: 14 Now thanks [be] unto God, which always causeth us to triumph in Christ, and maketh manifest the savour of his knowledge by us in every place. [are] his judgments, and his ways past finding out!
Prov 8: 17 I love them that love me; and those that seek me early shall find me.
The Bible describes many of it’s heroes with plenty of faults. Some of it’s heroes doubt God, are fearful when they face battle, argue and make mistakes. A book that is truthful about it’s heroes can be trusted more than one that isn’t. By Patty Ross
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Islamic extremists threw acid on a church leader on Christmas Eve shortly after a seven-day revival ...Girl in Uganda Loses Use of Legs after Leaving Islam for Christ
A 14-year-old girl in western Uganda is still unable to walk 10 months after her father tortured her ...Muslim Extremists Attack Worship Service in Uganda
About 40 Muslim extremists with machetes and clubs tried to break into a Sunday worship service ...Threats, Expulsions for Christian Couple in Uganda
When a young Muslim woman in northern Uganda heard about Jesus in February 2005 and began having ...Threats, Expulsions for Christian Couple
NAIROBI, Kenya, June 26 When a young Muslim woman in northern Uganda heard about Jesus in February ...
YouTube Rewind 2012
@322 Kerry // patetico coglione, cospiratore, ladro, bugiardo, satanista, ruffiano, tu hai ucciso John Kennedy, ed, tu hai rubato il signoraggio bancario al popolo americano!
ShalomGerusalemme 6 minuti fa
187AUDIOHOSTEM 666 // io ridurre in frantumi, il tuo cranio, ma, in pezzettini cosi, piccoli, che, neanche, tutte le puttane dello inferno riusciranno piu, ad incollare esso
[[ Armi chimiche in Siria: inquinata la scena del crimine! @322 Kerry stop, criminale, a minacciare, continuamente, altrimenti, il tuo Al/Qaiada, fara nuovi attentati, con le armi chimiche! STOP SADDAM, DI BOMBARDARE CON ARMI CHIMICHE IL TUO POPOLO! in questo modo sono stati distrutti 1000.000 di cristiani in Iraq ]] 17.09.2013, Il rapporto dell'Onu ha confermato che nell'attacco del 21 agosto a Damasco e' stato stato usato il gas sarin. Il che, in linea di massima, era chiaro anche prima che arrivasse la conclusione degli esperti. Nessuna risposta pero' alla domanda clou: chi e' stato? Cio' nonostante Stati Uniti, Gran Bretagna e Francia hanno interpretato a modo loro questo documento, annunciando che esso proverebbe la responsabilita' dell'esercito siriano. Nelle quaranta pagine del rapporto, non si trova nemmeno un cenno al fatto che proprio il regime di Assad avrebbe usato il gas contro l'opposizione e contro la popolazione civile.
ShalomGerusalemme 9 minuti fa
@322 Kerry stop, criminale, il tuo Al/Qaiada, fara nuovi attentati, con le armi chimiche! STOP SADDAM, DI BOMBARDARE CON ARMI CHIMICHE IL TUO POPOLO! in questo modo sono stati distrutti 1000.000 di cristiani in Iraq ]] Pero' -- ed e' quello che suscita parecchie preoccupazioni -- viene sottolineato che gli ispettori sono stati portati in luoghi che sono passati di mano piu' di una volta, per cui e' impossibile arrivare con tutta la certezza alla verita'. Nel linguaggio poliziesco potremmo dire che la scena del crimine e' stata inquinata. Ad esempio, leggiamo che evidentemente le scheggi degli ordigni esplosi insieme ad altre prove materiali, erano stati spostati prima dell'arrivo degli ispettori e che i razzi M14 potevano avere sia ogive originali che rudimentali. La conclusione degli ispettori infatti non dimostra la colpevolezza dell'Assad. Per tutto il periodo che siamo stati sul luogo, si legge nel documento, sono arrivate varie persone con nuove prove,
187AUDIOHOSTEM 9 minuti fa
ShalomGerusalemme 9 minuti fa
@322 Kerry stop, criminale, a minacciare, continuamente, altrimenti, il tuo Al/Qaiada, fara nuovi attentati, con le armi chimiche! STOP SADDAM, DI BOMBARDARE CON ARMI CHIMICHE IL TUO POPOLO! in questo modo sono stati distrutti 1000.000 di cristiani in Iraq ]] il che fa supporre che siano state spostate e probilimente, manomesse e manipolate. Nel presentare il rapporto Ban Ki--moon non ha tratto conclusioni univoche. Ha soltanto definito l'uso delle armi chimiche un crimine di guerra. Invece di cercare il colpevole, l'obiettivo della missione degli ispettori era capire se erano state usate e meno le armi chimiche e come erano state usate. Sara' compito di altri decidere se e' necessario portare avanti l'inchiesta per accertare la responsabilita' di chi ha usato le sostanze tossiche. Ognuno di noi ha il proprio parere. Io posso dire soltanto che questo e' stato un crimine molto grave. Gli esperti dell'Organizzazione per la proibizione delle armi chimiche
187AUDIOHOSTEM 9 minuti fa
187AUDIOHOSTEM 9 minuti fa
ShalomGerusalemme 9 minuti fa
@322 Kerry stop, criminale, il tuo Al/Qaiada, fara nuovi attentati, con le armi chimiche! STOP SADDAM, DI BOMBARDARE CON ARMI CHIMICHE IL TUO POPOLO! in questo modo sono stati distrutti 1000.000 di cristiani in Iraq ]] e dell'Organizzazione mondiale della sanita' hanno svolto l'inchiesta a partire dal 26 agosto. E' stato stabilito che nell'attacco erano stati usati i sistemi lanciarazzi di produzione sovietica RPU-14 che erano stati forniti alla Siria prima del 1969 e poi dismessi. Pero', secondo informazioni del 2010, razzi del genere sono stati in dotazione degli eserciti in Afghanistan, in Egitto e nello Yemen. In tutti questi paesi sono forti i gruppi di al-Qaeda che partecipano al conflitto siriano. Era facile quindi fornire questi ordigni in Siria perche' diventassero "prove". La Russia piu' volte aveva invitato i partner a non trarre conclusioni affrettate e concentrarsi sulla consegna degli arsenali chimici siriani sotto controllo internazionale.
