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handover from one generation of satanists to another

Nobel winner Robert Aumann: We are witnessing 'a coup of lawyers, I fear for the state'
Nobel winner Robert Aumann: We are witnessing 'a coup of lawyers, I fear for the state'
satanismo e partito democratico: un colpo di spugna di delitti estremi commessi da lgbt culto contro bambini e loro famiglie!!

Meloni a Radio 24: «Nessuno deve chiedere scusa su Bibbiano» La leader di FdI ha ribadito la propria posizione sulla vicenda di Bibbiano anche dopo la decisione della Cassazione che ha revocato l’obbligo di dimora del sindaco

WASHINGTON, 5 DEC - Uber has announced that in the US in 2018 there have been more than 3,000 cases of sexual assault during his races, with nine people murdered
thanks to the Democratic Party:
when you enter the sharia ghetto: or in the ghetto of the Nigerian mafia?
you have violated another sovereign state!
Nobel winner Robert Aumann: We are witnessing 'a coup of lawyers, I fear for the state'
December 5, 2019 

Robert Aumann, recipient of the 2005 Nobel Prize in Economics (Flash90)


Nobel winner Robert Aumann: We are witnessing ‘a coup of lawyers, I fear for the state’

Nobel Prize winner Robert Aumann said that lawyers and jurists were taking over the country, negating the system of separation of powers.

By World Israel News Staff

Professor Robert Aumann, who won the Nobel Prize in 2005 in economics for his work on game-theory analysis, condemned recent actions of the Israeli State Prosecutor’s Office and the Office of the Attorney General.

Aumann told daily paper Israel Hayom in an exclusive interview, “I’m furious. The prosecutors are taking over the state. They do whatever they want. What happens here is a real coup.

“South American and Arab countries have generals’ coups. Here it’s a coup of jurists,” Aumann said.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu expressed similar sentiments on Nov. 21, the evening he was charged in an array of corruption cases. He said the country is witnessing an “attempted coup” against him.

Aumann said, “What is happening here is already anti-democratic and negates the whole principle of separation of powers. It is in fact a continuation of the 1990s judicial revolution, but the legal system has become more daring and crosses every line.”

By “judicial revolution,” Aumann referred to the dramatic expansion of powers of Israel’s judiciary led by then-Israeli Supreme Court Justice Aharon Barak.

Aumann told Israel Hayom that Mandelblit’s latest claim that only his candidate, Deputy State Prosecutor Shlomo Lamberger, can be appointed to fill the shoes of outgoing State Prosecutor Shai Nitzan, is a “scandal.”

“Where is such a thing heard? Not only does he make himself the only commentator on the law, he now also changes the law as he sees fit.”

“The problem, he argues, is that jurists think of themselves as lawmakers,” Israel Hayom said.

Aumann said Netanyahu had made a mistake not taking on the judiciary during his many years as prime minister. Netanyahu had prevented efforts by others in his coalition to take a more aggressive approach in reforming the judiciary. Indeed, he had appointed Shai Nitzan as state prosecutor, one of two people most cited as leading the corruption cases against the prime minister.

“He may have been afraid that if he acted against them, he’d be swallowed up, but that is exactly what happened anyway once his political agenda did not match theirs,” Aumann said.

In his Nov. 21 speech attacking the investigation against him, Netanyahu mentioned a number of cases in which politicians were taken down or had their appointments blocked by prosecutors.

Aumann also called the committee that appoints judges a “junta.”

“Judges sit on a judiciary selection committee and they have the right to veto? We and India are the only two countries in the world where this is the case,” he said.

Israeli justiceNobel Prize

lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah2 minutes ago

this is a handover from one generation of satanists to another!
Biden collects endorsements of 322 John Kerry and 666 Anton Szandor Artur LaVey, real name Howard Stanton Levey esotericist, musician. He was the founder of the Church of Satan.

lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah11 minutes ago

Tortured by Cia, he tells it in drawings
On display at the Seton Hall University the images of Abu Zubaydah
ANSWER. and why he never talks about sharia murders: made by Muslims against innocent Christians: all over the world, sharia jihad: how are they made in the ARAB LEAGUE?

lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah25 minutes ago

we have already seen how satanists work well!
they got the persecution of Israel
and have obtained the genocide of all Christians in Syria and Iraq:
then, they supported the jihadist Riyadh galaxy in the world!
WASHINGTON, 5 DEC - Joe Biden collects the first high-profile endorsement for his race to the White House, that of former Secretary of State John Kerry. "Joe has the character and experience to beat Trump," says Kerry who for four years collaborated with Biden in the Obama administration. "I don't support him because I have known him for a long time, but because I know him very well".
Biden, on the other hand, is still waiting for Obama's longed-for endorsement, which could be decisive for victory in the Democratic primaries.

lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah

WASHINGTON, 5 DEC - Uber has announced that in the US in 2018 there have been more than 3,000 cases of sexual assault during his races, with nine people murdered
thanks to the Democratic Party:
when you enter the sharia ghetto: or in the ghetto of the Nigerian mafia?
you have violated another sovereign state!

lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah • 

satanismo e partito democratico: un colpo di spugna di delitti estremi commessi da lgbt culto contro bambini e loro famiglie!!

Meloni a Radio 24: «Nessuno deve chiedere scusa su Bibbiano» La leader di FdI ha ribadito la propria posizione sulla vicenda di Bibbiano anche dopo la decisione della Cassazione che ha revocato l’obbligo di dimora del sindaco

lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah42 minutes ago

yes, for Costitutional right we must restore martial law and we must condemn millions of traitors to death!

lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah •  

TRUMP & Netanjahu] now, we must activate the martial law or satanist Masons and WW3 nuclear will come out of control: democratic and constitutional control has been destroyed!
Benjamin Netanyahu said the country is witnessing an "attempted coup" against him.

