SSBB12347 SAID:Faith is believing in something without evidence, therefore gullibility. Atheism is not a religion, its a personal relationship with reality--ANSWER->All religions (except Satanism), say all: the same Ten Commandments: of Moses: that is natural law, because you give of idiot at more than 5 billion people? Without the evidence? there is no faith! you're an idiot! prayer is logical only if there is a relationship lived ( human nature is not masochistic), with God, that He and PERSON: love, justice, natural law. Therefore, any report has generated a change. In fact, the real history books (not those written by the synagogue of Satan of Freemasonry: the banking system) should be written through the lives of the saints
mrUniversalMetaphysc (1 sett. fa)
SSBB12347 SAID: I'm not religious, no offense, because I have common sense. "What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence."- Christopher Hitchens --ANSWER-> You're an abomination, for common sense! I am the metaphysics of common sense, that is the natural law! atheists? have a dignity, far superior to you. In fact, you are a: agnostic nihilist: that is a criminal: a murderess ideological. destroyer of human dignity! yours? is an apologia for crime! you can demonstrate / measure / determine / replicated in the laboratory: faith, hope, and charity, which is in a love relationship? No! So for you there is no love, in fact, you are the son of the devil!
mrUniversalMetaphysc (1 sett. fa)
@ youtube-VanessaAHudgensVeVo -> for my "uniusrei2? I am not aware of any problem, and in fact, I have not received any notice. Therefore: it is been closed, was an act of abuse of power: a true act of bullying of youtube..
@ youtube-VanessaAHudgensVeVo -> per il mio "uniusrei2"? io non sono consapevole, di nessun problema, ed infatti, io non ho ricevuto nessun avviso. Pertanto: la sua chiusura, è stato un atto di abuso di potere: un vero atto di bullismo.
mrUniversalMetaphysc (1 sett. fa)
/watch?v=_D4sxkjUEWk ]]@all of you enlightened Zionist Jews and Freemasons. -> I demand the return of this Palestinian child, who has been abducted by a squad of Satanists, from his mother's arms, whole with all its organs. His blood? is against You and your children, you have to answer of this! I am the Church: I swear this by the living God: YHWH and the name of Jesus, who I represent! /// io pretendo la restituzione di questo bambino palestinese, che è stato sottratto da una squadraccia dei satanisti, dalle braccia della mamma, integro e con tutti i suoi organi. Del suo sangue? Voi e i vostri figli, ne dovrete rispondere! Io la Chiesa: lo giuro per il Dio vivente: JHWH e per il nome di Gesù, che io rappresento!
mrUniversalMetaphysc (1 sett. fa)
@ youtube-VanessaAHudgensVeVo -> if you're with the NWO-IMF? Masons and Satanists? So, you're with the party of predation & of lies: that is, wars of civilizations: that is oppression of the perverse Zionist model, ie capitalist of American corporations: that the predation of bank seigniorage, the Jewish lobby. AGAINST ALL PEOPLE OF MANKIND. So, you're in the wrong place and wrong time. Because I believe that diversity is real wealth and true love! For that matter, there is no hatred in me! Since I am the universal brotherhood! If I am on youtube as King of Israel? is because the enlightened know that I am the last love remained, that is remained also for them too.
mrUniversalMetaphysc (1 sett. fa)
@youtube -VanessaAHudgensVeVo ->I am the universal brotherhood, which is love! only, the Zionist of IMF-NWO: ie banking seigniorage, in these three years, said: "lorenzojhwh has hate", but I can not be an accomplice to the murders or crimes: of no one. I represent God and the Word of God & all people all Nations: alone. it is because I wrote about on the titles of the my video for "uniusrei2": "Jewish lobby" that the site has been closed. You are a slanderous dirty, because you make statements without proof!
mrUniversalMetaphysc (1 sett. fa)
@youtube -VanessaAHudgensVeVo -> if you had a problem with the copyright with me? You were supposed to do other actions! Not, to close my "uniusrei2", my site without any notice: ie betrayal! Now you return it to me, my "uniusrei2", before that, the huge number: of your sins, STOP the God's mercy, for his protection over you!
@youtube -VanessaAHudgensVeVo -> se tu avevi un problema con il copyright con me? Tu dovevi fare altre azioni! Non chiudere a tradimento un sito senza nessun preavviso! Ora tu restituisci, a me, il mio "uniusrei2", prima che, per il numero enorme: dei tuoi peccati, la misericordia di Dio interrompa la sua protezione su di te!
mrUniversalMetaphysc (1 sett. fa)
@ VanessaAHudgensVeVo -> lol. I certainly have threatened to kill YouTube, because of my "uniusrei2" deleted to treacherously...,
I have not make death for threats to: VanessaAHudgensVeVo, lol. for you, lol. just you that is YouTube, which is now good for fear of dying! Accuses you: youtube the Holy Spirit of God!
@VanessaAHudgensVeVo --> lol. certo io ho minacciato di morte youtube, a motivo del mio "uniusrei2", soppresso a tradimento, io non ho minacciato di morte VanessaAHudgensVeVo, lol. per essere tu, proprio tu quel youtube, che ora fa bene a temere di morire! Rimprovera te: youtube lo Spirito Santo di Dio!
mrUniversalMetaphysc (1 sett. fa)
@ VanessaAHudgensVeVo -> non esiste un Dio musulmano, o ecc.. perché Dio è uno solo! Poiché Dio non è una invenzione umana, poiché l'uomo non ha dato, da se stesso, la vita all'universo. Anche se Dio è stato frainteso da Maometto: comunque Dio è sempre uno solo, poiché lui è una Persona, la cui identità, non può essere corrotta da nessuna corrotta religione, come l'Islam e l'ebraismo, ecc.. Perché ogni realtà che è stata distorta anela alla sua vera armonia. Ecco perché io non odio, quelli che io devo recuperare alla loro autenticità. Ma sono soltanto le forse occulte e sataniche del FMI-IMF: ie lobby ebraiche del signoraggio bancario, l'oggettto del mio attacco!
mrUniversalMetaphysc (1 sett. fa)
@VanessaAHudgensVeVo -->1. Satan do not know: disguises good or perfect [Vevo], 2. your identity is not important, I use the opportunities to attack the enlightened, with the their same weapons, 3. if you are a real person? you do not do this, a personal case: I will not be against you, because I am exploiting you, to hit the enlightened, that they playing, to making the gods invisible, hidden behind their human scarifices to Satan, for to strike the true Jewish: ie heart of all mankind, as they have done through the Holocaust to Hitler, etc ... They can not attacking me: 1. are not as good as Jesus, 2. are not yet as the King Zerubbabel, I'm only a rising star (as an alternative to the 3rd WWnuclear) that can not be stopped in any way!
