Menachem • 7 hours ago
It’s a no brainer! Every country on the planet can learn from Israel.
Capt. Rosslyn V. Crasto • 8 hours ago
Some Arab States willing to expand Relations with ISRAEL:
==============================================... the Working Title of this Post on my Facebook {PUBLIC} Timelines: "Rosslyn Valentine Crasto" and "The Aspiring Revelator", which are all about the END-TIMES {in which we now are, as per the Holy Bible, Any Authorized Version}.
Jay Silverman • 9 hours ago
Regardless of the past, this is a step in the right direction. Thank you to Victoria Coates and the Trump Administration.
mikeatkron •
If this succeeds, because the Gulf Cooperation states have no conflict with Israel, the Fakestinian cockroaches will find themselves isolated, impoverished and irrelevant to rapidly changing Middle East conditions. The Gulf Arabs see Israel as far more than just as a potential ally against the Imperial Iranian juggernaut, but also as a source for innovation, technology, trade and eventual regional peace. This possibility has the Abbass-hole and the Hamas-holes in abject fear of being bypassed by the rest of the Arab and civilized worlds.
Norm •
Never say Never ! G-d has a plan.
Mike • 13 hours ago
Pls US and ISREAL....this people are peaceful when they re helpless, eat with them with long spoon.
gerald m. serlin • 14 hours ago
They say they want to be nice, but do they really mean it? If they agree to non-aggression, the next step is a peace treaty, with diplomatic relations, followed bhy a complete peace treaty. All to the good, but the so-called Palestinians will never agree, so that will need to be resolved by war, with a peace treaty at the end, a la WW2.
Tia gerald m. serlin •
Morocco, to my knowledge, was the only Arab country where Jewish people lived in peace. I don't profess to be an expert, but I only have good memories of having lived there .
Israeli jews from Morocco visit there and are welcome.
White Elk Clearwater •
Aside from the real need to go on the path of "khabdeihu vehhashdeihu" (respect and suspect) when dealing with a nation whose holy book orders them to conquer the world & to lie in order to fool the "enemy" (=non-muslim) in order to accomplish that goal folks it can also be a definite sign of the closeness of the final real complete Geula. For it is prophesied that in the end of days Yishmael will do teshuva & make peace with Yisrael.
Oh and BTW is this & the increasing good relations with Kazakhstan and many other countries the type of "worthless failures of Bibi Netanyahu" Ganz, Libeman, & Lapid are always talking so much about?
18_18 • 17 hours ago
How much does Lorenzo pay to monopolize this forum? The Rothschild's in the late 1800's purchased one third the land of Syria. Southern Syria belongs to Israel.
lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah 18_18 •
a thief or a murderer like Rothschild
You can NOT buy anything with stolen money: in a legal way ...
and this can also be said of the ARAB LEAGUE.
my master is only G-d JHWH holy... e tu risponderai della tua profanazione!
and you will answer for your profanation!
JussSomeBloke 18_18 •
Im sick blocking this person. Every time I come here, the forum is full of his / her comments, under another new psudonym. They don't know how irritating they are, with their incessant nonsensical ramblings that are written in such bad English.
I don't even read his posts. I can see a mile off that its the same person with a different name, and I just immediately block.
lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah JussSomeBloke •
have you ever thought that it could be your demon who is afraid of the holy light of God?
Harry Shamir •
The more normality between Israel and other MidEastern and Muslim countries, the better for everyone. Cheers !!
lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah •
Syria: Erdogan, we will eliminate the terrorists
then, he would first shoot himself in the head:
given that he himself brought 1,000,000 jihadists into Syria, and Iraq: for obtained (with a planned agenda in Riyadh) the genocide of all minorities and all peoples: that Assad and Saddam had managed to protect
lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah • a day ago
Kim Jong-un non può pensare di criminalizzare fino allo sterminio le persone che credono in Dio e poi, pensare di poter essere il mio amico!
5 DEC - The head of the North Korean armed forces, Pak Jong Chon, warned the US of threatening Kim Jong Un's regime, warning that the use of force against Pyongyang "
Pak said that Kim is "displeased" by what he called "the undesirable comments" made by US President Donald Trump on Tuesday in London at the NATO summit. Here Trump mentioned the possibility that the United States could carry out a military attack against Pyongyang.
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lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah • a day ago • edited
Bin SALMAN ] sai che divertimento a vedere tutti gli ebrei: che cancellano in ogni parte del mondo: l'idolo Rothschild ( reincarnazione panteismo: Hitler svastica ) della 666 falsa stella di Davide sulla bandiera di Israele?
dopotutto, un sacrificio così grande io a voi non lo ho chiesto!
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lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah • a day ago
Pelosi: Trump will go on trial
Green disk for the preparation of impeachment articles
I think all these zombies: Sodoma Dracula: ja-Bull-On Baal Marduch Murdoch: witchcraft and satanism cult lgbt: agents shadow Government Bilderberg, 666 Deep State: of the democratic party Rothschild,
they will all be in the electric chair for high treason: instead!