ShalomGerusalemme 10 minuti fa
[[ Armi chimiche in Siria: inquinata la scena del crimine! @322 Kerry stop, criminale, a minacciare, continuamente, altrimenti, il tuo Al/Qaiada, fara nuovi attentati, con le armi chimiche! STOP SADDAM, DI BOMBARDARE CON ARMI CHIMICHE IL TUO POPOLO! in questo modo sono stati distrutti 1000.000 di cristiani in Iraq ]] In un incontro a Mosca con il ministro degli esteri egiziano Serghej Lavrov ha annunciato che bisogna rispettare gli accordi fra Mosca e Washington del 14 settembre. E' necessario renderci conto che se veramente vogliamo risolvare il problema della distruzione delle armi chimiche in Siria, la road map russo-americana apre una nuova strada attuabile, reale, concreta, pratica e professionale. Se qualcuno ritiene piu' importante minacciare ed intimorire di continuo con vari prestesti, deve sapere che in questo modo si spinge l'opposizione ad organizzare nuove provocazioni.
Army eliminates terrorists, destroys their hideouts and gatherings. Jun 27, 2013. Provinces, (SANA) -- The armed forces continued its operations against the armed terrorist groups in Homs and its countryside and eliminated scores of the terrorists. A military source told SANA reporter that the army fully controlled al-Sha'er gas field in Palmyra countryside and killed the terrorists in the area. The army killed scores of terrorists in the areas of al-Qarabees, al-Khaldyeh and al-Qusour in Homs city. The army units also pursued the armed terrorist groups in the areas of al-Wa'er, Kiseen, Talbeseh, Deir foul, Eyon Hassein, al-Ghanto and Beit Hajjo in Homs countryside and inflicted heavy losses upon the terrorists. -- ANSWER -- @OBAMA 666 --- con questa storia del tuo Al Qualeda caliphate worldwide, in Syria, per il genocidio, pulizia etnica delle minoranze, tu hai gettato la maschera della pecora, putana!
ShalomGerusalemme ha pubblicato un commento 21 minuti fa
@King Saudi Arabia - if you are the true face of Islam? then, the true face of Islam is Satanism Nazi! In fact, your allies are Satanists super: 666 Rothschild IMF [International Monetary Fund], and 322 Bush NWO [New World Order], one only, synagogue of Satan, with you: Babylon the Great Whore, you are! but, the Islamic your curse that lasted 1400 years? will end very soon! .. you are the god owl: Baal, Maruk, JabullOn, at the Bohemian Grove! also you drank human blood, with them!
ShalomGerusalemme ha pubblicato un commento 21 minuti fa
@King Saudi Arabia -- se tu sei il vero volto dell'Islam? allora, il vero volto dell'Islam è il satanismo nazista! infatti, i tuoi alleati sono i satanisti Rothscgild 666 FMI, e 322 Bush NWO.. ma, loro sono il dio gufo al Bohemian Grove! che c'è, forse anche tu hai bevuto il sangue umano, insieme a loro?
ShalomGerusalemme ha pubblicato un commento 28 minuti fa
actions Al Quaega, international terrorism USA CIA NATO, masonic system Bildenberg [Syria facing international terrorism funded by petrol sheikhdoms, pharisees IMF 666 NWO ally Saudi Arabia, agenda Sharia worldwide caliphate ]. Jun 25, 2013. Damascus, (SANA) -- Speaker of the People's Assembly Mohammad Jihad al-Laham affirmed that Syria is facing international terrorism orchestrated by old and neo colonialist countries and funded by petrol sheikhdoms that seek to legitimize terrorism by issuing takfiri fatwas that justify murder and destruction. During his meeting on Tuesday with secretary general of the Mauritanian Socialist Democratic Unionist Party, Mahfouz Weld Aziz, al-Laham said that Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Turkey are conspiring against Syria and supporting terrorism in service of suspect agendas, and that the Arab League is being controlled by Qatar.
