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holy my holy jhwh

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH



Comments 173

Discussion on World Israel News 4 comments
Netanyahu lands in Ukraine, will 'further strengthen the excellent connection'

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH

holy my holy jhwh

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH an hour ago

BIN SALMAN] [ in fact there are no more priests of satan in youtube because of me.
I don't know, or they all died or they all become all RICCHIONI!

BIN SALMAN ] [ in effetti non esistono più sacerdoti di satana in youtube per colpa mia.
non so, o sono morti tutti o si sono fatti tutti RICCHIONI! Edit View in discussion

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH an hour ago

BIN SALMAN ] [ the MOSSAD in Italy? they are fantastic guys!
when they kill someone who thinks of me: in an incompatible way?
they don't even let me know!
once a priest of Satan: with whom I quarreled in youtube,
he did 600 km to come see me, and in effect he succeeded in see me,
but since then (he himself stated it) his hair has grown like a woman to look like a hippie (or hippy): a child of flowers.
about then, to say what I did to all the priests of satan ie, cannibals of the CIA?
ok it would take an encyclopedia to be able to tell!

il MOSSAD in Italia? sono dei ragazzi fantastici!
quando ammazzano qualcuno che pensa a me: in una maniera non compatibile?
nemmeno me lo fanno sapere!
una volta una sacerdote di Satana: con cui litigai in youtube,
lui fece 600 km per venire a vedermi, e in efetti lui riuscì a vedermi,
ma da allora, (lui stesso lo affermò) si è cresciuto i capelli come una donna per sembrare un hippie (o hippy) : un figlio dei fiori.
circa poi, a dire quello che io ho fatto a tutti i sacerdoti di satana cannibali della CIA?
ok ci vorrebbe una enciclopedia per poterlo raccontare! Edit View in discussion

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 2 hours ago

1. it is not right that the Ukrainian people should suffer the criminal choices of a GOLPE Rothschild empire made by NATO CIA and Nuland!
2. but it is not right that the people in DONBASS of the southern Russian speakers should be destroyed by a Nazi genocide pravy sector: Hitler Merkel Von Ursula!
after all, isn't Morgan SpA FED 666 IMF saying that sovereignty belongs to the people?
then Rochefeller can begins to return to us, all the banking seigniorage he stole!

1. non è giusto che il popolo ucraino debba subire le criminali scelte di un GOLPE Rothschild impero fatto della NATO CIA e Nuland!
2. ma non è giusto che il popolo dei russofoni del Sud debbano essere annientati da un genocidio nazista pravy sector: Hitler Merkel Von Ursula!
dopotutto non è Morgan SpA FED 666 FMI a dire che la sovranità appartiene al popolo?
allora Rochefeller incominci a restituire il signoraggio bancario che ha rubato! Edit View in discussion

Discussion on World Israel News 8 comments
Abbas fires all of his advisers, demands bonuses returned

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 2 hours ago

Mahmoud Abbas is Palestinian President?
ah ah ah ah aaah! based on what legal support?
1. there has never been a Palestinian state!
2. there is command Hamas!
3. no, not all sharia genocides jihad of the ARAB LEAGUE can be legalized!
ALSO: UMMA NAZI the OIC ARAB LEAGUE cannot be legally legitimate!

Mahmoud Abbas is Palestinian President?
ah ah ah ah ah! in base a quale supporto giuridico?
1. non è mai esistito uno Stato Palestinese!
2. comanda Hamas!
3. non possono essere legalizzati tutti i genocidi sharia della LEGA ARABA!
ANCHE la LEGA ARABA non può essere giuridicamente legittima! Edit View in discussion

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 2 hours ago

God's chosen people?
yes chosen into my universal priesthood!
all the others (who are not in Israel) have betrayed Edit View in discussion

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 2 hours ago

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas?
ridiculous !!
there has never been a Palestinian state and it will never exist!
Palestinian jihad Erdogan Iran Mahmoud Abbas 666 UMMA: Allah 666uh Akbar: death to all unfaithful dhimmis UN slaves?
he is only the coordinator of Islamic terrorists: a rib of the jihadist galaxy that Riyadh that as with the principal MANDANTE: with his agency secret and by CIA 666 UK intermediary agency
Putin Xi-Jinping TRUMP: you are a bunch of baalls! Edit View in discussion

Discussion on World Israel News 34 comments
Analysis: Democrats refuse to confront hate when it’s on their side

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 9 hours ago

"Sweden is at war" jihad Erdogan attacked her!
by Judith Bergman
19 August 2019 gatestoneinstitute org/14750/sweden-in-war
these dirty things to make dirty films (Rothschild x6x6x6 Obama) then, they went on to confront civilly with the sharia,
that in London all ills are treated on the tip of the jihad sharia knife, too.
for now Macron puts on doggy style and satisfies Mohammed and for now all is well: for him! Edit View in discussion

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 9 hours ago

"Sweden is at war" jihad Erdogan attacked her!
by Judith Bergman
19 August 2019 https://it.gatestoneinstitu...
these dirty things to make dirty films (Rothschild x6x6x Obama) then, they went on to confront civilly with the sharia,
that in London all ills are treated on the tip of the jihad sharia knife, too.
for now Macron puts on doggy style and satisfies Mohammed and for now all is well: for him!

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 9 hours ago

"Sweden is at war" jihad Erdogan attacked her!
by Judith Bergman
19 August 2019 //it gatestoneinstitute org/14750/sweden-in-war
these dirty things to make dirty films (Rothschild xxx Obama) then, they went on to confront civilly with the sharia,
that in London all ills are treated on the tip of the jihad sharia knife, too.
for now Macron puts on doggy style and satisfies Mohammed and for now all is well: for him!

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 10 hours ago

18_18 vs Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH • worldisraelnews com/israel-agrees-to-exclude-territory-captured-in-1967-from-trade-deal/
Tu eres loco en la cabeza.
tu non dovresti essere geloso che il tuo Satana dagli USA lui si trasferirà e andrà a vivere in Europa dalla MERKEL.
perché in quel tempo: USA e Canada non esisteranno più:
saranno stati tutti uccisi dal asteroide la Sfera della Redenzione!

you should not be jealous that your Satan from the USA he will move will go to live in Europe by MERKEL.
because at that time: USA and Canada will no longer exist:
all the Sphere of Redemption will have been killed by the asteroid!

no debes estar celoso de que tu Satanás de los EE. UU. se mudará a MERKEL a vivir a Europa.
porque en ese momento:USA y Canada ya no existirán:
¡Toda la Esfera de la Redención habrá sido asesinada por el asteroide! Edit View in discussion

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 10 hours ago

Gaza to Israel: "we are a jihad volcano boiling sharia Erdogan IRAN, and the leadership of the Zionist enemy plays with fire"
the Mohammedans Allahu akbar death to all the infidels,
should they tell me who their friends are?
then, they should also explain to me why they didn't grant their friends freedom of religion (assuming they can find friends)
but I don't think the ARABIC LEAGUE could find friends! Edit View in discussion

Discussion on World Israel News 4 comments
Iranian tanker sought by US heading toward Greece

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 13 hours ago

Colored Catholic sacristan attacked outside the church by a violent mental patient: executioner and victim knew each other for years!
/a msn com/01/it-it/AAG0yFd?ocid=st
the Democratic Party has filled the nation with: parasites, mentally ill and possessed!
the democratic party are the grandchildren of: Stalin Marx Bertinotti, D'Alema Napolitano and they are the ones who will go to kill Russia and China with the favor of Erdogan and Rothschild.
Attacked because black in broad daylight: it happened to the sacristan of the Basilica of Santa Maria Assunta of Gallarate, in the Varese area. An attack that caused a dislocation to Deodatus Nduwimana, an Italian native of Burundi and a sacristan of the basilica for almost 20 years. Edit View in discussion

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 13 hours ago

After Epstein's Death, Time for Full Justice
by Alan M. Dershowitz [this is the painful attempt of Jewish populi blood suckers: to protect other accomplices in FED FMI BM NWO! ]
My God JHWH let me see their massacre!
August 19, 2019
gatestoneinstitute org/14743/jeffrey-epstein-alan-dershowitz-justice
our worldwide NWO Rothschild: Pharisees usurers enlightened high constitutional treason banking seigniorage: scam is governed by: satanists: priests of satan and freemasons: lucifer eye: esoteric agenda, cult ideology: scientist religion darwin the monkeys: of a herd perverted lgbt,
Merkel sterile,
ped0fili Macron, always a bunch of shameful and immoral adulterers they are:
that the poligani ped0fili criminals of ISLAM: genocide and dhimmis slave traders compared to us? they look like virgin girls compared to us! Edit View in discussion

Discussion on World Israel News 6 comments
Israel indicts Jordanian citizen searching for IDF soldier to kill

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 14 hours ago

the democratic party now sails between slanders and voodoo rites: but this is the truth they are a bunch of traitors who deserve to be prosecuted and executed!
#Solange the sorcerer magician reads Salvini's hand: "Isoardi will knock on his door"
1. this is a curse ritual.
2. this is a sincere compliment:
"Salvini has the same mentality as President Trump", says the endless Italian people #Richard #Gere Edit View in discussion

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 15 hours ago

"Allahu Akbar" A policeman shot the terrorist in his left leg,
After initially denying the charges, Matzlach admitted that he intended to carry out a terrorist attack.
the fact to Erdogan OCI Riyad Iran UN Ursula Von Hitler does not seem very serious fact

because they are more crazier of him: Matzlach
in fact among the crazy everyone there is also a reasonable normality of theirs! Edit View in discussion

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 15 hours ago

Israel indicts Jordanian citizen who searched for IDF soldier to kill

the great powerful big super prophet of our times: the IMAM Erdogan the Turkmen Taliban: for a new Ottoman empire: even into new jihad will go the Sicily again to us Mecca idol kaaba again, he said it formally and solemnly from Constantinople: in the basilica of Santa Sofia, and he said "yes, it's true : Islam is a great mad factory: to mom crazy of all mohammeddas sharia! " Edit View in discussion

Discussion on World Israel News 47 comments
Jordan warns Israel on Temple Mount: You are risking peace between us

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 15 hours ago

Jordan warns Israel on Temple Mount: You are risking peace between us

one moment!! Erdogan Imam the new powerful prophet: he did not say that ISLAM jihad is a good religion of sharia peace: shalom salam salaam!?
ok, then this is an opportunity to open all the mosques in the world: to all religions, so they burned the Churches and we go to say the Holy Mass in the Mosques, I think that in OCI Riyad Iran nobody should object! 5 Edit View in discussion

Discussion on World Israel News 6 comments
Spain: Law on citizenship for Sephardic Jews ends in failure

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 15 hours ago

Spain: Law on citizenship for Sephardic Jews ends in failure
ohCAXXO what an idiocy!
between Imam Londinstan and enclave Parigistan and Rome Caliphate, Ursula Von Soros in Hitler the antichrist? in Europe the Jews can only go to die: again!

ohCAXXO che idiozzia!
tra londistan e Parigistan e Roma Califfato, Ursula Von Soros in Hitler l'anticristo? in Europa gli ebrei possono soltanto andare a morire: di nuovo! Edit View in discussion

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 16 hours ago

very well! then we can be friends! God JHWH blessing too

the Jewish people in all the human race: it has a universal priestly vocation (that is, if the Saudis and the Egyptians do not continue to oppose this biblical project)
Israelis in universal salvation history!
they have the same function as the tribe of LEVI in the saving history of Israel!
because a true Judaism outside the borders of Israel is impossible!

molto bene! allora noi possiamo essere amici!
il popolo ebraico in tutto il genere umano: ha una vocazione sacerdotale universale (cioè, se i sauditi e gli egiziani non continuano ad opporsi a questo progetto biblico)
israeliani nella storia salvifica universale!
hanno la stessa funzione della tribù di LEVI nella storia salvifica di israele!
perché è impossibile un vero ebraismo fuori dei confini di Israele! Edit View in discussion

Discussion on World Israel News 48 comments
Canadian paper blasted over 'anti-Semitic' cartoon

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH studi30 16 hours ago

very well! then we can be friends!
the Jewish people in all the human race: it has a universal priestly vocation (that is, if the Saudis and the Egyptians do not continue to oppose this biblical project)
Israelis in universal salvation history!
they have the same function as the tribe of LEVI in the saving history of Israel!
because a true Judaism outside the borders of Israel is impossible! Edit View in discussion

Discussion on World Israel News 10 comments
Ohio man considered threat to Jewish center arrested

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 17 hours ago

Xi-Jinping: Donald Trump is right about Hong Kong island (香港 島, 香港 岛, Xiānggǎng Dǎo)
even if Allah and Satan will be happy for a new one: Tienanmen?
no, we won't be! Edit View in discussion

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 18 hours ago

Ohio man considered threat to Jewish center arrested

1. we cannot leave people free:
potentially guilty,
and then,
2. to leave potentially innocent people in prison.
therefore psychologists must be added: social workers, and we must add: Pastors rabbis and imams:
and other social figures
because you don't have to make mistakes.
in this collaborative way: with an educational journey to do at home: you can also recover people with an erroneous conscience!
therefore a final outcome: positive, weapons can be returned Edit View in discussion

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 18 hours ago

I VERIFY with you, only: in mode RATIONALLY on the UNIVERSAL and METAPHYSICAL IDEALS of JUSTICE (the evil you do not want for you? you at others not to do) and TRUTH (you do not lie). On these rational and political premises, I am already your friend or your enemy forever in my Kingdom of ISRAEL!
the Kingdom of ISRAEL does not need to be founded: because it has always existed:
my Kingdom of ISRAEL only needs to be discovered!
Who does not know the scam 666 banking seigniorage FED 322 IMF etcc.. Rothschild SIGNORAGGIO slaves trade goyims and its Masonic and Islamic implications of institutionalized transnational satanism, ie. Bilderberg Parallel shadow government, can not express any political judgment on the reality that surrounds it!
Then? Good world war and good Freemasonry to all:
because I have told all the Nations to bring their embassy to Jerusalem and they did not do it!