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18_18 lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah • 17 hours ago
"Eh zeh shtooyote"
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lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah 18_18 • 10 hours ago
why, your demon has afraid of holy light of God?
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lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah • a day ago
Biden: 'the world laughs at Trump'
The former vice president posted the video to NATO
the stupid will be able to laugh ...
but, with Biden everyone will cry, even the intelligent ones!
the Rothschild Democratic Party Biden Epstein are a constitutional subversion: Biderberg conspiracy, scam banking seigniorage: corporations and satanism: universal slavery FED 322 IMF 666 ECB NWO lgbt Draculs!
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lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah • a day ago
Turkey: 20-year-old dancer killed, the killer (a male sharia, and Islamic supremacist Erdogan-Koran) had just escaped
"If I had found a gun, I would have killed many more people." With these shocking statements the killer confessed in Turkey
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lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah • a day ago
no Islamic nation can preserve human gender and sharia.
start killing friends!
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ZionMyHome • a day ago
Morocco, Oman, Bahrain and UAE are still islamic countries. The koran will never cease to be anti-Jewish at its essence. This stinks like a ruse and a trap.
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Capt. Rosslyn V. Crasto ZionMyHome • 8 hours ago
Possibly, nay probably. Just look at what the muzzies did in Gaza before the proverbial ink was even dry on the Truce Deal brokered with them by Israel !!!
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Alex Peshansky ZionMyHome • 15 hours ago
Especially Morocco, after they destroyed holocaust memorial.
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Jim ZionMyHome • 16 hours ago • edited
Amen! Never, never make any agreement with lying Muslimes, and for sure, never turn your back on them, because there might be a knife stuck in it if you do.
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lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah ZionMyHome • a day ago
please do not put (in your Avatar) the Holy Cross:
inside the 666 rothschild star of the flag of Israel,
also because, there was never a symbol of King David of that type.
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White Elk Clearwater lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah • 16 hours ago
Dingbat Lorenzo, I don't like that avatar either. However your claim of connection to some bigoted anti-Jewish tripe that of connecting the Magen David to some alleged sinister rothschild group & to some "666" fool legend is absolutely disgusting & abominable! The star was indeed used by King David & before & after him.
BTW 6+6+6=18 hhai = life in Hebrew 18 reduced to 1 digit = 9 the minimal gematria of emet=truth. So anyone afraid of 666 is afraid of truth.
Don't bother replying because I will not be drawn into a debate with you. Just go take your Prozac & cyprilex and shut up.
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lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah White Elk Clearwater • 10 hours ago
gematria? ah ah ah ah ah ah ah aaaaah
how well educated your donkey is !!
gematria: it is an interpretative form (questionable) but only when the Bible does not give a numerological explanation ..
but in the case of your 666?
the explanation was given by the Bible!
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Grace Joy lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah • 2 hours ago
In the Tanakh, 666 is only used three times, & then only when counting people (Ezra 2:13) & weight (1 Kings 10:14 & 2 Chronicals 9:13). Don't expect anyone who hasn't read the NT or seen a wicked film like The Omen to understand your reference to 666 as the mark of the beast. Most either have their own stories or reject all stories.
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lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah Grace Joy • a minute ago
thank you, as if to say: "there is no better deaf than those who do not want to hear"
this story of 666 Epstein Obama Clinton Biden Saruman? the Chinese also know it
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aldo lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah • 8 hours ago
666 is the mark of the roman catholic beast.
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lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah aldo • 9 minutes ago
Aldo Alduccio non fare il cretino!!!
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lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah aldo • 11 minutes ago
microchip? why haven't you put it yet? Revelation 13.16 (clearly says that 666 is the microchip that the Churches: Cia lgbt Uk NWO FED FMI ECB by satan Morgan Rochefeller have already invented) 2 "He meant that everyone, small and large, rich and poor, free and slaves received a mark on the right hand and forehead; "
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lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah aldo • 17 minutes ago
idiot! what today is the Catholic Church - synagogue of satan FED IMF NWO Ja-Bull-On Rothschild Bilderberg Saruman Morgan Rochefeller Soros lgbt?
not even Pope Francis knows it!
lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah White Elk Clearwater • 10 hours ago
The star was never used by King David
and you don't have a single archaeological find to prove it!
and it is true that it was used before David: by idolaters like you!
JussSomeBloke White Elk Clearwater • 16 hours ago
666 and 19 are the two holiest numbers in islam. muslims actually believe the koran is the representation of the number 666
lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah JussSomeBloke • 10 hours ago
the Koran has some absurd claims, which would not stand up to a historical-critical study, and this is why Muslims are all forced to be crazy killers!
but where did you read about Islamic 666?
Is it something positive?
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White Elk Clearwater JussSomeBloke • 16 hours ago
I said 18 not 19.
As for the 666 bit, hey also believe the epileptic attacks of their used camel salesman who founded their contrived system were prophetic upliftings (ROTL), & that he visited Yerushayalim on a flying horse one night. That's the cleanest thing that can be said about numbers & what they believe.
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Jim lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah • 16 hours ago
You're full of it.
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lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah Jim • 10 hours ago
you love 666 so much!