mrUniversalMetaphysc (1 sett. fa)
@ Jews-> There's Nothing Between You and God! the Holy Spirit reproaches you! Soon, the Holy One of Jacob, will hurl Himself Against You, With His fierce anger, I swear in the name of Jesus! I am the Mahdi Unius Rei: ie King of Israel! All mankind has Become, only one victim, doomed to destruction with the Palestinians: "These Zionists are how to take a chicken in the henhouse? So Go The Same Way Among the Palestinians to carry off small children! Satanists are the real masters of the world! Human life has lost value ITS! I swear in the name of Jesus, Against All this Satanists Of These Zionists & Masons of NWO-IMF. If today we do not Defend the Palestinians? then, We All Our Lives Will Never Be Able to be bought back from the dead!
mrUniversalMetaphysc (1 sett. fa)
@ governments -> have sent a misunderstanding van, with characters dressed in black (Satan), to kidnap a child of 8 years, lol. also to prepare the video of youtube? lol. This is another trap! is obvious: the Zionists: of "Jewish lobby", hoping to coerce us, to another war, for not to be bore themselves, in waiting in the 3rd WWnuclear! Those damned Jews of seigniorage banking? of enlightened? the warlords? they made of war, a deal more than business economic: it is the energy of the IMF-NWO! We must send gifts ... but not to hit politicians or institutions. Even the most despicable political, must be protected! You have to hit the big Masons!
mrUniversalMetaphysc (1 sett. fa)
MY BROTHER sirataalmustaqeem SAID: Islam teaches that a non-Muslim may practice their religion in an Islamic state. Islam also teaches that a non-Muslim has the right to protection by the Islamic state. These things do not happen in the modern world. Freedom of Religion: As for "Modern Countries" who claim to be Islamic states you can get your answer just by listening to the news. Egypt, Libya, Pakistan, Iraq, Tunisia, Yemen, etc. - The people are fighting against tyrants and who have oppressed all people under them, even the Muslims. --ANSWER-> always has been! is always the policy that make bad any religion! why, I will continue to protect all religions!
mrUniversalMetaphysc (1 sett. fa)
Re: @ youtube -> has closed: my "uniusrei2
1 @ANONIMUS SAID: This was done to me also. This is my 9th channel. Peace. My prayers. 2 @ANONIMUS SAID: i see that it looks like you had to start all over .. youtube seems to have no free speech of what you was doing. knowing youtube they will probably close down my other account WorldsOfDigital for having tried battling the trolls. --ANSWER-> is because I use the word: "Jewish lobby", which I was been punished with the closure of "unusrei2". I know well, like, the worst Satanists have control of youtube! In fact, I feel, intuitively, the souls of those who in youtube, they love me. and yet are subjected to a dangerous and inflexible regulation. But, testing of YouTube, is part of a mind, absolutely satanic. I curse him: in Jesus's name! will come soon his soul in the hell.
mrUniversalMetaphysc (1 sett. fa)
1/2[induction at suicide cursed Israel] is not possible: 1. fragmenting the Palestinian sovereign state, 2. violate the sovereignty at will, 3. destroy the tomato fields and agricultural structures, 4. abduct the children. 5. I order in the name of Jesus, at the international community, to preside over the Palestinian territories and to replace the checkpoints of the Satanists Zionists, who have the sole purpose of harassing the population. Jew enlightened: of seigniorage banking have replaced biblical Israel of YHWH, with something absolutely satanic: Talmud, Zionism, Freemasonry, bank seigniorage, cororation, lobby, Satanism: and any manifestation of occult powers, of the NWO-IMF. Jews have passed against the Palestinians, all the horrors that the Nazis did against them! drink your poison made by yourself!
mrUniversalMetaphysc (1 sett. fa)
2 / 2 [induction suicide: cursed Israel] [Palestine generation is in hypnosis, for induction of self-annihilation] When a Palestinian has a shovel? is forced / induced to use against Israeli civilians. When he has a knife, in a more than watched: service station? lol. So much is destroyed, his sense of self-esteem: that he is forced to look death: 1. overcoming his instinct for survival, 2. love for his own children: 3. "This is Satanism of Jewish!". lol. he has led to assault against two women. Es:. This is a hypnotic-induced behavior, because a black van (not the army), with men in black uniforms, with glasses blacks, have kidnap a child of 8 years? This means committing an act of hypnosis, that is a violation of the mind: why Palestinian men are being forced to act rash, illogical, which is just their life that is suppressed
mrUniversalMetaphysc (1 sett. fa)
The Zionists and the Islamists? have no respect for human dignity! For them, the men are animals! they are satanic beasts! I order in the name of Jesus: Son of the Living God: 1). the destruction of the Talmud and Sharia. 2). the secularization of every government in the world. Rebuke all of you children of the devil: the Holy Spirit of God you will soon be slaughtered in the 3rd WWnuclear, but the enlightened, this time, do not laugh, as they laughed in the 11-09! Amen Allelluia
mrUniversalMetaphysc (1 sett. fa)
I sionisti e gli islamisti? non hanno nessun rispetto per la dignità umana! Per loro gli uomini sono animali! loro sono delle belve sataniche! Io ordino: nel nome di Gesù: figlio del Dio Vivente: 1). la distruzione del Talmud e della sharia. 2). la laicizzazione di ogni governo del mondo. Rimproverà tutti voi: figli del demonio: lo Spirito Santo di Dio. Voi presto sarete macellati, nella 3°WWnuclear, ma gli enlightened, questa volta, non rideranno, come hanno riso all'11-09! Amen Allelluia
mrUniversalMetaphysc (1 sett. fa)
my video: [[horror anxiety child kidnapped by Palestinian militias IMF Israeli NWO]] Zionists kidnap a Palestinian child of 8 years, this is my video criminal and absurd episode: [[ watch?v=_D4sxkjUEWk ]] I am the king of Israel Mahdi: ie unius Rei! I saw a van, police special (Satan). I have seen, As They kidnapped a Palestinian child of 8 years
[there is the video of this on my channel]. child Hunted like an animal
and ripped from the arms of her sisters, That They Trying to save HIM. lol. They maybe needed organs from grub? - for the Talmud? the children of the Gentiles / goim "are animals! lorenzojhwh the best GOIM? He must be
killed "(sinedrim). Zionists are Satanists! I order you, in Jesus' name,
That body of returning to the child!