Aumann said, "What is happening here is already anti-democratic and negates the whole principle of separation of powers. It is in fact a continuation of the 1990s judicial revolution, but the legal system has become more daring and crosses every line. "

Don Spilman3 hours ago

“The prosecutors are taking over the state. They do whatever they want“
Pretty much exactly what the damned demoncrap, socio/commie/GLOBS are trying to do here in America! It’s going to come back to bite the utter fools!

punch_corona9 hours ago

. Aumann is correct. I would suggest looking at world judiciary systems and ask .. "where does the Israel Judiciary system stand in this ranking". ..? https://worldjusticeproject..... dot....... org.. Look for the 2019 Rule of Law Report.. Israel is not listed in this ranking .. but I would suggest the ranking may
by at the medium level ... 63 + ( 1/2. of the 126 countries ). any country can fall suddenly fall many notches with cases like these.. judges.. lawyers .. politicians .. take notice .. don't defend the un defendable.. sit back.. look well.. analyze.. question..

White Elk Clearwater11 hours ago

And that's just the tip of the iceberg!

Palestinian state up for vote in US House resolution
December 5, 2019

“The Palestinian Arabs have rejected any peace talks with Israel and refuse to discuss peace with the United States,” said the Zionist Organization of America.

By Jackson Richman, JNS

The U.S. House of Representatives is slated to vote Friday on a resolution reaffirming a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

It was introduced by Reps. Alan Lowenthal (D-Calif.), Gerry Connolly (D-Va.), and Karen Bass (D-Calif.). It emphasizes the U.S.-Israel relationship on issues from national security to shared values such as “democracy, human rights and the rule of law.”

At the same time, it also states, “The United States has long sought a just and stable future for Palestinians, and an end to the occupation, including opposing settlement activity and moves toward unilateral annexation in Palestinian territory.”

The resolution currently has 192 co-sponsors, all Democratic.

“The Palestinian Arabs have rejected any peace talks with Israel and refuse to discuss peace with the United States,” said the Zionist Organization of America in a statement, rejecting the proposed resolution.

“After two inconclusive Israeli elections and the prospects growing for a third, it is completely inappropriate for the U.S. House of Representatives to try to interfere with Israeli policy as Israel tries to form a new government,” the organization argued.

However, the Jewish Democratic Council of America (JDCA) supports the resolution.

“JDCA strongly supports the passage of H. Res. 326, which is co-sponsored by nearly 200 Democrats and reaffirms decades-long, bipartisan U.S. support for a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict,” Halie Soifer, the group’s executive director, told JNS.

“This resolution is especially important in light of the possibility of unilateral Israeli annexation of the West Bank, which would significantly impede prospects for a two-state solution and may call into question Israel’s future as a secure, Jewish, and democratic state,” added Soifer.

Therefore, she said, “we call on Republicans and Democrats who support a strong U.S.-Israel relationship to vote for this resolution when it comes to the House floor for a vote on Friday.”

The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) told JNS it does not have a stance on the measure.

Two State SolutionUS House of Representatives

lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah12 hours ago

Nobel Prize winner Robert Aumann said lawyers and lawyers were conquering the country,
canceling the system of separation of powers.
we must restore martial law and we must condemn millions of people to death!

Dianne Kavonan hour ago

Just one question..what the heck is going on that we read this "Palestinian state up for vote in US House resolution` Do both sides think that this is how they get to be acknowledged world wide? The other part is what the heck is going on, are they thinking better be nice to both sides? If that is the feeling then take their "love for Israel and stuff it since it will only cause MORE trouble"

TruthBeTold2 hours ago • edited

No surprise there. Like other leftist globalists worldwide, the democrats hate Anerica and Israel because they want the sovereignty of all nations to be negated through open borders and economic impoverishment so they can become swallowed up by their New (Nazi) World Order. They are demonic to the core.

jongnagy2 hours ago

The Democrats harbor anti-Semites like Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and-their many anti--Semitic Democrat supporters.

Only foolish American Jews would vote for any of them.

18_183 hours ago

With Jew's, like this, why do we need Jew's in Congress? Fundamentalist Xtians are not afraid of Israel annexing Judea and Samaria. A Jew who votes Socialist Democrat, is a Jew, not interested in Israel's survival.
jgarbuz3 hours ago

We'll consider it Democrats only after you also make resolution to give back Texas, California and the SWest to Mexico. And don't forget an independent state for the Lakota Sioux as well.

Dajjal jgarbuz3 hours ago

The proposal should never be considered under any circumstances or conditions. There is no solution while the world is Islam infested. The listed 'bipartisan' policy is part of the problem.