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Raanan Ikar lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah • 17 hours ago
Only a completely foolish and ignorant person with an identity crisis would make such an ignorant request, whatever you are, you are not, you are a byproduct of something which makes you think you are something you are not, you are clearly evil and racist.
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lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah Raanan Ikar • 10 hours ago
it's 13 years that nobody can prove your slanders against me ...
but you could be successful!
Prove it!
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18_18 lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah • 17 hours ago
"Gay cock'n ofn yam"
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lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah 18_18 • 11 hours ago
you've always had an honest intellectual problem:
this is not new for you
“In total, there are currently 166 prints featuring images from the death camp,” The Jerusalem Post reports., brands itself as a site that “is the world’s largest art marketplace and print-on-demand technology company,” adding that “we’ve been helping artists sell wall art, home decor, apparel, and other products since 2006 and are home to hundreds of thousands of artists, photographers, graphic designers, illustrators, and iconic brands.”
However, it is also “selling merchandise branded with images from the Nazi Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp,” The Jerusalem Post reported.
Over 1.1 million people were murdered in that death camp by the Nazis during World War Two. “Beginning in 1942, it also became the largest of the extermination centers where the ‘Endlösung der Judenfrage’ – the final solution to the Jewish question: the Nazi plan to murder European Jews – was carried out,” as recorded by, the site of the Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial and Museum.
“With just a few clicks, artists and photographers can upload their images to, set their prices for hundreds of different print-on-demand products, and then instantly sell those products to a global audience of online, mobile, and real-world buyers,” says on its site.
While searching for the tag “Birkenau” on the site, one can find, as of the writing of this article: 69 shower curtains, 97 phone cases, 80 throw pillows, 139 greeting cards, 62 beach towels, 72 T-shirts, 78 tote bags, and more, writes The Post.
“In total, there are currently 166 prints featuring images from the death camp'” it reports.
“This is not a new problem for the site,” says the newspaper. “In August,” it adds, “the official Twitter account for the Auschwitz Memorial Museum called out Pixels and its sister site FineArtAmerica for products ranging from poor taste to Nazi propaganda. But it seems those calls have gone unanswered.”
"In totale, ci sono attualmente 166 stampe con immagini del campo di sterminio", riferisce The Jerusalem Post., si definisce un sito che "è il più grande mercato dell'arte al mondo e la società di tecnologia di stampa su richiesta", aggiungendo che "aiutiamo gli artisti a vendere wall art, decorazioni per la casa, abbigliamento e altri prodotti dal 2006 e ospitano centinaia di migliaia di artisti, fotografi, grafici, illustratori e marchi iconici ".
Tuttavia, sta anche "vendendo merci marchiate con immagini del campo di sterminio nazista di Auschwitz-Birkenau", ha riferito il Jerusalem Post.
Oltre 1,1 milioni di persone furono uccise in quel campo di morte dai nazisti durante la seconda guerra mondiale. "A partire dal 1942, divenne anche il più grande dei centri di sterminio in cui fu attuata la" Endlösung der Judenfrage "- la soluzione finale alla questione ebraica: il piano nazista di uccidere ebrei europei", come riportato da , il sito del Memoriale e del Museo di Auschwitz-Birkenau.
"Con pochi clic, artisti e fotografi possono caricare le loro immagini su, impostare i loro prezzi per centinaia di diversi prodotti di stampa su richiesta e quindi vendere immediatamente tali prodotti a un pubblico globale di utenti online, mobili e reali -acquirenti del mondo ", dice sul suo sito.
Durante la ricerca del tag "Birkenau" sul sito, è possibile trovare, al momento della stesura di questo articolo: 69 tende da doccia, 97 custodie per telefoni, 80 cuscini, 80 biglietti di auguri, 62 teli mare, 72 magliette, 78 tote bag e altro ancora, scrive The Post.
"In totale, ci sono attualmente 166 stampe con immagini del campo di sterminio" "riporta.
"Questo non è un nuovo problema per il sito", afferma il giornale. "Ad agosto", aggiunge, "l'account Twitter ufficiale del Museo commemorativo di Auschwitz ha chiamato Pixels e il suo sito gemello FineArtAmerica per prodotti che vanno dal cattivo gusto alla propaganda nazista. Ma sembra che quelle chiamate siano rimaste senza risposta. "
Outrageous: Birkenau Death Camp Greeting Cards and Beach Towels on
lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah •
this is the truth the human and sacred life: and no one must sell: the fetuses or pieces of the human body or profane the cemeteries ..
all this is Satanism and it is a mortal sin, besides being a crime against the whole human race!
crimes that Muslims have done in Kosovo, always and all over the world when they destroyed all the kafir cemeteries (in the name of their genocide substitution theology)!
Racheli Fraenkel urged thousands not to build their identity on tragedy, but to focus on the rich Jewish history, opportunity and innovation.
Racheli Fraenkel, whose son was one of three teenagers kidnapped and murdered by Hamas terrorists in June 2014, inspired thousands with her call for Jewish unity at the 2019 Israeli American Council summit in south Florida.
