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annettere la valle del Giordano

Netanyahu ha reso la sua intenzione di annettere la valle del Giordano un tema centrale nella sua campagna di rielezione.

A cura dello staff del World Israel News

Domenica, la Casa Bianca ha rilasciato una dichiarazione in cui si afferma che il presidente Donald Trump ha parlato al telefono con il primo ministro Benjamin Netanyahu sull'Iran e su altre questioni.

Lunedì Netanyahu ha rivelato una delle cose di cui i due leader hanno parlato: l'annessione della Valle del Giordano.

"Ho parlato ieri con il presidente Trump, una conversazione molto importante per la sicurezza di Israele", ha detto Netanyahu durante una cerimonia rivoluzionaria per 12 nuove fabbriche ad Ashkelon.

"Abbiamo parlato dell'Iran, ma abbiamo anche parlato a lungo delle opportunità storiche che ci attendono nei prossimi mesi - tra questi ci sono [stabilire] la Valle del Giordano come il confine orientale riconosciuto dello Stato di Israele, nonché un trattato di difesa con gli Stati Uniti. Cose che potevamo solo sognare, ma ora abbiamo l'opportunità di realizzarle ”, ha affermato Netanyahu.

Netanyahu ha anche affermato di aver offerto al leader blu e bianco Benny Gantz di unirsi a lui in questa storica impresa.

“Ho fatto un'offerta a Benny Gantz - realizziamo queste opportunità storiche in un governo di unità che stabiliamo proprio ora nel formato che ho suggerito. Sono andato molto lontano [in concessioni politiche] verso questo obiettivo, perché dobbiamo realizzare queste opportunità ", ha detto.

Netanyahu ha reso la sua intenzione di annettere la valle del Giordano un tema centrale nella sua campagna di rielezione.

Spiegando l' importanza di annettere la Valle del Giordano Netanyahu ha dichiarato in una dichiarazione di settembre “È il nostro muro difensivo orientale. Un muro difensivo che assicura che non torneremo mai più ad uno stato con una larghezza di diversi chilometri. "

Il 29 novembre, Netanyahu ha dato la sua approvazione per avanzare un disegno di legge che avrebbe permesso ad Israele di annettere la Valle del Giordano, ha riferito all'epoca Jerusalem Post .

Martedì, il leader dell'Autorità Palestinese Mahmoud Abbas ha avvertito che se Israele completasse l'annessione della Valle del Giordano, i palestinesi perseguiranno lo stato ebraico nei forum internazionali e metteranno fine alle relazioni a tutti i livelli.

“Per quanto riguarda l'intenzione del [Primo Ministro israeliano] Benjamin Netanyahu di ... annettere la Valle del Giordano, stiamo monitorando attentamente i suoi passi in questa direzione. Se il premier israeliano fa davvero qualcosa del genere, ci rivolgeremo alle Nazioni Unite, al Tribunale penale internazionale, e alla fine e irrevocabilmente interromperemo tutte le relazioni con Israele ", ha detto Abbas.

dhimmis kafir murtids Yitzhaka minute ago

tutti, in tutto il mondo?
noi abbiamo le PALLE piene di questi pazzi: Palestinesi, kamikaze stupidi assassini mostri crudeli(il vero volto dell'ISLAM dietro la ipocrisia Saudita):
Islam come negazione di ogni diritto umano: e crimini di guerra e distruzione (omicidi seriali) del proprio stesso popolo plagiato e terrorizzato grazie ad ONU e Cina e Russia: anche se lo dobbiamo dire chiaramente: "ISIS e Palestinesi leggono bene il Corano sharia Erdogan jihad akbar"! lo dicono loro a Riyadh che il Corano non può essere interpretato, ecco perché i sauditi non meritano nessuna fiducia !

ted royer12 hours ago

#1 What have they got to lose? The people who hate Israel will always hate them and the people who love Israel understand that and therefore understand why this is a necessary and good idea. #2 Seems like it is 52 years overdue. Please plow forward Bibi,- Godspeed.

ricardo12 hours ago • edited

Abbas is bluffing. His threats are empty. Could it be any worse in International Forums than it already is, where the Palestinians spew the most outrageous lies shamelessly? He is not going to cut the relationship with Israel at all because PA needs Israel to survive. The annexation should have happened 50 years ago ...

Henderson_m ricardo

WHO NEEDS him or his "clownish" PA

Michael Shookhtim11 hours ago

In the old days there was a saying "here's a dime, call someone who cares..."