ShalomGerusalemme ha pubblicato un commento 28 minuti fa
actions Al Quaega, international terrorism USA CIA NATO, masonic system Bildenberg [Syria facing international terrorism funded by petrol sheikhdoms, pharisees IMF 666 NWO ally Saudi Arabia, agenda Sharia worldwide caliphate ]. He said that the countries which support and arm terrorist groups in Syria will suffer the consequences of these actions when international terrorism turns its attention to them. Al-Laham affirmed that Syria stood fast due to the awareness of its people and its support for the Syrian Army, adding that the terrorists' use of explosive belts and car bombs showcases their failure in achieving anything in confronting the Syrian Army. For his part, Weld Aziz voiced the Mauritanian people's support for Syria in the face of the conspiracy,
ShalomGerusalemme ha pubblicato un commento 28 minuti fa
actions Al Quaega, international terrorism USA CIA NATO, masonic system Bildenberg [Syria facing international terrorism funded by petrol sheikhdoms, pharisees IMF 666 NWO ally Saudi Arabia, agenda Sharia worldwide caliphate ]. asserting that Syria's victory over the crisis is a victory for all Arabs and lauding the role of Syrian national media in uncovering the details of the conspiracy. He also lauded the sacrifices of the Syrian Army, saying that its battle with extremist terrorism is the battle of all Arabs. Al-Laham meets occupants of al-Asad suburb and al-Huriya neighborhood, Speaker al-Laham affirmed that the People's Assembly is open to all opinions and that it's working to find solutions to provide citizens' needs and reduce the effects of the crisis on them.
ShalomGerusalemme ha pubblicato un commento 28 minuti fa
actions Al Quaega, international terrorism USA CIA NATO, masonic system Bildenberg [Syria facing international terrorism funded by petrol sheikhdoms, pharisees IMF 666 NWO ally Saudi Arabia, agenda Sharia worldwide caliphate ]. During a meeting with people from al-Asad suburb in Damascus countryside and al-Huriya neighborhood in Damascus, al-Laham called for rallying forces and working together to overcome obstacles. He stressed the need for arranging the two areas' needs according to their priority in order to handle them with the relevant sides, saying that the progress made by the Syrian Army in confronting terrorist groups will relieve citizens' suffering. The citizens reviewed some of the problems they are facing due to attacks by terrorists and lack of some services,
ShalomGerusalemme ha pubblicato un commento 29 minuti fa
actions Al Quaega, international terrorism USA CIA NATO, masonic system Bildenberg [Syria facing international terrorism funded by petrol sheikhdoms, pharisees IMF 666 NWO ally Saudi Arabia, agenda Sharia worldwide caliphate ].calling for finding immediate solutions for shortages of fuel, gas and bread and providing health and sanitations services. They also called for eliminating terrorists and securing the roads which the terrorists are targeting. For his part, chairman of the national reconciliation committee at the Assembly, Omar Osi, reviewed the committee's work and the successes it achieved in resolving several cases of abductees, missing people and detainees.
ShalomGerusalemme ha pubblicato un commento 2 ore fa
אבי עזרא, said 17 hours ago channel reported for antisemitism - ANSWER - ShalomGerusalemme 1 second ago Idiot, trolls of shit! i am King of ISRAEL. [@ Benjamin Netanyahu Prime Minister of Israel - I WANT TO KNOW WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS EVIL!] [@Benjamin Netanyahu Prime Minister of Israel -- IO VOGLIO SAPERE CHI È IL RESPONSABILE DI QUESTA MALVAGITÀ!]
ShalomGerusalemme ha pubblicato un commento 2 ore fa
[Moscow: UN, US, Russia agreed on necessity of holding Syria conference soon. Serious dialogue among Syrians is only way to resolve crisis. but, criminal Al Quaeda, Minister: Saudi diplomacy: for: Worldwide caliphate sharia agenda, has no place in any solution. ]. Moscow, (SANA)_[Update] The Russian Foreign Ministry announced that representatives of the UN, US and Russia, during a meeting in Geneva on Tuesday, came to an agreement on the necessity of holding the international conference in Syria...Read more... ... Medelci: Serious dialogue among Syrians is only way to resolve crisis. Moscow, (SANA) -- Algerian Minister of Foreign Affairs Mourad Medelci affirmed that the only permanent way to resolve the crisis in Syria and guarantee its stability in the future is through serious dialogue...Read more... ...
ShalomGerusalemme ha pubblicato un commento 2 ore fa
[Moscow: UN, US, Russia agreed on necessity of holding Syria conference soon. Serious dialogue among Syrians is only way to resolve crisis. but, criminal Al Quaeda, Minister: Saudi diplomacy: for: Worldwide caliphate sharia agenda, has no place in any solution. ]. Matviyenko: Syria must not fall under control of extremist groups. Moscow, (SANA) -- Chairman of the Federation Council of Russia Valentina Matviyenko stressed that it mustn't be allowed for Syria to fall under the control of extremist, radical terrorist groups...Read more... ... Salehi: Solving crisis politically without foreign interference... Tehran, (SANA) -- Iranian Minister of Foreign Affairs Ali Akbar Salehi reiterated Iran's call for solving the crisis in Syria politically without foreign intervention...Read more... ...
