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un'altra settimana è passata

questa è la azione ebraico massonica talmudica come causa prima!

Caro LorenzoJHWH, un'altra settimana è passata. Tempo prezioso per pregare a favore dei cristiani che patiscono la persecuzione. Malgrado il fatto che ad agosto – in occasione della “Giornata internazionale di commemorazione delle vittime di atti di violenza basati sulla religione o sul credo” –, il rappresentante per la politica estera dell'Unione europea, Josep Borrell, rendeva “omaggio a chi ha perso la vita e a chi è stato vittima di persecuzioni a causa della religione”
da allora nulla è cambiato, non in meglio, almeno.

Ricordiamo soltanto che la Commissione europea ancora non ha nominato l'Inviato speciale per la libertà religiosa al di fuori dell’Unione Europea,
mandato sospeso a luglio, con la scadenza dell'ufficio dell’on. Ján Figel.

Al momento tutto è in stand-by.

Il fatto è che, e questo non è una novità, l'Europa si sta mostrando molto tiepida nella difesa dei cristiani perseguitati.

E sono in numero crescente, gli atti di persecuzione di Stati come Cina, Nigeria, Pakistan e India, paesi così “lontani” da noi a maggior ragione devono farci saltare sulla sedia le sofferenze vissute dai cristiani in Paesi meno dichiaratamente persecutori.

Perché oramai professare la propria fede richiede coraggio non solo in aree apertamente ostili ai cristiani, come il Pakistan o la Nigeria!

Di seguito alcuni esempi:

Francia. Decapitata la statua della Madonna a Tarn-et-Garonne, nel sud del Paese. Il vescovo della diocesi ricorda gli atti vandalici nei cimiteri cattolici di Tolosa: in un mese oltre 100 profanate. Secolo d'Italia
Francia. Doppio attacco a Nizza e Gedda. Triplice omicidio nella basilica cattolica Nizza, di Notre Dame, in pieno centro: sono stati sgozzati al grido di Allah Akbar.

Stati Uniti. Una scuola del Mississippi impedisce di portare la
mascherina anticovid con la scritta “Jesus loves me”, ma sostiene le mascherine arcobaleno e quelle “Black lives matter”. La Nuova Bussola Quotidiana

Argentina. Al crescere delle tensioni per lo sgombero delle terre, gli indigeni Mapuche occupano una chiesa, costringendo il parroco ad assistere allo scempio di un crocifisso. Crux

Cile. Riprendono le rivolte, ad un anno dalle manifestazioni che chiedevano migliore Istruzione e Assistenza sanitaria. La protesta, però, degenera: profanate e bruciate chiese, anche le più antiche del paese. Avvenire
*** Chiese bruciate e vandalizzate in Cile,

Quindi, non solo la Cina, non solo la Corea. Queste notizie riportano uno spaccato delle esperienze drammatiche vissute con sofferenza dai cristiani. Ovunque nel mondo.

E dove non si è uccisi o torturati o rapiti e costretti a partire, si è “semplicemente” lasciati a secco di spiritualità.
Germania, in pochi anni sette chiese sono state chiuse e destinate alla
vendita, con conseguente trasformazione d’uso o demolizione.

agenzia di informazione cattolica, accende i riflettori, in
particolare, sulla Chiesa dell’Assunzione, che sarà venduta in questi
giorni nella città di #Gelsenkirchen, segnando così la rinuncia
dell’Ordine dei Servi di Maria all'unica sede tedesca.

Insieme con altri ordini religiosi, i padri serviti hanno assicurato, per quasi settant’anni, la cura spirituale e assistenziale dell’ospedale #Bergmannsheil che attualmente è molto impegnato nella cura dei pazienti Covid-19.

La nostra Europa, volendo guardarla nel suo insieme, sta soffrendo anche per la seconda ondata di Covid-19, che la sta colpendo in corpo. E anche nell’anima. Misure sempre più restrittive limitano, di fatto, l'accostamento dei fedeli ai sacramenti.

L'hanno denunciato i vescovi francesi e i giuristi cattolici portoghesi,
concordi nel ritenere alcuni momenti di celebrazione religiosa, come il Natale, la Pasqua e il giorno dei morti, “le occasioni più preziose e significative della vita familiare, che meritano la massima
Allora, continuiamo a pregare per le prove che i cristiani si trovano a dover affrontare nel mondo, in Europa, in Italia.

Teniamoci informati, soprattutto quando la realtà è in grave pericolo di
strumentalizzazione, perché solo la verità rende liberi.
E la verità bisogna cercarla ed imparare a guardarla in faccia.

Ti chiedo, dunque, un aiuto per l’Osservatorio, così che possa continuare a sviluppare azioni di sensibilizzazione in questa direzione. Senza di te, sarebbe impossibile.