Addressing a diverse audience of Jews and Israelis, Fraenkel spoke of the strong bonds that exist among the Jewish People in times of crisis, stressing that such love and unity should be tangible at all times.
She urged the audience not to build their identity on tragedy, such as the Holocaust, but also to focus on the rich Jewish history, opportunity and innovation.
Racheli Fraenkel ha esortato migliaia di persone a non costruire la propria identità sulla tragedia, ma a concentrarsi sulla ricca storia ebraica, opportunità e innovazione.
Racheli Fraenkel, il cui figlio era uno dei tre adolescenti rapiti e assassinati dai terroristi di Hamas nel giugno 2014, ha ispirato migliaia di persone con la sua richiesta di unità ebraica al vertice del Consiglio americano israeliano del 2019 nel sud della Florida.
Rivolgendosi a un pubblico diversificato di ebrei e israeliani, Fraenkel ha parlato dei forti legami che esistono tra il popolo ebraico in tempi di crisi, sottolineando che tale amore e unità dovrebbero essere tangibili in ogni momento.
Ha esortato il pubblico a non costruire la propria identità sulla tragedia, come l'Olocausto, ma anche a concentrarsi sulla ricca storia ebraica, opportunità e innovazione.
Outrageous: Birkenau Death Camp Greeting Cards and Beach Towels on
lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah to pamela preedy •
this is not ignorance or sloppiness:
it is precisely: all the satanism that FED Bilderberg Soros and the democratic party give to the general public,
this is "esoteric agenda"
this is the synagogue of satan IMF: technocracy: Freemasonry and its judges:
that I am a coup against Trump Salvini and Netanjahu!
these are the Epstein Biden Nancy Pelosi, Clinton Obama Semites who want to kill the Zionists!
questa non è ignoranza o sciatteria:
è proprio: tutto il satanismo che FED Bilderberg Soros e partito democratico danno diffuso inenzionalmente,
questa è "esoteric agenda"
questa è la sinagoga di satana FMI: la tecnocrazia: la massoneria e i suoi giudici:
che sono un golpe contro Trump Salvini e Netanjahu!
questi sono i semiti Epstein Biden Nancy Pelosi, Clinton Obama che vogliono uccidere i sionisti!
Figlia ministro PD organizza guerriglia africana contro la Polizia: lancio di pietre e assalti
Guerriglia al porto di Gioia Tauro, rimasto bloccato sia in entrata che in uscita da gruppi di clandestini africani che, intorno alle 7 di questa mattina, hanno raggiunto i Gate dello scalo con uno striscione nel quale chiedono “documenti per tutti”.
Reggio Calabria, un centinaio di extracomunitari blocca il traffico sulla via Marina: cariche della polizia, le immagini from Socedit on Vimeo.
Si tratta della manifestazione che prende avvio dall’associazione “Campagna in lotta” che in tutta Italia sta organizzando azioni violente di questo genere, associazione promossa anche da Veronica Padoan, figlia dell’ex ministro PD:
Gli immigrati hanno rifiutato di spostarsi dal cancello di uscita per consentire ai lavoratori impiegati nel turno di notte di fare rientro a casa. Sul posto gli agenti della polizia. Si sono registrate lunghe code di mezzi fino allo svincolo autostradale.
Azioni violente andate in scena prima al porto di Gioia Tauro e dopo a Reggio Calabria. In contemporanea con quella di Foggia, dove i migranti minacciano di “bloccare il Natale”. Cariche della polizia e lanci di pietre:
Un centinaio di immigrati, guidati da ‘Campagne in Lotta’, ha bloccato gli accessi da e per il centro commerciale in zona Asi, a Foggia, Rivendicando case e documenti.
Abbiamo importato giovani maschi in età militare sui barconi. Ora ne paghiamo le conseguenze. Schierare l’esercito. Rastrellare le baraccopoli. Caricarli su aerei militari e mollarli in Africa. Non ci sono altre soluzioni.
It’s a no brainer! Every country on the planet can learn from Israel.
Capt. Rosslyn V. Crasto • 8 hours ago
Some Arab States willing to expand Relations with ISRAEL:
==============================================... the Working Title of this Post on my Facebook {PUBLIC} Timelines: "Rosslyn Valentine Crasto" and "The Aspiring Revelator", which are all about the END-TIMES {in which we now are, as per the Holy Bible, Any Authorized Version}.
Jay Silverman • 9 hours ago
Regardless of the past, this is a step in the right direction. Thank you to Victoria Coates and the Trump Administration.
mikeatkron •
If this succeeds, because the Gulf Cooperation states have no conflict with Israel, the Fakestinian cockroaches will find themselves isolated, impoverished and irrelevant to rapidly changing Middle East conditions. The Gulf Arabs see Israel as far more than just as a potential ally against the Imperial Iranian juggernaut, but also as a source for innovation, technology, trade and eventual regional peace. This possibility has the Abbass-hole and the Hamas-holes in abject fear of being bypassed by the rest of the Arab and civilized worlds.
Norm •
Never say Never ! G-d has a plan.