ShalomGerusalemme ha pubblicato un commento 2 ore fa
[Moscow: UN, US, Russia agreed on necessity of holding Syria conference soon. Serious dialogue among Syrians is only way to resolve crisis. but, criminal Al Quaeda, Minister: Saudi diplomacy: for: Worldwide caliphate sharia agenda, has no place in any solution. ]. Al-Jaafari: No meaningful conference can be held if weapons continue to flow into Syria.. New York, (SANA)_ Syria's Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Dr. Bashar al-Jaafari said that the UN Assistant secretary-general for political affairs Oscar Fernandez-Taranco has not provided a complete picture of the situation in the Middle East...Read more... ... Information Minister: Saudi diplomacy has no place in any solution.
ShalomGerusalemme ha pubblicato un commento 2 ore fa
[Moscow: UN, US, Russia agreed on necessity of holding Syria conference soon. Serious dialogue among Syrians is only way to resolve crisis. but, criminal Al Quaeda, Minister: Saudi diplomacy: for: Worldwide caliphate sharia agenda, has no place in any solution. ]. DAMASCUS, (SANA)-Minister of Information Omran al-Zoubi said that the Saudi diplomacy, which is trembling for fear of the victories of the Syrian army, couldn't represent the Saudi brotherly people ...Read more... ... Russia, Algeria stress need to reach political settlement to crisis in Syria. Moscow, (SANA) -- Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergei Lavrov stressed that Russia and Algeria agree on the need to reach a political settlement to the crisis in Syria...Read more... ... ; ;; drink your poison made by yourself
ShalomGerusalemme ha pubblicato un commento 2 ore fa
. @youtube Bush 322, 666 CIA, IhateNewLayout //--- se io parlo con voi, è soltanto, perché, anche, San Francesco parlava con il lupo, la mia agenda, deve essere, quella di fare diventare: ogni lupo, un cane da guardia, io non ho progettato: di uccidere qualcuno: a livello politico: cioè, fisicamente,. anche se, nessuno deve fare: di me, il complice: dei suoi delitti del cazzo, infatti, in ogni essere umano, anche se: lui è pieno di demoni, come Rothschild il fariseo? io vedo un essere umano mio fratello.. e perché, mi posso dimenticare di essere divino, qualche volta, ma, purtroppo io non mi posso mai dimenticare di essere umano.
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento 10 ore fa
187AUDIOHOSTEM youtube 666: criminal cannibal, for nanking seigniorage SpA: IMF NWO 322, said: 1 day ago, " You Should Try It [Astral Projection] ". --- ANSWER --- The ONLY good thing: that: your witches can do? and when they do: to the "doggy style", because apparently, they have not been able to find a good astral protection for you against me! L'UNICA cosa buona: che: le tue streghe possono fare? e quando loro fanno alla "pecorina", perché a quanto pare, loro non hanno saputo trovare una buona astrale protezione per te, contro di me!
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento 10 ore fa
@ IhatenewLayout 666 (bis) "bevi il tuo veleno fatto da solo" ha scritto un commento: 25 minuti fa: "@ 187AUDIOHOSTEM si nome è Eric???" - RISPOSTA - SATANA ha riempito di merda, Tutte le cellule del Tuo Cervello, 187AUDIOHOSTEM is youtube!" --ANSWER -- SATANA ha riempito di merda, tutte le cellule del tuo cervello, 187AUDIOHOSTEM è youtube: an priest for satan Rothschild's cult god Owl, your master! you can not know him, because, when you do the cannibals, during, human sacrifice on your altar of Satan? he is always hooded! tu non puoi conoscere lui, perché, quando, voi fare i cannibali, durante, il sacrificio umano, sul vostro altare di satana? lui è sempre incappucciato!
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento 10 ore fa
@King Saudi ARABIA -- tu dai un freno, alla tua merda religiosa, coglione!
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento 10 ore fa
06/26/2013 [SYRIA [ @ King Saudi ARABIA - these are the fruits ye cursed, of cursed, your prophet cursed! and your damn IMF-NWO Obama ally 666 322 Kerry, for your cursed dhimmi, Arab LEAGUE, for Sharia worldwide caliphate! ]] Fr Mourad, "a man of faith" who gave his life for Christ and Syrians. Interviewed by AsiaNews, a Franciscan in Syria talks about Fr Franҫois Mourad's mission, who was killed last Sunday in Al-Ghassaniyah (Idlib). Despite Islamist threats, he chose to stay and help the village parish priest and residents. Damascus (AsiaNews) - "Fr Franҫois Mourad was a man of faith, who chose to build from scratch the Monastery of St Simeon Stylites, despite the difficulties of the war, challenging Islamic extremists.