CreationReal (1 sett. fa)
pro [uniusrei2] @ youtube -> I will not be resign ever: against the your disproportionate use of force: violence:
1. against me and 2. against the Word of God: that is the universal biblical book of "Wisdom", sacred to all religion the world. reading and translation, which was offered at a pace too slow (3 hours), to be accused by youtube, that I can use a monopoly of his page. If your protected: ie the Satanists were not happy? This is not a problem for all mankind! Therefore, it is fair that you return to me my "uniusrei2
mrUniversalMetaphysc (1 sett. fa)
@ youtube -> @ yeahboos405 -> I have all the elements and conditions to proceed in court against you! I am waiting for your answer: because it was BEEN closed: my "UniusRei2" ? 1). 14/febbraio: [Dear UniusRei2 your video: "LOBBY EBRAICA against Rei Unius", may contain proprietary material .. by WMG] 2). [[[Re: [# 775053151] YouTube Support Legal: SAID: "the contents mentioned in his original claim have already been removed" videourls: /watch?v=GaDohVHHouc. =]]]. - Answer -> You have violated the principles of democracy! If you wanted to impose: your regimen Masonic & Banking: ie Jewish lobbies, because you do not do this legally?
mrUniversalMetaphysc (1 sett. fa)
@youtube--> @yeahboos405 --> io ho tutti gli elementi legali per procedere in tribunale contro di voi! Sono in attesa, della vostra risposta: perché è stato chiuso: "UniusRei2". 1). 14/febbraio:[Caro UniusRei2 il tuo video: "LOBBY EBRAICA against Rei Unius", potrebbe contenere materiale di proprietà .. da WMG] Re: [#775053151] Supporto legale di youtube: SAID: "i contenuti menzionati nel suo reclamo originale sono già stati rimossi" videourls: /watch?v=GaDohVHHouc. Voi avete violato i principi della democrazia! Se volete affermare: il vostro regime massonico & bancario: delle lobby ebraiche, perché voi non lo fate legalmente?
mrUniversalMetaphysc (1 sett. fa)
yeahboos405 (45 minuti fa) Spam
yeahboos405 SAID: You owe us an apology. OK? you loser done it too many time already and we are very fed up. go ahead supsend my page and see if we are afraid: screw you!!! that very easy to do yet you staff are very nosy and a dickhead, you are going to get it in the ass if you continue to fuck, with all of us! you dont have any wisdom or intelligence. you're just a bully who suspend channel for no reason and very obnoxious. i say fuck off and leave us the fuck alone!!!!! did you know youtube suck more then dog shit? dog shit smell better then youtube. you guy have gone too far with your punishment and suspending of pages: that's insane.
mrUniversalMetaphysc (1 sett. fa)
SSBB12347 SAID: Besides, religion is just the Bureaucracy Between man and God. - Answer-> I have not, with God, a bureaucratic report! I have no, no, no point in making you a hypocrite more. What I want is: your happiness (the name of God), your noble values (is God): human (is God), that you become a hero (is God): for thy people, (is God) and a patriot: (God is) for your country: (is God). that give your life (is God) to love (is God) will make you a saint, however, (is God) to Heaven (is God), even without an explicit religious belief. Since the Jewish bankers fear only two things: 1. the real Christianity, 2. self-determination. of your Nation/Country. That's why, Freemasonry is more satanic, that the Satanism itself.
mrUniversalMetaphysc (1 sett. fa)
SSBB12347 SAID: Besides, religion is just the bureaucracy between man and God. -- ANSWER-> Io non ho con Dio una relazione burocratica! Io non ho nessun interesse a fare di te, un ipocrita in più. Quello che io voglio è: la tua felicità(nome di Dio), i tuoi nobili valori(Dio): umani(Dio), che tu diventi un eroe:( è Dio): per il tuo popolo:( è Dio): e un patriota:( è Dio): per la tua nazione:( è Dio). questo tuo donare la vita:( è Dio) per amore:( è Dio) faranno di te comunque un santo( è Dio) per il Paradiso( è Dio), anche senza una esplicita fede religiosa. Poiché i banchieri ebrei temono due cose soltanto: 1. il vero cristianesimo; 2. l'autoderminazione nazionale. Ecco perché, la massoneria è più satanica, del satanismo stesso.
mrUniversalMetaphysc (1 sett. fa)
SSBB12347 SAID: Your conspiracy theory fails to impress me. - Answer-> conspiracy? This argument, with all forms of racism (Zionism & Sharia)? is something that can make of me, a ruthless man! Brendan: your frame of mind, is older than a boy of 17 years, who knows how to show enough malice, not to be entered in any of the issues raised by me. as, instead, requires. a honest dialogue, set to search for the truth. But if you do not know the bank seigniorage? you had better, first, to study it, for then talk to me, of theories of conspiracy! But, if my government "Rei unius" is not recognized? You do not have a good chance of being alive in 2013!
mrUniversalMetaphysc (1 sett. fa)
I do not Regard ancient texts as evidence of a supreme higher power. - Answer-> I not have a problem, to prove God to anyone. Lol. I'm not sure that I have God in my pocket for myself! That your position? is dramatic! is the technicality, ie the religion of the murderer! You yourself are only a mouse evolved: now, a laboratory guinea pig. Maybe you're an enlightened that this is his goal! do not know that "every man rises on the shoulders of another man. " Religion or belief? is not a conviction, but the expansion of human potential. Like, for the greatest men (Galileo, Newton Einstain, etc. ..) in the history of mankind, were all men for God
mrUniversalMetaphysc (1 sett. fa)
I don't regard ancient texts as evidence of a supreme higher power. --ANSWER-> Io non ho il problema, di dimostrare Dio a qualcuno. Lol. Io che non sono sicuro di avere Dio in tasca, neanche, per me stesso! Questa tua presa di posizione? è drammatica! è la religione assassina del tecnicismo! Tu stesso sei solo un topo evoluto: adesso, una cavia di laboratorio. Forse tu sei un enlightened, che è proprio questo il tuo obiettivo: cioè trasformare gli uomini in animali! Poiché questo è un ottimo lavoro che è stato conseguito, grazie alla massoneria. non sai che: "ogni uomo sale sulle spalle di un altro uomo?". La religione o la fede, non sono una condanna, ma la dilatazione delle potenzialità umane. Come, i più grandi uomini(Galileo, Newton Einstain, ecc..) della storia del genere umano, erano uomini per Dio.
mrUniversalMetaphysc (1 sett. fa)
[The errors of following scripture alone]This is evident, when, the Word of God or Messiah = Anointed .= Christ, became incarnate in Jesus of Bethlehem. So he wanted to live a story, not just wanted to send a message. In fact it was he who create and educate a community, because what he had to convey was himself, and not only teaching: "Gestis": facts, [et / is] "verbis" words. and it is precisely for this reason that Jehovah's Witnesses, they will never be a Christian! and indeed for them Jesus is the archangel Michael (LOL ie, it is not, nor man, nor God), for them, prisoners of their sins, like all other men.