Henderson_m • 

"we will turn to the U.N., the International
Criminal Court, and we’ll finally and irrevocably sever all relations
with Israel,” Abbas said." PLEASE DON'T SCARE US, PLEASE, PLEASE !!!! EUH EUH EUH!

VTS Henderson_m10 hours ago

Israel should free those who lives under the Abbas dictatorship.

Don Spilman Henderson_m8 hours ago

LOL similar thoughts, see my comment!

julea bacall11 hours ago

Israel is all West of the middle of the 2 rivers. What is wrong with people that Israels Rights are not respected.

Don Spilman julea bacall8 hours ago

They will indeed get it all back and more, much sooner than most expect!

ZionMyHome julea bacall5 hours ago

It is a global anti-Semitic demon spirit that hates the Jewish people for their role in God's plan for bringing the Messiah Redeemer for the sins of all mankind. The muSlime don't hate us simply because we invented Hummus before them. It also goes a little deeper than that.

Avi11 hours ago

"Annex" the whole of Judea and Samaria, it belongs to the Jewish people. And throw the Arab invaders/colonizers out once and for all - they are and always will be nothing but trouble. Cut the Gordian knot, don't wobble all the time.

YJ Draiman • 

If Abbas the criminal acts on his threats, Israel would declare the Oslo Accords null and void and take full and complete control of all the territory west of the Jordan River.

Martin Brown9 hours ago

Don't worry. BiBi has been talking annexing for years and it's just more talk and no action.

YACIE. Martin Brown9 hours ago

Sarcasm right?

Albert Reingewirtz9 hours ago

Sounds like a school boy asking daddy permission to go out and play. The land beween the Jordan and the sea shore is Israel having lost the major part of Israel to the British machinations for their colonial aims. If Abbas and his Fatah don't like living in The Jewish State of Israel they can leave to the real Palestine left for Arabs a gift of Anti- Semitic Britain.

bob9 hours ago

What More can the United Nations say

Alec Becker9 hours ago

To hell with Abbas. He keeps rewarding murderers with money he gets from Germany and other EU countries. Israel should have kept all the land it won during the six day war. By giving it back it got rockets in return instead of the promise of peace.

Never again should be restated over and over.


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Don Spilman9 hours ago • edited

“we’ll finally and irrevocably sever all relations with Israel,” Abbas said.“
WHOOOOO!!!! Is iswael shakin in her widdle boots? HAHAHAHAHAAAA Stupid freak abass needs a kick in his.....! What’s evil idiots the phalusstinkian Muzslime are! They soooo deserve to be left behind playing in their little pooped in nest in their nasty play lot, shakin their widdle fists and scrunching up their ugly faces!


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ZionMyHome Don Spilman5 hours ago

I see you're at the top of your game today! Shalom, Don!


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Keith James7 hours ago

further proof the Lobby is in control of the Congress.....


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Arkady6 hours ago

It took so many years to a so simple idea... enough boil water . Just do it Now.


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Nicholas George5 hours ago

Annexe the Jordan Valley, the pallestinians are no great loss, just a debased mob of thugs.


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punch_corona4 hours ago

.. G-d bless Donald Trump..


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alpcns .3 hours ago

Of course Bibi spoke to Trump. All these wonderful things that are happening are a direct result of the special working relationship and friendship these two great men of State have.

Of course the Arabs and assorted Islamofascists will scream, howl, whine and make blood chilling threats. But that is what they always do. Bibi and Trump know how to handle those: ignore those imbeciles and do what's right and what's just.

It's called the Trump effect.


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Wowo Dan2 hours ago

Do whatever needs to be done to protect the security of Israel. As stated by many, Israel has nothing to gain by giving in to those who only wish to do it harm and worse, eliminate it from this earth. You won those territories fair and square in a defensive war and therefore, those territories rightfully belong to Israel now - more so to secure its borders. Many of us who are mostly non-Jewish and watching in the sidelines, wish Israel continued vigilance and success against the evil hordes of those who would like to do it harm.May continue to God protect Israel. Amen.