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento 10 ore fa
[SYRIA [ @ King Saudi ARABIA - these are the fruits ye cursed, of cursed, your prophet cursed! and your damn IMF-NWO Obama ally 666 322 Kerry, for your cursed dhimmi, Arab LEAGUE, for Sharia worldwide caliphate! ]] Unfortunately, his attempt failed, but his life was fulfilled through the most extreme sacrifice: giving his life for Jesus and for the people who were with him," a Syrian Franciscan friar told AsiaNews, anonymous for security reasons. "In past years, Fr Franҫois Mourad repeatedly put his life on the line in Syria pushing for the construction of the monastery," the priest said. "Initially, he bought some land near Aleppo with the help of some local families, but was chased away by Islamic extremists.
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento 10 ore fa
[SYRIA [ @ King Saudi ARABIA - these are the fruits ye cursed, of cursed, your prophet cursed! and your damn IMF-NWO Obama ally 666 322 Kerry, for your cursed dhimmi, Arab LEAGUE, for Sharia worldwide caliphate! ]] So he decided to fall back on Al-Ghassaniyah, where he built a small hermitage a few kilometres from the village with the help of some young Syrians." "His work had just started," the monk explained, "when Islamist troops put the area under siege. He eventually found himself alone as his postulants fled because of the war, witnessing helplessly the destruction and looting of the monastery and nearby villages." "Fr Franҫois Mourad had the opportunity to go away, to take shelter in a safer area, but decided to stay in order to serve his people,
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento 10 ore fa
[SYRIA [ @ King Saudi ARABIA - these are the fruits ye cursed, of cursed, your prophet cursed! and your damn IMF-NWO Obama ally 666 322 Kerry, for your cursed dhimmi, Arab LEAGUE, for Sharia worldwide caliphate! ]] willing to help the local parish priest and the nuns of the Franciscan Monastery of St Anthony in the village of Al-Ghassaniyah, which had an infirmary; the only clinic in the area and a point of reference for many Christian and Muslim families." "Here Fr Franҫois replaced the parish priest whenever he was traveling to other convents, giving comfort to families housed in the convent and the nuns too." On the day of Fr Francois's death, the parish priest was out. When armed Islamists came, the Franciscan friar was alone in the convent with the nuns and some lay Christians.
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento 10 ore fa
[SYRIA [ @ King Saudi ARABIA - these are the fruits ye cursed, of cursed, your prophet cursed! and your damn IMF-NWO Obama ally 666 322 Kerry, for your cursed dhimmi, Arab LEAGUE, for Sharia worldwide caliphate! ]] A few more hours and two priests would have been killed. " According to the monk, Fr Franҫois did not even have time to argue with the gunmen bent on plundering the convent. As soon as he stood in front of them, they shot him dead on the spot. "We found out what happened from a Rosary sister who reached our convent in tears and told us about the tragedy." "Right now, we know that there are still six people in Al-Ghassaniyah, but we do not know whether they are Christian or Muslim.
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento 10 ore fa
[SYRIA [ @ King Saudi ARABIA - these are the fruits ye cursed, of cursed, your prophet cursed! and your damn IMF-NWO Obama ally 666 322 Kerry, for your cursed dhimmi, Arab LEAGUE, for Sharia worldwide caliphate! ]] Our job is to stand with the people and pray. We are doing everything we can to help and assist those who remain, even if it is only by giving some courage and hope." (S.C.)@King Saudi ARABIA -- questi sono i frutti maledetti, del tuo maledetto profeta! e del tuo maledetto alleato 666 Obama FMI-NWO 322 Kerry! @King SAUDI ARABIA -- tu porta via, le tue bestie di satana, dalla Siria! Questo è il mio tempo, il tempo del mio DOMINIO universale, io sono la fratellanza universale, una sola legge, per un solo genere umano!