mrUniversalMetaphysc (1 sett. fa)
1/7[R:The errors of following scripture alone] First off let me just say scripture is GOD, it is love, it is truth, and "ignorance in scripture is ignorance in Christ" - St Jerome. With that being said the errors of following scripture alone have fractured the church mabey... irrevocably. Humurously we can disprove the doctrine of sola scriptura using three scriptural questions. The first question is: Is everything that Jesus every said in the bible? Let's look at what the beloved apostel has to say about this; "Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written."(John 21:25)
mrUniversalMetaphysc (1 sett. fa)
2/7[R:The errors of following scripture alone] While some might suggest this doesn't have to do with Jesus saying anything, but any sane person can reason that in his 33 years of life Jesus both did and said more then the bible holds. The second question is: was Jesus the fullness of the diety? Again let us turn to the most trustworthy apostels "For in Christ dwells the whole fullness of the deity"(2 Colossians 2:9) -- I think that answeres that question. And the third question is: How shall man survive? For this Jesus says it best - "Man does not survive by bread alone, but by every word that comes forth from the mouth of God."(Matthew 4:4) Since man survives by every word that proceeds from the mouth of GOD,
mrUniversalMetaphysc (1 sett. fa)
3/7[R:The errors of following scripture alone] and since Jesus is the fullness of the deity, and since Jesus's every word is not in the scripture - we would have to conclude that the scripture alone is not said to be sufficent to survive on.(and for those who say how can we ever know every word?... have you forgotten the spirit of truth?) Now given a chance im sure any protest(GODs church)ant would respond with two passages so lets look at these and preempt there strick. The first passage they would use, thinking that it proves there case is "All scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, for refutation, for correction, and for training in righteousness"(2 Timothy 3:16)
mrUniversalMetaphysc (1 sett. fa)
4/7[R:The errors of following scripture alone] This passage doesn't state that scripture is the fullness of the teaching of GOD or the only rule of practise, and as we move to the next verse it explains this more thoroughly: "So that the man of GOD(notice that the most blessed apostel doesn't tell us "that the regular joe" or "that to all people" or even to "all believers" but specifically "that the man of GOD")may be thoroughly equipped for every good work."(2 Timothy 3:17) Since this combindes the scripture with "the man of GOD" in its use, the scripture itself is not said to be sufficent. This passage as much as the protestants try to push it doesn't prove there claim, far from it. The next passage they will turn to is John 20:31
mrUniversalMetaphysc (1 sett. fa)
5/7[R:The errors of following scripture alone] which states "But these (acts of Jesus) are written that you may believe that Jesus is the messiah, the son of GOD, and that through this belief you may have life in his name." Nowhere in this passage does it state that scripture is either needed, or that it is the only way to be saved. Since protestants believe in scripture alone, and there is no scriptural evidence in scripture for this belief, this would mean they have to look outside of scripture to theologians such as (the heritic) Martin Luther to prove there beliefs, which in fact disproves them... Kinda funny when you think about it. Now lets switch sides and take the offensive. There is the fact that scripture provides scripture
mrUniversalMetaphysc (1 sett. fa)
6/7[R:The errors of following scripture alone] (lol probley a weird way to put that but every piece needs a little humor) that states it is not the only rule of faith and practise. "Therefore, brothers, stand firm and hold fast to the traditions that you were taught, either by an oral statement(what the Catholic church calls holy tradition) or by a letter of ours.(holy scripture)"(2 Thessalonians 2:15) This verse clearly advocates against scripture alone, stating that we should hold fast to traditions passed down by oral statements, not just written scripture. There are many similar passages to this one but we will not go into these, as it is already perfectly clear the falseness of sola scriptura,
mrUniversalMetaphysc (1 sett. fa)
7/7[R:The errors of following scripture alone] instead we will look at the effects of scripture alone. There are now over 33,000 different protestant denominations(refference the world christain encyclopedia) all claiming to hold the truth alone. Using scripture alone they have come up with 33,000 different beliefs in counting. If this multiplication continues eventually every protestant will be sitting in a church all by themselves. To console that horrible image brothers and sister I leave you with this parting passage to ponder on "(there is)no scripture that is a matter of personal interpritaion"(2 Peter 1:20)
mrUniversalMetaphysc (1 sett. fa)
7/7[R:The errors of following scripture alone] questo è evidente, nel mometo in cui, il Verbo di Dio: o Unto.= Messia = Cristo, si è incarnato in Gesù di Betlemme. Quindi lui ha voluto vivere una storia, non voleva soltanto trasmettere un messaggio. Infatti è stato lui a creare e ad educare una comunità, poiché quello che lui doveva trasmettere era se stesso, e non un insegnamento soltanto: "Gestis": fatti, [et /is]"verbis": parole. ed è proprio per questo, che i Testimoni di Geova, non potranno mai essere cristiani! ed infatti per loro Gesù è l'arcangelo Michele(lol. cioè, non è, ne uomo, e neanche Dio), per essere loro, prigionieri dei loro peccati, come tutti gli altri uomini.
mrUniversalMetaphysc (1 sett. fa)
SSBB12347 SAID: There is no God. --ANSWER->God can only be in the historical memory, not only of a nation: Israel! but it is also, in the historical memory of every man. In fact, we all have the physical experience, rational God, even those: that: they have no religion. Because, as for fish, their element is water, so for us, our element is God When you become a metaphysician, like me? Then God will become the foundation, THE your reality, your privileged relationship. This is an evolutionary project, because if there is no God? then there is not a way: for sense! But, since: the universe is very intelligent? Then there is the sense of all things: that is God: PRECISELY!
mrUniversalMetaphysc (1 sett. fa)
@SSBB12347-->this is just an element of drama! Who makes or creates something? always does it for a purpose. What could be the purpose, of a God who is infinite love? is clear: he wants to make love to you! ", but, He does not yet exist for you! Of this, my boy, I'm sure, "You boy, you're a lost boy!"
@SSBB12347-->questo è proprio un elemento drammatico! Chi realizza o crea qualcosa? lo fa sempre per uno scopo. Quale può essere lo scopo, di un Dio, che è infinito amore? è evidente: "lui vuole fare l'amore con te!", ma lui non esiste ancora per te! Di questo, ragazzo mio, io sono sicuro: "tu ragazzo, tu sei un perduto ragazzo!"
mrUniversalMetaphysc (1 sett. fa)
@ SSBB12347 -> but the synagogue of Satan, Jewish lobbies, masonry, corporations and bank seigniorage, agreed that man must lose his memory storic that: 1. his cultural level must be a minimum, that: 2. the country must be in anarchy, that: 3. pornography, horror, then terror, they have to reverse every man, by his founding. This is a planned conspiracy, which is first: spiritual, psychological, institutional, and then global NWO-IMF. advertising, gadgets, brands, hypocrisy, materialism, violence, injustice, aggression, etc. .. throughout society, in short, constricting all, remain below the minimum threshold of what is human! As you can see God, if you can not even see your humanity?