Barry4 hours ago

I told everyone years ago, here and on FB that the Dems were anti Semitic / anti Israel and to enjoy Trump while he’s here!
Ron4 hours ago

Who cares if the house votes for a Palestinian state. It's not up to them. Palestinians don't want their own state anyway. The only ones who want it are the US Dems.
mrtambourineman4 hours ago

Et tu AIPAC? They are now becoming so married to the left-wing that they won't oppose a Democratic Party anti-Israel resolution. Disgusting! lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah •

this is a handover from one generation of satanists to another!
Biden collects endorsements of 322 John Kerry and 666 Anton Szandor Artur LaVey, real name Howard Stanton Levey esotericist, musician. He was the founder of the Church of Satan.

questo è un passaggio di consegne da una generazione di satanisti all'altra!
Biden incassa endorsement di 322 John Kerry e di 666 Anton Szandor Artur LaVey, vero nome Howard Stanton Levey (Chicago, 11 aprile 1930 – San Francisco, 29 ottobre 1997), è stato un esoterista, musicista e scrittore statunitense. Firma di Anton LaVey. È stato il fondatore della Chiesa di Satana.
Carol M.4 hours ago • edited

"The United States has long sought a just and
stable future for Palestinians, ...and moves toward unilateral annexation in the Palestinian territory." i.e. replace Israel with "Palestine." (Why doesn't Jordan give up some land?) The fact the Palestinian Arabs reject peace, (only want it on their terms) is a good thing. A phony peace would be disastrous for Israel. Bottom line, there is no such thing as a stable just future for them on their current trajectory.

Dajjal Carol M.3 hours ago

Just future for them: filled graves.

Miguel Mangalito Abramowicz4 hours ago

I believe that to the winners the spoils.
Ask Russia to get out of Crimea?
Ask Turkey to get out of Cyprus?
Where is the logic?
In 1948 when Jordan annexed half of Jerusalem, excluding the Jews from their sacred Wall, where were these folks that claim that Israel should give up the territories they fought to survive and won in several wars?
What business does our Congress have in the internal affairs of Israel?
Palestinians do not want to negotiate! And the US cannot dictate terms!
How can you negotiate with Palestinians where the only solution they have is death to all the Jews?
Has no one learned anything from the Israelis giving up Gaza for peace? What did it gain them? other than an enemy that taunts them and attack them constantly?
Did anyone in the world even react when the Palestinians burnt and destroyed all the Synagogues left behind in Gaza?
Did the world take notice than when Israel won the 6 days war in 1967, that instead of destroying the Mosque of the Dome, they allowed the Jordanian Mufti to oversee it, in detriment of its own citizens not being allowed to visit the site of the first and second temples? Had that been a synagogue, Palestinians would have destroyed without thought! And the world would have kept quiet!
People, stop being naïve and fooling yourselves, as much as I like to believe that one day Palestinians will accept that Israel has a right to exist as a Jewish State, I don't believe that I'll live long enough to see it!

Dajjal Miguel Mangalito Abramowicz3 hours ago

You will never see it no matter how long you live.

Abe Simhony4 hours ago

Why doesn‘t the ZOA protest the attempts of the Administration to support Netanyahu, by legalizing settlement activities, possible annexation of West Bank Area etc, but considers a resolution following decades long US foreign policy principles, intervention in Israeli political situation?

bill534 hours ago

“The United States has long sought a just and stable future for Palestinians, and an end to the occupation, including opposing settlement activity and moves toward unilateral annexation in
Palestinian territory.”

1. There is NO occupation.

2. There is NO such thing as Palestine or Palestinians.

3. How can something be annexed that doesn't exist in the first place.

4. Since ALL of Samaria and Judea are Israeli territory including the West Bank. There is nothing to be annexed.

5. There are arabs SQUATTING on Israeli territory, I guess that can be considered occupation.

6. I am appalled by my country today. Both for this resolution and the Coup d'état against the President.
Don Spilman5 hours ago

Couple of damned stupid demoncraps! FEEL like they should pwotec the widdl phallustinkians! What the idiots don’t get is the fact that the world is not dealing with normal thoughtful considering human beings. They are MUZSLIME they don’t want nor expect nor respect what normal human beings do they expect to own the damned world and demand everyone help them accomplish that! Demented GLOBS will get what they want but they will not like what they get! IDIOTS!!!!!!!!!
evangeline golding5 hours ago

I’m all in favour of the fakestinians having their own one of the moslem countries which abound in the ME.
Let them take their terrorist a**ses to a patch of desert in saudi, or egypt, or whichever other 7th century h3llhole they originated from, and stay away from our homeland!!!!
Why should Israel have to provide land for this filth? They have no right and no business being on Jewish soil.

RiverFred5 hours ago

Palestinians do not want a two-state solution:

The Palestinians have been offered their own state — with its capital in Jerusalem and every Israeli settlement in the new Palestine uprooted — only to be rudely rejected because they will not recognize or agree to live next to a Jewish state. Their answer to a two-state solution is Jihad as evidenced by the PA joining Hamas whose charter calls for the destruction of Israel.

This is not ancient history. This is 2000, 2001 and 2008 — three y peace offers every one rejected.
The fundamental reality remains: This generation of Palestinian leadership — from Yasser Arafat to Mahmoud Abbas — has never and will never sign its name to a final peace settlement dividing the land with a Jewish state (if they did they would be killed immediately.) And without that, no Israeli government of any kind will agree to a Palestinian state.

Moshe Moses5 hours ago

Fake Jews and enemies of Israel in the Democratic party please internalize the palestians don't want peace on any terms with Israel don't try to force and sell 🇮🇱Israel out as you always do only the loyal Jews that love will stand with Israel and G-Ds punishment awaits the fake Jews Amen

DScruggs5 hours ago

Democrats need to clean up the war zone biological hazard they reign over AKA districts. The one thing that would turn me against President Trump is if he would sign a trash bill like that! Israel needs to get more land back not just Judea and Samaria all of West bank and Gaza and more it's there land leave them alone. God bless Israel and all who blesses Israel & Curse all who curse Israel.

gerald m. serlin6 hours ago

As a two-state solution is an impossibility, this so-called Jewish organization, the JDCA should keep its opinions to itself, unless a solution of the problem is found. So far, the so-called Palestinians have offered nothing but war. Actually, war is a solution, if fought to the end, with a treaty, a la WW2. Short of that, there seems to be no solution.

