Sanders Slammed for Not Speaking Out Against Sarsour’s Anti-Semitism dhimmis kafir murtids Yitzhak •
Francia: scioperi e manifestazioni. Stasera riunione Eliseo. Governo da Macron, settimana cruciale ANSWER se, Satana avesse una coscienza: Di Maio, Mogherini, Zingaretti, Mattarella, Maduro, lgbt, Bilderberg, Soros, Trudeou, Merkel Rothschild e Macron? restituirebbero il mal tolto e si dimetterebbero!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
8 minuti fa
Sanders Slammed for Not Speaking Out Against Sarsour’s Anti-Semitism dhimmis kafir murtids Yitzhak • Netanyahu, popolo scelga tra me e Gantz ANSWER ok, Pd, Blu-Bianco Sodoma e Dracula fanno schifo!!!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
14 minuti fa
WATCH: Despite Ban on Non-Muslim Prayer, Jews Pray on Temple Mount! lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah • Corea Nord: Test da area lanci a lungo raggio, ma non svela il tipo. secondo Kim Jong-un 'Risultato avrà impatto importante, per attese nuove concessioni da Usa' ANSWER. nessuna concessione può essere fatta: finché i cristiani finiscono sterminati nei laogai
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
23 minuti fa
Sanders Slammed for Not Speaking Out Against Sarsour’s Anti-Semitism quell'infame traditore ha fatto bene a non farsi rappresentare dal Presepe di Gesù BAMBINO! Conte posta foto con figlio e albero di Natale: 'Buona domenica' Politica. Il premier addobba il simbolo delle Feste nel suo studio a Palazzo Chigi
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
34 minuti fa
Israel's president thanks Lebanese businessman who bought Hitler artifacts Alex Peshansky • “Never forget” means keeping these disgusting reminders. lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah Alex Peshansky • Yes sure: but you should not forget that: it is because of the Rothschilds and the European Rabbis: satans Synagogue (the super rich: Masons thieves and conspirators) that fascism and Nazism arose: because the peoples were desperate: for: extreme poverty, mafia social injustice, anarchy, usury, bureaucracy, debt contracted by the rothschild private banks scam, seigniorage scam banking .. just, everything that's happening today, and that you don't want to see: in the democratic bilderberg party, FED FMI BCE lgbt sodom the vampires: Soros Merkel Macron Trudeau, Prodi, Monti, Morgan, Mauduch Murdoch, etc. si certo: ma tu non dovresti dimenticare che: è per colpa dei Rothschild e dei Rabbini europei (i super ricchi: ladri massoni e congiurati) che il fascismo e in nazismo sono sorti: perché i popoli erano disperati: per: estrema povertà, ingiustizia sociale mafia, anarchia, usura, burocrazia, debito contratto con la truffa delle banche private rothschild, scam banking seigniorage.. proprio, tutto quello che sta succendendo oggi, e che tu non vuoi vedere: nel partito democratico bilderberg, FED FMI BCE lgbt sodoma i vampiri: Soros Merkel Macron Trudeau, Prodi, Monti, Morgan, Mauduch Murdoch, ecc..v
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
44 minuti fa
Israel's president thanks Lebanese businessman who bought Hitler artifacts lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah aldo • you Jewish globalists and technocratic speculative finance you will burn in hell: because no truth and no justice has been found in you .. that's why I'm here to protect Israel from you! voi ebrei globalisti e tecnocratici finanza speculativa brucerete all'inferno: perché nessuna verità e nessuna giustizia è stata trovata in voi.. ecco perché io sono quì a proteggere Israele da voi!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
46 minuti fa
after 400 years of an unequal struggle against your Synagogue of Satan, after 640 excommunications against the Morgan Rochefellers and against Freemasonry, the Church lost with immense losses its mortal struggle against Freemasonry! So in reaction to the SATAN Synagogue: world wear was born of the totalitarianism of the 20th century. the Great Servant of God, the Holy Pope Pius XII, NOT was a supporter of Hitler !!! rather, 1. as a bishop, he made a document against Nazism: that all German priests hid in the Blessed Sacrament, and that they read simultaneously. 2. as Pope he was giving as a ransom for all the Jews of the ghetto: 3 kg of gold, but, the infamous Nazis went back on the word and stole gold and deported the Jews anyway. 3. the Great Servant of God, Pope Pius XII, his Dutch Bishops (with his permission) made a public document against Nazism: and Hitler in retaliation (and for the happiness of the Anglo-American Rothschilds) killed 10,000: nuns priests and seminarians, who were all Jews converted to Christianity. So what the churches could say in the century of totalitarianism (fascism Nazism and communism) for their insubordination have all paid a huge toll of blood. 4. Pope Pius XII organized a secret network to hide Jews in convents and to send them to the USA with false documents! dopo 400 anni di una impari lotta contro la tua Sinagoga di Satana, dopo 640 scomuniche contro i Morgan Rochefeller e contro la Massoneria, la Chiesa perse con perdite immani la sua lotta mortale contro la massoneria! Quindi in reazione alla Sinagoga di SATANA: la usura mondiale nacquero i totalitarismo del 900. il Grande Servo di Dio, il Santo Papa Pio XII, NOT was a supporter of Hitler!!! anzi, 1. da Vescovo, lui fece un documento contro il Nazismo: che tutti i Preti tedeschi nascosero nel santissimo Sacramento, e che lessero contemporaneamente. 2. come Papa stava donando come riscatto per tutti gli ebrei del ghetto: 3 kg di oro, ma, i nazisti infami si rimangiarono la parola e rubarono l'oro e deportarono comunque gli ebrei. 3. il Grande Servo di Dio, Papa Pio XII, i suoi Vescovi Olandesi (con il suo permesso ) fecero un documento pubblico contro il nazismo: e Hitler per rappresaglia (e per la felicità dei Rothschild anglo-americani) uccise 10.000: preti suore e seminaristi, che erano tutti ebrei convertiti al cristianesimo. Quindi, cosa le chiese potevano dire nel secolo del totalitarismo (fascismo nazismo e comunismo) per la loro insubordinazione hanno pagato tutti un enorme tributo di sangue. 4. Papa Pio XII organizzò una rete segreta per nascondere gli ebrei nei conventi e per farli partire in USA con documenti falsi!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
1 ora fa
lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah aldo • if my life is garbage for you, this is your problem! I never think that the life of someone in the whole world can be a garbage, because as long as one is alive, one can always be covered by God's grace and mercy! se la mia vita per te è una immondizia, questo è un tuo problema! io non penso mai che la vita di qualcuno in tutto il mondo possa essere una immondizia, perché finché uno è vivo può sempre essere coperto dalla grazia e dalla misericordia di Dio!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
1 ora fa
"my President RIVLIN Reuven] thank you .. God bless you powerfully! [8-December 1986 [(Yitzchak saw him on TV in 1982 when I served the Mass to His Holiness John Paul II (יצחק כדורי يسحاق كدوري), also spelled Kadouri, Kadourie, Kedourie; "Yitzhak" (c. 1898 - January 28, 2006)] the 08-December 1986: feast of the IMMACULATE Conception: I should have been ordained DIACONO, but, my ex-pastor, today he is my Archbishop (it is a contradiction with the canon law that says that nobody should be a Bishop in the his Diocese of origin), but, he said that I was crazy, then the Archbishop of the time: he thought that my ex-pastor had to be very intelligent .. so if i wasn't crazy? the priests would have made me REALLY crazy and anyway, that is, if the Holy Spirit had not locked my brain!'