Silvio Dalla Valle

Direttore dell’Osservatorio sulla Cristianofobia

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom 11 minuti fa gli israeliani hanno definitivamente espulso, me il Re degli ebrei e il messia degli ebrei io sono lorenzoJHWH, il procuratore universale Unius REI

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Il giorno lun 16 nov 2020 alle ore 22:22 United with Israel ha scritto:

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i am Unius REI in kingdom of Palestine

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simec, auriti, nega il debito

simec, auriti, nega il debito

simec, auriti, nega il debito

simec, auriti, nega il debito

simec, auriti, nega il debito

simec, auriti, nega il debito

simec, auriti, nega il debito

simec, auriti, nega il debito

simec, auriti, nega il debito

simec, auriti, nega il debito

simec, auriti, nega il debito

simec, auriti, nega il debito

LionJudah ☦️UniusREI ☦️kingdom di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH ☦️burn satana ☦️shariah ☦️Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name amen ☦️alleluia ☦️ lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom ☦️burn satana ☦️shariah ☦️Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name amen ☦️alleluia ☦️ C. S. P. B. Crux Sancti Patris Benedecti Croce del Santo Padre Benedetto C. S. S. M. L. Crux Sacra Sit Mihi Lux Croce sacra sii la mia Luce N. D. S. M. D. Non draco sit mihi dux Che il dragone non sia il mio duce V. R. S. Vadre Retro satana Allontanati satana! N. S. M. V. Non Suade Mihi Vana Non mi persuaderai di cose vane S. M. Q. L. Sunt Mala Quae Libas Ciò che mi offri è cattivo I.V. B. Ipsa Venena Bibas Bevi tu stesso i tuoi veleni

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Giornalista d’inchiesta svela i piani del Cartello finanziario contro il Governo del cambiamento.

Di Francesco Amodeo

Mario Monti e le organizzazioni del Cartello finanziario: La mia denuncia in Tv

Di Francesco Amodeo

Giornalista d’inchiesta svela i piani del Cartello finanziario contro il Governo del cambiamento.

Di Francesco Amodeo

Mario Monti e le organizzazioni del Cartello finanziario: La mia denuncia in Tv

Di Francesco Amodeo

Reportage completo e documentato sulle origini eversive dell’Unione Europea.
Di Francesco Amodeo acceso mercoledì, aprile 17, 2019

L’Unione Europea fu un progetto della CIA e delle oligarchie finanziarie per sottomettere i popoli europei: I documenti desegretati e la confessione dei padri fondatori. Con l’Unione Europea siamo entrati in una trappola. Anzi sarebbe più corretto dire che hanno piazzato una sbarra alla volta chiudendo un cerchio intorno a noi fino a farci ritrovare …
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Governo Conte Bis: Chi l’ha fatto nascere. Chi lo ammazzerà.
Di Francesco Amodeo acceso giovedì, agosto 29, 2019

Prima di entrare nel merito dell’oggetto di questo articolo è doverosa una premessa: La Matrix Europea è un libro inchiesta del 2014. Ma gli scenari raccontati si sono realizzati concretamente 4 anni dopo ed è per questo che soltanto nel 2019 è diventato “virale” sul web. Anche quando presentai la lista del Bilderberg 2016, analizzandone …
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Flash Mob in memoria dei bambini morti di austerity:
Di Francesco Amodeo acceso giovedì, agosto 29, 2019

Domenica 8 Settembre 2019 flash mob nei pressi dell’Ambasciata greca di Roma in ricordo dei bambini morti di austerity.
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La trappola del PD ai Cinquestelle: Ecco qual è e come evitarla.
Di Francesco Amodeo acceso sabato, agosto 24, 2019

Il Movimento Cinquestelle rischia di finire in una trappola e trascinare con sé gli italiani. Ma un metodo per scongiurare questa eventualità esiste. Si parla di un accordo Pd/Cinquestelle e sembra che il partito democratico abbia già proposto i suoi punti. Tutti trattabili tranne il primo. Sudditanza completa all’Unione Europea. Loro l’hanno chiamata lealtà. Ma …
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Crisi di Governo: Ecco l’inchiesta che ne svela le cause e i mandanti.
Di Francesco Amodeo acceso venerdì, agosto 23, 2019

In questo articolo proveremo a chiarire una volta per tutte da dove è partita l’attuale crisi di Governo. E perché Salvini ha staccato la spina. Non spetterà a me esprimere un giudizio. Io elencherò una serie di eventi che i media mainstream non hanno raccontato, poi ognuno si farà la propria idea. Alla fine tireremo …
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Vi racconto chi sono i nuovi vertici della UE e chi li ha messi lì.
Di Francesco Amodeo acceso lunedì, luglio 8, 2019