Dajjal gerald m. serlin3 hours ago

Fought to total victory: the extinction of Islam. Nothing less can bring peace.

martin potashner6 hours ago

Who the hell do the democrats think they are imposing their will on another country were the palistinians get paid to kill Jews I would like to see these savages deported to Jordan were they belong

Alec Becker6 hours ago

I find it disgraceful that the Democratic Jews in congress are going against Israeli policy. There is no way that a two state solution will be a solution. Are these idiots so blind as to not see what has happened in the past when dealing with the so called Palestinians.

I really think these idiots should visit Israel and see first hand what is happening before they proceed to vote on a resolution that is against Israeli policy.
Neil6 hours ago

The evil scumbag communist will vote with the satanic arabs, the republicans will not!

Min Dona6 hours ago

The Democrat anti Semitic majority communist House of Representatives IS NOT THE FINAL DETERMINATION of U.S. foreign policy!

The House of Representatives is ROGUE, tyrannical, and CANNOT solely create U.S. policy!!!!!!!!!!!!
u4ea Here6 hours ago

Don't let the comment section get usurped by people who are not well and who spam the comment section!
Slide to the right along his name and pull the down arrow and block Lorenzo the "messiah"

Gigi u4ea Here5 hours ago


retired226 hours ago

A 2 state solution would be a great solution,
right now there are 4 states in the old Palestine Mandate.
Gaza,Fatahland & Jordan,all Muslim & Judenrein!

Little Israel wedged in between them is a mere 15% of Mandate Palestine & has more Arab citizens than Gaza & Fatahland combined.
So,if this could be cut down to 2,Jordan & Israel,it would be a great improvement!

Dajjal retired223 hours ago

Complete & total elimination of Islam is the only solution.

Tall Timbers7 hours ago

An end to what occupation?

Dajjal Tall Timbers3 hours ago

The Muslim occupation of Israel!!

Yochanan Mauritz Hummasti7 hours ago

Palestinians??? The
Arabs exercised their right to self-determinism when they voted for
Abdullah I the King of Jordan to be their sovereign at the December 1948
Jericho Conference. Then they tried to overthrow the Hashemites during
"Black September 1970" and now they claim the Oslo Accords gives them
rights. Under Oslo they exercise full autonomy so what Arabs is it that
she [Ilhan Omar] talking about??? In 1977, Zuheir Mohsen, PLO Executive
Council member, articulated the goals of the new “peoplehood” strategy
saying, “The Palestinian people does not exist…. The creation of a
Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against
the state of Israel…. It is only for political and tactical reasons that
we speak today about…the existence of a distinct ‘Palestinian people’
to oppose Zionism.”

Moreover, As Hamas Minister of the Interior and of National Security
Fathi Hammad speaking on Al-Hekma TV said in March 2012: “Brothers, half
of the Palestinians are Egyptians and the other half are Saudis. Who
are the Palestinians? We have many families called Al-Masri, whose roots
are Egyptian. Egyptian! They may be from Alexandria, from Cairo, from
Dumietta, from the North, from Aswan, from Upper Egypt. We are


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retired22 Yochanan Mauritz Hummasti7 hours ago

The Democrats do politics for their masters who $ own them.

And those masters hate Jews


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victoryman retired226 hours ago

And we need to begin with Soros.


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gornisht-helfen victoryman6 hours ago



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Ralph Richardson7 hours ago

I have long thought it would be good to call the islomozombies enclave a country. Then their attacks would be acts of war, and Israel could put an end to it once and for all.


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Dajjal Ralph Richardson3 hours ago

Abbas calls it a country, so go 4 it. Makes no difference, wars need not be carried on by state actors. Division of muslims into denominated terror groups is a means of plausible deniability. KSA & Iran can fund them while enjoying impunity.


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retired22 Ralph Richardson6 hours ago

You were great in Dr. Zhivago!


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Alex Peshansky7 hours ago

Democrats have your back, Israel! That is, they are more than happy to back-stab you.


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V.V.7 hours ago

Are these people friggin insane or what. THERE CAN NEVER BE A TWO STATE SOLUTION. My gosh, rockets have bombarded Israel for over a year and these idiots think Israel can make peace with an enemy who wants NO Peace only war and annihilation of the Jewish people. THEY ARE OUT OF TOUCH WITH REALITY BETTER KNOWN AS MENTALLY ILL PSYCHOPATHS.


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Efram Paul hour ago

Oh they want peace. The eternal peace of Israel and all Jews.


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Min Dona V.V.2 hours ago • edited

If Israel gives up Judea and Samaria (AND THAT DECISION IS ISRAEL’s TO MAKE SOLELY - NO country can force them to do this!) The Americans DONT own Israel! The Americans DONT decide what Israel will do!
If ISRAEL ever gives up any of its land- it will be committing national Jewish suicide!
It is well known by several Israeli military and MANY U.S. Generals in the Pentagon, that have SAID that Judea and Samaria provide CRUCIAL “strategic depth” security for Israel against her enemies! If Judea and Samaria became an Arab State - missiles, tanks, and millions of Arab forces would invade Israel and reach the coast of the Western Great Sea (Mediterranean) within 30 minutes! That’s not even counting the loss of 40% of Israel’s total water resources, that much of the needed land for God’s determination of all future generations of Jewish descendants “to come” - have enough land to settle on, are guaranteed their right of return birthright, (God’s forever promise that He gave the land of Israel to the 12 tribes of Jacob and their descendants forever (His promise made to Abraham in Genesis). In The Torah, and the writings of several Prophets, there are 19 biblical verses, where God promises this “Zionism” of every Jewish person with “not 1 of them left behind.”
Dividing the land of Israel (boundaries God set forth in Numbers 34:1-10) would be a great INSULT and act of UNGRATEFULNESS by the Jewish Nation towards their God - let alone disparaging all those Jewish brethen (over 1.5 million people) who have fought and died in The Great Revolt, Kochba revolt, and the 4 Arab wars - where Jews have defended the land of Israel - since the time of Joshua!, the foundation of the Holy Bible, and the 3500 year history of the Jews’ homeland.