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3of7 Unzione Illimitata Miracula Rei Unius vs Jewish scam
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3 mesi fa
mrUniversalMetaphysc (1 sett. fa)
SSBB12347 SAID: I'm not religious, no offense, because I have common sense. "What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence."- Christopher Hitchens --ANSWER-> You're an abomination, for common sense! I am the metaphysics of common sense, that is the natural law! atheists? have a dignity, far superior to you. In fact, you are a: agnostic nihilist: that is a criminal: a murderess ideological. destroyer of human dignity! yours? is an apologia for crime! you can demonstrate / measure / determine / replicated in the laboratory: faith, hope, and charity, which is in a love relationship? No! So for you there is no love, in fact, you are the son of the devil!
mrUniversalMetaphysc (1 sett. fa)
@ youtube-VanessaAHudgensVeVo -> for my "uniusrei2? I am not aware of any problem, and in fact, I have not received any notice. Therefore: it is been closed, was an act of abuse of power: a true act of bullying of youtube..
@ youtube-VanessaAHudgensVeVo -> per il mio "uniusrei2"? io non sono consapevole, di nessun problema, ed infatti, io non ho ricevuto nessun avviso. Pertanto: la sua chiusura, è stato un atto di abuso di potere: un vero atto di bullismo.
mrUniversalMetaphysc (1 sett. fa)
/watch?v=_D4sxkjUEWk ]]@all of you enlightened Zionist Jews and Freemasons. -> I demand the return of this Palestinian child, who has been abducted by a squad of Satanists, from his mother's arms, whole with all its organs. His blood? is against You and your children, you have to answer of this! I am the Church: I swear this by the living God: YHWH and the name of Jesus, who I represent! /// io pretendo la restituzione di questo bambino palestinese, che è stato sottratto da una squadraccia dei satanisti, dalle braccia della mamma, integro e con tutti i suoi organi. Del suo sangue? Voi e i vostri figli, ne dovrete rispondere! Io la Chiesa: lo giuro per il Dio vivente: JHWH e per il nome di Gesù, che io rappresento!
mrUniversalMetaphysc (1 sett. fa)
@ youtube-VanessaAHudgensVeVo -> if you're with the NWO-IMF? Masons and Satanists? So, you're with the party of predation & of lies: that is, wars of civilizations: that is oppression of the perverse Zionist model, ie capitalist of American corporations: that the predation of bank seigniorage, the Jewish lobby. AGAINST ALL PEOPLE OF MANKIND. So, you're in the wrong place and wrong time. Because I believe that diversity is real wealth and true love! For that matter, there is no hatred in me! Since I am the universal brotherhood! If I am on youtube as King of Israel? is because the enlightened know that I am the last love remained, that is remained also for them too.
mrUniversalMetaphysc (1 sett. fa)
@youtube -VanessaAHudgensVeVo ->I am the universal brotherhood, which is love! only, the Zionist of IMF-NWO: ie banking seigniorage, in these three years, said: "lorenzojhwh has hate", but I can not be an accomplice to the murders or crimes: of no one. I represent God and the Word of God & all people all Nations: alone. it is because I wrote about on the titles of the my video for "uniusrei2": "Jewish lobby" that the site has been closed. You are a slanderous dirty, because you make statements without proof!
mrUniversalMetaphysc (1 sett. fa)
@youtube -VanessaAHudgensVeVo -> if you had a problem with the copyright with me? You were supposed to do other actions! Not, to close my "uniusrei2", my site without any notice: ie betrayal! Now you return it to me, my "uniusrei2", before that, the huge number: of your sins, STOP the God's mercy, for his protection over you!
@youtube -VanessaAHudgensVeVo -> se tu avevi un problema con il copyright con me? Tu dovevi fare altre azioni! Non chiudere a tradimento un sito senza nessun preavviso! Ora tu restituisci, a me, il mio "uniusrei2", prima che, per il numero enorme: dei tuoi peccati, la misericordia di Dio interrompa la sua protezione su di te!
mrUniversalMetaphysc (1 sett. fa)
@ VanessaAHudgensVeVo -> lol. I certainly have threatened to kill YouTube, because of my "uniusrei2" deleted to treacherously...,
I have not make death for threats to: VanessaAHudgensVeVo, lol. for you, lol. just you that is YouTube, which is now good for fear of dying! Accuses you: youtube the Holy Spirit of God!
@VanessaAHudgensVeVo --> lol. certo io ho minacciato di morte youtube, a motivo del mio "uniusrei2", soppresso a tradimento, io non ho minacciato di morte VanessaAHudgensVeVo, lol. per essere tu, proprio tu quel youtube, che ora fa bene a temere di morire! Rimprovera te: youtube lo Spirito Santo di Dio!
mrUniversalMetaphysc (1 sett. fa)
@ VanessaAHudgensVeVo -> non esiste un Dio musulmano, o ecc.. perché Dio è uno solo! Poiché Dio non è una invenzione umana, poiché l'uomo non ha dato, da se stesso, la vita all'universo. Anche se Dio è stato frainteso da Maometto: comunque Dio è sempre uno solo, poiché lui è una Persona, la cui identità, non può essere corrotta da nessuna corrotta religione, come l'Islam e l'ebraismo, ecc.. Perché ogni realtà che è stata distorta anela alla sua vera armonia. Ecco perché io non odio, quelli che io devo recuperare alla loro autenticità. Ma sono soltanto le forse occulte e sataniche del FMI-IMF: ie lobby ebraiche del signoraggio bancario, l'oggettto del mio attacco!
mrUniversalMetaphysc (1 sett. fa)
@VanessaAHudgensVeVo -->1. Satan do not know: disguises good or perfect [Vevo], 2. your identity is not important, I use the opportunities to attack the enlightened, with the their same weapons, 3. if you are a real person? you do not do this, a personal case: I will not be against you, because I am exploiting you, to hit the enlightened, that they playing, to making the gods invisible, hidden behind their human scarifices to Satan, for to strike the true Jewish: ie heart of all mankind, as they have done through the Holocaust to Hitler, etc ... They can not attacking me: 1. are not as good as Jesus, 2. are not yet as the King Zerubbabel, I'm only a rising star (as an alternative to the 3rd WWnuclear) that can not be stopped in any way!