Mi VERIFICO con Te, solo RAZIONALMENTE sugli IDEALI UNIVERSALI e METAFISICI di GIUSTIZIA (il male che non vuoi per te ad altri non lo fare) e di VERITà (non mentire). Su queste premesse razionali e politiche, io sono già oggi il tuo amico o tuo nemico in eterno nel mio Regno di ISRAELE!
il Regno di ISRAELE non ha bisogno di essere fondato: perché è sempre esistito:
il mio Regno di ISRAELE deve soltanto essere scoperto!
Chi non conosce il SIGNORAGGIO bancario e le sue implicanze massoniche e islamiche del satanismo istituzionalizzato trasnazionale Bilderberg Governo ombra parallelo, non può affatto esprimere alcun giudizio politico sulla realtà che lo circonda!
Allora? Buona guerra mondiale e buona massoneria a tutti:
perché io ho detto a tutte la Nazioni di portare la loro ambasciata a Gerusalemme e loro non lo hanno fatto! Edit View in discussion

Discussion on World Israel News 9 comments
Trump: Mideast peace plan to be released after Israeli elections

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 18 hours ago

Trump: Mideast peace plan to be released after Israeli elections
we all know what kind of peace: jihad takfirio Sudairio Riyad-Erdogan Iran sharia has given sharia life: martyrs christian slaves dhimmis: kafir Murtidi to all previous peoples:
in fact everybody says: "that peace is on our prophet Muhammad" in fact all the cursed souls in hell know it, they don't have peace!
Muslims do not want their homeland as Jews:
no, they want the homeland of others.
Obama who was a Satanist helped them kill Israel,
while TRUMP he seems to be a fool!

lo sappiamo tutti che tipo di pace: jihad Erdogan Iran sharia ha dato la sharia a tutti i popoli precedenti:
infatti tutti dicono : "che la pace sia sul nostro profeta Maometto" infatti le anime maledette all'inferno, lo sanno tutti, non hanno la pace!
islamici non vogliono una loro patria come gli ebrei:
no, loro vogliono la patria degli altri.
Obama che era un satanista li aiutava ad uccidere Israele,
mentre TRUMP lui sembra proprio essere uno stupido! Edit View in discussion

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 19 hours ago

Bin SALMAN] you should stop living like a frightened cordard:
and stay there thinking all the time: "Who could hurt me more than Rothschild or Unius REI?"
because everyone saw that I slammed Rothschild like an octopus on the rock!
you instead think about realizing justice: and walk on the path of justice
and therefore: you follow me on this road without fear! Edit View in discussion

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 19 hours ago

China Russia US EU India]
if the UN says to Israel: "ok enough now! you deported all the Palestinians to Syria"
then, Rothschild would say to Israel: "no, don't do it! where there is a homeland also for me: and for my priests of Satan?"
and so the Israelis would be forced to obey Rothschild! Edit View in discussion

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 19 hours ago

#Epstein #lgbt "eye of" lucifer-allah "on Masonic pyramid" video of Prince Andrea at the financier's home
here is how Rothschild controls and blackmails his corrupt and our woldwide Leaders Edit View in discussion

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 19 hours ago

italian crazy masonry consociativism ] losers ta do: "purpose government": axis: Macron Merkel Bilderberg M5S-Pd (that is minority)
Conte will report in the Senate on the 20th, and we will have to cry!
yes, but GRILLO Beppe derails the M5S with Pd, because together they met at LGBTQ Sodoma: which is the land of Rothschild's toys.
and what does the Italian people think? a President MATTARELLA (Mattarellum) does not care.
now, not even a fraudulent false Masonic democracy: of fraudulent bank seigniorage: it can save us from sharia genocide from the Islamic theocracy

governo di scopo dei perdenti: asse: Macron Merkel Bilderberg M5S-Pd (la minoranza)
Conte riferirà in Senato il 20, e ci sarà da piangere!
si, ma GRILLO Beppe deraglia il M5S con Pd, perché insieme si sono incontrati a LGBTQ Sodoma: che è il paese dei balocchi di Rothschild.
e quello che pensa il popolo italiano? a Presidente MATTARELLA ( Mattarellum) non interessa.
adesso, neanche una fraudolenta falsa democrazia massonica: del signoraggio bancario truffa: ci può salvare dalla teocrazia islamica sharia genocidio Edit View in discussion

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 19 hours ago

IMF 187 FED Salman 666 Bin Rothschild sharia micro-chip: esoteric agenda Bilderberg-Soros Riyad ] the Israelis have remained the last and the only nation in the world to have not lost their freedom of speech: this is why Allah and Satan, now they must prey it on the bottom back faggott maggot

FED Salman Bin Rothschild sharia] gli israeliani sono rimasti l'ultima e l'unica nazione nel mondo a non aver perso la libertà di parola: ecco perché Allah e Satana, ora lo devono prendere nel fondo schiena Edit View in discussion

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 19 hours ago

Epstein case, video of Prince Andrea at the financier's home
it is through: masonry, corruption, perversion, lgbt
that rothschild manages to blackmail the leaders and manages to steal banking seigniorage all over the world!

Caso Epstein, video del principe Andrea a casa del finanziere
è attraverso: massonerie, corruzione, perversione, lgbt
che rothschild riesce a ricattare i leaders e riesce a rubare il signoraggio bancario in tutto il mondo! Edit View in discussion

Discussion on World Israel News 8 comments
Images show Iran satellite launch looms despite US criticism

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 20 hours ago

there has never been a ISLAM Jihad sharia that be more dangerous and
extremist fundamentalist ISLAM in 1400 years: as today is Islam
interpreted by Erdogan Riyadh and Iran: they were designed by
Rothschild's kabbalah: to punish (rightly) the human race: which insists
on denying a unitary homeland for all Jews! .. me? I share this project
of Islamization: and I share his world war: actually!

Muslims have burned more than 15,000 churches in the last 10 years: and
in the ARAB LEAGUE it is not possible to restore the churches: out of
Egypt Jordan and Syria! The Extinction of Christians in the Middle East
no, no antichrist Putin Trump Ursula Von Hitler will intervene against the ARAB LEAGUE about The Extinction of Christians in the
Middle East
by Giulio Meotti • August 18, 2019
"I don't believe in these two words [human rights], there are no human
rights. But in Western countries, there are animal rights.

In Australia
they take care of frogs....Look upon us as frogs, we'll accept that —
just protect us so we can stay in our land." — Metropolitan Nicodemus,
the Syriac Orthodox archbishop of Mosul, National Catholic Register. Edit View in discussion

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 20 hours ago

President RIVLIN ] but what ambition? [ to realize the Kingdom of Israel and to end the Islamic genocide of the Christian martyrs? I am forced to expose myself personally!

President RIVLIN ] ma quale ambizione? [ per realizzare il Regno di Israele e per far terminare il genocidio islamico dei martiri cristiani? io sono costretto ad espormi personalmente! Edit View in discussion

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 21 hours ago

to my goats: Bush Rothschild Morgan Rochefeller Obama D'Alema Veltroni, Prodi Bersani, RENZI MERKEL MACRON, Clinton, Epstain, etc.
I opened the comment cards for my current 106 site blogger blogspot:
then, you send your satanists, freemasons, Islamic b i t c h e s and h i n d s of the CIA 666 UK Gender Darwin the apes developed, and all your corrupt perverts from the democratic party
to make comments, otherwise everyone will think that world sharia internet Satellite TV Network Twitter youtube facebook Islam? it's also one only world scam, together to scam banking seigniorage system FED IMF NWO ECB: the esoteric agenda! Edit View in discussion

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 21 hours ago

to my goats: Bush Rothschild Morgan Rochefeller Obama D'Alema Veltroni, Prodi Bersani, RENZI MERKEL MACRON, Clinton, Epstain, etc.
I opened the comment cards for my current 106 site blogger blogspot:
then, you send your satanists, freemasons, Islamic bitches and hinds of the CIA 666 UK Gender Darwin the apes developed, and all your corrupt perverts from the democratic party
to make comments, otherwise everyone will think that world sharia internet Satellite TV Network Twitter youtube facebook Islam? it's also one only world scam, together to scam bankinh seigniorage system FED IMF NWO ECB: the esoteric agenda!

ai miei caproni: Bush Rothschild Morgan Rochefeller Clinton ecc..
io ho aperto le schede dei commenti ai miei attuali 106 blogspot:
allora, voi mandate i vostri satanisti, massoni, islamici cagne e cerve lgbt della CIA 666 UK Gender Darwin le scimmie sviluppate
a fare dei commenti, altrimenti tutti penseranno che Islam mondiale? è anche una mondiale truffa!

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH a day ago
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there has never been a ISLAM Jihad sharia that be more dangerous and extremist fundamentalist ISLAM in 1400 years: as today is Islam interpreted by Erdogan Riyadh and Iran: they were designed by Rothschild's kabbalah: to punish (rightly) the human race: which insists on denying a unitary homeland for all Jews! .. me? I share this project of Islamization: and I share his world war: actually!

non è mai esistito in 1400 anni un ISLAM più pericoloso ed estremistico fondamentalista: come oggi è l'islam interpretato da Erdogan Riyad e Iran: loro sono stati progettati dalla kabbalah di Rothschild: per punire (giustamente) il genere umano: che si ostina a negare una Patria unitaria per tutti gli ebrei! .. io? io condivido questo progetto di islamizzazione: e condivido la sua guerra mondiale: in realtà!
Could this Be the Year of Persian Poetry?
by Amir Taheri • August 18, 2019
Iran is one of few countries in the world where the list of celebrities at any given time includes a number of poets and where poetry recitals draw crowds that compete with those of pop-music concerts.
One of the first acts of Khomeini's regime was to have the young poet Saeed Soltanpour, abducted from his wedding ceremony, and executed on a spurious charge of "Communist militancy." Later, the poet Rahman Hatefi-Monfared, alias Heydar Mehregan, also a noted journalist, was put to death under torture in one of Khomeini's prisons.
Celebrating [Esmail ] Khoi's great poetical achievement would be a fit tribute to what three generations of Persian poets have achieved during almost a century of exceptional creativity. Nobel judges should not miss the opportunity to share the joy that modern Persian poetry has given lovers of poetry all over the world.
Whatever you may think of Iran, you are likely to acknowledge it as one of the oldest homelands of poetry. Any list of top poets from all over the world is likely to include at least one or two Persian names -- say Omar Khayyam or Molavi (Rumi). Pictured: Omar Khayyam.
Whatever you may think of Iran, you are likely to acknowledge it as one of the oldest homelands of poetry. Any list of top poets from all over the world is likely to include at least one or two Persian names -- say Omar Khayyam or Molavi (Rumi). Goethe believed that poetry has reached its peak of beauty with Hafez of Shiraz.
I know of only two countries, Iran and Russia, where poetry still finds a mass audience and poets could attain celebrity status.
Ask any Iranian who the persons they most admire are and you are likely to hear a list of poets -- from Ferdowsi and Saadi centuries ago to Iraj Mirza and Forugh Farrokhzad more recently. For the average Iranian, the poet is not only a creator of beauty but also the guardian of the nation's conscience. Iran is one of few countries in the world where the list of celebrities at any given time includes a number of poets and where poetry recitals draw crowds that compete with those of pop-music concerts.
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Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH a day ago
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Muslims have burned more than 15,000 churches in the last 10 years: and in the ARAB LEAGUE it is not possible to restore the churches: out of Egypt Jordan and Syria! The Extinction of Christians in the Middle East
no, no antichrist Putin Trump Ursula Von Hitler will intervene against the ARAB LEAGUE
no, nessun anticristo Ursula Von Hitler interverrà contro la LEGA ARABA
mussulmani hanno bruciato più di 15000 Chiese negli ultimi 10 anni: e nella LEGA ARABA non è possibile procedere al restauro delle Chiese: fuori di Egitto Giordania e Siria! The Extinction of Christians in the Middle East
by Giulio Meotti • August 18, 2019
"I don't believe in these two words [human rights], there are no human rights. But in Western countries, there are animal rights. In Australia they take care of frogs....Look upon us as frogs, we'll accept that — just protect us so we can stay in our land." — Metropolitan Nicodemus, the Syriac Orthodox archbishop of Mosul, National Catholic Register.
"Those people are the same ones who came here many years ago. And we accepted them. We are the original people in this land. We accepted them, we opened the doors for them, and they push us to be minorities in our land, then refugees in our land. And this will be with you if you don't wake up." — Metropolitan Nicodemus.
"Threats to pandas cause more emotion" than threats to the extinction of the Christians in the Middle East. — Amin Maalouf, French-Lebanese author, Le Temps.
Most Christian churches in and around Mosul, Iraq were desecrated or destroyed by ISIS. Pictured: The heavily damaged bell tower of Saint John's Church (Mar Yohanna) in the town town of Qaraqosh, near Mosul, on April 16, 2017.
Convert, pay or die. Five years ago, that was the "choice" the Islamic State (ISIS) gave to Christians in Mosul, then Iraq's third-largest city: either embrace Islam, submit to a religious tax or face the sword. ISIS then marked Christian houses with the Arabic letter ن (N), the first letter of the Arabic word "Nasrani" ("Nazarene," or "Christian") . Christians could often take no more than the clothes on their back and flee a city that had been home to Christians for 1,700 years.
Two years ago, ISIS was defeated in Mosul and its Caliphate crushed. The extremists, however, had succeeded in "cleansing" the Christians. Before the rise of ISIS, there were more than 15,000 Christians there. In July 2019, the Catholic charity, Aid to the Church in Need, disclosed that only about 40 Christians have come back. Not long ago, Mosul had "Christmas celebrations without Christians".