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Michael V.V.5 hours ago

or simply, Democrats.


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Irgun7 hours ago

Note to Dems:
There are no "Palestinian lands," which makes it impossible for anyone to "occupy" them.


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Michael7 hours ago

Going out on a limb here, but I am 100% in favor of a Palestinian state...with one caveat. The land they are given to live on and rule must be on Alan Lowenthal's, Gerry Connolly's, and Karen Bass' property. Okay, okay, you can also use Nancy Pelosi's, Adam Schiff's, and even Barry's. I know he'll appreciate the camaraderie with his Muslim buddies.


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Robert F.7 hours ago

AIPAC has to remain bipartisan, so it can’t speak out on this issue.

The absence of a peaceful resolution and two-state solution is entirely the fault and responsibility of the Palestinian “leadership,” which wants Israel wiped off the map - in stages. The Democrats are proving they are anti-Israel. They are friends of the anti-Zionists and anti-Semites, but, like FDR, wouldn’t lift a finger to help the Jews.


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punch_corona9 hours ago

.. "The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) told JNS it does not have a stance on the measure."..? is .aipac a democratic institution..? ,, no stance on this one..? can they at least defend Israel form the wolves & the vultures..?

.. Trump gave a nice x-mas gift .. Hanukah gift to Israel by dumping the hansell memo in the garbage can.. may G-d bless Donald Trump & protect him from his enemies..


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lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah12 hours ago

“Mio marito massacrato da 2 immigrati alla fermata del bus” – FOTO CHOC https://voxnews info/2019/12/05/mio-marito-massacrato-da-2-immigrati-alla-fermata-del-bus-foto-choc/
un altro voto in meno per il partito democratico



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Albert Reingewirtz12 hours ago

Vote for the Anti- Semitic party if you want the end of Israel by the Democrats next vote on the subject. Time to cleanse the "Palestinians" Islamic terrorists and their supporters out of the land of the Jewish State of Israel to Palestine now calling itself Jordan but ruled by a Saudi Family. "The Palestinians" should accept The Jewish State of Israel or get out.

Cauc-Asian Patriot Albert Reingewirtzan hour ago • edited

I agree with your point except the Hashemite royal family rules the Kingdom of Jordan and are not of the House of Saud which rules Saudi Arabia! Actually, the Palestinians did pledge their loyalty to it in 1948 with the West Bank being part of Trans-Jordan then! The Palestinians were welcome in Jordan until they tried to overthrow King Hussein in 1970-1972 by reneging on a series of agreements the Jordanians made with them. This is why the Palestinians are without a country now after Israel occupied the West Bank then gave it back following PLO attacks! The Palestinians can't be trusted as Jordan knows so how can Israel do anything with them? It is what it is! Happy Holidays especially Chanukah to all rightists!

Michael Albert Reingewirtz4 hours ago

get out would be my preference.

Don Spilman Albert Reingewirtz4 hours ago

DAMN the stupidity!!!!! NO FREAK MUZSLIME is EVER going to accept the Jewish state! Can’t you get that????????????

Efram Paul Don Spilmanan hour ago

Democratic goals do not include reality, truth, or any facts at all. The party, driven by antisemites and delusions, is only interested in its foul worldview. Any facts which would get in the way are irrelevant to them.

Don Spilman Efram Paul44 minutes ago • edited

Of course anything we in the west do or say or think is irrelevant to the nasty creatures. They are subhuman in that respect, they could never ever embrace civilized human togetherness, they have to be totally in charge and are brute beasts about it! Muzslime are very evil creatures, just look at their best example, the murdering torturing terrorizing thugs of isis! My comment to Albert was about muzslime I see you are speaking about the demoncraps, they are equally evil anymore because they are using muzslime to destroy America, just as they have done to yourerp!

cherieloren Don Spilman4 hours ago

I agree with your comment but I think you've misread Albert Reingewirtz's comment.
Don Spilman cherielorenan hour ago

I was simply responding to Al’s closing comment. I have engaged Al a few times and I like most of his comments, but we have to absolutely STOP hinting in any way that muzslime might change somehow! It is absolute hubris on our part to think we can change the vile devils!

victoryman Albert Reingewirtz6 hours ago

Amen, sir. Amen. As for the JCDA, a pox upon them. As for the anti-Semitic democ-rats, a pox on them also.

lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah12 hours ago • edited

Biden 666 collects John Kerry's 322 endorsement: Satan and Allah rejoice!
Regeni: Di Maio, more cooperation is needed
Nigeria: ISIS kidnaps 14 people (they are Christian slaves goyims dalit Dhimmis) for Mogherini Nancy Peoly and Merkel have no value: erdogan and Riyadh celebrate!
Biden, I will not go to the Senate spontaneously ... ok we will take him in handcuffs!
Trump, so impeachment becomes routine: it is already a routine of democratic magistracy the Masons who have sworn by rothschild and spit on the Constitution and religion

lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah12 hours ago • edited

Il presidente Usa, come noto, aveva sollecitato Kiev a indagare su Joe Biden e suo figlio Hunter, che sedeva nel board di una società energetica ucraina quando il padre era vicepresidente.
al tempo della guerra in DONBASS? io sapevo che le ragazze ucraine si prostituivano per poter mangiare un panino...
ma, adesso ignoro come potrebbe essere la loro situazione: con i BIDEN 666!

lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah12 hours ago

La Consulta boccia la legge anti-moschee della Lombardia
peccato che tutta la LEGA ARABA ha la legge anti-Chiese!