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Hector Zuniga2 hours ago

Go ahead Mr. Primer Minister, enhance your land is yours since Biblical Times, what are you afraid, The Mighty Lord of Ysrael is backing You.

ex schiava del sesso Yazidi sviene

Sheikh Abd-al-Aziz bin Baz, Muhammad bin Salman ] io amo la pace più di voi: e nel regime della pace, io non farei mai del male alla Moschea di Al-Aqsa 

DAILY RECAP: Israel To Annex Jordan Valley?
 Cave of Patriarchs To Get Major Renovation; Israel Adopts Less Lethal Sniper Rifle; More Top News

dhimmis kafir murtids Yitzhak • 

Sheikh Abd-al-Aziz bin Baz, Muhammad bin Salman ] io amo la pace più di voi:
e nel regime della pace, io non farei mai del male alla Moschea di Al-Aqsa

dhimmis kafir murtids Yitzhak4 minutes ago

La Giordania non è riuscita ad amministrare correttamente questo sito santo, a svilupparlo e trasformarlo in un sito attraente per il turismo religioso, la pace e la tolleranza, piuttosto che una piattaforma per l'odio. È tempo che sia sotto l'amministrazione saudita, gestita insieme alle due sante moschee alla Mecca e Medina. L'Arabia Saudita ha grandi idee per il Monte del Tempio, per trasformarlo in un punto di riferimento turistico e un centro di pace e amore, per collegare questi luoghi santi - La Mecca, Medina e la Moschea Al-Aqsa - in treno, in modo che pellegrini, visitatori e i turisti possono visitarli tutti in un giorno, sviluppando così opportunità economiche e occupazionali da tutte le parti.
si tutto questo potrebbe essere fatto anche subito!

dhimmis kafir murtids Yitzhak • 

Muhammad bin Salman was the only Arab leader in history to assert the right of Jews to have their national homeland. "I believe that every people, everywhere, has the right to live in its peaceful nation," he told the Atlantic. "I believe the Palestinians and the Israelis have the right to have their own land."
all these are nonsense!
everything is God and therefore everything is mine: lorenzoJHWH Unius REI; I am the one who decides what is right and what is wrong: since nobody has the courage to face my justice!

dhimmis kafir murtids Yitzhak • 

Sheikh Abd-al-Aziz bin Baz, ehi BABBACCHIONE io sto venendo a prenderti!

dhimmis kafir murtids Yitzhak • 

Sheikh Abd-al-Aziz bin Baz, the last head of the Council of Senior Scholars and Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia, supported reconciliation with Jews in accordance with the requirements of the legitimate authority of the Crown Prince
UNDER the SHARIA law will not be condemned in all the ARAB LEAGUE?
everything is concealment!

dhimmis kafir murtids Yitzhak

a closed society, recognizing the narrow-minded religious perspective that the Muslim Brotherhood has cultivated for 50 years for what it is: one who rejects all the values of modernity and turns women into objects without rights. It is the mentality of a society that has been built on takfir, falsely believing other non-Muslims, even if they are. Consider the Jews as the root of all the evil, the scourges and the humiliation that the Arab nation has experienced. Promotes hate speech and judge others based on their doctrines, intellectual background and ethnicity, not their value as human beings.
he says that the Crown Prince demonic possessed of His Royal Highness Muhammad bin Salman has defeated all this evil malif supernatural demonic jihad ISIS evil in Saudi Arabia ...
pity though, that nobody noticed it!

dhimmis kafir murtids Yitzhak • 

Saudi Arabia is the spiritual reservoir of power in the Islamic world, the lungs of its economy and the greatest source of its energy.
what will the Christian martyrs say now?
blogs timesofisrael com/the-road-between-saudi-arabia-and-israel-passes-through-al-aqsa/

dhimmis kafir murtids Yitzhak • 

The British Labor Party omits the Jews from the video of the campaign promoting minority rights
In the midst of the anti-Semitic scandal, the clip posted by Corbyn mentions more than 20 marginalized groups and states that the party "will evaluate you", but neglects the Jews
Muslims have always been minorities:
but, for jihad sharia then they have always succeeded in making the genocide of the previous peoples (in fact they are a demographic bomb and the theology of substitution) and therefore the ARAB WORLD LEAGUE ISIS was formed worldwide ISIS Califhate one!

dhimmis kafir murtids Yitzhak

eih beytenu Avigdor Lieberman ] se ci sei batti un colpo! ma, le lucertole...
ti hanno detto che io ti ho riabilitato al 70%?

Tuvi Todd • 

The Jordan Valley should be annexed now, in just 6 hours,
and not wait 6 months or even days.

Cauc-Asian Patriot Tuvi Todd • 

Again, PM Netanyahu has to be able to keep a government first before any annexation as his opposition will do whatever the Jihadis want them to do in exchange for public peace posturing until they get what they want and then renege on it! It says a lot about the Palestinians that they have a problem with handicap accessibility for the Tomb of the Patriarchs since their Jihadi followers have created so many physically handicapped Israelis! Unfortunately, these less lethal rifles probably mean the IDF soldiers will have less advantage against Palestinian Jihadis who seek to use the most deadly weapons against them but the Israelis are the ones who have to worry about media coverage creating negative public opinion toward Israel while Jihadis don't care! The IDF soldiers also have to worry about getting in trouble from authorities for using excessive force while the Jihadis get support in this life and the next with 70 virgins each for exerting themselves to kill Jews and nonMuslims! Happy Holidays especially Chanukah to all rightists!

