Sanders Slammed for Not Speaking Out Against Sarsour’s Anti-Semitism https://unitedwithisrael.org/sanders-slammed-for-not-speaking-out-against-sarsours-anti-semitism/#.Xe1AouDFslE.twitter

dhimmis kafir murtids Yitzhak •
Francia: scioperi e manifestazioni. Stasera riunione Eliseo. Governo da Macron, settimana cruciale
se, Satana avesse una coscienza: Di Maio, Mogherini, Zingaretti, Mattarella, Maduro, lgbt, Bilderberg, Soros, Trudeou, Merkel Rothschild e Macron?
restituirebbero il mal tolto e si dimetterebbero!

dhimmis kafir murtids Yitzhak •
Netanyahu, popolo scelga tra me e Gantz
ok, Pd, Blu-Bianco Sodoma e Dracula fanno schifo!!!

dhimmis kafir murtids Yitzhak •
quell'infame traditore ha fatto bene a non farsi rappresentare dal Presepe di Gesù BAMBINO!
Conte posta foto con figlio e albero di Natale: 'Buona domenica'
Il premier addobba il simbolo delle Feste nel suo studio a Palazzo Chigi

lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah •
il partito democratico è un infamia totale!
il partito democratico è: contro la famiglia naturale, perverso, tecnocratico, massonico, anti-patriottico ed anti-costituzionale, quindi deve essere dichiarato illegale!

cammo99 •
Sander's is a western socialist he actually believes socialism will solve the worlds problems and Islams with it by redistributing wealth and power.. You know he's a lying hypocrite with 3 houses and millions banked. Its just another narcissist enjoying the headlines even if it must be shared by a Muslim Brotherhood agent of Islamic Revolutionary world oppression over anything that is not.

SAWolf •
The GD kapo agrees with the muslim swine.

ZionMyHome •
The DNC of today is definitely not the DNC of days long past. It is overrun by ultra-deluded fools that hate the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. It's time to trust God alone and recognize that human politicians from both the right and the left can be enemies of humanity.
Sanders Slammed for Not Speaking Out Against Sarsour’s Anti-Semitism https://unitedwithisrael.org/sanders-slammed-for-not-speaking-out-against-sarsours-anti-semitism/#.Xe1AouDFslE.twitter