Froike12 hours ago

Let me guess...Democrats Pro....Republicans against.

mrtambourineman Froike4 hours ago

President Kennedy [rest in peace], of yesterday's Democratic Party, must be turning over in his grave yet again at today's "Democratic" Party" [read" Socialist anti-Semitic].

Froike mrtambourineman3 hours ago

Oh Brother, how things have changed.

Phil Lesh Fan13 hours ago

"However, the Jewish Democratic Council of America (JDCA) supports the resolution.

“JDCA strongly supports the passage of H. Res. 326, which is co-sponsored by nearly 200 Democrats and reaffirms decades-long, bipartisan U.S. support for a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict,” Halie Soifer, the group’s executive director, told JNS."

The JDCA, 192 Democrats and, I wager most Democrat American J ews, all want more of the same approach, as they do their hopey-changey dance for a different outcome than history has provided us.

VTS Phil Lesh Fan5 hours ago

Those three low life professors were nasty and disgusting.

Phil Lesh Fan VTS2 hours ago

Nasty and disgusting is a clear description of what they said, what they are, and what they represent. Having learned some of the background of all three of those Leftists (they are not Liberals - they are Leftists) it is just shameful that the DNC Cartel brought them out as star opinion-staters. The gal is J ewish, and a speech she gave in 2006, castigating white people while extolling the virtue of her bisexual Leftist ideology, was beyond nasty and disgusting. I've no issue with anyone's sexual orientation And yet, she used it as a vile weapon of demonization.

How any Democrat voter, J ewish or not, can continue to support that party is simply beyond my ken.

18_18 VTS3 hours ago

Law professor, means that know how to read a book and give correct answers on an exam. However, professors, who work strictly in academia have no common sense. There is too much marijuana in the campus air. Move to Texas, where the people have common sense.

mrtambourineman VTS4 hours ago

It doesn't matter. They didn't change any votes. But they may have pissed off more American viewers, especially that Stanford filth, who passes for a "lady", with her disgusting below-the-belt attack on innocent Barron. How would you like to wake up in bed next to her in the morning? It's hard to imagine, but I'd even take Hillary Clinton over that shriveled prune.

pedro eilat Phil Lesh Fan6 hours ago

JDCA - is this the same as J-Street as their policies seem identical

Phil Lesh Fan pedro eilat2 hours ago

The Leftist groups may have a variety of acronyms, but their group-think is pretty much the same.

Min Dona Phil Lesh Fan6 hours ago • edited

The House of Representatives is anti Semitic and the House of Representatives DOES NOT SOLELY HAVE THE POWER TO MAKE FOREIGN POLICY!

The USA does NOT have ANY POWER over Israel - or any other World Country!!!!!!!!!

Phil Lesh Fan Min Dona17 minutes ago

You are correct in all counts.
The Democratic Party leadership has given in to the far Left of their party, led by Tlaib, Omar, Cortez, Sanders, Warren, et al.

I again state that I do not understand how anyone can still support that party. It used to be known for being Liberal, and that is a whole world apart from the Leftist ideology it now embraces. Leftist ideology can only lead to totalitarianism, and that hardly supporting liberty (Liberal) of us citizens.

mrtambourineman Min Dona4 hours ago

Of course not. A "resolution" is just a empty political statement.
Henderson_m Phil Lesh Fan13 hours ago

We don't need to go very far. Only for the impeachment yesterday, the 3 professors were Jews and for the democrats. On 192 democrats, I would love to know how many Jews there are! We know already that on 6 millions Jews in America, 80% are democrats! It's absolutely out of this world!

mrtambourineman Henderson_m4 hours ago

I'm a Jew and I know why. Most don't give a damn about Israel and are solely focused on "social issues" in the US.

Don Spilman Henderson_m4 hours ago

Yup getting really really sick of damned liberal Jews that are doing all they can to destroy America.

Min Dona Henderson_m6 hours ago • edited

And the 20% of Jewish Americans are NOT KAPOS and they know God’s word, His promise of land inheritance for Jacob’s descendants (aka “Israel”, “Jeshurun” “House of Israel”, “House of Judah “) - NOT the Arabs or Ishmael’s descendants.
God made that very clear in Genesis 17:19-21.

Here’s a biblical scripture in Joel 4 about God speaking to the prophet, and expressing his actions, and HIS ANGER about how His Jewish people were treated by the nations, and how His land of Israel “being divided”. These verses reveal that God does not want His land divided- Whether in ancient times or in modern or future times! For He gave the land to the Jewish descendants of Jacob (House of Judah & the House of Israel) forever. (Genesis 17:19-21).

God “bringing the nations down to the “Valley of Jehoshaphat” for the final battle against EVIL and its/their final destruction, is a recurring biblical prophesy mentioned in several Books of the Prophets!

Joel 4:1-3
“For lo! in those days and in that time, when I restore the fortunes of Judah and Jerusalem, I will gather ALL the nations and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat, there I will contend with them - over My very own people, Israel.
Which they scattered among the nations.
FOR THEY DIVIDED MY LAND AMONG THEMSELVES and cast lots over My people;”

For those who try to divide God’s land and take away from whom God gave it to - whether leftist Jew or other - their fate will be sealed.