mrUniversalMetaphysc (1 sett. fa)
@ Jews-> There's Nothing Between You and God! the Holy Spirit reproaches you! Soon, the Holy One of Jacob, will hurl Himself Against You, With His fierce anger, I swear in the name of Jesus! I am the Mahdi Unius Rei: ie King of Israel! All mankind has Become, only one victim, doomed to destruction with the Palestinians: "These Zionists are how to take a chicken in the henhouse? So Go The Same Way Among the Palestinians to carry off small children! Satanists are the real masters of the world! Human life has lost value ITS! I swear in the name of Jesus, Against All this Satanists Of These Zionists & Masons of NWO-IMF. If today we do not Defend the Palestinians? then, We All Our Lives Will Never Be Able to be bought back from the dead!
mrUniversalMetaphysc (1 sett. fa)
@ governments -> have sent a misunderstanding van, with characters dressed in black (Satan), to kidnap a child of 8 years, lol. also to prepare the video of youtube? lol. This is another trap! is obvious: the Zionists: of "Jewish lobby", hoping to coerce us, to another war, for not to be bore themselves, in waiting in the 3rd WWnuclear! Those damned Jews of seigniorage banking? of enlightened? the warlords? they made of war, a deal more than business economic: it is the energy of the IMF-NWO! We must send gifts ... but not to hit politicians or institutions. Even the most despicable political, must be protected! You have to hit the big Masons!
mrUniversalMetaphysc (1 sett. fa)
MY BROTHER sirataalmustaqeem SAID: Islam teaches that a non-Muslim may practice their religion in an Islamic state. Islam also teaches that a non-Muslim has the right to protection by the Islamic state. These things do not happen in the modern world. Freedom of Religion: As for "Modern Countries" who claim to be Islamic states you can get your answer just by listening to the news. Egypt, Libya, Pakistan, Iraq, Tunisia, Yemen, etc. - The people are fighting against tyrants and who have oppressed all people under them, even the Muslims. --ANSWER-> always has been! is always the policy that make bad any religion! why, I will continue to protect all religions!
mrUniversalMetaphysc (1 sett. fa)
Re: @ youtube -> has closed: my "uniusrei2
1 @ANONIMUS SAID: This was done to me also. This is my 9th channel. Peace. My prayers. 2 @ANONIMUS SAID: i see that it looks like you had to start all over .. youtube seems to have no free speech of what you was doing. knowing youtube they will probably close down my other account WorldsOfDigital for having tried battling the trolls. --ANSWER-> is because I use the word: "Jewish lobby", which I was been punished with the closure of "unusrei2". I know well, like, the worst Satanists have control of youtube! In fact, I feel, intuitively, the souls of those who in youtube, they love me. and yet are subjected to a dangerous and inflexible regulation. But, testing of YouTube, is part of a mind, absolutely satanic. I curse him: in Jesus's name! will come soon his soul in the hell.
mrUniversalMetaphysc (1 sett. fa)
1/2[induction at suicide cursed Israel] is not possible: 1. fragmenting the Palestinian sovereign state, 2. violate the sovereignty at will, 3. destroy the tomato fields and agricultural structures, 4. abduct the children. 5. I order in the name of Jesus, at the international community, to preside over the Palestinian territories and to replace the checkpoints of the Satanists Zionists, who have the sole purpose of harassing the population. Jew enlightened: of seigniorage banking have replaced biblical Israel of YHWH, with something absolutely satanic: Talmud, Zionism, Freemasonry, bank seigniorage, cororation, lobby, Satanism: and any manifestation of occult powers, of the NWO-IMF. Jews have passed against the Palestinians, all the horrors that the Nazis did against them! drink your poison made by yourself!
mrUniversalMetaphysc (1 sett. fa)
2 / 2 [induction suicide: cursed Israel] [Palestine generation is in hypnosis, for induction of self-annihilation] When a Palestinian has a shovel? is forced / induced to use against Israeli civilians. When he has a knife, in a more than watched: service station? lol. So much is destroyed, his sense of self-esteem: that he is forced to look death: 1. overcoming his instinct for survival, 2. love for his own children: 3. "This is Satanism of Jewish!". lol. he has led to assault against two women. Es:. This is a hypnotic-induced behavior, because a black van (not the army), with men in black uniforms, with glasses blacks, have kidnap a child of 8 years? This means committing an act of hypnosis, that is a violation of the mind: why Palestinian men are being forced to act rash, illogical, which is just their life that is suppressed
mrUniversalMetaphysc (1 sett. fa)
The Zionists and the Islamists? have no respect for human dignity! For them, the men are animals! they are satanic beasts! I order in the name of Jesus: Son of the Living God: 1). the destruction of the Talmud and Sharia. 2). the secularization of every government in the world. Rebuke all of you children of the devil: the Holy Spirit of God you will soon be slaughtered in the 3rd WWnuclear, but the enlightened, this time, do not laugh, as they laughed in the 11-09! Amen Allelluia
mrUniversalMetaphysc (1 sett. fa)
I sionisti e gli islamisti? non hanno nessun rispetto per la dignità umana! Per loro gli uomini sono animali! loro sono delle belve sataniche! Io ordino: nel nome di Gesù: figlio del Dio Vivente: 1). la distruzione del Talmud e della sharia. 2). la laicizzazione di ogni governo del mondo. Rimproverà tutti voi: figli del demonio: lo Spirito Santo di Dio. Voi presto sarete macellati, nella 3°WWnuclear, ma gli enlightened, questa volta, non rideranno, come hanno riso all'11-09! Amen Allelluia
mrUniversalMetaphysc (1 sett. fa)
my video: [[horror anxiety child kidnapped by Palestinian militias IMF Israeli NWO]] Zionists kidnap a Palestinian child of 8 years, this is my video criminal and absurd episode: [[ watch?v=_D4sxkjUEWk ]] I am the king of Israel Mahdi: ie unius Rei! I saw a van, police special (Satan). I have seen, As They kidnapped a Palestinian child of 8 years
[there is the video of this on my channel]. child Hunted like an animal
and ripped from the arms of her sisters, That They Trying to save HIM. lol. They maybe needed organs from grub? - for the Talmud? the children of the Gentiles / goim "are animals! lorenzojhwh the best GOIM? He must be
killed "(sinedrim). Zionists are Satanists! I order you, in Jesus' name,
That body of returning to the child!