Mike • 13 hours ago
Pls US and ISREAL....this people are peaceful when they re helpless, eat with them with long spoon.
gerald m. serlin • 14 hours ago
They say they want to be nice, but do they really mean it? If they agree to non-aggression, the next step is a peace treaty, with diplomatic relations, followed bhy a complete peace treaty. All to the good, but the so-called Palestinians will never agree, so that will need to be resolved by war, with a peace treaty at the end, a la WW2.
Tia gerald m. serlin •
Morocco, to my knowledge, was the only Arab country where Jewish people lived in peace. I don't profess to be an expert, but I only have good memories of having lived there .
Israeli jews from Morocco visit there and are welcome.
White Elk Clearwater •
Aside from the real need to go on the path of "khabdeihu vehhashdeihu" (respect and suspect) when dealing with a nation whose holy book orders them to conquer the world & to lie in order to fool the "enemy" (=non-muslim) in order to accomplish that goal folks it can also be a definite sign of the closeness of the final real complete Geula. For it is prophesied that in the end of days Yishmael will do teshuva & make peace with Yisrael.
Oh and BTW is this & the increasing good relations with Kazakhstan and many other countries the type of "worthless failures of Bibi Netanyahu" Ganz, Libeman, & Lapid are always talking so much about?
18_18 • 17 hours ago
How much does Lorenzo pay to monopolize this forum? The Rothschild's in the late 1800's purchased one third the land of Syria. Southern Syria belongs to Israel.
lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah 18_18 •
a thief or a murderer like Rothschild
You can NOT buy anything with stolen money: in a legal way ...
and this can also be said of the ARAB LEAGUE.
my master is only G-d JHWH holy... e tu risponderai della tua profanazione!
and you will answer for your profanation!
JussSomeBloke 18_18 •
Im sick blocking this person. Every time I come here, the forum is full of his / her comments, under another new psudonym. They don't know how irritating they are, with their incessant nonsensical ramblings that are written in such bad English.
I don't even read his posts. I can see a mile off that its the same person with a different name, and I just immediately block.
lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah JussSomeBloke •
have you ever thought that it could be your demon who is afraid of the holy light of God?
Harry Shamir •
The more normality between Israel and other MidEastern and Muslim countries, the better for everyone. Cheers !!
lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah •
Syria: Erdogan, we will eliminate the terrorists
then, he would first shoot himself in the head:
given that he himself brought 1,000,000 jihadists into Syria, and Iraq: for obtained (with a planned agenda in Riyadh) the genocide of all minorities and all peoples: that Assad and Saddam had managed to protect
lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah • a day ago
Kim Jong-un non può pensare di criminalizzare fino allo sterminio le persone che credono in Dio e poi, pensare di poter essere il mio amico!
5 DEC - The head of the North Korean armed forces, Pak Jong Chon, warned the US of threatening Kim Jong Un's regime, warning that the use of force against Pyongyang "
Pak said that Kim is "displeased" by what he called "the undesirable comments" made by US President Donald Trump on Tuesday in London at the NATO summit. Here Trump mentioned the possibility that the United States could carry out a military attack against Pyongyang.
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lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah • a day ago • edited
Bin SALMAN ] sai che divertimento a vedere tutti gli ebrei: che cancellano in ogni parte del mondo: l'idolo Rothschild ( reincarnazione panteismo: Hitler svastica ) della 666 falsa stella di Davide sulla bandiera di Israele?
dopotutto, un sacrificio così grande io a voi non lo ho chiesto!
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lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah • a day ago
Pelosi: Trump will go on trial
Green disk for the preparation of impeachment articles
I think all these zombies: Sodoma Dracula: ja-Bull-On Baal Marduch Murdoch: witchcraft and satanism cult lgbt: agents shadow Government Bilderberg, 666 Deep State: of the democratic party Rothschild,
they will all be in the electric chair for high treason: instead!
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18_18 lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah • 17 hours ago
"Eh zeh shtooyote"
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lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah 18_18 • 10 hours ago
why, your demon has afraid of holy light of God?
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lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah • a day ago
Biden: 'the world laughs at Trump'
The former vice president posted the video to NATO
the stupid will be able to laugh ...
but, with Biden everyone will cry, even the intelligent ones!
the Rothschild Democratic Party Biden Epstein are a constitutional subversion: Biderberg conspiracy, scam banking seigniorage: corporations and satanism: universal slavery FED 322 IMF 666 ECB NWO lgbt Draculs!
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lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah • a day ago
Turkey: 20-year-old dancer killed, the killer (a male sharia, and Islamic supremacist Erdogan-Koran) had just escaped
"If I had found a gun, I would have killed many more people." With these shocking statements the killer confessed in Turkey
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lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah • a day ago
no Islamic nation can preserve human gender and sharia.
start killing friends!
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ZionMyHome • a day ago
Morocco, Oman, Bahrain and UAE are still islamic countries. The koran will never cease to be anti-Jewish at its essence. This stinks like a ruse and a trap.
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Capt. Rosslyn V. Crasto ZionMyHome • 8 hours ago
Possibly, nay probably. Just look at what the muzzies did in Gaza before the proverbial ink was even dry on the Truce Deal brokered with them by Israel !!!