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
1 ora fa
Israel's president thanks Lebanese businessman who bought Hitler artifacts aldo dhimmis kafir murtids Yitzhak • "my Israeli president Reuven Rivlin] [the greatest demons in the history of mankind are: 1. the synagogue of Satan: 666 Biden FED FMI BM BCE NWO; the Freemason of Kerry Obama, etc. 2. ISLAM sharia jihad. 3. Communism: China Russian: Putin Xi-Jinping, Kim Jong-un 4. Sodom lgbt Epstein Trudeau Macron Clinton and drag queen now, all these satanic theosophy and ideological crimes? they are all present in your Democratic Party! .... I give you an advice: "tied a millstone around your neck to throw in the middle of the sea!" Yes lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah aldo • excellent translation, ok, i'll hire you as a personal translator, but, "Yes"? you shouldn't have added it, because, you could unleash a useless diplomatic war! ottima traduzione, ok, io ti assumo come traduttore personale, ma, "Yes"? tu non avresti dovuto aggiungerlo tu, perché, tu potresti scatenare una guerra diplomatica inutile!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
1 ora fa
cbusa vs lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah • No, but you are clearly an off-the-rails bigot. cbusa vs lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah • No, ma sei chiaramente un fanatico fuori dagli schemi. ANSWER. lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah cbusa • you cannot know, my answer to your unprovable slander, because someone cancels it all the time! tu non puoi conoscere, la mia risposta alla tua indimostrabile calunnia, perché qualcuno la cancella tutte le volte!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
1 ora fa
WATCH: Despite Ban on Non-Muslim Prayer, Jews Pray on Temple Mount! my Rivlin President: io sono felice di accogliere tutti gli ebrei, che vorranno venire in preghiera sul mio monte degli ulivi!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
2 ore fa
lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah • my President RIVLIN Reuven ] grazie .. Dio ti benedica potentemente! [ l'08-Dicembre 1986 [(Yitzchak lui mi vide in TV nel 1982 quando io servivo la Messa a Sua Santità Giovanni Paolo II ( יצחק כדורי يسحاق كدوري ), also spelled Kadouri, Kadourie, Kedourie; "Yitzhak" (c. 1898 – January 28, 2006)] l'08-Dicembre 1986: festa della IMMACOLATA Concezione: io avrei dovuto essere ordinato DIACONO, ma, il mio ex-parroco, oggi lui è il mio Arcivescovo (è una contraddizione con il diritto canonico che dice che nessuno deve fare il Vescovo nella sua Diocesi di origine), ma, lui disse che io ero pazzo, quindi l'Arcivescovo del tempo: lui pensò che il mio ex-parroco doveva essere molto intelligente.. così se io non ero pazzo? i preti mi avrebbero fatto impazzire VERAMENTE e comunque, cioè, se lo Spirito Santo non mi avesse blindato il cervello!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
2 ore fa
Israel's president thanks Lebanese businessman who bought Hitler artifacts dhimmis kafir murtids Yitzhak • my President REUVEN RIVLIN ] condoglianze! [ Addio a Piero Terracina, tra ultimi sopravvissuti di Auschwitz. È morto a Roma a 91 anni Piero Terracina, uno degli ultimi sopravvissuti al più grande campo di sterminio nazista. "All'Inferno ci sono stato, si chiama Auschwitz-Birkenau", aveva detto qualche anno fa alla platea dell'Auditorium Paganini di Parma che lo aveva accolto per non dimenticare. "La Memoria Shoah Olocausto! " ANSWER. gli ebrei si chiedevano tutti attoniti ed increduli: in " Auschwitz-Birkenau" perché, perché, perché se la prendono contro di me? che cosa io ho fatto di male? in ogni modo, non avevano fatto nulla di male e non meritavano di morire (ovviamente)... eppure loro morivano senza sapere un perché, e erroneamente: loro pensavano che era Hitler ad ucciderli, e non capivano invece che era Rothschild SpA FED FMI BM City London: Morgan Rochefeller Bush Owl: la sinagoga di satana: il mandante del loro sterminio! i loro Rabbini capi? lo sapevano ma li hanno traditi!!! ecco perché la Shoah Olocausto non può essere fermata e si ripresenterà ciclicamente, perché per un sortilegio demoniaco: le motivazioni della Shoah rimangono ancora nascoste!!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
2 ore fa
Israel's president thanks Lebanese businessman who bought Hitler artifacts dhimmis kafir murtids Yitzhak • my presidente Israeliano Reuven Rivlin ] [ i più grandi demoni della storia del genere umano sono: 1. la sinagoga di Satana: 666 Biden FED FMI BM BCE NWO; il Massone di Kerry Obama, ecc.. 2. ISLAM sharia jihad. 3. Comunismo: Cina Russai: Putin Xi-Jinping, Kim Jong-un 4. Sodoma lgbt Epstein Trudeau Macron Clinton e drag queen ora, tutte queste teosofie sataniche, e crimini ideologici? essi si, sono tutti presenti nel tuo Partito democratico! .... ti do un consiglio: "legati una macina al collo a vatti a buttare in mezzo al mare!"
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
2 ore fa
Israel's president thanks Lebanese businessman who bought Hitler artifacts questo si che è stato un buon lavoro! grazie!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
3 ore fa
Message to Iran? Israel tests rocket system capable of carrying nuclear warheads dhimmis kafir murtids Yitzhak • Iraniani? non hanno accettato il mio amore: "trasformateli tutti in zombies radioattivi!" dhimmis kafir murtids Yitzhak • a minute ago shalom + salam uniiversal brotherhood
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
12 ore fa
if Liliana Segre is NOT that traitor RIVLIN-Rothschild she is? sure, she would worry about the terrible tragedy of the Italian people! se Liliana Segre NON fosse quel traditore RIVLIN-Rothschild che lei è? certo, lei si preoccuperebbe della immane tragedia del popolo italiano!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
12 ore fa
Scala: applause for Liliana Segre upon her arrival ANSWER Liliana Segre demonstrates that diaspora Jews are parasites and traitors, they are a mortal threat against all the peoples of the planet! Scala: applausi per Liliana Segre al suo arrivo ANSWER Liliana Segre dimostra che gli ebrei della diaspora sono dei parassiti e traditori, sono una minaccia mortale contro tutti i popoli del pianeta!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
12 ore fa
WATCH: Haley accuses Canada of selling out Israel at UN Romano Prodi il fondatore del Partito democratico disse: con l'entrata nell'EURO, la Merkel lavorerà un giorno di meno, ma, lei guadagnerà per un giorno di più! Romano Prodi e tutti i suoi complici meritano la pena di morte!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
12 ore fa
Giulietto Chiesa intervista Paolo Maddalena come realizzare la Costituzione, contro il sistema predatorio dei mercati. ANSWER quì per i Rothschild c'é una lezione necessaria e interessante! WATCH: Haley accuses Canada of selling out Israel at UN
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
12 ore fa
WATCH: Haley accuses Canada of selling out Israel at UN BIN SALMAN ] infame [ perché tu non sei insieme a me, sul campo di battaglia: contro i bolscevichi Putin e Xi-Jinping?
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
12 ore fa
WATCH: Haley accuses Canada of selling out Israel at UN lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah • WATCH: Haley accuses Canada of selling out Israel at UN ANSWER is kingdom Sodoma and Gomorra perversions lgbt and satanism cult democratic party: Deep State trasnational Bilderberg.. god jabullon Belfagor, his Morgan SARUMAN scam high betrayal banking signiorage Owl Deep State!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
12 ore fa
WATCH: Haley accuses Canada of selling out Israel at UN Sheaton • Shame on you Justin. You are nothing more than a moron. lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah vs Sheaton • obviously, by an educated and responsible MORON person: you can prove that the 666 star rosthschild on the flag of Israel Was he also the star of King David? ovviamente da persona istruita e responsabile: tu puoi dimostrare che la 666 stella rosthschild sulla bandiera di Israele era anche la stella del Re Davide?
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
12 ore fa
WATCH: Haley accuses Canada of selling out Israel at UN lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah ZionMyHome • but you Shiny Pony MORON, you have forgotten your intellectual honesty, and therefore, why you have not yet answered my question! remove your 666 fake star David!! tu ti è dimenticato della tua onestà intellettuale, e quindi tu non hai risposto ancora alla mia domanda!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
13 ore fa
WATCH: Haley accuses Canada of selling out Israel at UN lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah • Applause for Tosca, Ovazione for Mattarella, at the "Prima della Scala" A four-minute round of applause welcomes the head of state, then all stand for the Hymn of Mameli-Mekel Von Ursula Bilderberg: the parasites Soros Von Mogherini-Bonino ANSWER. in fact, nobody has understood why Mattarella is so acclaimed! but, I fear that brainwashing and cerebellum to all the Italian people: subjected to irreversible Satana Allah ja-Bull-On sharia: scam banking seigniorage, destruction disperazione devitalization despair ? has been 666 successful!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
13 ore fa
WATCH: Haley accuses Canada of selling out Israel at UN lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah • Giuseppe Conte is a deadly threat to the Italian people, an infamous president of the Council of Ministers of the Republic founded by Dracula Rothschild: the traitorous Freemasons! he is his own lawyer, a traitor and swindler marpion, he said "the foundation of democracy is the vote, but going to vote after a year? is foolish!" in fact he knew he would lose the elections .. then insulted the Israelis who will go three times in a year! Giuseppe Conte è una minaccia mortale per il popolo italiano, un infame presidente del Consiglio dei ministri della Repubblica fondata da Dracula Rothschild: i massoni traditori! lui è l'avvocato di se stesso, un marpione traditore e truffatore, disse "il fondamento della democrazia è il voto, ma andare a votare dopo un anno? è da incoscieti!" infatti lui sapeva che avrebbe perso le elezioni.. quindi insultò gli israeliani che andranno tre volte al voto in un anno!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
13 ore fa
WATCH: Haley accuses Canada of selling out Israel at UN Napoli, i migranti in protesta: "Siamo le sardine nere": come a dire: "la mafia nigeriana e le sue prostitute" gli agenti criminali e sostituzione etnica del partito democratico... ANSWER. il diritto umanitario si applica in caso di guerra.. ma, in Nigeria (la triade demoniaca: Iran Erdogan e Riyadh) loro stanno sterminando soltanto i cristiani, mentre i clandestini finanziano l'ISIS !