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH a day ago

M5S 666 Pd Soros Rothschild Ursula Mattarella: masons & lgbt: the anti-Christ? they stabbed the majority of the Italian people to death and pushed Salvini LEGA FdI FI etc. to the opposition!
EU Macron euro Merkel after having destroyed and plundered 50% of the wealth of the Italian people: now to increase the number of suicide entrepreneurs is getting ready better:
they will empty my homeland through emigration and the demographic winter (caused by the wear and tear of central banks: and by Masonic consociativism) and will replace the Italian people: through the Afro-Muslims.
so the curse of Allah and Satan will focus on the Italian people: for to burning the hope of Israel to the root! Edit View in discussion

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH a day ago

antichrist Ursula Von Hitler] Macron France not only wants to return the "Mona Lisa", but, it has begun to move the borders,
you want to annex a piece of "mare nostrum"
with the signature of those traitors of the Democratic Party and Gentiloni!
so what if we did an EU to hurt us?
you sat on a pig: Rothschild-Prodi-Soros-Grillo:
that you can't even imagine it!

antichrist Ursula Von Hitler ] la Francia di Macron non solo vuole restituire la "Gioconda", ma, si è messo a spostare i confini,
si vuole annettere un pezzo di "mare nostrum"
con la firma di quei traditori del partito democratico e Gentiloni!
allora se abbiamo fatto una UE per danneggiarci tra di noi?
tu ti sei seduta sopra un maiale: Rothschild-Prodi-Soros-Grillo:
che non te lo puoi neanche immaginare!
voxnews info/2019/08/18/salvini-o-si-governa-o-si-vota-diretta-video Edit View in discussion

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH a day ago

the ARAB LEAGUE UN OCI Russia USA EU: the antichrist Ursula Von Hitler?
are the supporters: of the sharia jihad monsters of 1400 years ago,
they are the first responsible for having prevented the normal and peaceful conviction among the peoples!
they have made human rights impossible!
and then, all those who criticize Israel?
they should not complain if they are filled with prostitutes: Nigerian mafia, Satanist cannibals, lgbt, etc ... and they are also filled with Islamic terrorism,
in fact, when the Imams teach: that, the Koran is an Increate Word:
then they cannot say to Muslims: "on the good you do: because Islam is a religion of peace!"
in fact Imam Erdogan himself says it: but then, he has no success: and every night he thinks about how to realize again the Ottoman Empire!
he said to me: "Sicily belongs to Turkey" Edit View in discussion

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH a day ago

Yes! all paranoids: religious jihad sharia maniacs: crazy serial murderers, slave trades dhimmis dait goyims, contemptible dictators? they are almost all protected by #Putin and they develop ballistic missiles ... because like #Erdogan they know they are the scum of the scum: and they must arm themselves well!
in effect, Putin the bolscevick Comunist crazy: he tells everyone that his weapons are better,
but then, he himself does not believe it to himself: to this his statement fake affirmation: and of couse he wants to be defended by all bad contemptible ones, all togheter!!
Putin is just a cowardly scared rabbit
Bolshevik ofShit
Putin is just a cowardly scared rabbit Edit View in discussion

Discussion on World Israel News 39 comments
Islamic Jihad says Israel's latest terrorist intercept means war

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH a day ago

Islamic Jihad says Israel's latest terrorist intercept means war

for the human rights of Erdogan the sharia NAZI Empire Ottoman genocide?
NATO CHINA RUSSIA UN EU? they have nothing to say about jihad!
in fact they all know that the Koran is an INCREATED Word that cannot be interpreted!
Thus, we too should refer, to defend ourselves, to this legal and legitimate and portentous word of Allah-Manitù!
also because the Palestinians feel besieged (too poor people) and they can't wait for their siege to be removed to go and slaughter all the Israelis: or to go and quickly find the "God Manitù, in the green prairies"
Bin SALMAN will have to answer to me personally, about his corrupt religion

Bin SALMAN dovrà rispondere a me personalmente, circa la sua corrotta religione
per i diritti umani di Erdogan l'ottomano
NATO CINA RUSSIA ONU UE? loro non hanno niente da dire circa la jihad!
infatti sanno tutti che il Corano è una Parola INCREATA che non può essere interpretata!
Così, anche noi dovremmo fare riferimento, per difenderci, a questa legale e legittima e portentosa parola di Allah-Manitù!
anche perché i Palestinesi si sentono assediati (poverini) e non vedono l'ora che il loro assedio sia rimosso per andare a sgozzare tutti gli israeliani: oppure per andare a trovare velocemente il "Dio Manitù, nelle verdi praterie" 2 Edit View in discussion

Discussion on World Israel News 13 comments
Israel’s interior minister: Tlaib hates Israel more than she loves her grandmother

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH a day ago

Israel’s interior minister: Tlaib hates Israel more than she loves her grandmother

all those who are caught up in an ideology (evolutionism) or dogmatic religion? they could never be intellectually honest!
therefore it is not possible to find honesty in a: sodomite, communist Freemason or an Islamic one today! Edit View in discussion

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH a day ago

Bin SALMAN] no true minister of God: he could use telepathy: because the supernatural everything: it is always IDOLATRIA! BUT this is really surprising: even a man in mortal sin: and full of demons like you, who spiritually would be impeded (if anyone man, and whatever woman, and whatever other, he reflects on my words? Then, of course he will understand all the rest of my underlying speech; made by me!)
this is what you must understand:
1. I cannot take too much advantage of the patience and courage of these Israelis who are hosting me with so much risk of their safety!
2. nothing about: hypocritical, false, untruthful; selfish, unfair, factious, interested, partial exists in Unius REI, because in the purity of its ideals? he is purer than a diamond!
sure, I would certainly not have been able to pass through all the voodoo priests of CIA UK NWO NATO Dracula Sodoma Satan all voodoo supernatural superhumans that you fear so much: so much!

Bin SALMAN ] nessun vero ministro di Dio: potrebbe usare la telepatia: perché il soprannaturale tutto: è sempre IDOLATRIA! MA questo è veramente sorprendente: anche un uomo in peccato mortale: e pieno di demoni come te, che spiritualmente lui ne sarebbe impedito ( se chiunque e comunque e qualunque riflette sulle mie parole? poi, certo lui comprenderà tutto il resto del discorso sottinteso; da me!)
tu è questo che tu devi capire:
1. io non posso troppo approfittare della pazienza e del coraggio di questi israeliani che mi ospitano con tanto rischio della loro incolumità!
2. nulla di: ipocrita, falso, menzognero; egoistico, ingiusto, fazioso, interessato, parziale esiste in Unius REI, perché nella purezza dei suoi ideali? lui è più puro di un diamante!
certo, io non avrei certo pututo attraversare indenne tutti i sacerdoti voodoo di satana della CIA i superuomini soprannaturali che tu tanto temi: così tanto! Edit View in discussion

Discussion on World Israel News 16 comments
Netanyahu under fire from politicians as terror attacks rise

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 2 days ago

RIVLIN President ] [ you have no debt of gratitude with Rothschild!
you see what he did to you with his NWO!

non hai debiti di gratitudine con Rothschild!
tu vedi cosa vi ha fatto con il suo NWO! Edit View in discussion

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 2 days ago

Netanyahu under fire from politicians as terror attacks rise

there are no magic formulas against Palestinian terrorists of the international jihad Erdogan:
as a definitive and effective solution there is only their JHWH the King
why: I am not a Jew and I can hit hard! Edit View in discussion

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 2 days ago

Bin SALMAN ] everyone knows I care about you! .. and in this my affection for you: no, there is no human logic: but this is only a divine logic!
and no one could tell me that: I have use a delicate progression that lasted 13 years: to avoid any form of violence against your interests!
lo sanno tutti che ci tengo a te! .. e in questo affetto mio per te: no, non c'é una logica umana: ma questa è una logica soltanto divina!
e nessuno potrebbe dirmi che: io non ho usato una delicata progressione che è durata 13 anni: per evitare qualsiasi forma di violenza contro i tuoi interessi!
youtube com/user/noahNephillim/discussion
universale-metafisico blogspot Edit View in discussion

Discussion on World Israel News 2 comments
WATCH: Israeli drone startup to deliver food in US

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 2 days ago

Immigrated to luxury cars, he invaded Italy on foot at great speed: he let him die and left

Immigrato su auto di lusso investe a folle velocità italiano a piedi: lo lascia morire e se ne va
voxnews info/2019/08/18/immigrato-su-auto-di-lusso-investe-a-folle-velocita-italiano-a-piedi-lo-lascia-morire-e-se-ne-va/ Edit View in discussion

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 2 days ago


WOW a Neo Nazi of higher IQ than your brethren. Yet you still can't
hide that you are a Neo Nazi because you use all the buzz words. Neo
Nazis hate blacks, Jews and Catholics. They hate Jews because the Jews
have higher IQs than them. In fact the blacks who they hate so much have
higher IQs than them.

View in discussion
Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH
sorry: i am blacks (olive color), Jews & Catholics.
and those who believe in a Q.I. as a race they are defients!
and those who think that a superior people can exist?
they are profaning God's holiness!
that's why you are a blasphemer! Edit View in discussion

Discussion on World Israel News 48 comments
Canadian paper blasted over 'anti-Semitic' cartoon

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH studi30 2 days ago

sorry: i am blacks (olive color), Jews & Catholics.
and those who believe in a Q.I. as a race they are defients!
and those who think that a superior people can exist?
they are profaning God's holiness!
that's why you are a blasphemer!

sorry: i am blacks (colore olivastro), Jews & Catholics.
e quelli che credono in un Q.I. come razza sono dei defienti!
e quelli che pensano che possa esiste un popolo superiore?
loro stanno profanando la santità di Dio!
ecco perché tu sei un bestemmiatore! Edit View in discussion

Discussion on World Israel News 4 comments
WATCH: Israel’s president to reduce timeframe for forming government

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 2 days ago

dear my President RIVLIN ] RENZI (Democratic Party) a political nullity: politically destined to disappear
and the M5S which would have halved the electoral consensus
they were ready to make a "Government of purpose" that would last 4 years. to trample on with Mattarella's complicity: once again trample the Italian people!
and why has the financial technocracy boycotted the democratic right?
because only the Left Riyadh OCI Bilderberg,
only they can make a slanderous world war against China and Russia possible! Edit View in discussion

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 2 days ago

dear President RIVLIN
I don't know if your Rabbis ever told you this story!
It is said that when God created the world, for men to prosper he decided to grant them two virtues.
And so he did.
1. The Swiss made them lawful and respectful of the laws.
2. The English persevering and scholars.
3. The Japanese workers and patients.
4. The cultured and refined French.
5. Cheerful and welcoming Spaniards.
When he arrived at the Italians he turned to the angel who took note and told him: "Italians will be intelligent, honest and communist!"
When he finished with the creation the angel said to him: "Lord, you have given all peoples two virtues, but to the Italians three, this will ensure that they will prevail over all others".
God said: "Damn it! It is true! But the divine virtues can no longer be taken away, that the Italians have three virtues! But each person cannot have more than two together".
So it was that:
A. The Italian who is communist and honest cannot be intelligent.
B. The Italian who is intelligent and communist cannot be honest.
C. The Italian who is intelligent and honest cannot be a communist. Edit View in discussion

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 2 days ago

Dear my President Rivlin
I can't have a twitter channel anymore
because the Rothschild NWO FED FMI BM OCI persecutes the anti-System and the pro-Kingdom Israel
like me! Edit View in discussion

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 2 days ago

Dear my President Rivlin
io non posso più avere un canale twitter
perché il NWO FED FMI BM OCI perseguita gli anti-Sistema Rothschild come me!
Allah the bitch of Satan ☦️burn satan ☦️shariah Allah ☦️owl lilit Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA:
burn in Jesus's name, alleluia!
burn satana ☦️ shariah ☦️ Allah owl Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia!
DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦️ alleluia ☦️ #uniusREI #Governor
drink your POISON, made by you, amen
C. S. P. B. Cross of the Holy Father Benedict C. S. S. M. M.
Holy Cross be my Light, N. D. S. M. D. Let the dragon be my leader V. R. S. Vadre Retro satan
Get away from Satan! N. S. M. V.
You will not persuade me of vain things S. M. Q. L.
What you offer me is bad I.V. B. Ipsa Venena Bibas Drink your poisons yourself.
DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF: FROM A CEMETERY must go out, and a cemetery must enter: definitely!
Cross of the Holy Father Benedict. Holy Cross be my Light
and let my dragon be the dragon. Go back satan!
You will not persuade me of vain things. The things you offer me are bad, drink your poison yourself.
In the Name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen!