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Alex Peshansky ZionMyHome • 15 hours ago
Especially Morocco, after they destroyed holocaust memorial.
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Jim ZionMyHome • 16 hours ago • edited
Amen! Never, never make any agreement with lying Muslimes, and for sure, never turn your back on them, because there might be a knife stuck in it if you do.
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lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah ZionMyHome • a day ago
please do not put (in your Avatar) the Holy Cross:
inside the 666 rothschild star of the flag of Israel,
also because, there was never a symbol of King David of that type.
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White Elk Clearwater lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah • 16 hours ago
Dingbat Lorenzo, I don't like that avatar either. However your claim of connection to some bigoted anti-Jewish tripe that of connecting the Magen David to some alleged sinister rothschild group & to some "666" fool legend is absolutely disgusting & abominable! The star was indeed used by King David & before & after him.
BTW 6+6+6=18 hhai = life in Hebrew 18 reduced to 1 digit = 9 the minimal gematria of emet=truth. So anyone afraid of 666 is afraid of truth.
Don't bother replying because I will not be drawn into a debate with you. Just go take your Prozac & cyprilex and shut up.
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lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah White Elk Clearwater • 10 hours ago
gematria? ah ah ah ah ah ah ah aaaaah
how well educated your donkey is !!
gematria: it is an interpretative form (questionable) but only when the Bible does not give a numerological explanation ..
but in the case of your 666?
the explanation was given by the Bible!
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Grace Joy lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah • 2 hours ago
In the Tanakh, 666 is only used three times, & then only when counting people (Ezra 2:13) & weight (1 Kings 10:14 & 2 Chronicals 9:13). Don't expect anyone who hasn't read the NT or seen a wicked film like The Omen to understand your reference to 666 as the mark of the beast. Most either have their own stories or reject all stories.
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lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah Grace Joy • a minute ago
thank you, as if to say: "there is no better deaf than those who do not want to hear"
this story of 666 Epstein Obama Clinton Biden Saruman? the Chinese also know it
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aldo lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah • 8 hours ago
666 is the mark of the roman catholic beast.
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lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah aldo • 9 minutes ago
Aldo Alduccio non fare il cretino!!!
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lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah aldo • 11 minutes ago
microchip? why haven't you put it yet? Revelation 13.16 (clearly says that 666 is the microchip that the Churches: Cia lgbt Uk NWO FED FMI ECB by satan Morgan Rochefeller have already invented) 2 "He meant that everyone, small and large, rich and poor, free and slaves received a mark on the right hand and forehead; "
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lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah aldo • 17 minutes ago
idiot! what today is the Catholic Church - synagogue of satan FED IMF NWO Ja-Bull-On Rothschild Bilderberg Saruman Morgan Rochefeller Soros lgbt?
not even Pope Francis knows it!
lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah White Elk Clearwater • 10 hours ago
The star was never used by King David
and you don't have a single archaeological find to prove it!
and it is true that it was used before David: by idolaters like you!
JussSomeBloke White Elk Clearwater • 16 hours ago
666 and 19 are the two holiest numbers in islam. muslims actually believe the koran is the representation of the number 666
lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah JussSomeBloke • 10 hours ago
the Koran has some absurd claims, which would not stand up to a historical-critical study, and this is why Muslims are all forced to be crazy killers!
but where did you read about Islamic 666?
Is it something positive?
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White Elk Clearwater JussSomeBloke • 16 hours ago
I said 18 not 19.
As for the 666 bit, hey also believe the epileptic attacks of their used camel salesman who founded their contrived system were prophetic upliftings (ROTL), & that he visited Yerushayalim on a flying horse one night. That's the cleanest thing that can be said about numbers & what they believe.
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Jim lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah • 16 hours ago
You're full of it.
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lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah Jim • 10 hours ago
you love 666 so much!
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Raanan Ikar lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah • 17 hours ago
Only a completely foolish and ignorant person with an identity crisis would make such an ignorant request, whatever you are, you are not, you are a byproduct of something which makes you think you are something you are not, you are clearly evil and racist.
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lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah Raanan Ikar • 10 hours ago
it's 13 years that nobody can prove your slanders against me ...
but you could be successful!
Prove it!
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18_18 lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah • 17 hours ago
"Gay cock'n ofn yam"
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lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah 18_18 • 11 hours ago
you've always had an honest intellectual problem:
this is not new for you
“In total, there are currently 166 prints featuring images from the death camp,” The Jerusalem Post reports., brands itself as a site that “is the world’s largest art marketplace and print-on-demand technology company,” adding that “we’ve been helping artists sell wall art, home decor, apparel, and other products since 2006 and are home to hundreds of thousands of artists, photographers, graphic designers, illustrators, and iconic brands.”
However, it is also “selling merchandise branded with images from the Nazi Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp,” The Jerusalem Post reported.
Over 1.1 million people were murdered in that death camp by the Nazis during World War Two. “Beginning in 1942, it also became the largest of the extermination centers where the ‘Endlösung der Judenfrage’ – the final solution to the Jewish question: the Nazi plan to murder European Jews – was carried out,” as recorded by, the site of the Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial and Museum.