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
13 ore fa
lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah vs Bracha Leah • Has the rabbi Rothschild taught you the Bible? you should change master! between the swastika of Hitler and the 666 Rothschild on the flag of Israel? there is no difference .. both are the symbol of Hindu esoteric pantheism: and they have a cyclical movement ... while the Sword of King David that will pierce your fief and throw you into hell? that has a linear movement ... in fact the saints go ahead and you go back! la Bibbia te la ha insegnata il rabbino Rothschild? dovresti cambiare maestro! tra la svastica di Hitler e il 666 Rothschild sulla bandiera di Israele? non c'é nessuna differenza.. entrambe sono il simbolo del panteismo esoterico induista: ed hanno un movimento ciclico... mentre la Spada di Re Davide che ti forerà il feegato e ti butterà nell'inferno? quella ha un movimento lineare... infatti i santi vanni avanti e tu vai indietro!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
13 ore fa
Bracha Leah White Elk Clearwater • I hope this isn't off topic. Did Nikola Tesla's obsession with certain numbers come from gematria, or something else entirely? The 6s and reduction to 9 brought him to mind. Vortex math. The other digits describe the physical world, while 3, 6, and 9 are non-physical, pattern, sound, energy. The mathematical encryption of the universe, they say. I'm sorry I didn't study math. "If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9 then you would have a key to the universe." Bracha Leah White Elk Clearwater • Spero che questo non sia fuori tema. L'ossessione di Nikola Tesla per alcuni numeri proviene dalla gematria o qualcos'altro? Il 6s e la riduzione a 9 lo hanno ricordato. Vortice di matematica. Le altre cifre descrivono il mondo fisico, mentre 3, 6 e 9 sono non fisici, modello, suono, energia. La crittografia matematica dell'universo, dicono. Mi dispiace di non aver studiato matematica. "Se solo conoscessi la magnificenza di 3, 6 e 9, allora avresti una chiave per l'universo."
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
13 ore fa
Arab Countries Discuss Forming Pacts with Israel at White House ZionMyHome • 3 days ago Morocco, Oman, Bahrain and UAE are still islamic countries. The koran will never cease to be anti-Jewish at its essence. This stinks like a ruse and a trap. lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah vs ZionMyHome • you should not put the holy Cross of Jesus of Bethlehem, inside the 666 Rothschild star that is like putting the lunar idol in a silver case: vagina-story of Aisha, Muhammad's child-wife in Mecca Kaaba: abominable idol tu non dovresti mettere la Croce Santa di Gesù di Betlemme, dentro la 666 stella Rothschild che è come mettere l'idolo lunare, dentro una custodia argento: vagina-storia di Aisha, la moglie-bambina di Maometto a Mecca Kaaba: idolo abominevole
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
13 ore fa
lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah to JussSomeBloke • the Saudi Prince "511 Leader" he told me: "it is true that we behead the Christians, but, it is the Anglo-American Jews Obama, Rothschild Soros Morgan Rochefeller that force us to this!" il Principe saudita "511Leader" mi disse: "è vero che noi decapitiamo i cristiani, ma, sono gli ebrei anglo-americani Obama, Rothschild Soros Morgan Rochefeller che ci costringono a questo!"
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
13 ore fa
JussSomeBloke to Meagain2.0 • In the book of revelation, the saints are beheaded. Who else beheads people except muslims ? We are also told in Revelation that satans seat is in Pergamum, which is in Turkey. The Assyrian records show that gog / magog was also situated in Turkey which is directly North of Israel ( not Russia as many believe. Russians came from Vikings ) The pope ( who is NOT Christian ) is currently making videos to join hindus, buddhists, muslims, Christians together under one universal faith, which is absolute nonsense. Gog / magog was situated in Turkey according to detailed Assyrian records ( long before Josephus ,who got it wrong,, and then that error was picked up by Hal lyndsay etc...), and there was a famine, the magogites moved to the south of Italy, and became The Etruscans. The Etruscans were responsible for laying the foundation of the roman empire, which, after the sack of Rome, was once again moved back to Turkey, to Constantinople ( after Constantine ), which is now modern day Istanbul. I think the mark of the beast may be the bismillah, worn on the forehead by hamas, hizballah, isis etc. It sounds logical that anyone who didn't accept forced conversion, would be beheaded. However, regarding prophecy, its best not to have such a rigid philosophy. Everyone is guilty until proved innocent, and it's best to view everyone with suspicion and caution. JussSomeBloke to Meagain2.0 • Nel libro della rivelazione, i santi vengono decapitati. Chi altro decapita le persone tranne i musulmani? In Apocalisse ci viene anche detto che la sede di Satana è a Pergamo, che è in Turchia. I registri assiri mostrano che anche gog / magog si trovava in Turchia, che è direttamente a nord di Israele (non la Russia come molti credono. I russi venivano dai vichinghi) Il papa (che NON è cristiano) sta attualmente realizzando video per unire indù, buddisti, musulmani e cristiani insieme sotto un'unica fede universale, che è un'assurdità assoluta. Gog / magog era situato in Turchia secondo i dettagliati documenti assiri (molto prima che Josephus, che aveva sbagliato, e poi quell'errore fosse stato raccolto da Hal Lynday ecc ...), e c'era una carestia, i magogiti si trasferirono nel sud dell'Italia, e divenne Gli Etruschi. Gli Etruschi furono incaricati di porre le basi dell'impero romano, che, dopo il sacco di Roma, fu nuovamente trasferito in Turchia, a Costantinopoli (dopo Costantino), che oggi è Istanbul. Penso che il marchio della bestia possa essere il bismillah, indossato sulla fronte da hamas, hizballah, isis ecc. Sembra logico che chiunque non accettasse la conversione forzata, sarebbe stato decapitato. Tuttavia, per quanto riguarda la profezia, è meglio non avere una filosofia così rigida. Tutti sono colpevoli fino a quando non si dimostrano innocenti, ed è meglio vedere tutti con sospetto e cautela.