Hezbollah threatens to ‘destroy’ Israeli troops;
Allah la cagna di Satana ☦️burn satana ☦️shariah ☦️Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia!
burn satana ☦️ shariah ☦️ Allah ☦️ owl ☦️ Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia!
DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦️ alleluia ☦️ #uniusREI #Governor
drink your POISON, made by yourself, amen ] C. S. P. B. Croce del Santo Padre Benedetto C. S. S. M. L.
Croce sacra sii la mia Luce, N. D. S. M. D. Che il dragone non sia il mio duce V. R. S. Vadre Retro satana
Allontanati satana! N. S. M. V.
Non mi persuaderai di cose vane S. M. Q. L.
Ciò che mi offri è cattivo I.V. B. Ipsa Venena Bibas Bevi tu stesso i tuoi veleni.
DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF: DA UN CIMITERO devono uscire, ed un cimitero devono entrare: definitivamente! ] Croce del Santo Padre Benedetto. Croce Santa sii la mia Luce
e non sia mai il dragone mio duce. Va indietro satana!
Non mi persuaderai di cose vane. Sono mali le cose che mi offri, bevi tu stesso il tuo veleno. Nel Nome del Padre, del Figlio e dello Spirito Santo . Amen!

Discussion on World Israel News 26 comments
Hezbollah threatens to 'destroy' Israeli troops; Netanyahu 'not impressed'

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 2 days ago

Hezbollah threatens to 'destroy' Israeli troops; Allah la cagna di Satana ☦️burn satana ☦️shariah ☦️Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia!
burn satana ☦️ shariah ☦️ Allah ☦️ owl ☦️ Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia!
DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦️ alleluia ☦️ #uniusREI #Governor
drink your POISON, made by yourself, amen ] C. S. P. B. Crux Sancti Patris Benedecti Croce del Santo Padre Benedetto C. S. S. M. L. Crux, Sacra Sit Mihi Lux Croce sacra sii la mia Luce, N. D. S. M. D. Non draco, sit mihi dux Che il dragone non sia il mio duce V. R. S. Vadre Retro satana Allontanati satana! N. S. M. V. Non Suade Mihi Vana Non mi persuaderai di cose vane S. M. Q. L. Sunt Mala Quae Libas, Ciò che mi offri è cattivo I.V. B. Ipsa Venena Bibas Bevi tu stesso i tuoi veleni. [ DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF: DA UN CIMITERO devono uscire, ed un cimitero devono entrare: definitivamente! ] In nomine Patris, et Filii et Spiritui Sancto Croce del Santo Padre Benedetto. Croce Santa sii la mia Luce e non sia mai il dragone mio duce. Va indietro satana! Non mi persuaderai di cose vane. Sono mali le cose che mi offri, bevi tu stesso il tuo veleno. Nel Nome del Padre, del Figlio e dello Spirito Santo +. Amen! Edit View in discussion

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 2 days ago

Hezbollah hamas IRAN threatens to ‘destroy’ Israeli troops;
Allah the
bitch of Satan ☦️ burn satan ☦️ sharia jaBulOn Allah ☦️owl Marduch burn
JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia!
burn satana ☦️ sharia ☦️ Allah Baal Lilith Belfagor owl Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA FED IMF Burn: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia!
DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦️ alleluia ☦️ #uniusREI #Governor

your POISON, made by yourself, amen] CSPB Crux Sancti Patris Benedecti
Cross of the Holy Father Benedict CSSML Crux, Sacred Sit Mihi Lux Sacred
cross be my Light, NDSMD Not draco, sit mihi dux

That the dragon is not
my leader VRS Father Retro Satan Get rid of Satan! N. S. M. V. Not
Suade Mihi Vana You will not persuade me of vain things S. M. Q. L. Sunt
Mala Quae Libas, What you offer me is bad I.V. B. Ipsa Venena Bibas
Drink your poisons yourself.

CEMETERY they must go out, and a cemetery must enter: definitely!

nomine Patris, et Filii et Spiritui Sancto
Croce of the Holy Father
Benedict. Holy Cross be my Light and never be my dragon leader. Go back

You will not persuade me of vain things. The things you offer me
are bad, drink your poison yourself. In the Name of the Father, of the
Son and of the Holy Spirit +. Amen!

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 2 days ago

Hezbollah hamas IRAN threatens to ‘destroy’ Israeli troops;
Allah the bitch of Satan ☦️burn satan ☦️shariah lahAllah ☦️owl ardMarduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia!
burn satana ☦️ shariah ☦️ Allah wl owl Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia!
DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦️ alleluia ☦️ #uniusREI #Governor
drink your POISON, made by yourself, amen] CSPB Crux Sancti Patris Benedecti Cross of the Holy Father Benedict CSSML Crux, Sacred Sit Mihi Lux Sacred cross be my Light, NDSMD Not draco, sit mihi dux That the dragon is not my leader VRS Father Retro Satan Get rid of Satan! N. S. M. V. Not Suade Mihi Vana You will not persuade me of vain things S. M. Q. L. Sunt Mala Quae Libas, What you offer me is bad I.V. B. Ipsa Venena Bibas Drink your poisons yourself. [DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF: FROM A CEMETERY they must go out, and a cemetery must enter: definitely! ] In nomine Patris, et Filii et Spiritui Sancto Croce of the Holy Father Benedict. Holy Cross be my Light and never be my dragon leader. Go back satan! You will not persuade me of vain things. The things you offer me are bad, drink your poison yourself. In the Name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit +. Amen!

Discussion on World Israel News 21 comments
WATCH: Red alerts sound in Israel after rocket launched from Gaza

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 2 days ago

who knows all the towns and all the neighborhoods of the cities that Erdogan Islam: nigerian mafia, ARAB OIC LEAGUE with sharia has taken away from national control?
Immigrants drag little girl to rape her, people try lynching August 18, 2019
Melbourne and Birmingham 2019: occupied cities August 18, 2019
Pd throws the mask: "to the government to try Salvini" August 17, 2019
The M5s wants to "resign" Salvini to reopen the ports to the NGOs on August 17, 2019
Count Effect: boat with 57 illegal immigrants in Lampedusa August 17, 2019
Open Arms, ong had invented everything: patients were healthy and minors were adults August 17, 2019
Patronage wastes your money: helicopter doctors to visit illegal Open Arms August 17, 2019
Open Arms, landed minors unmasked: they are adults August 17, 2019
Open Arms, the founder confesses: "I talked to Merkel and Macron" August 17, 2019
The "children" of Open Arms have a beard: total shame - VIDEO August 17, 2019
Clash between parish priest and bishop: "First the Italians!", "No, before the others" August 17, 2019
"Talk to us about Bibbiano", Mayor PD complaint August 17, 2019
Sardinia, locals must be replaced by the Pakistanis: newspaper exults August 17, 2019 Edit View in discussion

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 2 days ago

obviously: LGBT ideologies threaten the survival of mankind!
Trump asks the Supreme Court to legitimize the dismissal of the transgenders 3 Edit View in discussion

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 2 days ago

Ehud Barak [Former Prime Ministers of Israel]
as: patron, shareholder, and personal friend of Jeffrey Epstein,
he is no longer fit or politically eligible

Ehud Barak [Ex Primi ministri di Israele]
come: frequentatore, azionista, e amico personale di Jeffrey Epstein,
non è più idoneo o candidabile politicamente
ilprimatonazionale it/esteri/quadro-clinton-vestito-donna-nella-casa-del-miliardario-suicida-epstein-127472/ Edit View in discussion

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 2 days ago

Bin Salman Riyad ] for your love 666 CIA 322 UK lgbt? yes from youtube they are blocking my computer.
but you know: against me? every resistance is futile Edit View in discussion

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 2 days ago

Kabul, suicide bomber: 63 dead
if from Allah we accept the good ( jihad ISIS Turkmen)
why should we not accept evil from sharia UMMA?
and this speech by Imam Erdogan? it's a coherent speech!

Kabul, kamikaze a matrimonio: 63 morti
se da Allah noi accettiamo il bene jihad ISIS Turkmen
perché da sharia UMMA noi non dovremmo accettare il male?
e questo discorso dell'Imam Erdogan? è un discorso coerente! Edit View in discussion

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 2 days ago

the serial killers and dictators: and slanderers like Macron, Iran, Riyad, Erdogan and Maduro would not talk like this: if they had no accomplices Ursula Soros Merkel Bilderberg Pd to support them! CARACAS, AUGUST 17 - President Nicolás Maduro has argued that the United States government is giving Venezuela what "Hitler did to the Jewish people during World War II". In a speech delivered in Caracas in the framework of the 'Workers' Productive Councils' Maduro insisted: "Donald Trump is doing to Venezuela what Hitler did to the Jewish people, persecute him, search him, block him". Edit View in discussion

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 2 days ago

Alessandro Meluzzi☦️🇮🇹 @a_meluzzi

A long-term PD-M5S government represents the greatest danger and misfortune that can happen to Italy! Driven by strong international powers, it would destroy national sovereignty. Avoid at all costs and sacrifice! @GiorgiaMeloni @LegaSalvini @Corriere @francescatotolo
Aug 17, 2019 Edit View in discussion

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 2 days ago

the continuous threats and assaults of PD M5S: Democratic Party: Soros and Rothshild Ursula Von Hitler: against the Italian people! in reality rarely foreigners (who have nothing to lose) know that they serve their sentences in prison in Italy!
Immigrants drag little girl to rape her, people try lynching
August 18, 2019
Terror for a young girl dragged to a secluded place by two immigrants, who then tried to rape her while a village festival was taking place.
It happened in Solesino, during the traditional Assunta festival. The two foreigners would have dragged the 16-year-old to a secluded place with the intention of abusing her.
Only the strength of despair allowed the girl to break free and escape. While she was taken to the hospital in Schiavonia, where she was treated for wounds.
The victim made a complaint to the police and also recognized one of the attackers from the photos. Aggressor that on the evening of August 15th he would return to the festival near the rides, where he was joined by a group of people who tried to lynch him.
Meanwhile the carabinieri continue to search for the second man who would have participated in the attempted rape. Edit View in discussion

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 2 days ago

why do Muslims claim religious freedom all over the world, but are not available to grant it to anyone?
WHY CHINA RUSSIA and USA threaten mankind with Islamic genocide?
Gulf monarchies against Israel for violence in the Temple Mount (which Muslims provoked because they do not accept freedom of religion)

Clashes between faithful and police started yesterday morning, during the Muslim festival of Sacrifice and the Jewish anniversary of Tisha B’Av. The first budget speaks of two arrests, dozens of Palestinians injured and 15 hospitalized. After an initial ban, the police allowed Jews to enter the holy place. The extreme Israeli right blows tensions. Edit View in discussion

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 2 days ago

Why can Erdogan invade sovereign nations and Israel cannot defend himself?
Why does Rothschild prevent legitimate defense from Israel?

#West #Bank, Israeli soldier stabbed to death
The young man, aged 19, was a student of a Jewish religious school and grandson of a well-known rabbi. According to preliminary information, the military would have been the victim of a failed kidnapping attempt. The kidnappers abandoned him at the edge of the road.

#cisgiordania, killed soldier: hunt for the Israeli army man in search of the culprits
The victim is Dvir Sorek, grandson of a famous rabbi killed in the 2000s. In a few days he would have turned 19. For the Israeli authorities the members of the commando would be ready to strike again. For Netanyahu they are "despicable terrorists". Hamas justifies the gesture as a "response" to "crimes" linked to "occupation". Edit View in discussion

Discussion on World Israel News 21 comments
WATCH: Red alerts sound in Israel after rocket launched from Gaza

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 2 days ago

intolerable reality!
1. what has CHINA promised the world? protect Hong Kong democracy

2. China. The regime removes "God" from the classics of children's literature
Leone Grotti 2 August 2019
In the textbooks for the fifth grade, summaries of classics such as "La piccola fiammiferaia" or "Robinson Crusoe" are inserted, but the terms "God, Bible, church, prayer" have been censored

3. #India. [[ i not defending Muslims under the Sharia regime (and this is an exception)]]
Hindu radicals burn a Muslim boy alive
Leone Grotti 1 August 2019
The young man of 17 had refused to intone the hymn "Jai Shri Ram" to Rama, the seventh incarnation of the Vishnu divinity. The murder is the emblem of how religious minorities are treated in the country: "Hindu radicals are like ISIS" Edit View in discussion

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 2 days ago

tempi it/pakistan-200-cristiani-condannati-a-morte-basta-un-sms-blasfemo/
Pakistan: 200 Christians sentenced to death (a blasphemous text message is enough)
Paolo Affatato 8 August 2019
"Persecution of Christians is on the rise," says lawyer Mushtaq Gill. 40 Christians are now on death row
Pakistan: 200 cristiani condannati a morte (basta un sms “blasfemo”)
Paolo Affatato 8 agosto 2019
«Le persecuzioni contro i cristiani sono in aumento» dice l’avvocato Mushtaq Gill. 40 cristiani sono ora nel braccio della morte Edit View in discussion

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 2 days ago

it is said that a Marshal of the Carabinieri (the Police) has been blackmailed, threatening to take away: just his children if he does not give up investigating #Bibbiano!
Giorgia Meloni 🇮🇹ن @GiorgiaMeloni
New wiretapping scandal you entrust: two neuropsychiatrists would have wanted to threaten the carabiniere who asked for #Bibbiano documents. If the facts were to be confirmed, we would be faced with a new and disturbing chapter of a scandal on which silence must not fall
twitter com / i / status / 1162680256987353090 Edit View in discussion

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 2 days ago

Giorgia Meloni 🇮🇹 @GiorgiaMeloni //twitter com/i/status/1162762285565300736
"We are serious. Those who have lost the elections cannot go to the Government. We can't go out the door and enter the window with a palace game ".
Ladies and gentlemen here is what Matteo Renzi said a year ago: "RENZI a name, a guarantee ... in fact today the Pd is ready to make a government turn around with the M5S, the President Mattarella- Bilderberg -Rothschild FED IMF NWO ECB?

does not lend himself to this insult against the sovereignty of the Italian people! Edit View in discussion

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 2 days ago

Giorgia Meloni 🇮🇹 @GiorgiaMeloni
"We are serious. Those who have lost the elections cannot go to the Government. We can't go out the door and enter the window with a palace game ".
Ladies and gentlemen here is what Matteo Renzi said a year ago: "RENZI a name, a guarantee ... in fact today the Pd is ready to make a government turn around with the M5S, the President Mattarella does not lend himself to this insult against the sovereignty of the Italian people!