“With just a few clicks, artists and photographers can upload their images to, set their prices for hundreds of different print-on-demand products, and then instantly sell those products to a global audience of online, mobile, and real-world buyers,” says on its site.
While searching for the tag “Birkenau” on the site, one can find, as of the writing of this article: 69 shower curtains, 97 phone cases, 80 throw pillows, 139 greeting cards, 62 beach towels, 72 T-shirts, 78 tote bags, and more, writes The Post.
“In total, there are currently 166 prints featuring images from the death camp'” it reports.
“This is not a new problem for the site,” says the newspaper. “In August,” it adds, “the official Twitter account for the Auschwitz Memorial Museum called out Pixels and its sister site FineArtAmerica for products ranging from poor taste to Nazi propaganda. But it seems those calls have gone unanswered.”
"In totale, ci sono attualmente 166 stampe con immagini del campo di sterminio", riferisce The Jerusalem Post., si definisce un sito che "è il più grande mercato dell'arte al mondo e la società di tecnologia di stampa su richiesta", aggiungendo che "aiutiamo gli artisti a vendere wall art, decorazioni per la casa, abbigliamento e altri prodotti dal 2006 e ospitano centinaia di migliaia di artisti, fotografi, grafici, illustratori e marchi iconici ".
Tuttavia, sta anche "vendendo merci marchiate con immagini del campo di sterminio nazista di Auschwitz-Birkenau", ha riferito il Jerusalem Post.
Oltre 1,1 milioni di persone furono uccise in quel campo di morte dai nazisti durante la seconda guerra mondiale. "A partire dal 1942, divenne anche il più grande dei centri di sterminio in cui fu attuata la" Endlösung der Judenfrage "- la soluzione finale alla questione ebraica: il piano nazista di uccidere ebrei europei", come riportato da , il sito del Memoriale e del Museo di Auschwitz-Birkenau.
"Con pochi clic, artisti e fotografi possono caricare le loro immagini su, impostare i loro prezzi per centinaia di diversi prodotti di stampa su richiesta e quindi vendere immediatamente tali prodotti a un pubblico globale di utenti online, mobili e reali -acquirenti del mondo ", dice sul suo sito.
Durante la ricerca del tag "Birkenau" sul sito, è possibile trovare, al momento della stesura di questo articolo: 69 tende da doccia, 97 custodie per telefoni, 80 cuscini, 80 biglietti di auguri, 62 teli mare, 72 magliette, 78 tote bag e altro ancora, scrive The Post.
"In totale, ci sono attualmente 166 stampe con immagini del campo di sterminio" "riporta.
"Questo non è un nuovo problema per il sito", afferma il giornale. "Ad agosto", aggiunge, "l'account Twitter ufficiale del Museo commemorativo di Auschwitz ha chiamato Pixels e il suo sito gemello FineArtAmerica per prodotti che vanno dal cattivo gusto alla propaganda nazista. Ma sembra che quelle chiamate siano rimaste senza risposta. "
Outrageous: Birkenau Death Camp Greeting Cards and Beach Towels on
lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah •
this is the truth the human and sacred life: and no one must sell: the fetuses or pieces of the human body or profane the cemeteries ..
all this is Satanism and it is a mortal sin, besides being a crime against the whole human race!
crimes that Muslims have done in Kosovo, always and all over the world when they destroyed all the kafir cemeteries (in the name of their genocide substitution theology)!
Racheli Fraenkel urged thousands not to build their identity on tragedy, but to focus on the rich Jewish history, opportunity and innovation.
Racheli Fraenkel, whose son was one of three teenagers kidnapped and murdered by Hamas terrorists in June 2014, inspired thousands with her call for Jewish unity at the 2019 Israeli American Council summit in south Florida.
Addressing a diverse audience of Jews and Israelis, Fraenkel spoke of the strong bonds that exist among the Jewish People in times of crisis, stressing that such love and unity should be tangible at all times.
She urged the audience not to build their identity on tragedy, such as the Holocaust, but also to focus on the rich Jewish history, opportunity and innovation.
Racheli Fraenkel ha esortato migliaia di persone a non costruire la propria identità sulla tragedia, ma a concentrarsi sulla ricca storia ebraica, opportunità e innovazione.
Racheli Fraenkel, il cui figlio era uno dei tre adolescenti rapiti e assassinati dai terroristi di Hamas nel giugno 2014, ha ispirato migliaia di persone con la sua richiesta di unità ebraica al vertice del Consiglio americano israeliano del 2019 nel sud della Florida.
Rivolgendosi a un pubblico diversificato di ebrei e israeliani, Fraenkel ha parlato dei forti legami che esistono tra il popolo ebraico in tempi di crisi, sottolineando che tale amore e unità dovrebbero essere tangibili in ogni momento.
Ha esortato il pubblico a non costruire la propria identità sulla tragedia, come l'Olocausto, ma anche a concentrarsi sulla ricca storia ebraica, opportunità e innovazione.