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
13 ore fa
White Elk Clearwater lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah • Bullsxxt! lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah White Elk Clearwater • you just need to do a 6 year Bible course! tu hai soltanto bisogno di fare un corso biblico di 6 anni!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
13 ore fa
Arab Countries Discuss Forming Pacts with Israel at White House lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah vs 18_18 • God made me: lorenzoJHWH and you're denying it .. you are fighting against God: "wishes" Dio ha fatto di me: lorenzoJHWH e tu lo stai negando.. tu stai lottando contro Dio: "auguri"
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
14 ore fa
18_18 • How much does Lorenzo pay to monopolize this forum? The Rothschild's in the late 1800's purchased one third the land of Syria. Southern Syria belongs to Israel. lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah 18_18 • no, I only have a thirst for justice, and a faith that is superior to yours Grace Joy 18_18 • I was wondering about Rothschild's buying 80% of Israel: Does that land still belong to the family, or to Israel? Technically. lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah Grace Joy • creating money from nothing Rothschild's buying 100% of Israel: Technically he 666 is the master of the world!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
14 ore fa
Arab Countries Discuss Forming Pacts with Israel at White House Meagain2.0 aldo • Man was created on the 6th day, therefore 666 is mankind tripled. It is "man's number" or "the number of a man" according to which translation of Revelation is used. "The Mark of the Beast …17 so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark—the name of the beast or the number of its name. 18 Here is a call for wisdom: Let the one who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and that number is 666." Revelation 13:17-18 lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah Meagain2.0 • yes, but on the seventh day God rested! so 7 is the symbol of perfection and 6 is a symbol of imperfection! 666: is: 1. imperfect democratic party: + 2. lgbt wickedness; + 3. Biden Satanism! si, ma il settimo giorno Dio si riposò! quindi 7 è il simbolo della perfezione e 6 è simbolo della imperfezione! 666: è: 1. imperfezione partito democratico: + 2. malvagità lgbt; + 3. Biden il satanismo!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
14 ore fa
Arab Countries Discuss Forming Pacts with Israel at White House White Elk Clearwater lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah • Archaeologic proofs exist despite your evil refusal (like all the Sata'nic replacement theology demons like you) to acknowledge them. As a direct descendant of King David we have a millennia long tradition that YES he di use the star. He discovered the secrets of the star that were unknown previously. Idolators? It is you - you evil xxxx who are an idolator PLUS accusation of such to sickly attempt to deride someone helps to prove what filth you are. lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah White Elk Clearwater • Archaeological proofs exist? really? try it 666 star rothschild on flag Israel! you are not son of king David, to be son of David you should have one of his descendants born in Bethlehem you are son ja-bul-on Satana Baal peor
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
14 ore fa
White Elk Clearwater Archaeologic proofs exist despite your evil refusal (like all the Sata'nic replacement theology demons like you) to acknowledge them. As a direct descendant of King David we have a millennia long tradition that YES he di use the star. He discovered the secrets of the star that were unknown previously. Idolators? It is you - you evil xxxx who are an idolator PLUS accusation of such to sickly attempt to deride someone helps to prove what filth you are. Reply View in discussion lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah Archaeological proofs exist? really? try it 666 star rothschild on flag Israel! you are not son od David you are son ja-bul-on Satana Baal peor
Lorenzo JHWH KINGDOM messiah Kaduri Israel 21 ore fa
WATCH: Haley accuses Canada of selling out Israel at UN Avatar lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah • a few seconds ago Maneuver: goodbye to fake first homes, only one per family. It will be possible to have only one 'main house' exempt from the IMU. ANSWER. for me Imu facilitation? this has always been the same case for me, only the TV license fee? I pay it twice: to usurers Masons, Obama. Democratic Party, Trudeau, Macron, lgbt, Rothschild's Dracula, Epstein Clinton Biden, Bilderberg, Merkel, Soros: sharks!
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POPE BUSTED: Bishops Denounce Vatican's U.N. Allies Written by Michael J. Matt | Editor
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#ResistFrancis #UniteTheClans
From the Editor’s Desk, Michael Matt takes a hard look at the big event nobody in the Vatican seems to want to talk about—the Nairobi Summit on the 25th anniversary of the International Conference on Population and Development (Cairo).
This Bill and Melinda Gates/UN Population Fund affair was all about contraception, family planning, reproductive rights and…. the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Yes, that’s right—the very same goals Pope Francis and Jeff Sachs have been promoting inside the Vatican for years.
So, why did the Vatican have to back away from their friends at the United Nations and the big Agenda 2030? Because some very special Catholics in Africa stood up roared their objection to the globalist gurus of population control.
Plus, the #ResistFrancis campaign – what’s all about? Watch and see.
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Maxine • 3 hours ago
A few years ago, a satirical article on this very subject appeared in The Onion. Here are a few excerpts that provide a grin-worthy albeit grim caricature:
"In the Vatican's continuing efforts to reeducate, indoctrinate and re-program Catholics of all ages, Vatican spokespersos have proudly announced an exciting new fun game to be released just in time for Christmas. The game, appropriately called the Postconciliar Neo-Catholic Trivia Challenge, consists of 1,500 questions divided into various categories including Newchurch Catechism, Novus Ordo Novelties, Church History: Fact or Fiction, Diluted Doctrine and Bible Babble. Consisting of 300 playing cards with five questions on each card, this exhilarating exercise can be played by 2 or more persons singly or in groups. Just flip the card and discover if you have scored points with the correct answer or reveal yourself to be behind the times with an incorrect obsolete response. Get to know what your friends and neighbors think of the New World Order Church. Are they hip, cool, in the groove, humble neo-Catholics or are they stubborn, antiquated, inflexible, judgmental restorationists? Remember, in order to score high points, you must think outside the box. For example, when you are asked to list the liturgical colors, did your answer include "rainbow"?...
Quoting the Fifth Commandment: “You Shall Not Kill” and in particular the nuanced implication of deprivation of life caused by the denial of Climate Change, the Holy Father has issued the edict that henceforth sins committed against the environment and the integrity of the earth will be in violation of the “Will of the Holy See.” As such they will be considered mortal sins for which souls are condemned to everlasting Hell. Such sins against the earth will include thoughts, words and deeds contrary to the international UN definitions of environmental violations and the papal encyclical LAUDATO SI’ ( on care for our common home) written by Pope Francis. It has also been established that Catholics have a duty and obligatory responsibility, under the Spiritual Works of Mercy, to reprove and instruct the sinner when inimical speech or behavior against the environment manifests itself in a public venue. The Catholic Church will be working in tandem with the International Justice Court of the Hague and the United Nations Security Council to identify and restrain serious offenders so that their souls can be saved through remedial labor camp and reorientation centers. Forgiveness and absolution is based on a firm purpose of amendment and a sincere intention to do all we can to promote the cause of Sustainable Development for mother earth. Penances would range from a year in the Gulag Reorientation and Labor Center to a week of highway trash collection. Pope Francis has issued this motu proprio as a joint ecumenical religiopolitical effort in the ongoing struggle for “Sustainable Development”. The science of sustainable development was brought to the world’s attention by Professor Jeffery Sachs who says that the earth must rid itself of five billion humans. Professor Sachs, although Jewish, has been made a member of the Pontifical Academy of Science and now offers insight and instructions as to the understanding of Climate Change and the Catholic Church. The Holy Father has expressed his enthusiasm and confidence that the world will make a much nicer home if there were only less people in it. Pope Francis in the strictest sense warns the Faithful that to deny Climate Change is now an offence so grave that it carries with it a self-excommunication or Latæ Sententiæ..."see more
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Maxine • 3 hours ago
Peter warned, “Be sober, be vigilant, because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour” (1 Peter 5:8). Staying aware of the powerful role of Satan and his demons enables us to understand the atrocious evil and madness of this world. It also enables us to “resist” them (James 4:7). Jesus said: "If the world hate you, know you that it hath hated me before you. If you had been of the world, the world would love its own: but because you are not of the world, therefore the world hateth you.” More than this, He told them they were to risk everything on His way of living, to be prepared to be hated by brother and sister, father and mother, to be dragged before magistrates and kings, and even to death. This surrender to Christ is the only spirit which will conquer the world today which embraces half-baked philosophies and idolatrous cults. In this day of intense loyalties,it will take a great faith in Christ to put down faith in the Anti-Christ; it will take nothing less than the sacrifice of the Cross to conquer the sacrifice of those who crucify.
Already in 1937, Fr.Fulton Sheen wrote that "God is preparing the Church for the future battle or future peace by a spiritual purification in which only the strong will walk with Him. What was true in the days of Gideon is true in our own day. Gideon, it will be recalled, battled the Madianites whose army numbered 135,000 men. With an army of only 300 men, Gideon went out and put to flight the army of 135,000 and Israel had peace for forty years. The moral is that 300 zealous souls who rely on God can do more than 135,000 indifferent ones who trust in their arms; and also, that no enemy is too great if God is with us."

sorrows • 4 hours ago
Wish we had Bishops like them in the UK, the only thing our Bishops talk about including "Catholic Charity" "Cafod" is Global warming, whilst babies are slaughtered in the thousands in the UK every week. Great Video thank you Michael Matt
Kiwi Trad • 15 hours ago
Thankyou Micheal Matt.