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 2 days ago

"Resign if he has a shred of consistency"
The 5 Stars continue to attack Salvini and ask for his resignation.
but Pd and M5S both lost 50% of the votes:
while the "LEGA" alone (according to forecasts) could govern alone!
unfortunately the traitors, starting with President Mattarella, hide behind the Rothschild Masonic laws and prepare to create a Government, which, it would be legal
but that is illegitimate: because it has already been rejected by electoral consent! Edit View in discussion

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 2 days ago

this was twitter's response to requesting the removal of my identity
this is the twitter channel not made by me:
// twitter com / lorenzojhwh

I sent the same message from 2 twitter channels is true
but they banned me from twitter definitively only because I voted for Matteo Salvini's LEAGUE
while having asked youtube (for 10 years) to remove 2 videos of insults: made against my true identity?
this was completely useless Edit View in discussion

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 2 days ago

Your twitter account is suspended and is permitted to perform this action: Becouse Erdogan Sharia Riyad.
here more than a feminine Bill CLINTON
there is the traceability of a sad0-mas0 relationship

where Hillary is the SAD0
and Bill is the MAS0
that this is also the Democratic Party's Obama cult agenda 666 gender darwin lgbtq Sodoma radiography

it sputniknews com/mondo/201908177989985-Bill-Clinton-tacchi-vestito-da-donna-Jeffrey-Epstein/ Edit View in discussion

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 2 days ago

Your twitter account is suspended and is permitted to perform this action: Becouse Erdogan Sharia Riyad.

here more than a feminine Bill CLINTON
there is the traceability of a sado-maso relationship
where Hillary is the SADO
and Bill is the MASO
that this is also the Democratic Party's gender darwin lgbtq Sodoma radiography

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 2 days ago

Twenty-seven minors arrived on the Lampedusa pier
all are minor sharia jihad Erdogan 3-legged.
but, they could not come down first because the razor blades were missing!
Open Arms, the landing of the 27 minors in Lampedusa
Video. From the Aquarius to the Sea Watch, the 'war' to the #Ong of soros Erdogan Saud Salman Macron and Merkel: to get the genocide of the Italian people! Edit View in discussion

Discussion on World Israel News 21 comments
WATCH: Red alerts sound in Israel after rocket launched from Gaza

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 2 days ago

CHINA RUSSIA INDIA EU USA UN OCI Riyadh Iran, etc.. if you think this could be normal? there is no one who can deprive you of the emotions of the third nuclear world war: then.
but, if you think the world should improve? I want to see your embassy in Jerusalem within the next 30 days!

CINA RUSSIA INDIA UE USA ONU OCI Riyad Iran ] se voi pensate che questo possa essere normale? non c'é nessuno che può privarvi delle emozioni della terza guerra mondiale nucleare: allora.
ma, se voi pensate che il mondo dovrebbe migliorare? io voglio vedere la vostra ambasciata a Gerusalemme entro i prossimi 30giorni!
WATCH: Red alerts sound in Israel after rocket launched from Gaza Edit View in discussion

Discussion on World Israel News 325 comments
Democrats blast Israel for banning Omar and Tlaib

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 2 days ago

As would result from some inquiries, Epstein's list of acquaintances: he
would include absolutely striking names ranging from: Bill Clinton
himself, who apparently knew Epstein live and not only in "artistic"
representation, to Donald Trump and Bill Gates.

The case of Jeffrey Epstein

66, was found dead on August 10 in his prison cell. At first there was
talk of suicide but the nature of his crimes: and the fact that among
his circle of acquaintances, of which he himself used to boast, there
were so many characters so rich and powerful, they immediately
suggested: the hypothesis that someone these, feeling threatened by the
secrets that the man could have revealed: during the trials, he might
have wanted to 'help' him to realize his suicide. Edit View in discussion

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 2 days ago

this is the Islamic Wahhabi dissolution of the Saudi Islamic empire of the rothschilds: a universal conspiracy against the children of God!
A witness told the Mirror that the winking painting was still there when he visited the financier for the last time in 2012 and that it was Epstein himself who showed it to him.
As inquiries and speculations flare up about the now infamous Jeffrey Epstein case, more and more compromising discoveries are being made about the world surrounding the financier and his unclear business.
US financier Jeffrey Epstein appears in a photograph taken for the New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services s e x offender registry
Jeffrey Epstein: the mystery of a "suicide" ... too useful Edit View in discussion

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 2 days ago

this is the Islamic Wahhabi dissolution of the Saudi Islamic empire of the rothschilds: a universal conspiracy against the children of God!
A witness told the Mirror that the winking painting was still there when he visited the financier for the last time in 2012 and that it was Epstein himself who showed it to him.
As inquiries and speculations flare up about the now infamous Jeffrey Epstein case, more and more compromising discoveries are being made about the world surrounding the financier and his unclear business.
US financier Jeffrey Epstein appears in a photograph taken for the New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services sex offender registry
Jeffrey Epstein: the mystery of a "suicide" ... too useful
As would result from some inquiries, Epstein's list of acquaintances: he would include absolutely striking names ranging from: Bill Clinton himself, who apparently knew Epstein live and not only in "artistic" representation, to Donald Trump and Bill Gates.
The case of Jeffrey Epstein
Epstein, 66, was found dead on August 10 in his prison cell. At first there was talk of suicide but the nature of his crimes: and the fact that among his circle of acquaintances, of which he himself used to boast, there were so many characters so rich and powerful, they immediately suggested: the hypothesis that someone these, feeling threatened by the secrets that the man could have revealed: during the trials, he might have wanted to 'help' him to realize his suicide.

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 2 days ago

from the ashes of the VACCA: Hillary Obama?
the whole ideological lgbt abomination of the Democratic party comes forward: and of its mortal threat against mankind in universal mode !!
The mystery of the Jeffrey Epstein case deepens, enriching now also with particular gossip and, in some ways, embarrassing. This is the case of the ‘strange’ framework found in the mansion of the billionaire recently and mysteriously disappeared in Manhattan.

A Bill Clinton in clothes and pose at least ambiguous lets us know the Mirror today, and then bounces on all the social networks. A painting found in the New Yorker house of the mysteriously disappeared billionaire rose to the "honors" of the news for his crimes of trafficking and exploitation of child prostitution. It is an author Bill Clinton, depicted in red heels and a lying blue woman's dress: posing alluringly on an armchair in the Oval Room in the White House. It is thought that the blue dress represents the famous dress by Monica Lewinsky that was then 'dirty': from the real Bill but it can also be at the same time: a reference to the one worn by Hillary Clinton at the Kennedy Center Honors of 2009. The whole composition, and the setting, suggest a metaphor of a Bill Clinton in the shoes, also physical, of his wife Hillary. The original painting would be by the Australian-American artist Petrina Ryan-Kleid, although it is not clear if Epstein had bought the canvas: or if only a print had been mounted. Edit View in discussion

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 2 days ago

Jared Wenzelburger
·Aug 15
If you thought that was weird check out this collage put together by
@DailyMail of a similar if not the same dress worn by
@HillaryClinton and just look how
@BillClinton sits Aug 14
A portrait of
@BillClinton sporting Monica Lewinsky's blue dress and red heels in the Oval Office, was found in #JeffreyEpstien 's "Pedo Mansion" Edit View in discussion

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 2 days ago

Bersani's credit opening to an agreement between Pd and Cinquestelle
you are all witnesses: the esoteric agenda lgbt: and his Merkel Ursula schizophrenic parliamentarism: dissociated from the popular will, and this are avil laws of the predatory Masonic society Bilderberg Soros sharia Rothschild?!!
yes, they are a subversive act against popular sovereignty!

L'apertura di credito di Bersani ad una intesa tra Pd e Cinquestelle
voi siete tutti testimoni: il parlamentarismo schizofrenico: dissociato dalla volotà popolare, e le leggi della società massonica predatoria Bilderberg Soros sharia Rothschild? sono un atto eversivo contro la sovranità popolare! Edit View in discussion

Discussion on World Israel News 54 comments
Trump: Don’t show weakness; keep Tlaib, Omar out of Israel

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 3 days ago

satanists in youtube and twitter have stolen my true identity: and I can't get rid or erased of this material
satanisti in youtube e twitter hanno rubato la mia vera identità: ed io non riesco a far cancellare questo materialeshalom king Israel: [ twitter mi insulta e bullizza da un anno e youtube mi insulta e bullizza da 10 anni: perché sono sodomiti culto ]

Your account is suspended and is not permitted to send Tweets.
becouse Bin Salman be slurts!
Thank you
We appreciate your help in improving everyone’s experience on Twitter. Your 5 reports within the past hour will help make this a safer and better place.
Tweets you reported:
You can learn more about reporting abusive behavior here. If we take further action, we’ll let you know Edit View in discussion

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 3 days ago

the people want to lay off: expel: the rottenness of Pd and M5S (it is clear there is a new majority of: FdI Lega and FI as say the polls)
but: the treacherous Masons: Merkel Macron Trudeau: Bilderberg Satan and Soros jihad sharia: lgbt Mattarella, Di Maio, Renzi? they hide behind the laws: Rothschild SpA FED FMi NWO and insult: both Salvini and the italian people!
different is the case of Putin who has 70% of the electoral consensus: and the accomplices of the CIA ONG UN Riyad 666 UK NATO seek the vote only as a pretext of provocation!

il popolo vuole licenziare: espellere: il marciume di Pd e M5S (è chiaro esiste una nuova maggioranza di FdI Lega e FI dicono i sondaggi)
ma: i massoni traditori: Merkel MAcron Bilderberg Satana e Soros jihad sharia: lgbt Mattarella, Di Maio, Renzi si nascondono dietro le leggi: Rothschild SpA FED FMi NWO e insultano: sia Salvini che il popolo!
diverso è il caso di Putin che lui ha il 70% del consenso elettorale: e i complici della CIA 666 UK NATO cercano il voto soltanto come pretesto di provocazione! Edit View in discussion

Discussion on World Israel News 29 comments
High court rules against separate seating, after concert begins

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 3 days ago

an atheist scientist knows: that exists (XX) and (XY) and that everything else is a mental illness, a lgbt ideology without scientific support, a conspiracy that is high treason Rothschild and Satanism, as be the Pervertite traitor the Freemason democratic party: the government shadow Bilderberg: Ursula antichristi Von Hitler, that is the mockery ape darwin of: FED FMI BM NWO: esoteric agenda!
that, then, women and men must live separately (at school and in other circumstances) this increases sexual desire: and helps society: to create new generations: and to cure devastating and degrading lust: which are prejudiced in this way socially harmful people: all malefic mentally ill and perverted!

uno scienziato ateo sa: che esiste (XX) e (XY) e che tutto il resto è una malattia mentare, una ideologia lgbt senza supporto scientifico, una congiura che è alto tradimento Rothschild e Satanismo il Pervertito traditore e massone partito democratico: il governo ombra che è lo scherano di: FED FMI BM NWO!
che, poi, le donne e gli uomini debbano vivere in modo separato (a scuola e in altre circostanze) questo aumenta il desiderio sessuale: e aiuta la società: per realizzare nuove generazioni: e per curare dalla lussuria devastante e degradante: che sono prevenute in questo modo le persone socialmente dannose: mentalmente malate e pervertite! Edit View in discussion

Discussion on World Israel News 17 comments
HBO’s ‘Our Boys’ sparks widespread anger among bereaved families in Israel

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 3 days ago

yes, all Arab League OCI ONu Russia China UE, is one only one cult sharia legal genocide!!