Outrageous: Birkenau Death Camp Greeting Cards and Beach Towels on
lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah to pamela preedy •
this is not ignorance or sloppiness:
it is precisely: all the satanism that FED Bilderberg Soros and the democratic party give to the general public,
this is "esoteric agenda"
this is the synagogue of satan IMF: technocracy: Freemasonry and its judges:
that I am a coup against Trump Salvini and Netanjahu!
these are the Epstein Biden Nancy Pelosi, Clinton Obama Semites who want to kill the Zionists!
questa non è ignoranza o sciatteria:
è proprio: tutto il satanismo che FED Bilderberg Soros e partito democratico danno diffuso inenzionalmente,
questa è "esoteric agenda"
questa è la sinagoga di satana FMI: la tecnocrazia: la massoneria e i suoi giudici:
che sono un golpe contro Trump Salvini e Netanjahu!
questi sono i semiti Epstein Biden Nancy Pelosi, Clinton Obama che vogliono uccidere i sionisti!
Figlia ministro PD organizza guerriglia africana contro la Polizia: lancio di pietre e assalti
Guerriglia al porto di Gioia Tauro, rimasto bloccato sia in entrata che in uscita da gruppi di clandestini africani che, intorno alle 7 di questa mattina, hanno raggiunto i Gate dello scalo con uno striscione nel quale chiedono “documenti per tutti”.
Reggio Calabria, un centinaio di extracomunitari blocca il traffico sulla via Marina: cariche della polizia, le immagini from Socedit on Vimeo.
Si tratta della manifestazione che prende avvio dall’associazione “Campagna in lotta” che in tutta Italia sta organizzando azioni violente di questo genere, associazione promossa anche da Veronica Padoan, figlia dell’ex ministro PD:
Gli immigrati hanno rifiutato di spostarsi dal cancello di uscita per consentire ai lavoratori impiegati nel turno di notte di fare rientro a casa. Sul posto gli agenti della polizia. Si sono registrate lunghe code di mezzi fino allo svincolo autostradale.
Azioni violente andate in scena prima al porto di Gioia Tauro e dopo a Reggio Calabria. In contemporanea con quella di Foggia, dove i migranti minacciano di “bloccare il Natale”. Cariche della polizia e lanci di pietre:
Un centinaio di immigrati, guidati da ‘Campagne in Lotta’, ha bloccato gli accessi da e per il centro commerciale in zona Asi, a Foggia, Rivendicando case e documenti.
Abbiamo importato giovani maschi in età militare sui barconi. Ora ne paghiamo le conseguenze. Schierare l’esercito. Rastrellare le baraccopoli. Caricarli su aerei militari e mollarli in Africa. Non ci sono altre soluzioni.
Salvini controdenuncia Carola Rackete: “Devi andare in galera” – VIDEO
Matteo Salvini denunciato da Carola Rackete contrattacca: “La porto io in tribunale, per i finanzieri”
“Ecco la denuncia che ha aperto la mia giornata – dice il leader del Carroccio durante la diretta social – istigazione a delinque e diffamazione, Carola Rackete ce l’ha con me. L’eroina della sinistra che ha speronato la motovedetta della Guardia costiera con i militari a bordo, la ricordate? Chi è sotto indagine lei? No, Matteo Salvini… mi ha denunciato. La parte offesa di uno sbarco di immigrati irregolari, di uno speronamento di una motovedetta, non sono gli italiani e i militari ma è Carola Rackete… mi mancava l’istigazione e delinquere”.
“Arriva una signorina tedesca, viziatella e di sinistra che come hobby ha il trasporto di immigrati irregolari e come passatempo ha lo speronamento e denuncia il ministro dell’Interno – conclude il leader del Carroccio -. Ovviamente noi sorridiamo e controdenunciamo. Conto di incontrare in Tribunale questa signorina, si metta in fila. Noi la controdenunciamo e vedremo se c’è un giudice in Italia che dice chi ha sbagliato. Se lo avesse fatto in Germania sarebbe nelle patrie galere”.
“Ecco la denuncia che ha aperto la mia giornata – dice il leader del Carroccio durante la diretta social – istigazione a delinque e diffamazione, Carola Rackete ce l’ha con me. L’eroina della sinistra che ha speronato la motovedetta della Guardia costiera con i militari a bordo, la ricordate? Chi è sotto indagine lei? No, Matteo Salvini… mi ha denunciato. La parte offesa di uno sbarco di immigrati irregolari, di uno speronamento di una motovedetta, non sono gli italiani e i militari ma è Carola Rackete… mi mancava l’istigazione e delinquere”.
“Arriva una signorina tedesca, viziatella e di sinistra che come hobby ha il trasporto di immigrati irregolari e come passatempo ha lo speronamento e denuncia il ministro dell’Interno – conclude il leader del Carroccio -. Ovviamente noi sorridiamo e controdenunciamo. Conto di incontrare in Tribunale questa signorina, si metta in fila. Noi la controdenunciamo e vedremo se c’è un giudice in Italia che dice chi ha sbagliato. Se lo avesse fatto in Germania sarebbe nelle patrie galere”.