Unfortunately Jacinda Ardern and co. are having a field day in NZ bringing forth the UN agendas. The shootings was an event that gave them a platform to instigate all this anti-christ rubbish. There is resistance though. This past weekend there was a pro-life march and rosary in front of parliament buildings and it was televised on the news! That was a shock. If the government get their way there will be unfetted access to abortion and no pro-lifers will be allowed within 150 metres of any clinic. Oh and that little thing called euthanasia. Yep, the govern
Francia: scioperi e manifestazioni. Stasera riunione Eliseo. Governo da Macron, settimana cruciale ANSWER se, Satana avesse una coscienza: Di Maio, Mogherini, Zingaretti, Mattarella, Maduro, lgbt, Bilderberg, Soros, Trudeou, Merkel Rothschild e Macron? restituirebbero il mal tolto e si dimetterebbero!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
8 minuti fa
Sanders Slammed for Not Speaking Out Against Sarsour’s Anti-Semitism dhimmis kafir murtids Yitzhak • Netanyahu, popolo scelga tra me e Gantz ANSWER ok, Pd, Blu-Bianco Sodoma e Dracula fanno schifo!!!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
14 minuti fa
WATCH: Despite Ban on Non-Muslim Prayer, Jews Pray on Temple Mount! lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah • Corea Nord: Test da area lanci a lungo raggio, ma non svela il tipo. secondo Kim Jong-un 'Risultato avrà impatto importante, per attese nuove concessioni da Usa' ANSWER. nessuna concessione può essere fatta: finché i cristiani finiscono sterminati nei laogai
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
23 minuti fa
Sanders Slammed for Not Speaking Out Against Sarsour’s Anti-Semitism quell'infame traditore ha fatto bene a non farsi rappresentare dal Presepe di Gesù BAMBINO! Conte posta foto con figlio e albero di Natale: 'Buona domenica' Politica. Il premier addobba il simbolo delle Feste nel suo studio a Palazzo Chigi
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
34 minuti fa
Israel's president thanks Lebanese businessman who bought Hitler artifacts Alex Peshansky • “Never forget” means keeping these disgusting reminders. lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah Alex Peshansky • Yes sure: but you should not forget that: it is because of the Rothschilds and the European Rabbis: satans Synagogue (the super rich: Masons thieves and conspirators) that fascism and Nazism arose: because the peoples were desperate: for: extreme poverty, mafia social injustice, anarchy, usury, bureaucracy, debt contracted by the rothschild private banks scam, seigniorage scam banking .. just, everything that's happening today, and that you don't want to see: in the democratic bilderberg party, FED FMI BCE lgbt sodom the vampires: Soros Merkel Macron Trudeau, Prodi, Monti, Morgan, Mauduch Murdoch, etc. si certo: ma tu non dovresti dimenticare che: è per colpa dei Rothschild e dei Rabbini europei (i super ricchi: ladri massoni e congiurati) che il fascismo e in nazismo sono sorti: perché i popoli erano disperati: per: estrema povertà, ingiustizia sociale mafia, anarchia, usura, burocrazia, debito contratto con la truffa delle banche private rothschild, scam banking seigniorage.. proprio, tutto quello che sta succendendo oggi, e che tu non vuoi vedere: nel partito democratico bilderberg, FED FMI BCE lgbt sodoma i vampiri: Soros Merkel Macron Trudeau, Prodi, Monti, Morgan, Mauduch Murdoch, ecc..v
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
44 minuti fa
Israel's president thanks Lebanese businessman who bought Hitler artifacts lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah aldo • you Jewish globalists and technocratic speculative finance you will burn in hell: because no truth and no justice has been found in you .. that's why I'm here to protect Israel from you! voi ebrei globalisti e tecnocratici finanza speculativa brucerete all'inferno: perché nessuna verità e nessuna giustizia è stata trovata in voi.. ecco perché io sono quì a proteggere Israele da voi!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
46 minuti fa
after 400 years of an unequal struggle against your Synagogue of Satan, after 640 excommunications against the Morgan Rochefellers and against Freemasonry, the Church lost with immense losses its mortal struggle against Freemasonry! So in reaction to the SATAN Synagogue: world wear was born of the totalitarianism of the 20th century. the Great Servant of God, the Holy Pope Pius XII, NOT was a supporter of Hitler !!! rather, 1. as a bishop, he made a document against Nazism: that all German priests hid in the Blessed Sacrament, and that they read simultaneously. 2. as Pope he was giving as a ransom for all the Jews of the ghetto: 3 kg of gold, but, the infamous Nazis went back on the word and stole gold and deported the Jews anyway. 3. the Great Servant of God, Pope Pius XII, his Dutch Bishops (with his permission) made a public document against Nazism: and Hitler in retaliation (and for the happiness of the Anglo-American Rothschilds) killed 10,000: nuns priests and seminarians, who were all Jews converted to Christianity. So what the churches could say in the century of totalitarianism (fascism Nazism and communism) for their insubordination have all paid a huge toll of blood. 4. Pope Pius XII organized a secret network to hide Jews in convents and to send them to the USA with false documents! dopo 400 anni di una impari lotta contro la tua Sinagoga di Satana, dopo 640 scomuniche contro i Morgan Rochefeller e contro la Massoneria, la Chiesa perse con perdite immani la sua lotta mortale contro la massoneria! Quindi in reazione alla Sinagoga di SATANA: la usura mondiale nacquero i totalitarismo del 900. il Grande Servo di Dio, il Santo Papa Pio XII, NOT was a supporter of Hitler!!! anzi, 1. da Vescovo, lui fece un documento contro il Nazismo: che tutti i Preti tedeschi nascosero nel santissimo Sacramento, e che lessero contemporaneamente. 2. come Papa stava donando come riscatto per tutti gli ebrei del ghetto: 3 kg di oro, ma, i nazisti infami si rimangiarono la parola e rubarono l'oro e deportarono comunque gli ebrei. 3. il Grande Servo di Dio, Papa Pio XII, i suoi Vescovi Olandesi (con il suo permesso ) fecero un documento pubblico contro il nazismo: e Hitler per rappresaglia (e per la felicità dei Rothschild anglo-americani) uccise 10.000: preti suore e seminaristi, che erano tutti ebrei convertiti al cristianesimo. Quindi, cosa le chiese potevano dire nel secolo del totalitarismo (fascismo nazismo e comunismo) per la loro insubordinazione hanno pagato tutti un enorme tributo di sangue. 4. Papa Pio XII organizzò una rete segreta per nascondere gli ebrei nei conventi e per farli partire in USA con documenti falsi!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
1 ora fa
lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah aldo • if my life is garbage for you, this is your problem! I never think that the life of someone in the whole world can be a garbage, because as long as one is alive, one can always be covered by God's grace and mercy! se la mia vita per te è una immondizia, questo è un tuo problema! io non penso mai che la vita di qualcuno in tutto il mondo possa essere una immondizia, perché finché uno è vivo può sempre essere coperto dalla grazia e dalla misericordia di Dio!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
1 ora fa
"my President RIVLIN Reuven] thank you .. God bless you powerfully! [8-December 1986 [(Yitzchak saw him on TV in 1982 when I served the Mass to His Holiness John Paul II (יצחק כדורי يسحاق كدوري), also spelled Kadouri, Kadourie, Kedourie; "Yitzhak" (c. 1898 - January 28, 2006)] the 08-December 1986: feast of the IMMACULATE Conception: I should have been ordained DIACONO, but, my ex-pastor, today he is my Archbishop (it is a contradiction with the canon law that says that nobody should be a Bishop in the his Diocese of origin), but, he said that I was crazy, then the Archbishop of the time: he thought that my ex-pastor had to be very intelligent .. so if i wasn't crazy? the priests would have made me REALLY crazy and anyway, that is, if the Holy Spirit had not locked my brain!'