Mark • 

A less lethal sniper rifle...WHY...If the sniper is any good, whats the difference?
A sniper is to kill, not hurt or scare the bad guy or girl.

Il Partito laburista britannico omette gli ebrei dal video della campagna che promuove i diritti delle minoranze
A cura dello STAFF DI JTA e TOI
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Gli addebiti di Netanyahu vengono consegnati nuovamente a Knesset, a partire da una richiesta di immunità
Approfondimenti Lo stato di Israele contro Benjamin Netanyahu: I dettagli sull'accusa del Primo Ministro

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Netanyahu ha dichiarato di voler lasciare il posto di PM per Gantz in meno di 6 mesi
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I funzionari belgi boicottano la delegazione commerciale in Israele
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Haaretz Cartoon (Haaretz)
3 DICEMBRE 2019, 05:53
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Un estraneo nella sua terra natale ancestrale (Haaretz)

Destruction in Times Square

Durante una recente manifestazione anti-israeliana a New York, i manifestanti hanno cantato: "Israele non ha il diritto di esistere", chiedendo l'eliminazione dello stato ebraico.

A metà novembre, i manifestanti a Times Square di New York hanno urlato slogan anti-israeliani con un individuo di nome Nerdeen Kiswani alla guida del seguente canto: "C'è solo una soluzione: Intifada, rivoluzione!"

"Intifida" è una parola in codice per il terrore perpetrato indiscriminatamente contro gli ebrei, che funge da termine ombrello per una campagna di violenza che ha causato la morte di oltre 1.000 israeliani, lasciando migliaia di altri feriti.

Più tardi nel raduno di Times Square, Husam Kaid della sezione Student for Justice in Palestine del City College ha minacciato di "iniziare un'Intifada ovunque!"

WATCH: Protesters Demand ‘Intifada,’ Israel’s Destruction in Times Square

dhimmis kafir murtids Yitzhak • 

1. oggi: I manifestanti chiedono "Intifada", la distruzione di Israele a Times Square
2. ma domani: chiederanno la sharia e porteranno tutti i pinguini pervertiti lgbt: massoni e satanisti puri:
li porteranno tutti nel califfato Erdogan della LEGA ARABA:
e così Londistan sulla punta di coltello jihad sharia: certo che vincerà!
poi, diranno ai russi: "per favore venite a salvare i sudditi di sua Maestà Gezabele Second"

dhimmis kafir murtids Yitzhak • 

Tira il freno d’emergenza in metrò e picchia il capostazione a San Donato: fermato inutilmente con il taser: che su di lui non ha avuto effetto... il ragazzo, un 22enne gambiano, è stato arrestato e messo in condizione di non nuocere. Ancora ignoti i motivi voodoo del raptus (per la Merkel).
questi fanno i riti voodoo, prima si riempiono di demoni, e poi fanno gli indemoniati pazzi schizofrenici
se ne accorgeranno :
1. gli asini dalla forma umana goyims
2. i pinguini pervertiti lgbt Trudeou
3. le scimmie Darwin Macron
4. se ne accorgeranno tutti gli atei se esiste o se non esiste Dio!

a msn com/01/it-it/BBXEkFv?ocid=st

Marlena VanHelsing3 hours ago

Bunch of ignorant stupid sheep

Gershon Perry Marlena VanHelsing


Cecil Wayne Austin3 hours ago

They don't have the right to request the destruction of any people.

Helen McKnight3 hours ago

Vile lunatics !!!

cammo992 hours ago

What exists exists. What has never existed is a Palestinian nation in any space of what is now Israel and the territories. The Palestinians have squandered every opportunity to build something to start the hard and difficult road to making them selves a nation and they keep losing ground because of it. And here again, these people are not protesting the existence of Israel they are protesting the existence of Jews but liberals have taught them to disguise their racist bigotry as anti Zionism. Is this a demonstration against Zionism. Nope, Palestinian activists such as these are hate mongers who choose the easy path of destruction, racism and bigotry with superfluous western socialist and radical Islamist themes that is the end of any hope of a better life for them..