Abbiamo un Governo del cambiamento eppure abbiamo accettato la francese Christine Lagarde del FMI come nuovo Governatore della BCE; la tedesca Ursula Von Der Leyen come Presidente della Commissione Europea; il belga Charles Michel come nuovo Presidente del Consiglio Europeo e addirittura l’ “italiano” David Sassoli del Pd come nuovo Presidente dell’Europarlamento. Ma ci siamo …
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Il testo della lettera che il Presidente del Consiglio, Conte, avrebbe dovuto indirizzare ai vertici della UE se fosse stato davvero l’avvocato del popolo.
Di Francesco Amodeo acceso giovedì, giugno 20, 2019

Roma 20 Giugno 2019: Siamo all’inizio di una nuova legislatura europea che non possiamo definire una preziosa occasione data la natura tirannica e antidemocratica delle sue principali istituzioni non legittimate dal consenso popolare e che il nostro popolo alle ultime elezioni ha dimostrato di non riconoscere. Ci siamo resi conto dell’inutilità di continuare a lavorare …
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Draghi ed il Cartello finanziario internazionale pronti a sostituire il Governo Giallo-Verde.
Di Francesco Amodeo acceso venerdì, aprile 12, 2019

Dobbiamo evitare nella maniera più assoluta che si consumi nel silenzio generale il secondo golpe tecnocratico ai danni dell’Italia. Il Cartello finanziario ha già fatto partire l’operazione Mario Draghi che è praticamente identica, nelle modalità e nelle finalità, a quella che fu l’operazione Mario Monti nel 2011 che causò danni irreparabili al paese nel silenzio …
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Le istanze autonomiste pongono fine al sovranismo in Italia.
Di Francesco Amodeo acceso mercoledì, febbraio 20, 2019

Le autonomie differenziate pongono fine al sovranismo in Italia. In effetti, a sentirli parlare del Sud Italia,i fautori delle autonomie differenziate sembra di sentire i vari Macron, Merkel, Moscovici quando parlano dei paesi del Sud Europa. Il sovranismo, da sempre, pone le sue basi sull’accusa all’Unione Europea di non essere uno Stato coeso, con un …
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Le autonomie differenziate e la nuova questione meridionale. Vogliono la fine del Sovranismo.
Di Francesco Amodeo acceso domenica, febbraio 17, 2019

Cosa si cela realmente dietro questa affannosa corsa per concludere quanto prima, anche senza l’intervento del Parlamento la questione dell’autonomia differenziata da parte di alcune regioni del Nord ? Vado dritto al punto, è il momento di far cadere le maschere. La verità è che non si è avuto il coraggio o la facoltà di …
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Artifacts That Challenge Evolution: A Man-Made Cup In Pennsylvanian Coal?

February 11, 2013

Artifacts That Challenge Evolution: Hands-Down Evidence February 7, 2013

Artifacts That Challenge Evolution: Trilobites Underfoot February 4, 2013

Artifacts That Challenge Evolution: Getting A handle On Ancient Dinosaur Sightings

February 2, 2013

Artifacts That Challenge Evolution: Perplexing Permian Print January 28, 2013

Artifacts That Challenge Evolution: The Willett Print

January 25, 2013

Artifacts That Challenge Evolution: Throughout The Geologic Column January 23, 2013

Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: Cro-Magnon Man January 16, 2013

Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: Neanderthal Man January 14, 2013

Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: Homo Erectus January 11, 2013

Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: Piltdown Man January 11, 2013
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: Homo Habilis - ´Handyman´January 7, 2013

Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: Nebraska Man

January 4, 2013
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: Ramapithicus

January 2, 2013
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: ´Your Little

Cousin´ Lucy December 31, 2012
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: The Tuang Child

December 28, 2012
Failed Evolutionary Pre-Human Candidates: Introduction

December 26, 2012
The Model, Episode 4

you select all demonic

Select 666 sharia Country:
Burkina Faso
Central African Republic
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Ivory Coast
North Korea
Palestinian Territories
Saudi Arabia
South Korea
South Sudan
Sri Lanka
The Gambia
United Arab Emirates

questa NON è una testata giornalistica

الصهيونية ترتكب الشر صندوق النقد الدولي
طبيعة الإلهية في المسيح يسوع ربنا! في موته وقيامته نحن أيضا الإله الحقيقي والإنسان الحقيقي، في الإيمان. ليس من السهل بالنسبة لي أن أحب القت...
يذهب إلى جعل الفتوة،
non c'è miglior sordo di chi Troika Merkel non vuole sentire: [ storia di una Rothschild vipera cornuta! Genesi 40 ] Strasburgo soll...

Lady TAKFIR Gaga
Lady Gaga 1690018 iscritti 2274647737 visual...

Cute We are Legion
YouTube 644293 iscritti ...

natureza divina Cristo Jesus nosso Senhor
ERDOGAN TAKFIR SALMAN ] voi non avete le palle atomiche, per venire in Siria e Iraq, ed io credo che, io vi dovrò attendere inutilmente, ...