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
1 ora fa
Israel's president thanks Lebanese businessman who bought Hitler artifacts aldo dhimmis kafir murtids Yitzhak • "my Israeli president Reuven Rivlin] [the greatest demons in the history of mankind are: 1. the synagogue of Satan: 666 Biden FED FMI BM BCE NWO; the Freemason of Kerry Obama, etc. 2. ISLAM sharia jihad. 3. Communism: China Russian: Putin Xi-Jinping, Kim Jong-un 4. Sodom lgbt Epstein Trudeau Macron Clinton and drag queen now, all these satanic theosophy and ideological crimes? they are all present in your Democratic Party! .... I give you an advice: "tied a millstone around your neck to throw in the middle of the sea!" Yes lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah aldo • excellent translation, ok, i'll hire you as a personal translator, but, "Yes"? you shouldn't have added it, because, you could unleash a useless diplomatic war! ottima traduzione, ok, io ti assumo come traduttore personale, ma, "Yes"? tu non avresti dovuto aggiungerlo tu, perché, tu potresti scatenare una guerra diplomatica inutile!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
1 ora fa
cbusa vs lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah • No, but you are clearly an off-the-rails bigot. cbusa vs lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah • No, ma sei chiaramente un fanatico fuori dagli schemi. ANSWER. lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah cbusa • you cannot know, my answer to your unprovable slander, because someone cancels it all the time! tu non puoi conoscere, la mia risposta alla tua indimostrabile calunnia, perché qualcuno la cancella tutte le volte!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
1 ora fa
WATCH: Despite Ban on Non-Muslim Prayer, Jews Pray on Temple Mount! my Rivlin President: io sono felice di accogliere tutti gli ebrei, che vorranno venire in preghiera sul mio monte degli ulivi!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
2 ore fa
lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah • my President RIVLIN Reuven ] grazie .. Dio ti benedica potentemente! [ l'08-Dicembre 1986 [(Yitzchak lui mi vide in TV nel 1982 quando io servivo la Messa a Sua Santità Giovanni Paolo II ( יצחק כדורי يسحاق كدوري ), also spelled Kadouri, Kadourie, Kedourie; "Yitzhak" (c. 1898 – January 28, 2006)] l'08-Dicembre 1986: festa della IMMACOLATA Concezione: io avrei dovuto essere ordinato DIACONO, ma, il mio ex-parroco, oggi lui è il mio Arcivescovo (è una contraddizione con il diritto canonico che dice che nessuno deve fare il Vescovo nella sua Diocesi di origine), ma, lui disse che io ero pazzo, quindi l'Arcivescovo del tempo: lui pensò che il mio ex-parroco doveva essere molto intelligente.. così se io non ero pazzo? i preti mi avrebbero fatto impazzire VERAMENTE e comunque, cioè, se lo Spirito Santo non mi avesse blindato il cervello!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
2 ore fa
Israel's president thanks Lebanese businessman who bought Hitler artifacts dhimmis kafir murtids Yitzhak • my President REUVEN RIVLIN ] condoglianze! [ Addio a Piero Terracina, tra ultimi sopravvissuti di Auschwitz. È morto a Roma a 91 anni Piero Terracina, uno degli ultimi sopravvissuti al più grande campo di sterminio nazista. "All'Inferno ci sono stato, si chiama Auschwitz-Birkenau", aveva detto qualche anno fa alla platea dell'Auditorium Paganini di Parma che lo aveva accolto per non dimenticare. "La Memoria Shoah Olocausto! " ANSWER. gli ebrei si chiedevano tutti attoniti ed increduli: in " Auschwitz-Birkenau" perché, perché, perché se la prendono contro di me? che cosa io ho fatto di male? in ogni modo, non avevano fatto nulla di male e non meritavano di morire (ovviamente)... eppure loro morivano senza sapere un perché, e erroneamente: loro pensavano che era Hitler ad ucciderli, e non capivano invece che era Rothschild SpA FED FMI BM City London: Morgan Rochefeller Bush Owl: la sinagoga di satana: il mandante del loro sterminio! i loro Rabbini capi? lo sapevano ma li hanno traditi!!! ecco perché la Shoah Olocausto non può essere fermata e si ripresenterà ciclicamente, perché per un sortilegio demoniaco: le motivazioni della Shoah rimangono ancora nascoste!!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
2 ore fa
Israel's president thanks Lebanese businessman who bought Hitler artifacts dhimmis kafir murtids Yitzhak • my presidente Israeliano Reuven Rivlin ] [ i più grandi demoni della storia del genere umano sono: 1. la sinagoga di Satana: 666 Biden FED FMI BM BCE NWO; il Massone di Kerry Obama, ecc.. 2. ISLAM sharia jihad. 3. Comunismo: Cina Russai: Putin Xi-Jinping, Kim Jong-un 4. Sodoma lgbt Epstein Trudeau Macron Clinton e drag queen ora, tutte queste teosofie sataniche, e crimini ideologici? essi si, sono tutti presenti nel tuo Partito democratico! .... ti do un consiglio: "legati una macina al collo a vatti a buttare in mezzo al mare!"
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
2 ore fa
Israel's president thanks Lebanese businessman who bought Hitler artifacts questo si che è stato un buon lavoro! grazie!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
3 ore fa
Message to Iran? Israel tests rocket system capable of carrying nuclear warheads dhimmis kafir murtids Yitzhak • Iraniani? non hanno accettato il mio amore: "trasformateli tutti in zombies radioattivi!" dhimmis kafir murtids Yitzhak • a minute ago shalom + salam uniiversal brotherhood
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
12 ore fa
if Liliana Segre is NOT that traitor RIVLIN-Rothschild she is? sure, she would worry about the terrible tragedy of the Italian people! se Liliana Segre NON fosse quel traditore RIVLIN-Rothschild che lei è? certo, lei si preoccuperebbe della immane tragedia del popolo italiano!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
12 ore fa
Scala: applause for Liliana Segre upon her arrival ANSWER Liliana Segre demonstrates that diaspora Jews are parasites and traitors, they are a mortal threat against all the peoples of the planet! Scala: applausi per Liliana Segre al suo arrivo ANSWER Liliana Segre dimostra che gli ebrei della diaspora sono dei parassiti e traditori, sono una minaccia mortale contro tutti i popoli del pianeta!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
12 ore fa
WATCH: Haley accuses Canada of selling out Israel at UN Romano Prodi il fondatore del Partito democratico disse: con l'entrata nell'EURO, la Merkel lavorerà un giorno di meno, ma, lei guadagnerà per un giorno di più! Romano Prodi e tutti i suoi complici meritano la pena di morte!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
12 ore fa
Giulietto Chiesa intervista Paolo Maddalena come realizzare la Costituzione, contro il sistema predatorio dei mercati. ANSWER quì per i Rothschild c'é una lezione necessaria e interessante! WATCH: Haley accuses Canada of selling out Israel at UN
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
12 ore fa
WATCH: Haley accuses Canada of selling out Israel at UN BIN SALMAN ] infame [ perché tu non sei insieme a me, sul campo di battaglia: contro i bolscevichi Putin e Xi-Jinping?
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
12 ore fa
WATCH: Haley accuses Canada of selling out Israel at UN lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah • WATCH: Haley accuses Canada of selling out Israel at UN ANSWER is kingdom Sodoma and Gomorra perversions lgbt and satanism cult democratic party: Deep State trasnational Bilderberg.. god jabullon Belfagor, his Morgan SARUMAN scam high betrayal banking signiorage Owl Deep State!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
12 ore fa
WATCH: Haley accuses Canada of selling out Israel at UN Sheaton • Shame on you Justin. You are nothing more than a moron. lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah vs Sheaton • obviously, by an educated and responsible MORON person: you can prove that the 666 star rosthschild on the flag of Israel Was he also the star of King David? ovviamente da persona istruita e responsabile: tu puoi dimostrare che la 666 stella rosthschild sulla bandiera di Israele era anche la stella del Re Davide?
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
12 ore fa
WATCH: Haley accuses Canada of selling out Israel at UN lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah ZionMyHome • but you Shiny Pony MORON, you have forgotten your intellectual honesty, and therefore, why you have not yet answered my question! remove your 666 fake star David!! tu ti è dimenticato della tua onestà intellettuale, e quindi tu non hai risposto ancora alla mia domanda!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
13 ore fa
WATCH: Haley accuses Canada of selling out Israel at UN lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah • Applause for Tosca, Ovazione for Mattarella, at the "Prima della Scala" A four-minute round of applause welcomes the head of state, then all stand for the Hymn of Mameli-Mekel Von Ursula Bilderberg: the parasites Soros Von Mogherini-Bonino ANSWER. in fact, nobody has understood why Mattarella is so acclaimed! but, I fear that brainwashing and cerebellum to all the Italian people: subjected to irreversible Satana Allah ja-Bull-On sharia: scam banking seigniorage, destruction disperazione devitalization despair ? has been 666 successful!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
13 ore fa
WATCH: Haley accuses Canada of selling out Israel at UN lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah • Giuseppe Conte is a deadly threat to the Italian people, an infamous president of the Council of Ministers of the Republic founded by Dracula Rothschild: the traitorous Freemasons! he is his own lawyer, a traitor and swindler marpion, he said "the foundation of democracy is the vote, but going to vote after a year? is foolish!" in fact he knew he would lose the elections .. then insulted the Israelis who will go three times in a year! Giuseppe Conte è una minaccia mortale per il popolo italiano, un infame presidente del Consiglio dei ministri della Repubblica fondata da Dracula Rothschild: i massoni traditori! lui è l'avvocato di se stesso, un marpione traditore e truffatore, disse "il fondamento della democrazia è il voto, ma andare a votare dopo un anno? è da incoscieti!" infatti lui sapeva che avrebbe perso le elezioni.. quindi insultò gli israeliani che andranno tre volte al voto in un anno!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
13 ore fa
WATCH: Haley accuses Canada of selling out Israel at UN Napoli, i migranti in protesta: "Siamo le sardine nere": come a dire: "la mafia nigeriana e le sue prostitute" gli agenti criminali e sostituzione etnica del partito democratico... ANSWER. il diritto umanitario si applica in caso di guerra.. ma, in Nigeria (la triade demoniaca: Iran Erdogan e Riyadh) loro stanno sterminando soltanto i cristiani, mentre i clandestini finanziano l'ISIS !