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento 11 ore fa
[[Per colpire la Chiesa di Pio XII, attraverso, l'invenzione: dei cristiani-nazisti, per colpire: alle spalle: Israele (2013-06-22 L'Osservatore Romano) Ma questa, del:Centro Primo Levi: sembra, ideologia: nazi sionista: demo-pluto-giudaico massone, del FMI 666 NWO, non sembra essere storia!]] Giovanni Palatucci, questore reggente di Fiume nel 1944, arrestato dai tedeschi e morto a Dachau nel febbraio 1945, dichiarato nel 1990 Giusto delle Nazioni per l'opera di soccorso prestata agli ebrei nella sua attività presso la questura di Fiume, riconosciuto dalla Chiesa servo di Dio, è stato improvvisamente trasformato in un persecutore di ebrei, in uno zelante esecutore degli ordini di Salò e dei nazisti. All'origine di questo rivolgimento, una ricerca condotta
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento 11 ore fa
[[Per colpire la Chiesa di Pio XII, attraverso, l'invenzione: dei cristiani-nazisti, per colpire: alle spalle: Israele (2013-06-22 L'Osservatore Romano) Ma questa, del:Centro Primo Levi: sembra, ideologia: nazi sionista: demo-pluto-giudaico massone, del FMI 666 NWO, non sembra essere storia!]] a cura del Centro Primo Levi di New York da un comitato internazionale di storici che hanno analizzato la documentazione esistente negli archivi tanto italiani che croati. Mi auguro che il Museo di Washington, che ha immediatamente cancellato dai suoi siti e dalle mostre il nome di Palatucci, abbia avuto accesso alla documentazione e non solo alla lunga analisi che ne fa il Centro Primo Levi e che, a un'attenta lettura, può al massimo ridimensionare il numero degli ebrei
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento 11 ore fa
[[Per colpire la Chiesa di Pio XII, attraverso, l'invenzione: dei cristiani-nazisti, per colpire: alle spalle: Israele (2013-06-22 L'Osservatore Romano) Ma questa, del:Centro Primo Levi: sembra, ideologia: nazi sionista: demo-pluto-giudaico massone, del FMI 666 NWO, non sembra essere storia!]] salvati da Palatucci riducendoli a qualche decina(quelli documentati): dagli originari cinquemila (della sua segreta organizzazione sociale ed ecclesiastica), che, gli erano attribuiti, e restringere il ruolo da lui avuto in alcuni episodi, ma non certo trasformarlo da salvatore in persecutore degli ebrei. Ugualmente mi auguro che si possa avere rapidamente accesso alle fonti come si è avuto accesso alla loro interpretazione a opera del Centro. Siamo in realtà di fronte a un problema di mancanza di documentazione.
UniusRei3 ha pubblicato un commento 11 ore fa
[[Per colpire la Chiesa di Pio XII, attraverso, l'invenzione: dei cristiani-nazisti, per colpire: alle spalle: Israele (2013-06-22 L'Osservatore Romano) Ma questa, del:Centro Primo Levi: sembra, ideologia: nazi sionista: demo-pluto-giudaico massone, del FMI 666 NWO, non sembra essere storia!]] Ma la stessa mancanza di documentazione troviamo nell'attività di salvataggio degli ebrei messa in atto nei conventi di Roma. Vogliamo negarla in base alla mancanza di documenti scritti che la comprovino? L'attività di Palatucci, come tutte le attività di questo genere, non poteva che svolgersi nel segreto. Poteva svolgersi senza legami con quella della Delegazione per l'assistenza degli emigranti ebrei, su iniziativa individuale? Questa è una risposta che ci attendiamo dai documenti, dal confronto con altre situazioni, non dalle interpretazioni.
La realidad de los acontecimientos en Sria>>Ejército extermina a terroristas del Frente de al-Nosra en varias provincias
Ejército extermina a terroristas del Frente de al-Nosra en varias provincias
Jun 26, 2013
Provincias, SANA
Una fuente militar informó que las FFAA eliminaron a varios terroristas en los barrios de al-Karabis, al-Khalidiya y cerca del barrio de al-Kusur en la ciudad de Homs. Asimismo añadió que unidades del ejército tomaron control del yacimiento de gas de al-Shaer en el campo de Palmira, arrasando con los últimos terroristas atrincherados allí.
Asimismo añadió que unidades del ejército tomaron control del yacimiento de gas de al-Shaer en el campo de Palmira, arrasando con los últimos terroristas atrincherados allí.
Igualmente agregó que las FFAA infligieron significativas bajas en las filas terroristas en diferentes poblados y localidades del campo de Homs (Kisin, al-Rastan, Talbisa, al-Ghanto, Beit Hayo..)
FFAA destruyen un depósito de armas de terroristas del Frente de al-Nosra en el campo de Hasaka
Una unidad del ejército destruyó un depósito de armas y municiones de un grupo terrorista afiliado al “Frente de al-Nosra” al sur de la ciudad de Hasaka, dejando a la mayoría de sus integrantes, muertos o heridos, según reveló una fuente oficial.
La fuente añadió que una unidad del ejército acabó con cinco terroristas del “Frente de al-Nosra” que perpetraban saqueos y asaltos en la zona de Sabah al-Kheir en el campo de Hasaka.
FFAA arrasan con terroristas del “Frente de al-Nosra” en los campos de Hama e Idleb
Una fuente militar informó que las FFAA destruyeron varios zulos de terroristas del “Frente de al-Nosra” en las zonas de al-Zalyiya, al-Tarfaui y Rasem al-Wared en el campo de Hama, eliminando a los mercenarios que se encontraban adentro junto con sus pertrechos bélicos.
La fuente añadió que unidades del ejército acabaron con un número de terroristas en los poblados y localidades de al-Yanudiya, Maartamasrin, Deir Ozman, Maarat al-Noman en el campo de Idleb.
Asimismo los zapadores desactivaron cuatro artefactos explosivos activables a distancia, cuyo peso oscila entre 25 y 100 kg, los cuales fueron sembrados por los terroristas en la carretera de al-Mastuma/Ariha.
También agregó que las FFAA aniquilaron a un grupo terrorista y pertrechos bélicos suyos en los poblados de al-Nahle, al-Rami y al-Lauza en el campo de Idleb.