While the rare act of Jewish terrorism is condemned and denounced by Israeli society, the Palestinian public supports terrorists who kill Jews. What’s more, the Palestinian Authority (PA) has a law on the books that requires to pay those who carry out acts of terror. 2 Edit View in discussion

Discussion on World Israel News 31 comments
Israel agrees to exclude territory captured in 1967 from trade deal

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH Bob* 3 days ago

but who made the creation of a state impossible for the Palestinians to date?
it was the ARAB LEAGUE:
because according to the 1400 years of wisdom-genocide of their sharia religion 666 jihad: (the Byzantines and the Armenians: for Erdogan they are two vegetables)
therefore for the Mohammedans a State could never arise for the Palestinians,
if the perfect genocide of all Israelis is not achieved first.
and there is no other truth: that can be hidden behind the criminal and unfair fraudulent hypocrisy of all the ARAB LEAGUE! Edit View in discussion

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH Bob* 3 days ago

your reasoning is logical and wise
but it comes from a wrong premise!
a State of the Palestinians has never existed and never will exist!
and on this? all the ARAB LEAGUE OCI ONU Russia China UE can commit suicide by himself! 3 Edit View in discussion

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH punch_corona 3 days ago

CERTAINLY OBVIOUSLY! you have to be practical!
I know that Netanjahu cries alone ... for the civilian victims he can't avoid!
but, this is the truth: nobody could have done better than Netanjahu!
money? until it is bought by the Satanist Rothschild FED 666 FMI BM NWO BCE; it becomes a fundamental element to survive the Islamic sharia genocide Edit View in discussion

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH Will-BWL 3 days ago

The UE of the ANTICHRIST Soros Rothschild Uk 666 CIA URSULA MERKEL Von Hitler: govern shadow Bilderberg LGBT Macron and Democratic Party?
they are absolute evil!
the eye of lucifer-allah on Masonic pyramid: from USA it will pass in Europe where the final antichrist will rise! Edit View in discussion

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH ZionMyHome 3 days ago

we are not choosing between good and evil (everything in the world: it is a maleficent evil sharia SpA IMF NATO Erdogan Riyad OCI ONU NWO)
but we are choosing between a lesser evil and a greater evil.
that is why business for the nations of virtue and value must be business that must prosper! Edit View in discussion

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH Albert Reingewirtz 3 days ago

of course Rothschild who steals banking seigniorage (the tecnocracy masonic occult agenda) from all over the world:
he could help Israel: to raise his head: but he doesn't!
and business? prosperity? they are vital to face: the enemy, and a future conflict!
this is why Russia turns its head away when it comes to preventing the genocide of Christian martyrs in the ARAB LEAGUE! Edit View in discussion

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 3 days ago

Israel agrees to exclude Judea, Samaria from a billion dollar trade deal with South Korea? ANSWER.
rightly: we consider: o North Korea and Iran, as totalitarian oppressive regimes and violators of human rights: paranoid systems: composed of serial murderers of innocent people: Christian martyrs,
but, if we look at all the ARABIC LEAGUE: which is the worst crime under the light of the sun: in the history of the human race:
we must understand that if there is an ARABIC LEAGUE of unacceptable wretches it is also because
also the whole West is a single antichrist Ursula Merkel Macron Trudeau Obama: who is made up of false Masonic democracies without monetary sovereignty (all slaves rothschild bank seigniorage):
that yes, this is really a form of invisible and esoteric Satanism (defended by the Masonic judges CSM) in our eyes.
while, in reality, Kim Jong-un and Xi-Jinping even if they do not believe in God: because they are communists: they possess a society that is less hypocritical and more coherent on a formal level.
however Kim Jong-un and Xi-Jinping manage to see to what extent: we are a perverted corrupt Masonic and demonic society on a political level:
that even if the communists cannot believe it, they DO NOT have a spiritual life to see how far we are possessed:
this is the truth: we have become monsters completely possessed by the demons of hell!
So for different reasons: it is normal that: the rothschild association:
1. both the ARAB LEAGUE, that of (2.) the whole West: they must be characterized by a structured society with a very high level of hypocrisy:
and they are guided, in management: by invisible and Masonic rules: to which everyone has been resigned and addicted for centuries:
a total crime against the rule of law, with serious damage to the concept itself: and to the very meaning of: virtue and truth: which are completely perverted.
and from this point of view: all the religions of the planet have betrayed God!

Israel agrees to exclude Judea, Samaria from billion dollar trade deal with South Korea? ANSWER.
giustamente: noi consideriam:o Nord Korea e Iran, come regimi oppressivi totalitari e violatori dei diritti mani: sistemi paranoici: composti di assassini seriali di persone innocenti: i cristiani martiri,
ma, se osserviamo tutta la LEGA ARABA: che è il peggiore delitto sotto la luce del sole: nella storia del genere umano:
noi dobbiamo comprendere che se esiste una LEGA ARABA di impunibili disgraziati è anche perché
anche tutto l'Occidente è un solo anticristo Ursula Merkel Macron Trudeau Obama: che è fatto di false democrazie massoniche senza sovranità monetaria (tutti schiavi signoraggio bancario rothschild):
che si, questa è proprio una forma di satanismo invisibile ed esoterico (difesa dai giudici massoni CSM) ai nostri occhi.
mentre, in realtà, Kim Jong-un e Xi-Jinping anche se non credono in Dio: perché sono comunisti: loro possiedono una società meno ipocrita e più coerente sul piano formale.
comunque Kim Jong-un e Xi-Jinping riescono a vedere fino a che punto: noi siamo una società perversa corrotta mafiosa massonica e demoniaca sul piano politico:
che anche se i comunisti non possono crederlo NON hanno una vita spirituale per vedere fino a che punto noi siamo indemoniati:
questa è la verità: noi siamo diventati dei mostri completamente posseduti dai demoni dell'inferno!
Quindi per diverse motivazioni: è normale che: il sodalizio rothschild:

1. sia la LEGA ARABA, che di (2.) tutto l'Occidente: devono essere caratterizzate da una società strutturata con un elevatissimo livello di ipocrisia:
e sono guidatati, nella gestione: da regole invisibili e massoniche: a cui tutti si sono rassegnati e assuefatti da secoli:

un totale delitto contro lo Stato di Diritto, con grave danno del concetto stesso: e del significato stesso di: virtù e verità: che risultano completamente pervertite.
e da questo punto di vista: tutte le religioni del pianeta hanno tradito Dio! Edit View in discussion

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 3 days ago

Israel agrees to exclude Judea, Samaria from billion dollar trade deal with South Korea? ANSWER.
this is a practical and intelligent solution: given that: all nations need the ARAB League sharia genocide and theology of substitution UMMA Mecca 666 Kaaba: NAZI Erdogan jihad: if they want to get oil!
and if we consider above all the fact that: the priests of satan of NATO lgbt 322 BCE 187 CIA 666 FED FMI NWO: they have been able to have a greater penetration the where the Christian communities are less and less active and incisive on the social plan.
Everywhere the priests of satan can make their human sacrifices, murderous perversions, control of the Media Network Satellite TV, democratic party: which is Masonic consociativist control: and institutional:
that this is a structural mode,
then we understand how all those nations (fallen under sharia or under joint-stock company: and legal personality) are forced to boycott Jews and Samaria!
that's why: the synagogues of satan, the Great Sanhedrin, the Jews of the diaspora, the technocratic financial transnational masonry: the shadow bilderberg-rothschild government.
they represent the most deadly and deadly threat of total extermination against the Israeli people! Edit View in discussion

Discussion on World Israel News 6 comments
Analysis: Will Iran take up America’s offer to negotiate?

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 3 days ago

the great hero of the Masons: "President Mattarella",
he hides behind the laws that the demoniac kabbalah of Rothschild designed and created with his Masons: Prodi, Schioppa, Di Pietro, Veltroni, Bersani, Monti, Renzi, Zingaretti the nullity, D'Alema, Berlusconi and Democratic Party, M5S lgbt : URSULA regime bilderberg the usura Soros imperialsm Satana Dracula and financial technocratic antichrist: high treason the banking seigniorage.
and of course: he will not bring the Italian people to vote,
that's why: millions of Italians were predestined by him and: all condemned to death! Edit View in discussion

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 3 days ago

Analysis: Will Iran take up America’s offer to negotiate?
the only negotiation that can be done with the sharia: it is a genocide to offer or to suffer!
Riyad Iran Quran 666 Talmud FED FMI NWO?
they are one only and integrated: demonic infestation: his name is "Entity"!
the world of men, its governments, their diplomacy, their rational capacity to understand the phenomenon? they are totally inadequate, in order to counter this esoteric / supernatural agenda!
but, you also let all the demons of hell come to me, and do not prevent to them, because the abyss all of them, constantly calls! Edit View in discussion

Discussion on World Israel News 20 comments
Palestinian car-ramming attack wounds 2 teens, 1 seriously

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 4 days ago

ISLAM sharia Coranico and its ARAB OIC LEAGUE, UMMA jihad: it is a single delirium of criminal madhouse, with no possibility of redemption!
but in the UN? no one has noticed!
Palestinian car-ramming attack wounds 2 teens, 1 seriously

ISLAM sharia Coranico e sua LEGA ARABA: è un solo delirio di manicomio criminale, senza possibilità di redenzione!
ma in ONU? non se ne è accorto nessuno! 1 Edit View in discussion

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 4 days ago

Hillary How did it end when you supported Libya, Syria and Iraq? - Chinese media respond to Clinton: it sputniknews com/mondo/201908167991125-Hillary-Clinton- China-Hong-Kong/
Hillary Clinton is the perfect puppet in the hands of the demon Bush:
Bush while always performing the wishes of his God: Rothschild Allah
Your account twitter is permanently suspended!
why google youtube facebook Ansa: network satellite TV have betrayed from Uk 666 CIA NWO FED 322 BCE 187 Ursula Von Hitler the antichrist... Edit View in discussion

Discussion on World Israel News 147 comments
DEBATE: Was Israel right to bar Omar, Tlaib from entering?

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 4 days ago

which of the two minds?
ANSA of the Democratic Party: the traitors ] South Tyrol, the #Schuetzen cover 600 German cartels

/ voxnews info / on the right: the sovranisti ] Alto Adige: Germans cover 600 street signs in Italian
alto-adige-German-cover-600-signs-road-in-Italian / Edit View in discussion

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 4 days ago

lorenzojhwh Unius KING the LEVIATHAN

[[ 5 ore fa ]]

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH • worldisraelnews com/debate-was-israel-right-to-bar-omar-tlaib-from-entering/

yes i am i am Jewish Messiah

lorenzoJHWH lorenzoAllah Unius REI Edit View in discussion

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 4 days ago

Benjamin Netanyahu, often nicknamed Bibi, is an Israeli politician, current Prime Minister of Israel since March 31, 2009, member of the Knesset and Likud leader, elected 4 times Prime Minister etc ..
ok Yogi Bear (Yogi Bear)
identifies those who deleted my first article on this page: in which I said: "I am the messiahOf the Jews"
and punish him! Edit View in discussion

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 4 days ago

Bin SALMAN ] [ what's strange?
while you Muslims need to be as numerous as billions of lice to accomplish something:
I can kill you all by alone!

Bin SALMAN ] [ cosa c'é di strano?
mentre voi mussulmani avete bisogno di essere numerosi come miliardi di pidocchi per realizzaare qualcosa:
io vi posso uccidere tutti da solo! Edit View in discussion

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 4 days ago

for ANSA the life of the Israelis: who today risked dying because of the sharia?
that of the Israelis is not an important life: for URSULA Von Hitler Soros Bilderberg Rothschild!
as it is not important for anyone (China Russia India UN): that 50 previous Christian nations have found genocide in the ARAB LEAGUE (deadly octopus)
ISLAM is the worst serial killer in the history of mankind!
and if anyone thinks that the Israelis have deserved the wickedness of the Palestinians?
I pray that they must accompany their children to the cemetery as soon as possible! Edit View in discussion

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 4 days ago

Trump: Iran wants to do the nuclear deal.
The Arab League UN OIC sharia: is one and unified demonic organism: the UMMA entity,
and internal islamic tensions? they are a diversion from their demonic kabbalah Mecca lilith kaaba!
when Imam will do a fatwa against you: the Ottoman turchmenistan will come without a fight because you will all already be dead! Edit View in discussion

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 4 days ago

Open arms, land 4 more people for medical treatment
In the night. Ong: let everyone down, humanity requires it
but WE CANNOT BE RESPONSIBLE for all Sharia Muslims who are raped by ISLAM jihad Erdogan OCI Riyadh!
also because we have: already: 10 million Italians already raped by the rothschilds Edit View in discussion

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 4 days ago

Epstein, the accomplice Ghislaine found in Los Angeles
but after all what the CIA did to Epstein?
I doubt that Ghislaine will remember anything of the CLINTON! Edit View in discussion

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 4 days ago

Government, #Renzi (new monster Mason of Florence): 'Let's see what M5s 666 lgbt: esoteric agenda sharia, does, everything can happen'.
until only two days ago the Secretary of the Democratic Party was #Zingaretti!
then, Rothschild and Bilderberg said that "that stupid RENZI is smarter than he is!"
but I believe that Mattarella will soon find himself facing a civil war

Governo, #Renzi (nuovo massone mostro di Firenze): 'Vediamo che fa M5s, può accadere tutto'.
vermente fino a 2 giorni fa il Segretario del Partito Democratico era #Zingaretti!
poi, Rothschild e Bilderberg hanno detto che: "quello scemo di RENZI? è più intelligente di lui!"
ma, io credo io che Mattarella si troverà presto a fronteggiare una guerra civile Edit View in discussion

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 4 days ago

President RiVLiN
today could even be a lucky day to eradicate your beast! Edit View in discussion

Discussion on World Israel News 147 comments
DEBATE: Was Israel right to bar Omar, Tlaib from entering?