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
13 ore fa
lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah vs Bracha Leah • Has the rabbi Rothschild taught you the Bible? you should change master! between the swastika of Hitler and the 666 Rothschild on the flag of Israel? there is no difference .. both are the symbol of Hindu esoteric pantheism: and they have a cyclical movement ... while the Sword of King David that will pierce your fief and throw you into hell? that has a linear movement ... in fact the saints go ahead and you go back! la Bibbia te la ha insegnata il rabbino Rothschild? dovresti cambiare maestro! tra la svastica di Hitler e il 666 Rothschild sulla bandiera di Israele? non c'é nessuna differenza.. entrambe sono il simbolo del panteismo esoterico induista: ed hanno un movimento ciclico... mentre la Spada di Re Davide che ti forerà il feegato e ti butterà nell'inferno? quella ha un movimento lineare... infatti i santi vanni avanti e tu vai indietro!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
13 ore fa
Bracha Leah White Elk Clearwater • I hope this isn't off topic. Did Nikola Tesla's obsession with certain numbers come from gematria, or something else entirely? The 6s and reduction to 9 brought him to mind. Vortex math. The other digits describe the physical world, while 3, 6, and 9 are non-physical, pattern, sound, energy. The mathematical encryption of the universe, they say. I'm sorry I didn't study math. "If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9 then you would have a key to the universe." Bracha Leah White Elk Clearwater • Spero che questo non sia fuori tema. L'ossessione di Nikola Tesla per alcuni numeri proviene dalla gematria o qualcos'altro? Il 6s e la riduzione a 9 lo hanno ricordato. Vortice di matematica. Le altre cifre descrivono il mondo fisico, mentre 3, 6 e 9 sono non fisici, modello, suono, energia. La crittografia matematica dell'universo, dicono. Mi dispiace di non aver studiato matematica. "Se solo conoscessi la magnificenza di 3, 6 e 9, allora avresti una chiave per l'universo."
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
13 ore fa
Arab Countries Discuss Forming Pacts with Israel at White House ZionMyHome • 3 days ago Morocco, Oman, Bahrain and UAE are still islamic countries. The koran will never cease to be anti-Jewish at its essence. This stinks like a ruse and a trap. lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah vs ZionMyHome • you should not put the holy Cross of Jesus of Bethlehem, inside the 666 Rothschild star that is like putting the lunar idol in a silver case: vagina-story of Aisha, Muhammad's child-wife in Mecca Kaaba: abominable idol tu non dovresti mettere la Croce Santa di Gesù di Betlemme, dentro la 666 stella Rothschild che è come mettere l'idolo lunare, dentro una custodia argento: vagina-storia di Aisha, la moglie-bambina di Maometto a Mecca Kaaba: idolo abominevole
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
13 ore fa
lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah to JussSomeBloke • the Saudi Prince "511 Leader" he told me: "it is true that we behead the Christians, but, it is the Anglo-American Jews Obama, Rothschild Soros Morgan Rochefeller that force us to this!" il Principe saudita "511Leader" mi disse: "è vero che noi decapitiamo i cristiani, ma, sono gli ebrei anglo-americani Obama, Rothschild Soros Morgan Rochefeller che ci costringono a questo!"
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
13 ore fa
JussSomeBloke to Meagain2.0 • In the book of revelation, the saints are beheaded. Who else beheads people except muslims ? We are also told in Revelation that satans seat is in Pergamum, which is in Turkey. The Assyrian records show that gog / magog was also situated in Turkey which is directly North of Israel ( not Russia as many believe. Russians came from Vikings ) The pope ( who is NOT Christian ) is currently making videos to join hindus, buddhists, muslims, Christians together under one universal faith, which is absolute nonsense. Gog / magog was situated in Turkey according to detailed Assyrian records ( long before Josephus ,who got it wrong,, and then that error was picked up by Hal lyndsay etc...), and there was a famine, the magogites moved to the south of Italy, and became The Etruscans. The Etruscans were responsible for laying the foundation of the roman empire, which, after the sack of Rome, was once again moved back to Turkey, to Constantinople ( after Constantine ), which is now modern day Istanbul. I think the mark of the beast may be the bismillah, worn on the forehead by hamas, hizballah, isis etc. It sounds logical that anyone who didn't accept forced conversion, would be beheaded. However, regarding prophecy, its best not to have such a rigid philosophy. Everyone is guilty until proved innocent, and it's best to view everyone with suspicion and caution. JussSomeBloke to Meagain2.0 • Nel libro della rivelazione, i santi vengono decapitati. Chi altro decapita le persone tranne i musulmani? In Apocalisse ci viene anche detto che la sede di Satana è a Pergamo, che è in Turchia. I registri assiri mostrano che anche gog / magog si trovava in Turchia, che è direttamente a nord di Israele (non la Russia come molti credono. I russi venivano dai vichinghi) Il papa (che NON è cristiano) sta attualmente realizzando video per unire indù, buddisti, musulmani e cristiani insieme sotto un'unica fede universale, che è un'assurdità assoluta. Gog / magog era situato in Turchia secondo i dettagliati documenti assiri (molto prima che Josephus, che aveva sbagliato, e poi quell'errore fosse stato raccolto da Hal Lynday ecc ...), e c'era una carestia, i magogiti si trasferirono nel sud dell'Italia, e divenne Gli Etruschi. Gli Etruschi furono incaricati di porre le basi dell'impero romano, che, dopo il sacco di Roma, fu nuovamente trasferito in Turchia, a Costantinopoli (dopo Costantino), che oggi è Istanbul. Penso che il marchio della bestia possa essere il bismillah, indossato sulla fronte da hamas, hizballah, isis ecc. Sembra logico che chiunque non accettasse la conversione forzata, sarebbe stato decapitato. Tuttavia, per quanto riguarda la profezia, è meglio non avere una filosofia così rigida. Tutti sono colpevoli fino a quando non si dimostrano innocenti, ed è meglio vedere tutti con sospetto e cautela.