FFAA prosiguen sus operativos en Damasco-campo
Asimismo unidades del ejército llevaron a cabo una serie de operativos contra zulos de terroristas en Ghouta Oriental y el campo sureño y noroeste de Damasco, en los cuales exterminaron a dos cabecillas y destruyeron un depósito de armas y municiones.
Una fuente oficial informó que varios terroristas fueron abatidos en Adra al-Balad y sus alrededores, Zamalka, Arbin, la ciudad de Harasta y la zona de Duma.
Asimismo señaló que las FFAA aniquilaron a terroristas junto con sus pertrechos bélicos en las fincas circundantes de Deir Salman en Ghouta Oriental.
En el campo noroeste, unidades del ejército acabaron con agrupaciones de terroristas en Kara, al-Nabek, los montes de Halbun y al-Zabadani u los montes al oeste de la ciudad de al-Zabadani.
A todo ello, unidades del ejército persiguieron a terroristas en el campo sureño de Damasco donde eliminaron a un cabecilla en Dareya, y destruyeron armas de terroristas en la localidad de Yalda.
Ejército extermina a terroristas en Alepo y su campo
A todo ello, las FFAA efectuaron varios operativos exitosos contra los terroristas en varias zonas de Alepo y su campo, logrando infligir en sus filas significativas bajas y destruirles pertrechos bélicos.
En el campo de Alepo, unidades del ejército hicieron frente a terroristas del “Frente de al-Nosra” mientras trataban de atentar contra el aeropuerto militar de Menneg, y eliminaron agrupaciones suyas en los pueblos de Menneg, Kafar Antun.
Lynn A., Riyad Sh.
Army eliminates terrorists, destroys their hideouts and gatherings. Jun 27, 2013. Provinces, (SANA) – The armed forces continued its operations against the armed terrorist groups in Homs and its countryside and eliminated scores of the terrorists.
A military source told SANA reporter that the army fully controlled al-Sha'er gas field in Palmyra countryside and killed the terrorists in the area. The army killed scores of terrorists in the areas of al-Qarabees, al-Khaldyeh and al-Qusour in Homs city. The army units also pursued the armed terrorist groups in the areas of al-Wa'er, Kiseen, Talbeseh, Deir foul, Eyon Hassein, al-Ghanto and Beit Hajjo in Homs countryside and inflicted heavy losses upon the terrorists. -- ANSWER -- @OBAMA 666 --- con questa storia del tuo Al Qualeda caliphate worldwide, in Syria, per il genocidio, pulizia etnica delle minoranze, tu hai gettato la maschera della pecora, puttana!
The Reality of Events Army eliminates terrorists, destroys their hideouts and gatherings.
Army eliminates terrorists, destroys their hideouts and gatherings.
Jun 27, 2013.
Provinces, (SANA) – The armed forces continued its operations against the armed terrorist groups in Homs and its countryside and eliminated scores of the terrorists.
A military source told SANA reporter that the army fully controlled al-Sha'er gas field in Palmyra countryside and killed the terrorists in the area.
The army killed scores of terrorists in the areas of al-Qarabees, al-Khaldyeh and al-Qusour in Homs city.
The army units also pursued the armed terrorist groups in the areas of al-Wa'er, Kiseen, Talbeseh, Deir foul, Eyon Hassein, al-Ghanto and Beit Hajjo in Homs countryside and inflicted heavy losses upon the terrorists.
Army units eliminate terrorist leaders, destroy weapons and munitions cache in Damascus Countryside
Armed Forces unit eliminated a number of terrorists including Mahmoud Bashir Abu al-Lail in the areas of Adra al-Balad and its surroundings, Zamalka and Erbin in Damascus countryside, destroying their weapons and munitions, in addition to eliminating five terrorists near Harmala turnpike.
An Army unit clashed with a terrorist group near al-Thanawiya roundabout in the town of Harasta, eliminating two of its members: Osama Shelleh and Ghaith al-Barhamji.
In Douma area, another Army unit destroyed eliminated terrorists from "Liwa'a al-Islam" group including their leader Mustafa al-Waqaq and destroyed two heavy machineguns.
A weapons and munitions cache was destroyed in the farms surrounding Deir Salman in the eastern Ghouta area, eliminating a number of terrorists including Khaled Ghannoum and Amer al-Khatib.
Army units also destroyed terrorist gatherings in Qara, al-Nabek, Halboun mountains and al-Zabadni, with one unit eliminating and injuring members of a terrorist group including Ahmad Sanyour in Halboun mountains and destroying their weapons, while another unit pursued terrorists in the western mountains of al-Zabadani and eliminating a number of them including Ali Burhan.
In Daraya, Army units eliminated terrorists Rami Layla and Abu Saeed al-Derani, the latter being the elader of a terrorist group operating in the town.
In the town of Yelda, the Army destroyed terrorists' equipment and weapons and eliminated terrorists Mazen Saad and Walid Shakrin.