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 4 days ago

it is inevitable that fundamentalist biblical Christians will go to the government and control of political power in China Russia and Israel:
this is why OIC NATO Antichrists Wahhabis & Pharisees: enlifhtened ARAB LEAGUE and shadow government Bilderberg NWO esoteri agenda:
they continually go to press with their slanders to disintegrate these nations!

è inevitabile che cristiani biblici fondamentalisti andranno al governo e al controllo del potere politico in Cina Russia e Israele:
ecco perché OIC NATO Anticristi Farisei wahhabiti: LEGA ARABA e governo ombra Bilderberg:
loro premono continuamente con le loro calunnie per disintegrare queste nazioni! Edit View in discussion

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 4 days ago

Wahhabis in the ARAB LEAGUE? they are the correspondent of the priests of Satan in the CIA,
both: they are coordinated by Rothschild-NATO EU: shadow government and coup Soros Bilderberg:
that is: "lucifer eye-allah" on Masonic pyramid: petro-dollars!
therefore, given so much in the false: sodomitic: Masonic democracies: parliamentary and financial technocratic: without monetary sovereignty: and high constitutional treason, bank seigniorage:
all that: can it hurt the democratic party? is what will do good to the people!
this is why Matteo RENZI said: "we must avoid the elections!" because M5S and Pd know that the people hate them: but they are loved by Mattarella and Merkel!
here: why Catto-Communist Masons:
that's why for claims claims antifa: lgbt social centers?
for all of them the people are prey!
So we need to create mechanisms (effective early voting: with referendum) so that the people do not remain a progess of: Macron, Trudeau, Soros, Ursula Von Hitler, Maduro or Erdogan for a whole term! Edit View in discussion

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 4 days ago

yes i am i am Jewish Messiah
lorenzoJHWH lorenzoAllah Unius REI

Discussion on World Israel News 103 comments
Netanyahu: 'Harming Israel and increasing incitement' was 'sole purpose' of Omar-Tlaib trip

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH Dorrie - Conservative 4 days ago

i am Jewish Messiah Edit View in discussion

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH Dorrie - Conservative 4 days ago

believe me!
it would not be a happy moment for your soul:
having to fight against "Unius REI"

non sarebbe un momento felice per la tua anima:
il dover litigare contro "Unius REI" Edit View in discussion

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH Dorrie - Conservative 4 days ago

my dear

Jews never mention the name of God.
then why: their enemy slaves should have read it: impure dhimmis dalit goyims
therefore, the true name of God: "JHWH" has been modified with false letters throughout the Bible.
normally it is not said: "I am = jhwh" but it is called "the lord"
the most unhappy and ridiculous: of all: that they are precisely: Jehovah's Witnesses and Muslims:
they use a bad translation of the term "Lord"
which in reality is not the name of God, and is a term: which has no meaning Edit View in discussion

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH Dorrie - Conservative 4 days ago

how many titles in theology and exegesis
bachelor's degree

you have that I don't have? Edit View in discussion

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH Dorrie - Conservative 4 days ago

in the capital of NIGERIA: "Abuja" in the main mosque of the country: the ARAB LEAGUE pays fabulous sums to all Christians who want to commit apostasy (since their only prospect is to receive the Erdogan genocide from the Fulani or from the boko haram)
Islam seems a religion and instead it is a genocide trap 1000 times more dangerous than Hitler and Stalin put together! Edit View in discussion

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH Dorrie - Conservative 4 days ago

1. if you were, like me, an "observatory on the martyrdom of Christians" for 30 years, and if:
2. did you see the kalergi genocide and the Islamization UN OIC sharia genocide to be applied by the democratic party, even against your people in Italy?
3. then, you could also get a different historical perspective:
in order to judge the severity of the events,
4. and the drama of Israel that was placed in a corner, waiting for fatal events: without having the chance to defend itself!
5. Muslims do not know the concept of the sacredness of life:
and as perfect parasites and perfect strategists
they will use any means
to be able to add another unhappy nation to the number of nations of the ARAB LEAGUE.
6. in fact, not only UN OCI Russia China EU US; but you too (with all your iniquitous wealth and that of your husband. What does Luke 16: 9 "procure friends with unjust wealth",)
7. you are not doing anything to prevent the Islamic genocide of all the Christians of Nigeria! Edit View in discussion

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH Dorrie - Conservative 4 days ago

it is not enough to leave Freemasonry to enter the Kingdom of God
but, if your husband has vomited like a tick
all that has sucked into the social body (false Masonic consociativism democracy Ursula Von Hitler Merkel Macron Trudeau) when it was in the rothschild demonic Masonic society (favors, knowledge, possibilities, influential friendships, privileged positions, etc.)
then, certainly the mercy of God
could also be applied on him! Edit View in discussion

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH Dorrie - Conservative 4 days ago

Dorrie - Conservative
Hebrew language for humility did not feel worthy to name the name of God.
but you have too much boldness: in order to be worthy to enter the hope of Israel!
Educate yourself, big bullies woman evil Edit View in discussion

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 4 days ago

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
you have atomic weapons! use them!
save your people! terrorize the world! Edit View in discussion

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 4 days ago

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. the Rothschild NWO agenda is obvious!
get a new shoah of 6 million Israelis this time!
The lies about the State of Israel are amplified in the West through the "mainstream media", such as: The New York Times, The New Yorker, the BBC, The Guardian, MSNBC, and CNN. Churches join in, and of course the United Nations, as well as so-called human rights organizations where pretty well anything goes: The Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Amnesty International, and Human Rights Watch. Edit View in discussion

Discussion on World Israel News 23 comments
WATCH: Terrorist killed stabbing officer during Jerusalem attack

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 4 days ago

capital #NIGERIA: " #Abuja" in the main #mosque of the country: the ARAB LEAGUE pays fabulous sums to all #Christians who want to commit #apostasy (since their only prospect is to receive the #Erdogan genocide from the #Fulani or from #boko #haram)
Islam Riyad Iran OIC seems a religion and instead it is a genocide trap 1000 times more dangerous than Hitler and Stalin put together!
lorenzojhwh Unius KING the LEVIATHAN
1. if you were, like me, an "observatory on the martyrdom of Christians" for 30 years, and if:
2. did you see the kalergi genocide and the Islamization UN OIC sharia genocide to be applied by the democratic party, even against your people in Italy?
3. then, you could also get a different historical perspective:
in order to judge the severity of the events,
4. and the drama of Israel that was placed in a corner, waiting for fatal events: without having the chance to defend itself!
5. Muslims do not know the concept of the sacredness of life:
and as perfect parasites and perfect strategists
they will use any means
to be able to add another unhappy nation to the number of nations of the ARAB LEAGUE.
6. in fact, not only UN OCI Russia China EU US; but you too (with all your iniquitous wealth and that of your husband. What does Luke 16: 9 "procure friends with unjust wealth",)
7. you are not doing anything to prevent the Islamic genocide of all the Christians of Nigeria!
Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH
Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH
it is not enough to leave #Freemasonry to enter the Kingdom of God
but, if your husband has vomited like a tick
all that has sucked into the social body (false democracy #Ursula Von Hitler #Merkel #Macron #Trudeau) when it was in the rothschild demonic Masonic society (favors, knowledge, possibilities, influential friendships, privileged positions, etc.)
then, certainly the mercy of God
could also be applied on him!
lorenzojhwh Unius KING the LEVIATHAN Edit View in discussion

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 4 days ago

jihad Erdogan sharia imperialism & genocide kafir Iran Terrorist hamas killed Edit View in discussion

Discussion on World Israel News 103 comments
Netanyahu: 'Harming Israel and increasing incitement' was 'sole purpose' of Omar-Tlaib trip

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 4 days ago

the democratic party and the unions no longer defend the work:
but they defend speculative capital and speculative finance!
in Italy Zingaretti (the legitimate President of the Democratic Party) was ousted by the bully Matteo Renzi (the new monster of Florence): who created a technocratic government rothschild-Bilderberg wear together with the M5S.
and against all this disastrous moral evil: of the Masons who have betrayed the people?
there is no longer a remedy! Edit View in discussion

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 4 days ago

#Israel like all false Masonic demonic tecnocracy usura FED FMI BM BCE; false democracy rothschild does not have the right to defend itself from its true technocratic enemies Sharia: the democratic party!
Netanyahu: 'Harming Israel and increasing incitement' was 'sun purpose' of Omar-Tlaib trip
lorenzojhwh Unius REI Universal KING the LEVIATHAN

not only google also twitter has its black list
Your twitter account is slandered by Clinton and Obama and is suspended
Trump is right the media are from Rothschild and all in favor of the traitors of the Democratic party!
in Italy
# M5S and #Pd have realized the mess/golpe: for to save the seats!
Di Maio says: "Salvini repented, but omelette is done!"
starting from the technocrats uuuh §Ursula Von Hitler, they do not have the shame of having to be ashamed, they have no respect for the will of the people: and they cling to the seats fraudulently! Edit View in discussion

Discussion on World Israel News 8 comments
US move halts release of Iranian tanker held in Gibraltar

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 4 days ago

if the UN or NGO had any legitimacy?
they would certainly have denounced the genocide of Christians in the ARAB LEAGUE!
UN or NGO are agents of the occult enemy rothschild Allah lucifer eye on Masonic pyramid!
- MOSCOW, AUGUST 14 - Russian security service (FSB) agents have searched this morning for the Moscow office of the 'Justice Initiative' NGO, which has assisted hundreds of Russians to appeal to the European Court of Human Rights.
The organization's press secretary, Ksenia Babich, quoted by the RBK online newspaper, said that the leather heads were armed, seized mobile phones from NGO employees and photographed their identity documents. The reason for the search is not clear. 3 Edit View in discussion

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 5 days ago

UMMA NAZI jihd Erdogan and genocide sharia Iran Horror

An Assyrian church in northwestern Iran has been closed down and the cross removed from its tower, reports advocacy organisation Article 18.
A “large number” of agents from Iran’s Ministry of Intelligence and EIKO, an organisation presided over by the Supreme Leader, reportedly stormed the 100-year-old-church on 9 May, changed all the locks, tore down the cross and ordered the church warden to leave.
Article18 quoted a source as saying: “They made it clear that the Assyrian people are no longer allowed to hold any worship service there.” 4 Edit View in discussion

Discussion on World Israel News 275 comments
Israel appears ready to bar entry to Omar and Tlaib

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 5 days ago

ROME, AUGUST 14 - Donald # Trump again attacks the president of the Fed, Jerome #Powell, for the performance of the markets, calling him "inept" on Twitter and reiterating that the country's real problem "is not China but the Fed".
in fact the Rothschild dracula vampire shareholders of the FED have already ordered the CIA to kill two US Presidents Edit View in discussion

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 5 days ago

Israel bans entry of US Congresswomen Omar and Tlaib

Brexit: Corbyn proposes itself as premier
this is an infamy: and it is high treason !! those who are not Muslim cannot even work in the police in the Arab League:
why do Muslims have access to everything?
to Sharia Muslims
political right must be denied: both active and passive Edit View in discussion

Discussion on World Israel News 14 comments
Anti-Semitism in Berlin: Rabbi attacked in street by Arabic-speaking men

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 5 days ago

Anti-Semitism in Berlin: Rabbi attacked in street by Arabic-speaking men

whenever possible:
the shadow government: Soros Ja-Bull-On Bilderberg SpA FED ANSA the Masons Rothschild and the Democratic Party:
have ordered to hide the crimes of Afro-Islamic immigrants.
so we have constant attacks against homosexuals and Jews, and then, in this way it turns out that we are the ones who make them! Edit View in discussion

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 5 days ago

Bibbiano scandal widens, a big roundup in sight: that's why they want to go to the government, to cover up
August 15, 2019
/ voxnews info / 2019/08/15 / scandal-bibbiano-si-enlarga-grande-retata-in-vista-here-because-they-want-to-go-to-cover-up / # comment-25151
Senegalese fighter conductor: "It's not a freight train" August 15, 2019
Salvini ready for a new contract with the M5s? Only if the T3 jumps: Trump cheers by agreement
August 15, 2019
Salvini to Conte: "Fighting immigration is a mission entrusted to me by Italians"
August 15, 2019
Conte throws the mask: "I have always voted Pd"
August 15, 2019
Employee reveals: "Google blacklists independent sites"
August 15, 2019
Drug eggs burst in his stomach: he dies so African as soon as he landed in Italy
August 15, 2019
Effective Salvini: saved 1.5 billion in receiving immigrants, that's why they want to take it out
August 15, 2019
Conte: "Salvini obsessed with closed ports", the answer: "Yes, I defend Italy"
August 15, 2019
The Democratic Party reveals the plan: "To the government with the M5s to cancel the security dl and reopen the ports"
August 15, 2019 Edit View in discussion

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 5 days ago

#Denmark, hundreds of abused children in state-run family homes. Apologies of the premier. The violence occurred from 1945 to 1976,
answer. now throughout the West: CIA 666 UK 322 lgbt?
we live in the midst of a world of perverted monsters because of the party: democratic rothschild bilderberg Soros Edit View in discussion

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 5 days ago

Conte-Salvini, new clash:
'Closed ports are not enough'
M5S and Pd LEU totally betrayed the Homeland and condemned the Italian people to genocide!
150,000 Italians are unable to be born, 150,000 graduates are forced to emigrate, so we lose 1 million Italians every 3 years!
hundreds of citizens commit suicide: corruption and immorality, lgbt perversions, hedonism and materialism that the rothschild synagogue infests all the time,
in ten years when tourists will come to Italy they will find: Cécile Kyenge as President, the Congo, ebola and allah akbar: African proletarian expropriations, the Nigerian cannibal mafia that defeated all the other mafias: and that directs them all like an orchestra! ! Edit View in discussion