VTS Min Dona5 hours ago

Koran confirms, land of Israel belongs to Jews. Koran 5:21.

0ld_Fart Henderson_m6 hours ago

Not sure that
Michael Gerhardt is Jewish.

mrtambourineman 0ld_Fart4 hours ago

The name sounds possibly Jewish. If not, probably German.

Froike Henderson_m12 hours ago

Nothing is worse for Jews and Israel than self hating Libtard/Lefty Jews.
Rahel Froike4 hours ago

They are our worst enemies!

Martin Brown Rahel3 hours ago

I always said that, but they still don't stick together.

mrtambourineman Froike4 hours ago

My father, rest in peace, a Holocaust survivor, had first hand experience in the camps with Kapos. Since then he could identify traitorous Jews in the news or in real-life from a mile away. He was a man of a thousand cliches. One was, "Some of the worst anti-Semites are Jews".

Grace Joy Froike4 hours ago

Nothing worse for the world, either.

punch_corona Froike9 hours ago

.. law professors are the biggest failures in the Court.. if ever a lawyer tells you they work as a law professor .. run... run.. run...
retired22 punch_corona7 hours ago

PhD signifies,
"Piled Higher & Deeper"

Froike punch_corona7 hours ago

The old adage is true: Those that….those that can't teach.
Or, my favorite, Frank Sinatra line: Doo be doo be doo, doo doo be doo be.

mrtambourineman Froike4 hours ago

Awop bop a doowop, awop bam boom

VTS Froike5 hours ago

Mine favirite is Yabadabadoo!

Froike VTS3 hours ago


ed de fonzo16 hours ago • edited

I have a stance on the subject.......

My stance is international law which has been agreed to. The so called west bank

(NOT IT'S NAME) cannot be occupied by ISRAEL.





Eddie DeFonzo

my real name tzvi yosef ben abraham and damn proud of it

TruthBeTold ed de fonzo2 hours ago

Right with you on that! You are not alone...

Grace Joy ed de fonzo5 hours ago • edited

Nice to meet you. In USA, History is Islamacized. Kids also learn to recite the shahada & pray to allah. In universities, Fakestinians relentlessly pursue their agenda of BDS with its accompanying protests, intimidations, & unrest. C A I R sues anyone who objects, or who speaks unflatteringly of Islam on social media.

Someone needs to recognize the councils, assemblies, agencies, offices, programmes, & organizations created by the UN to help the "Palestinian People in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967."

DPI: "As part of its special information programme on the question of Palestine, the Department of Public Information organises the annual International Media Seminar on Peace in the Middle East. A training programme for young Palestinian journalists provides hands-on skills training as well as access to UN officials and diplomats.

Don Spilman Grace Joy4 hours ago

The u n is totally GLOBALIST! Nothing they suggest is ever good for anyone except the freaking evil GLOBS !

VTS ed de fonzo5 hours ago

Jordan is the second state. That's it.

Henderson_m ed de fonzo13 hours ago


martial law now
State Department: An estimated 1,000 citizens killed in Iran protest
December 5, 2019

“This is the worst political crisis the regime has faced in its 40 years,” said U.S. Special Representative for Iran Brian Hook.


The latest mass Iranian protests have killed as many as 1,000 citizens, including at least 12 children, said U.S. Special Representative for Iran Brian Hook on Thursday.

“This is the worst political crisis the regime has faced in its 40 years,” he told reporters at the U.S. State Department.

“Look, they even jail and murder environmentalists when they organize like the Persian Wildlife Heritage Foundation,” added Hook about the regime.

He mentioned that the State Department received tips, including videos, from 32,000 people that demonstrates the brutality behind the Islamic Republic’s crackdown of the protests, including the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) shooting demonstrators with bullets from machine guns, followed by loading bodies onto trucks.

With the Internet shut down in the country, Hook said that the United States has tried to “facilitate communication.”

Additionally, Hook announced $15 million, as part of the State Department’s Rewards for Justice Program, for information on IRGC Quds Force operative Abdul Reza Shahlai, who has been sanctioned by the United States.

lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah6 minutes ago • edited

'Abuse of power', goes ahead with Trump's impeachment, said Nancy Peolosi
his is abuse of power, and also it is GOLPE.
in fact Trump did not say to incriminate BIDEN,
he only said to make an inquiry into BIDEN,
since, the Ukrainians are so terrified by the priests of CIA satan, that they would never do it!

lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah11 minutes ago

Gay marriage boom in Brazil, + 60%
and other statistics: such as: crime, abuse, rape, prostitution, death, disease, divorce, etc. .. are available?

lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah15 minutes ago

estimated 1,000 citizens killed in Iran protest
not even the most heinous executioners: like Maduro and Erdogan have gone so far ...
if, someone has some doubts about how the Iranian nuclear could be lethal!

442rocketdavean hour ago

They are being conservative on that estimate one thousand arrested maybe but more than that killed and many more wounded they are on a murder mission and Ayatollah is killing anyone in his way. They cannot fight back as they have no guns yes that's right NO GUNS they were all confiscated so only the Ayatollah has the power. Same as N.Korea no different.

lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiahan hour ago

Olga Misik: "In Russia arrivera' futuro radioso, diritti a tutti i cittadini"
L'intervista al simbolo delle proteste pacifiche moscovite
un altra rivoluzione colorata per portare distruzione morte anarchia
satanisti e lgbt loro: perché i massoni?
quelli purtroppo ci sono già

Don Spilman3 hours ago

“This is the worst political crisis the regime has faced in its 40 years,”
Odd statement? It looks to me like it’s the people who are getting murdered not the “REGIME”. Now when there are a couple thousand of the brutal revolting Revaluationary Guard DEAD, I will get excited, might feel sorry for them for about a split second, NOT!!!!