CreationReal (1 sett. fa)
pro [uniusrei2] @ youtube -> I will not be resign ever: against the your disproportionate use of force: violence:
1. against me and 2. against the Word of God: that is the universal biblical book of "Wisdom", sacred to all religion the world. reading and translation, which was offered at a pace too slow (3 hours), to be accused by youtube, that I can use a monopoly of his page. If your protected: ie the Satanists were not happy? This is not a problem for all mankind! Therefore, it is fair that you return to me my "uniusrei2
mrUniversalMetaphysc (1 sett. fa)
@ youtube -> @ yeahboos405 -> I have all the elements and conditions to proceed in court against you! I am waiting for your answer: because it was BEEN closed: my "UniusRei2" ? 1). 14/febbraio: [Dear UniusRei2 your video: "LOBBY EBRAICA against Rei Unius", may contain proprietary material .. by WMG] 2). [[[Re: [# 775053151] YouTube Support Legal: SAID: "the contents mentioned in his original claim have already been removed" videourls: /watch?v=GaDohVHHouc. =]]]. - Answer -> You have violated the principles of democracy! If you wanted to impose: your regimen Masonic & Banking: ie Jewish lobbies, because you do not do this legally?
mrUniversalMetaphysc (1 sett. fa)
@youtube--> @yeahboos405 --> io ho tutti gli elementi legali per procedere in tribunale contro di voi! Sono in attesa, della vostra risposta: perché è stato chiuso: "UniusRei2". 1). 14/febbraio:[Caro UniusRei2 il tuo video: "LOBBY EBRAICA against Rei Unius", potrebbe contenere materiale di proprietà .. da WMG] Re: [#775053151] Supporto legale di youtube: SAID: "i contenuti menzionati nel suo reclamo originale sono già stati rimossi" videourls: /watch?v=GaDohVHHouc. Voi avete violato i principi della democrazia! Se volete affermare: il vostro regime massonico & bancario: delle lobby ebraiche, perché voi non lo fate legalmente?
mrUniversalMetaphysc (1 sett. fa)
yeahboos405 (45 minuti fa) Spam
yeahboos405 SAID: You owe us an apology. OK? you loser done it too many time already and we are very fed up. go ahead supsend my page and see if we are afraid: screw you!!! that very easy to do yet you staff are very nosy and a dickhead, you are going to get it in the ass if you continue to fuck, with all of us! you dont have any wisdom or intelligence. you're just a bully who suspend channel for no reason and very obnoxious. i say fuck off and leave us the fuck alone!!!!! did you know youtube suck more then dog shit? dog shit smell better then youtube. you guy have gone too far with your punishment and suspending of pages: that's insane.
mrUniversalMetaphysc (1 sett. fa)
SSBB12347 SAID: Besides, religion is just the Bureaucracy Between man and God. - Answer-> I have not, with God, a bureaucratic report! I have no, no, no point in making you a hypocrite more. What I want is: your happiness (the name of God), your noble values (is God): human (is God), that you become a hero (is God): for thy people, (is God) and a patriot: (God is) for your country: (is God). that give your life (is God) to love (is God) will make you a saint, however, (is God) to Heaven (is God), even without an explicit religious belief. Since the Jewish bankers fear only two things: 1. the real Christianity, 2. self-determination. of your Nation/Country. That's why, Freemasonry is more satanic, that the Satanism itself.
mrUniversalMetaphysc (1 sett. fa)
SSBB12347 SAID: Besides, religion is just the bureaucracy between man and God. -- ANSWER-> Io non ho con Dio una relazione burocratica! Io non ho nessun interesse a fare di te, un ipocrita in più. Quello che io voglio è: la tua felicità(nome di Dio), i tuoi nobili valori(Dio): umani(Dio), che tu diventi un eroe:( è Dio): per il tuo popolo:( è Dio): e un patriota:( è Dio): per la tua nazione:( è Dio). questo tuo donare la vita:( è Dio) per amore:( è Dio) faranno di te comunque un santo( è Dio) per il Paradiso( è Dio), anche senza una esplicita fede religiosa. Poiché i banchieri ebrei temono due cose soltanto: 1. il vero cristianesimo; 2. l'autoderminazione nazionale. Ecco perché, la massoneria è più satanica, del satanismo stesso.
mrUniversalMetaphysc (1 sett. fa)
SSBB12347 SAID: Your conspiracy theory fails to impress me. - Answer-> conspiracy? This argument, with all forms of racism (Zionism & Sharia)? is something that can make of me, a ruthless man! Brendan: your frame of mind, is older than a boy of 17 years, who knows how to show enough malice, not to be entered in any of the issues raised by me. as, instead, requires. a honest dialogue, set to search for the truth. But if you do not know the bank seigniorage? you had better, first, to study it, for then talk to me, of theories of conspiracy! But, if my government "Rei unius" is not recognized? You do not have a good chance of being alive in 2013!
mrUniversalMetaphysc (1 sett. fa)
I do not Regard ancient texts as evidence of a supreme higher power. - Answer-> I not have a problem, to prove God to anyone. Lol. I'm not sure that I have God in my pocket for myself! That your position? is dramatic! is the technicality, ie the religion of the murderer! You yourself are only a mouse evolved: now, a laboratory guinea pig. Maybe you're an enlightened that this is his goal! do not know that "every man rises on the shoulders of another man. " Religion or belief? is not a conviction, but the expansion of human potential. Like, for the greatest men (Galileo, Newton Einstain, etc. ..) in the history of mankind, were all men for God
mrUniversalMetaphysc (1 sett. fa)
I don't regard ancient texts as evidence of a supreme higher power. --ANSWER-> Io non ho il problema, di dimostrare Dio a qualcuno. Lol. Io che non sono sicuro di avere Dio in tasca, neanche, per me stesso! Questa tua presa di posizione? è drammatica! è la religione assassina del tecnicismo! Tu stesso sei solo un topo evoluto: adesso, una cavia di laboratorio. Forse tu sei un enlightened, che è proprio questo il tuo obiettivo: cioè trasformare gli uomini in animali! Poiché questo è un ottimo lavoro che è stato conseguito, grazie alla massoneria. non sai che: "ogni uomo sale sulle spalle di un altro uomo?". La religione o la fede, non sono una condanna, ma la dilatazione delle potenzialità umane. Come, i più grandi uomini(Galileo, Newton Einstain, ecc..) della storia del genere umano, erano uomini per Dio.
mrUniversalMetaphysc (1 sett. fa)
[The errors of following scripture alone]This is evident, when, the Word of God or Messiah = Anointed .= Christ, became incarnate in Jesus of Bethlehem. So he wanted to live a story, not just wanted to send a message. In fact it was he who create and educate a community, because what he had to convey was himself, and not only teaching: "Gestis": facts, [et / is] "verbis" words. and it is precisely for this reason that Jehovah's Witnesses, they will never be a Christian! and indeed for them Jesus is the archangel Michael (LOL ie, it is not, nor man, nor God), for them, prisoners of their sins, like all other men.