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 5 days ago

Bin SALMAN takfirio Sudairio ] [ how much money you have give to the Pakistanis to make jihad against INDIA-Kaschmir?
this is your wickedness, only because we have religious freedom (which you do not have)
so: have we allowed you to make a mosque?
then, Erdogan OIC Riyadh and Iran think they are the whole planet and everything is just a "muslims country".
and this is true:
1. the kafiri are too impure
2. the Dhimmis are too enslaved
3. and the murtid apostates have deserved the death penalty! Edit View in discussion

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 5 days ago

Anti-Semitism or anti any people,
this is an act of extreme evil,
and then, they say their demon said it: too!
this is why the Koran and the Talmud, VEDA and Satan's Bible? should be sanctioned by the international community! Edit View in discussion

Discussion on World Israel News 147 comments
Abbas says Palestinians are descendants of ancient Canaanites, own the land

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH Terence Paull 5 days ago

no, Palestinians were created by Jordanians, Egyptians (as their surnames reveal) with the complicity of the Saudis 70 years ago:
because Islam is a worldwide genocide! Edit View in discussion

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH Vivarto 5 days ago

you must be a university professor of photonic quantum,
why if you were a university lecturer in history?
you will know that Abraham is the first biblical character that falls within the criteria of scientific historiography! Edit View in discussion

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH Vivarto 5 days ago

in the midst of the many nonsense you said: "you involuntarily said something perfect"
the whole Christian Bible is a total Hebrew Bible:
that's why you Jews are the perfect Satanists!
said it at thet ping donkey of worldisraelnews and UniteWithIsrael Edit View in discussion

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH Vivarto 5 days ago

when God judges someone physically: that always becomes an interior and spiritual journey as can be a pilgrimage.
an experience of purification of the soul from sin and impurity.
this is why we have always had holy martyrs and benefactors of the human race in every people and in every age!
the Magi or astronomers who went to see the Infant Jesus?
all Jerusalem was thrown into a panic
yet they too were saints! Edit View in discussion

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH Vivarto 5 days ago

at the same time the Jews were terrified of violence and exploitation and free murders of the Canaanites: against them,
not to mention that their life was totally immoral, because as I said it was composed of sacred prostitution, and human sacrifices!
there were no elements of compatibility between this two peoples! Edit View in discussion

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH Vivarto 5 days ago

in the eyes of the Canaanites who were the traders of Tire and Sidon, and who had the highest technology of the time,
Jews must have looked like monkeys.
that's why even if mixed marriages were not forbidden
they were very rare anyway! Edit View in discussion

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH Vivarto 5 days ago

write a single letter on parchment
it cost about $ 100 today
and at that time the Jews were very poor. Edit View in discussion

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH Vivarto 5 days ago

in fact: those who have not yet experienced the ecstatic rapture that can absorb the soul through the song of praise and adoration:
they may not have experienced happiness
and therefore they cannot understand God and Heaven! Edit View in discussion

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH Vivarto 5 days ago

the perfect sonority of the Hebrew language
shows that this language has a divine ancestral origin
in fact in no language can the songs of praise and adoration be obtained as with Judaism and Aramaic.
from this we must deduce that Hebrew and Aramaic are direct derivations of both the language of angels and the language of Paradise! Edit View in discussion

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH Vivarto 5 days ago

it is impossible that the Canaanites could be Jews:
because circumcision of the foreskin reminded them of the cannibalism rites they committed against young adolescents Edit View in discussion

Discussion on World Israel News 147 comments
Abbas says Palestinians are descendants of ancient Canaanites, own the land

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH Vivarto 5 days ago

Allah is nobody's nephew!
he is just a bad translation of name: "God" from Hebrew to some other language!
Allah does not exist and has never existed!
I must acknowledge that you have done specific studies at university level!
since you speak here like a goat without any shame! Edit View in discussion

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 5 days ago

Abbas says Palestinians are descendants of ancient Canaanites

this is a relevant information from a political point of view !!!!
in fact, therefore now, Abbas Abu Mazen should stop saying that Jacob and Rachel are his grandparents!
and they should return their grave to us it at last! Edit View in discussion

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 5 days ago

Abbas says Palestinians are descendants of ancient Canaanites
Abbas is only the descendant of Lilit (Heb. Līlīt). Female Demon: Wicked Wife of the Desert;
but since Lilith was an adulterous b*itcch? she gave birth to ABBAS with the domonio Allah in secret! Edit View in discussion

Discussion on World Israel News 85 comments
Sanders vows to 'leverage' US funds to ‘end racism’ in Israel

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 5 days ago

CHINA ] [about Hong Kong
you can criminalize Soros ORGs etc ...
but you have to solve the problem politically!
the short Islamic path of military violence
it would cost too much for you Edit View in discussion

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 5 days ago

Epstein case, the FBI seizes the computers in the villa in the Caribbean (and if also those of the FBI: they are also the priests of Satan of OWL the CLINTON, as they certainly are: also those of the CIA cannibals?)
you are all witnesses! I will end up disintegrating the USA: Babylon the great harlot with which all the kings Saud Salman Riyadh of the land of Allah the cuckold have fornicated!!
The two prison guards in charge slept. They would then falsify the report, removed along with the director of the prison where the financier committed suicide.
Your twitter account is suspended and not permitted to perform this action: because you were too bad with Satan! Edit View in discussion

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 5 days ago

U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), Who is running for the 2020 all Democratic Party lgbt Pd & presidential nomination,
they are a bunch of mentally retarded!
and since they said that Unius REI is wrong, then, they decided to go and live happily from Erdogan, to GAZA, or in Pakistan which is the same !! 5 Edit View in discussion

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 5 days ago

Usa 2020, Sanders: 'If elected I will say everything about the aliens abduction i fricchettoni pizza: & federazione galattica: curvatura spazio-temporale'
Sanders will run the elections for two reasons:
1. he thinks that the Israelis should commit suicide jihad,
2. and he can count on the vote of all Islamic aliens sharia akbar genocide umma dogmatic crazy: incartapecoriti mecca 666 kaaba sharia NAZI Gestapo 666 – Nostalgiah | Black Metal Ist Krieg Erdogan Hitler Von Ursula! Edit View in discussion

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 5 days ago

Pakistan: 'India prepares to attack in Kashmir'
Islamabad claims to have "credible information" and announces: "We will react"
so, does INDIA attack itself?
everyone knows that Kashmir is Indian! it is clear, the hungry people of Pakistan the home of world terrorism, but, sharia received the money from Erdogan jihad and the ARAB LEAGUE: akbar NAZI genocide UMMA to make this another islamic koranic dogmatic war! Edit View in discussion

Discussion on World Israel News 48 comments
Canadian paper blasted over 'anti-Semitic' cartoon

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 5 days ago

Bin Salman ] tu sai? la nostra categoria di politici (non è diversa dai politici di tutto il mondo):
noi affrontiamo a testa bassa: un pratico problema per volta: un problema alla volta: seguendo il principio della priorità, e seguendo un gerarchia di valori universalmente condivisi!
infatti, i politici non si perdono dietro inutili disquisizioni: religiose, filosofiche, storiche o ideologiche:

perché, le mamme devono avere il cibo per i loro bambini: e i bambini devono avere i giocattoli per la loro dimensione..
noi? noi siamo persone pratiche: terra - terra!
noi rifiutiamo l'imperialismo e la geopolitica: perché ogni popolo ha sacro diritto al suo sovranismo!

noi siamo servitori inutili di tutti i popoli di questo pianeta: quindi, noi dobbiamo educare noi stessi a pensare in maniera collettiva mondiale! Edit View in discussion

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 5 days ago

Bin Salman ] io sono un progetto politico agnostico razionale universale: "la fratellanza universale"!
tipo Re Artù(Unius REI) e i cavalieri della tavola rotonda! e la tavola è rotonda perché il Madagascar non è meno importante della Russia ecc...

pertanto: se tu vuoi lavorare in questo progetto politico: si eviterà la terza guerra mondiale(3 miliardi di morti Rothschild jihad sharia)

si eviterà la mia sfera della redenzione (altri 3 miliardi di morti)

perché questi 6 miliardi di persone perverse: loro possono facilmente tutti essere convertiti a JHWH nel mio terzo tempio ebraico: che rappresenta l'ERA dello Spirito Santo che effuso su ogni persona.
se poi, c'é qualche problema in qualche religione, si potrà risolvere anche quel problema: perché io non ho avuto un mandato con qualche limitazione di sovranità! Edit View in discussion

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 6 days ago

my dear holy JHWH ] [ you of what you want, but for me the Israelis are the most fun!

tu di quello che vuoi, ma, per me gli israeliani sono i più divertenti! Edit View in discussion

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 6 days ago

you have been banned by United with Israel.
M5S & Pd? they sucked and betrayed!
and the people want to vote: and wants to hunt them!
but, Ja-Bull-On Obama, Juncker, antichrist: Ursula Von Hitler, Kalergi Soros Bilderberg, Clinton, Merkel Macron: Maduro Erdogan and Justin Trudeau lgbt: they said that the people are wrong!
and President Mattarella?
he is not a Freemason with the balls of a bull as is President Rivlin,
that he at Rothschild can also tell him about "NO! caxxo! no!" Edit View in discussion

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 6 days ago

To the Muslim cousins? don't like the homosexual relationship of the Tunisian gay lobby of the his cousin:
down with Islamic stab wounds against the gay cousin.
and against punitive revenge of lgbt against sharia?!
Islamic brutality last Saturday in the center of Padua. The homoerotic relationship is at the center of the dispute! between two 28-year-old Tunisians.
after all, that's why feminists and the democratic party have worked so hard
//voxnews info/2019/08/14/ai-cugini-non-piace-la-relazione-omo-del-tunisino-coltellate-islamiche-al-gay/#comment-25026 Edit View in discussion

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH Don Spilman 6 days ago

my kingdom of God my holy JHWH will react!
"does not always laugh the wife of the satanist rabbi rothschild!" Edit View in discussion

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 6 days ago

Yes! this is an unjust anti-Semitic image
although the European Satanist rabbis: to protect the world finance Rothschild: DEMO PLUTO GIUDAICO MASSON system FED FMI BCE NWO
them the supreme synedrium of Satanists:
they did not hesitate to abandon all European Jews to the hatred of Hitler and Nazism, and of the fascism that is added as a result of this: further form of cowardice and wickedness:
that, in fact: only later (to the obstinacy of the rabbis to sacrifice their own people for the sake of the Rothschild satanists: City London, etc.) to this act: hostile and predatory: Nazis and fascists (who were not the man good like by Christians conceived ) invented the racial laws:
because the desperation of the Germans was at the level of dying of hunger and suicide because of:
1. public debt
2. private debt
3. Bank seigniorage!
So the most responsibility for the world war was on the rabbis! Edit View in discussion

Discussion on United with Israel 13 comments
'I Was Tortured Into Making Israeli Spy Confession,' Says Former Iranian Prisoner

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH Scorpio 6 days ago

to whom monetary sovereignty belongs
and the ownership of the money at the time of its issue?
What does the Constitution say? Edit View in discussion

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 6 days ago

the parasitic Masonic society against popular sovereignty: we will soon climb the barricades!
this is the malignant consociativism triad of #M5S #lgbt #PD: the unions of: rothschild the parasite #CIGL #CISL #UIL:
they are one of the coup members of the Brussels technocracy the antichrist!
the catto-communists have betrayed the workers and have protected the speculative and devitalizing finance: peoples are dispossessed and indebted of our own money!
this is the Masonic subdivision of power: the institutional-anal consociativismo lgbt !!
and that these criminals? they even assigned themselves fabulous fabulous salaries!
the trade unions the judiciary everything must be repackaged in Italyand in all the world
the rothschild masons have profoundly betrayed the peoples!
#Salvini put again INFAMI corrotti mafiosi: the M5s back against the wall: and shamed the "poltronaro": fanfarone: cialtrone: Matteo RENZI (the new monster from Florence)
The Senate has rejected the request of the League to vote the motion of no confidence against #President #Conte on August 14: because the parasites do not want to abandon the chair.

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 6 days ago

the super specialists of democracy (M5S lgbt Pd): Mattarella Merkel Ursula Von Hitler technocratic financial speculative Rothschild-Soros-Bilderberg
they have made a GOLPE: of: purposeful government
trampling on the will of the Italian people.
will end badly! Edit View in discussion

Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH 6 days ago

fedele3397 lorenzojhwh Unius KING the LEVIATHAN
UN 666 FMI NWO 322 BCE 187 lgbt]
I'm not a pacifist!
I am not an ideology or geopolitical or religion!
but: for my human rights and freedom of religion?
I will fight!

non è una testata giornalistica

non è una testata giornalistica

Epopea del Dio Marduk

1. tu sei nella Epopea del Dio Marduk: (hanno creato gli schiavi goyims dalit dhimmis) Islam Talmud Comunismo, lgbt, relativismo, tecnocraz...

Obama moderate terrorist Biden

Obama moderate terrorist Biden
Jihad Erdogan sharia ISIS Riyad

non è una testata giornalistica