J. Rochotte4 hours ago

Sadistic and Brutal. Human rights ? The Mullahs & Military are heading toward a Big fall. May God intervene and crush these Barbarians !!! I pray for the oppressed people.

MarsingID836395 hours ago

Iran has 'Gun Control' So does Venezuela

Don Spilman MarsingID836393 hours ago

So will America if ANY damned demoncrap gets in! I look foreword to the vile slime balls trying to enforce it!

punch_corona6 hours ago

.. any urgent votes by the democ - rats / UN. .. about this horrendous mass killing..?
Albert Reingewirtz8 hours ago

Only the anti- Semitic continent of Europe could do business with Iran simply because they have the same twisted, morbid aims toward Jews and in particular against The Jewish State of Israel. Thank you President Trump for holding the fort against Iran and Europe.

Nobel winner Robert Aumann: We are witnessing 'a coup of lawyers, I fear for the state'
December 5, 2019

3-4 minuti

Robert Aumann, recipient of the 2005 Nobel Prize in Economics (Flash90)


Nobel winner Robert Aumann: We are witnessing ‘a coup of lawyers, I fear for the state’

Nobel Prize winner Robert Aumann said that lawyers and jurists were taking over the country, negating the system of separation of powers.

By World Israel News Staff

Professor Robert Aumann, who won the Nobel Prize in 2005 in economics for his work on game-theory analysis, condemned recent actions of the Israeli State Prosecutor’s Office and the Office of the Attorney General.

Aumann told daily paper Israel Hayom in an exclusive interview, “I’m furious. The prosecutors are taking over the state. They do whatever they want. What happens here is a real coup.

“South American and Arab countries have generals’ coups. Here it’s a coup of jurists,” Aumann said.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu expressed similar sentiments on Nov. 21, the evening he was charged in an array of corruption cases. He said the country is witnessing an “attempted coup” against him.

Aumann said, “What is happening here is already anti-democratic and negates the whole principle of separation of powers. It is in fact a continuation of the 1990s judicial revolution, but the legal system has become more daring and crosses every line.”

By “judicial revolution,” Aumann referred to the dramatic expansion of powers of Israel’s judiciary led by then-Israeli Supreme Court Justice Aharon Barak.

Aumann told Israel Hayom that Mandelblit’s latest claim that only his candidate, Deputy State Prosecutor Shlomo Lamberger, can be appointed to fill the shoes of outgoing State Prosecutor Shai Nitzan, is a “scandal.”

“Where is such a thing heard? Not only does he make himself the only commentator on the law, he now also changes the law as he sees fit.”

“The problem, he argues, is that jurists think of themselves as lawmakers,” Israel Hayom said.

Aumann said Netanyahu had made a mistake not taking on the judiciary during his many years as prime minister. Netanyahu had prevented efforts by others in his coalition to take a more aggressive approach in reforming the judiciary. Indeed, he had appointed Shai Nitzan as state prosecutor, one of two people most cited as leading the corruption cases against the prime minister.

“He may have been afraid that if he acted against them, he’d be swallowed up, but that is exactly what happened anyway once his political agenda did not match theirs,” Aumann said.

In his Nov. 21 speech attacking the investigation against him, Netanyahu mentioned a number of cases in which politicians were taken down or had their appointments blocked by prosecutors.

Aumann also called the committee that appoints judges a “junta.”

“Judges sit on a judiciary selection committee and they have the right to veto? We and India are the only two countries in the world where this is the case,” he said.

Israeli justiceNobel Prize

martial law now

martial law now

lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah2 minutes ago

yes, for Costitutional right we must restore martial law and we must condemn millions of traitors to death!

lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah6 minutes ago

TRUMP & Netanjahu] now, we must activate the martial law or satanist Masons and WW3 nuclear will come out of control: democratic and constitutional control has been destroyed!
Benjamin Netanyahu said the country is witnessing an "attempted coup" against him.

Aumann said, "What is happening here is already anti-democratic and negates the whole principle of separation of powers. It is in fact a continuation of the 1990s judicial revolution, but the legal system has become more daring and crosses every line. "

Don Spilman3 hours ago

“The prosecutors are taking over the state. They do whatever they want“
Pretty much exactly what the damned demoncrap, socio/commie/GLOBS are trying to do here in America! It’s going to come back to bite the utter fools!

punch_corona8 hours ago

. Aumann is correct. I would suggest looking at world judiciary systems and ask .. "where does the Israel Judiciary system stand in this ranking". ..? https://worldjusticeproject..... dot....... org.. Look for the 2019 Rule of Law Report.. Israel is not listed in this ranking .. but I would suggest the ranking may
by at the medium level ... 63 + ( 1/2. of the 126 countries ). any country can fall suddenly fall many notches with cases like these.. judges.. lawyers .. politicians .. take notice .. don't defend the un defendable.. sit back.. look well.. analyze.. question..

White Elk Clearwater10 hours ago

And that's just the tip of the iceberg!

Albert Reingewirtz13 hours ago

Bravo! Clear as crystal! Time for a revolution and a basic law voted by officials delimiting power for each part of the ruling bodies and no more party lists of candidate chosen by the parties. MK should all be chosen by the voters where they live.

David Charles Levy13 hours ago

Aumann is exactly right. The "judicial" system is completely out of control and does just as it pleases.

non è una testata giornalistica

non è una testata giornalistica

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