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
13 ore fa
White Elk Clearwater lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah • Bullsxxt! lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah White Elk Clearwater • you just need to do a 6 year Bible course! tu hai soltanto bisogno di fare un corso biblico di 6 anni!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
13 ore fa
Arab Countries Discuss Forming Pacts with Israel at White House lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah vs 18_18 • God made me: lorenzoJHWH and you're denying it .. you are fighting against God: "wishes" Dio ha fatto di me: lorenzoJHWH e tu lo stai negando.. tu stai lottando contro Dio: "auguri"
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
14 ore fa
18_18 • How much does Lorenzo pay to monopolize this forum? The Rothschild's in the late 1800's purchased one third the land of Syria. Southern Syria belongs to Israel. lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah 18_18 • no, I only have a thirst for justice, and a faith that is superior to yours Grace Joy 18_18 • I was wondering about Rothschild's buying 80% of Israel: Does that land still belong to the family, or to Israel? Technically. lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah Grace Joy • creating money from nothing Rothschild's buying 100% of Israel: Technically he 666 is the master of the world!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
14 ore fa
Arab Countries Discuss Forming Pacts with Israel at White House Meagain2.0 aldo • Man was created on the 6th day, therefore 666 is mankind tripled. It is "man's number" or "the number of a man" according to which translation of Revelation is used. "The Mark of the Beast …17 so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark—the name of the beast or the number of its name. 18 Here is a call for wisdom: Let the one who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and that number is 666." Revelation 13:17-18 lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah Meagain2.0 • yes, but on the seventh day God rested! so 7 is the symbol of perfection and 6 is a symbol of imperfection! 666: is: 1. imperfect democratic party: + 2. lgbt wickedness; + 3. Biden Satanism! si, ma il settimo giorno Dio si riposò! quindi 7 è il simbolo della perfezione e 6 è simbolo della imperfezione! 666: è: 1. imperfezione partito democratico: + 2. malvagità lgbt; + 3. Biden il satanismo!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
14 ore fa
Arab Countries Discuss Forming Pacts with Israel at White House White Elk Clearwater lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah • Archaeologic proofs exist despite your evil refusal (like all the Sata'nic replacement theology demons like you) to acknowledge them. As a direct descendant of King David we have a millennia long tradition that YES he di use the star. He discovered the secrets of the star that were unknown previously. Idolators? It is you - you evil xxxx who are an idolator PLUS accusation of such to sickly attempt to deride someone helps to prove what filth you are. lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah White Elk Clearwater • Archaeological proofs exist? really? try it 666 star rothschild on flag Israel! you are not son of king David, to be son of David you should have one of his descendants born in Bethlehem you are son ja-bul-on Satana Baal peor
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
14 ore fa
White Elk Clearwater Archaeologic proofs exist despite your evil refusal (like all the Sata'nic replacement theology demons like you) to acknowledge them. As a direct descendant of King David we have a millennia long tradition that YES he di use the star. He discovered the secrets of the star that were unknown previously. Idolators? It is you - you evil xxxx who are an idolator PLUS accusation of such to sickly attempt to deride someone helps to prove what filth you are. Reply View in discussion lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah Archaeological proofs exist? really? try it 666 star rothschild on flag Israel! you are not son od David you are son ja-bul-on Satana Baal peor
Lorenzo JHWH KINGDOM messiah Kaduri Israel 21 ore fa
WATCH: Haley accuses Canada of selling out Israel at UN Avatar lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah • a few seconds ago Maneuver: goodbye to fake first homes, only one per family. It will be possible to have only one 'main house' exempt from the IMU. ANSWER. for me Imu facilitation? this has always been the same case for me, only the TV license fee? I pay it twice: to usurers Masons, Obama. Democratic Party, Trudeau, Macron, lgbt, Rothschild's Dracula, Epstein Clinton Biden, Bilderberg, Merkel, Soros: sharks!
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POPE BUSTED: Bishops Denounce Vatican's U.N. Allies Written by Michael J. Matt | Editor
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From the Editor’s Desk, Michael Matt takes a hard look at the big event nobody in the Vatican seems to want to talk about—the Nairobi Summit on the 25th anniversary of the International Conference on Population and Development (Cairo).
This Bill and Melinda Gates/UN Population Fund affair was all about contraception, family planning, reproductive rights and…. the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Yes, that’s right—the very same goals Pope Francis and Jeff Sachs have been promoting inside the Vatican for years.
So, why did the Vatican have to back away from their friends at the United Nations and the big Agenda 2030? Because some very special Catholics in Africa stood up roared their objection to the globalist gurus of population control.
Plus, the #ResistFrancis campaign – what’s all about? Watch and see.
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Maxine • 3 hours ago
A few years ago, a satirical article on this very subject appeared in The Onion. Here are a few excerpts that provide a grin-worthy albeit grim caricature:
"In the Vatican's continuing efforts to reeducate, indoctrinate and re-program Catholics of all ages, Vatican spokespersos have proudly announced an exciting new fun game to be released just in time for Christmas. The game, appropriately called the Postconciliar Neo-Catholic Trivia Challenge, consists of 1,500 questions divided into various categories including Newchurch Catechism, Novus Ordo Novelties, Church History: Fact or Fiction, Diluted Doctrine and Bible Babble. Consisting of 300 playing cards with five questions on each card, this exhilarating exercise can be played by 2 or more persons singly or in groups. Just flip the card and discover if you have scored points with the correct answer or reveal yourself to be behind the times with an incorrect obsolete response. Get to know what your friends and neighbors think of the New World Order Church. Are they hip, cool, in the groove, humble neo-Catholics or are they stubborn, antiquated, inflexible, judgmental restorationists? Remember, in order to score high points, you must think outside the box. For example, when you are asked to list the liturgical colors, did your answer include "rainbow"?...
Quoting the Fifth Commandment: “You Shall Not Kill” and in particular the nuanced implication of deprivation of life caused by the denial of Climate Change, the Holy Father has issued the edict that henceforth sins committed against the environment and the integrity of the earth will be in violation of the “Will of the Holy See.” As such they will be considered mortal sins for which souls are condemned to everlasting Hell. Such sins against the earth will include thoughts, words and deeds contrary to the international UN definitions of environmental violations and the papal encyclical LAUDATO SI’ ( on care for our common home) written by Pope Francis. It has also been established that Catholics have a duty and obligatory responsibility, under the Spiritual Works of Mercy, to reprove and instruct the sinner when inimical speech or behavior against the environment manifests itself in a public venue. The Catholic Church will be working in tandem with the International Justice Court of the Hague and the United Nations Security Council to identify and restrain serious offenders so that their souls can be saved through remedial labor camp and reorientation centers. Forgiveness and absolution is based on a firm purpose of amendment and a sincere intention to do all we can to promote the cause of Sustainable Development for mother earth. Penances would range from a year in the Gulag Reorientation and Labor Center to a week of highway trash collection. Pope Francis has issued this motu proprio as a joint ecumenical religiopolitical effort in the ongoing struggle for “Sustainable Development”. The science of sustainable development was brought to the world’s attention by Professor Jeffery Sachs who says that the earth must rid itself of five billion humans. Professor Sachs, although Jewish, has been made a member of the Pontifical Academy of Science and now offers insight and instructions as to the understanding of Climate Change and the Catholic Church. The Holy Father has expressed his enthusiasm and confidence that the world will make a much nicer home if there were only less people in it. Pope Francis in the strictest sense warns the Faithful that to deny Climate Change is now an offence so grave that it carries with it a self-excommunication or Latæ Sententiæ..."see more
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Maxine • 3 hours ago
Peter warned, “Be sober, be vigilant, because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour” (1 Peter 5:8). Staying aware of the powerful role of Satan and his demons enables us to understand the atrocious evil and madness of this world. It also enables us to “resist” them (James 4:7). Jesus said: "If the world hate you, know you that it hath hated me before you. If you had been of the world, the world would love its own: but because you are not of the world, therefore the world hateth you.” More than this, He told them they were to risk everything on His way of living, to be prepared to be hated by brother and sister, father and mother, to be dragged before magistrates and kings, and even to death. This surrender to Christ is the only spirit which will conquer the world today which embraces half-baked philosophies and idolatrous cults. In this day of intense loyalties,it will take a great faith in Christ to put down faith in the Anti-Christ; it will take nothing less than the sacrifice of the Cross to conquer the sacrifice of those who crucify.
Already in 1937, Fr.Fulton Sheen wrote that "God is preparing the Church for the future battle or future peace by a spiritual purification in which only the strong will walk with Him. What was true in the days of Gideon is true in our own day. Gideon, it will be recalled, battled the Madianites whose army numbered 135,000 men. With an army of only 300 men, Gideon went out and put to flight the army of 135,000 and Israel had peace for forty years. The moral is that 300 zealous souls who rely on God can do more than 135,000 indifferent ones who trust in their arms; and also, that no enemy is too great if God is with us."

sorrows • 4 hours ago
Wish we had Bishops like them in the UK, the only thing our Bishops talk about including "Catholic Charity" "Cafod" is Global warming, whilst babies are slaughtered in the thousands in the UK every week. Great Video thank you Michael Matt
Kiwi Trad • 15 hours ago
Thankyou Micheal Matt.
Unfortunately Jacinda Ardern and co. are having a field day in NZ bringing forth the UN agendas. The shootings was an event that gave them a platform to instigate all this anti-christ rubbish. There is resistance though. This past weekend there was a pro-life march and rosary in front of parliament buildings and it was televised on the news! That was a shock. If the government get their way there will be unfetted access to abortion and no pro-lifers will be allowed within 150 metres of any clinic. Oh and that little thing called euthanasia. Yep, the govern