mrUniversalMetaphysc (1 sett. fa)
1/7[R:The errors of following scripture alone] First off let me just say scripture is GOD, it is love, it is truth, and "ignorance in scripture is ignorance in Christ" - St Jerome. With that being said the errors of following scripture alone have fractured the church mabey... irrevocably. Humurously we can disprove the doctrine of sola scriptura using three scriptural questions. The first question is: Is everything that Jesus every said in the bible? Let's look at what the beloved apostel has to say about this; "Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written."(John 21:25)
mrUniversalMetaphysc (1 sett. fa)
2/7[R:The errors of following scripture alone] While some might suggest this doesn't have to do with Jesus saying anything, but any sane person can reason that in his 33 years of life Jesus both did and said more then the bible holds. The second question is: was Jesus the fullness of the diety? Again let us turn to the most trustworthy apostels "For in Christ dwells the whole fullness of the deity"(2 Colossians 2:9) -- I think that answeres that question. And the third question is: How shall man survive? For this Jesus says it best - "Man does not survive by bread alone, but by every word that comes forth from the mouth of God."(Matthew 4:4) Since man survives by every word that proceeds from the mouth of GOD,
mrUniversalMetaphysc (1 sett. fa)
3/7[R:The errors of following scripture alone] and since Jesus is the fullness of the deity, and since Jesus's every word is not in the scripture - we would have to conclude that the scripture alone is not said to be sufficent to survive on.(and for those who say how can we ever know every word?... have you forgotten the spirit of truth?) Now given a chance im sure any protest(GODs church)ant would respond with two passages so lets look at these and preempt there strick. The first passage they would use, thinking that it proves there case is "All scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, for refutation, for correction, and for training in righteousness"(2 Timothy 3:16)
mrUniversalMetaphysc (1 sett. fa)
4/7[R:The errors of following scripture alone] This passage doesn't state that scripture is the fullness of the teaching of GOD or the only rule of practise, and as we move to the next verse it explains this more thoroughly: "So that the man of GOD(notice that the most blessed apostel doesn't tell us "that the regular joe" or "that to all people" or even to "all believers" but specifically "that the man of GOD")may be thoroughly equipped for every good work."(2 Timothy 3:17) Since this combindes the scripture with "the man of GOD" in its use, the scripture itself is not said to be sufficent. This passage as much as the protestants try to push it doesn't prove there claim, far from it. The next passage they will turn to is John 20:31
mrUniversalMetaphysc (1 sett. fa)
5/7[R:The errors of following scripture alone] which states "But these (acts of Jesus) are written that you may believe that Jesus is the messiah, the son of GOD, and that through this belief you may have life in his name." Nowhere in this passage does it state that scripture is either needed, or that it is the only way to be saved. Since protestants believe in scripture alone, and there is no scriptural evidence in scripture for this belief, this would mean they have to look outside of scripture to theologians such as (the heritic) Martin Luther to prove there beliefs, which in fact disproves them... Kinda funny when you think about it. Now lets switch sides and take the offensive. There is the fact that scripture provides scripture
mrUniversalMetaphysc (1 sett. fa)
6/7[R:The errors of following scripture alone] (lol probley a weird way to put that but every piece needs a little humor) that states it is not the only rule of faith and practise. "Therefore, brothers, stand firm and hold fast to the traditions that you were taught, either by an oral statement(what the Catholic church calls holy tradition) or by a letter of ours.(holy scripture)"(2 Thessalonians 2:15) This verse clearly advocates against scripture alone, stating that we should hold fast to traditions passed down by oral statements, not just written scripture. There are many similar passages to this one but we will not go into these, as it is already perfectly clear the falseness of sola scriptura,
mrUniversalMetaphysc (1 sett. fa)
7/7[R:The errors of following scripture alone] instead we will look at the effects of scripture alone. There are now over 33,000 different protestant denominations(refference the world christain encyclopedia) all claiming to hold the truth alone. Using scripture alone they have come up with 33,000 different beliefs in counting. If this multiplication continues eventually every protestant will be sitting in a church all by themselves. To console that horrible image brothers and sister I leave you with this parting passage to ponder on "(there is)no scripture that is a matter of personal interpritaion"(2 Peter 1:20)
mrUniversalMetaphysc (1 sett. fa)
7/7[R:The errors of following scripture alone] questo è evidente, nel mometo in cui, il Verbo di Dio: o Unto.= Messia = Cristo, si è incarnato in Gesù di Betlemme. Quindi lui ha voluto vivere una storia, non voleva soltanto trasmettere un messaggio. Infatti è stato lui a creare e ad educare una comunità, poiché quello che lui doveva trasmettere era se stesso, e non un insegnamento soltanto: "Gestis": fatti, [et /is]"verbis": parole. ed è proprio per questo, che i Testimoni di Geova, non potranno mai essere cristiani! ed infatti per loro Gesù è l'arcangelo Michele(lol. cioè, non è, ne uomo, e neanche Dio), per essere loro, prigionieri dei loro peccati, come tutti gli altri uomini.
mrUniversalMetaphysc (1 sett. fa)
SSBB12347 SAID: There is no God. --ANSWER->God can only be in the historical memory, not only of a nation: Israel! but it is also, in the historical memory of every man. In fact, we all have the physical experience, rational God, even those: that: they have no religion. Because, as for fish, their element is water, so for us, our element is God When you become a metaphysician, like me? Then God will become the foundation, THE your reality, your privileged relationship. This is an evolutionary project, because if there is no God? then there is not a way: for sense! But, since: the universe is very intelligent? Then there is the sense of all things: that is God: PRECISELY!
mrUniversalMetaphysc (1 sett. fa)
@SSBB12347-->this is just an element of drama! Who makes or creates something? always does it for a purpose. What could be the purpose, of a God who is infinite love? is clear: he wants to make love to you! ", but, He does not yet exist for you! Of this, my boy, I'm sure, "You boy, you're a lost boy!"
@SSBB12347-->questo è proprio un elemento drammatico! Chi realizza o crea qualcosa? lo fa sempre per uno scopo. Quale può essere lo scopo, di un Dio, che è infinito amore? è evidente: "lui vuole fare l'amore con te!", ma lui non esiste ancora per te! Di questo, ragazzo mio, io sono sicuro: "tu ragazzo, tu sei un perduto ragazzo!"
mrUniversalMetaphysc (1 sett. fa)
@ SSBB12347 -> but the synagogue of Satan, Jewish lobbies, masonry, corporations and bank seigniorage, agreed that man must lose his memory storic that: 1. his cultural level must be a minimum, that: 2. the country must be in anarchy, that: 3. pornography, horror, then terror, they have to reverse every man, by his founding. This is a planned conspiracy, which is first: spiritual, psychological, institutional, and then global NWO-IMF. advertising, gadgets, brands, hypocrisy, materialism, violence, injustice, aggression, etc. .. throughout society, in short, constricting all, remain below the minimum threshold of what is human! As you can see God, if you can not even see your humanity?
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