Leonie Pipe • 

Inbred imbeciles with an extreme hate complex. What a waste of Times Square space

This is Islam, what do yo expect.. The coo coo ran is just being enchanced even more by those in iran and the bastards of saudi who lead 9/11, the extremist who hate most people, even their own.. The problem is mo the drunk, the founder of this cult instilled hate for Jews since the Jews had their own religion and saw the drunk and who he was..A cult who wants to kill people as you see is sick as the animals roaming the streets and attack people ....

Popellka4 hours ago




ACT NOW! Tell Canadian PM Trudeau NOT to Betray Israel at UN!

Post as dhimmis kafir murtids Yitzhak

Gloria Passenheim • 

Folks, this is pointless! All you need is a strong Israel that refuses to negotiate with terrorists. Good people all around the world will always support Israel's homeland and bad people never will. Telling or pleading for them to do the right thing won't do any good. Most importantly, God is on your side and He'll make an example of your enemies. Stick to your principles and be strong!

Jersey Mathews • 
The UN knows full well, palestine never existed in the beginning of Israel and that palestians are the occupiers. God gave the land to his chosen people (Hebrew Jewish People) palestine is a fable land started by the roman empire.

He listens only to George Soros.
mikeatkron VTSa day ago

Justin Trudeau is a corrupt, obnoxious little weasel, who obstructed justice as a favor to political contributors. I wish Canadians had kept Stephen Harper, a true friend of Israel, as Prime Minister! Hopefully, soon, his corrupt minority government will fall and a Conservative will be elected to replace him!

Darla mikeatkron

Totally agree he's a lowlife scumbag.

Darla • 

Don't expect this Hamas/Islamists loving Globalist supporting
TURD PM PUKE to change anything. He's a hater of what is good. His socialist and totalitarian ways are killing Canada. For he support the UN/NWO/MUzz idiots. He doesn't speak for real Canadian's.

VictorMC • 

On the day He was first elected I was in Canada and said "Canada has made a nasty mistake" and was shouted down by my Canadian friends and relations. QED. He is a nasty anti-Semite and typical French rat. He will get worse have been warned.

Richard1ne • 

A job for Mossad

Henry Carlson • 

My condolances to the fine Canadians that were duped by this thing that slid in as p.p.

dhimmis kafir murtids Yitzhak • 

my President RIVLiN ] non c'é nessuno che può dubitarlo [ a questi: Stalin Macometto, Rothschild e Hitler?
a questi Satana ha proprio dato una mano!
ma tra tutti loro il più grande assassino è stato Rothschild, e poi, viene Maometto con 700 milioni di morti innocenti ammazzati (in his name)

dhimmis kafir murtids Yitzhak • 

my President RIVLiN ] oggi ho ottenuto questo libro [ 3 jahrgang
Berlin 1 April 1931, Preis 1.--Mk.
"Ehegluck und Liebeslebem"
in questa rivista c'é un uso spregiudicato del nudo femminile: per fare il lavaggio del cervello sulla superiorità razziale,
così: ci sono le foto di tante giovani ragazze ariane con il seno scoperto...
peccato che, non fecero anche una foto della MERKEL, quella di quando lei era ragazza... perché lei era così brutta che il nazismo sarebbe fallito: certamente!

dhimmis kafir murtids Yitzhak6 hours ago

BIN SALMAN ] [ nulla nella Kabbalah talmud-Corano è come appare: NULLA!
è vero che: Rothschild ottenne il riconoscimento dello Stato di Israele
ma, è anche Vero che è TUTTA colpa sua (una precisa agenda esoterica)
se Israele non è potuto mai diventare una nazione-casa per tutto il popolo ebraico!

dhimmis kafir murtids Yitzhak

le elezioni in Canada andrebbero rifatte, sotto la sorveglianza di ispettori dell'ONU
perché sono state truccate:
Canadian PM Trudeau? lui non avrebbe mai potuto essere eletto: è che con il FED 666 FMI 322 NWO?
più nessuno è al sicuro in questo pianeta!

dhimmis kafir murtids Yitzhak •    hours ago

Canadian PM Trudeau: lui ha il cuore di una bestia demoniaca lgbt lobby teosofia satanica gender ..
e noi possiamo soltanto pregare che, lui cada all'inferno quanto prima!

Barry Burtona day ago

You are seeing some of the real colors of this Canadian Prime Minister. He is there only by a Minority Government situation. He definitely does not speak for all Canadians. He is probably influenced greatly by the vacations he took with the Aga Khan.

Norm Barry Burtona day ago

The dishonest racist back stabber making attempts to counter Bill 21


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