Army units eliminate terrorists, destroy their weapons and munitions in Aleppo
Army units eliminated a number of terrorist and destroyed three 23mm anti-aircraft guns in al-Layramoun area in Aleppo province, with one unit inflicting heavy losses upon terrorists in al-Layramoun roundabout and surrounding farms.
Other Army units carried out special operations west of al-Mansoura, near Jisr Babiss and al-Klairiye, eliminating a number of terrorist groups and destroying heavy machineguns they were using.
Army units repelled terrorists form Jabhat al-Nusra who attempted to attack Mennegh miltiary airport, destroying their gatherings in the villages of Mennegh and Kafr Antoun and in al-Alqamiya area.
In the southern entrance of Aleppo city, Army units eliminated terrorist groups which were committing robberies on the Aleppo-Idleb highway, while another unit clashed with terrorists in the village of al-Malkiye and killed four of them.
In Aleppo city, the Army eliminated terrorists and destroyed their weapons in al-Marjeh and Baidin roundabouts and in al-Sakhour, in addition to repelling a terrorist group which attempted to sneak into the Scientific Research Center in al-Rashidin neighborhood, killing a number of them including a Tunisian called Mohammad al-Haj Saleh who is wanted by the Tunisian authorities for committing assassinations.
Army units discover terrorists' tunnels in Aleppo
A unit of the armed forces, in cooperation with the citizens, discovered a number of tunnels drilled by terrorists toward al-Sulimania and al-Sayyed Ali in Aleppo.
An official source told SANA that citizens reported about hearing strange sounds in late night hours, adding that the authorities investigated the matter and discovered a number of tunnels drilled by terrorists from al-Wakilia and al-Hazaza toward al-Sulimania and al-Sayyed Ali.
The source added that an army unit in cooperation with citizens closed the tunnels.
Army units destroy terrorists' warehouse in Palmyra countryside
A unit of the armed forces destroyed a terrorists' warehouse full of weapons, ammunition and explosive devices in al-Tayba village in Palmyra countryside.
The source added that another army unit killed all members of an armed terrorist group who were perpetrating acts of terrorism at the entrance of the same village, in addition to destroying their weapons and ammunition.
He pointed out that an army unit killed and injured all members of an armed terrorist group in Bab-Houd , while another army unit destroyed terrorists' dens and gatherings along with the weapons and ammunition inside them.
Army destroys weapons' warehouse for terrorists in Lattakia
A unit of the armed forces destroyed ammunition's warehouse in Lattakia countryside, killing a number of terrorists.
An official source told SANA reporter in Lattakia that a unit of the armed forces targeted an armed terrorist group's gathering in the villages of al-Shahrourah and al-Zwaik, killing a number of terrorists and destroying 3 heavy machineguns and weapons and ammunition's warehouse.
Army targets terrorists' warehouses in Hasaka
An army unit destroyed a weapons' warehouse for terrorists affiliated to Jabhet al-Nusra terrorist organization in Markada area in Hasaka.
An official source told SANA reporter that the majority of the members of the group were killed or injured.
The army units eliminated 5 terrorists affiliated to Jabhet al-Nusra in the area of Sabah Elkhair in Hasaka countryside.
Army units eliminate terrorist in Hama and Idleb
Army units destroyed a number of hideouts for Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists in the areas of al-Thaljiya, Issa, al-Tarfawi and Rasm al-Ward in Hama countryside, along with the munitions and weapons inside them.
In Idleb countryside, Army units eliminated a number of terrorists in the villages and towns of al-Janoudiye, Deir Othman, al-Quniya, Maartamsrin, Tal Touqan, and Ma'aret al-Nu'man.
Another unit dismantled four explosives devices ranging in weight between 25 and 100 kilograms and rigged for remote detonation which were planted by terrorists on the road between al-Mastuma and Ariha.
The Army also eliminated an entire terrorist group and destroyed a heavy machinegun and a mortar launcher in the villages of Nahleh, al-Loza and al-Rami.
Army eliminates terrorists in Daraa
The armed forces clashed with terrorists who tried to attack military checkpoints in the areas of Jasem, Tafas and al-Mukhayam in Daraa countryside.
An official source told SANA that terrorists' hideouts were destroyed in Tafas and scores of terrorists, among them Ibrahim Mohammad al-Shaabanen, were killed.
An army unit clashed with an armed terrorist group that was committing murder and looting acts in al-Mukhayam, killing and injuring scores of the terrorists and destroying their weaponry and ammunition.
Another army unit clashed with terrorists who tried to attack military checkpoints near Jasem National Hospital, killing and injuring many of them, terrorist Sameh Mohammad al-Sahreef was identified among the dead.
Army units destroy terrorists' den in Homs countryside
Units of the armed forces destroyed a terrorists' den and killed all terrorists inside it near al-Ghajar crossroad in Talbisa area in Homs countryside.
An official source told SANA reporter that the operation resulted in destroying 2 anti-aircraft guns and heavy machineguns.
The source pointed out that another army unit targeted an armed terrorist group in al-Karitain- al-Safuania road to the east of Homs, inflicting heavy losses on them.
English Bulletin