Palestinian Women Prefer Terrorists With Lifelong Salary Over College Grads
UniusREI Yitzhak Kaduri Messia • Eligible Palestinian Women Prefer Terrorists With Lifelong Salary Over College Grads .. ANSWER .. and this...

pena morte modalità evoluzionisti
QUESTA è DIVENTATA LA EUROPA DI CHI? FUORI DALL'EUROPA E DALLA NATO SUBITO .. Ucraina, nazionalisti bloccano camion da Russia verso Eur...

Only with the advent of Christ
YouTube ...
Benjamin Donbass prophesied
Erdogan BOIA ] CIA e Sauditi sono una sola agenzia! [ Autobomba ad Ankara, 28 morti e almeno 61 feriti ] [ e se voi non eravate i bastardi ...

China Communists TAKFIR Country

questa NON è una testata giornalistica

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cannot destroy democracy and threaten national sec...
how were you paid too, for cheating
italiani suicidati e clandestini in hotel

PRESIDENT RIVLIN ] the rival [ from my page of mine: 110 blogspot?

CIA (nuclear submarine that checks the planet's IPs) deleted the photos of two rapes I received

by a Jew and a Muslim

both: both agents of the New World Order with the aim of exterminating Christians in the world!

this is a demonic alliance between the synagogue and the mosque

dalla mia pagina di miei: 110 blogspot?

CIA (sommergibile nucleare che controlla gli IP del pianeta) mi hanno cancellato le foto di due violenze che ho ricevuto

da un ebreo e da un mussulmano

entambi: tutti e due agenti del NWO con lo scopo di sterminare i cristiani nel mondo!

questa è una alleanza demoniaca tra la sinagoga e la moschea





[] oh my holy JHWH holy

Metafisico��Universal��UniusREI Dear President RIVLIN] [forum-mirabella] 13/01/08 [dear Mr. S *****, I understand and share your yearning to save the world, but I will not send your email to my contacts. On the day of judgment I will have acquittal for lack of evidence against me and since I come from a family of Jewish bankers, I personally profit from the banking seigniorage system. May Allah protect you, Caro Presidente RIVLIN ] [ forum-mirabella ] 13/01/08 [ caro Signor S*****, comprendo e condivido il Suo anelo per salvare il mondo, ma non invierò la Sua email ai miei contatti. Nel giorno del giudizio avrò la assoluzione per insufficienza di prove a mio carico e siccome discendo da una famiglia di banchieri ebrei, profitto personalmente del sistema del signoraggio bancario. Che Allah la protegga,


ogni 5 minuti i mussulmani uccidono o stuprano un cristiano innocente nella LEGA ARABA


musulmani caricano video di denuncia in favore dei martiri cristiani (su youtube) per far chiudere per copyrail i canali di denuncia dei cristiani


con sharia massoni lgbt e chiese di satana, io non intendo mai offendere le persone e la loro dignità,
ma unicamente la loro criminale ideologia pianificata dal talmud di Rockefeller Spa & Co.
quindi non vi fate ingannare da qualche sintetica volgarità!

Burn SAUDI ARABIA 666 FED IMF NWO idol Kaaba
burn in Jesus's name.

The question is often asked, "What do you mean by the term creation model" ? A model is a framework around which observations and facts are organized. Thus, the creation model is a framework of information in which the universe and its living systems are explained as having been designed and sustained.

In the course of forty years involving Biblical and scientific research, our Director has formulated a composite Creation Model. Its basic tenets are held by leading creationists. In addition to these basic pillars, distinctive research programs have led to specific areas of refinement in this particular model. An outline of this model follows.

A tremendous pyramid of evidence for design and recent creation is available for detailed study.

Romans 1:20 states: "For the invisible things of him from the creation are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead: so that they are without excuse."

Scientific evidence for creation abounds in areas of objective observation. Scholars in various scientific disciplines have written about the incredible complexity in living systems and the structure of the universe. This complexity is beyond the possibility of natural development.

Below we begin with a brief summary of the Creation in Symphony Model by our Director, Carl Baugh.

Variant Protein Expression in Living Systems
Dependent upon Information Already
Present in Genome

Original research carried out at the Creation Evidence Museum in Glen Rose, Texas in the mid-1990’s utilized the physical atmospheric parameters of the hyperbaric biosphere on premise. Alteration of atmospheric parameters included increase of atmospheric pressure, oxygen and carbon dioxide ratios, and electromagnetic moment. Under these alterations physical structure and protein expression of snake venom were significantly changed. Comparison was made between ambient control conditions and hyperbaric biospheric conditions.

In the independent analysis and correspondence related in the following pages some protein expressions were enhanced, some were diminished, some were eliminated, and some expressions not seen under ambient conditions were seen under hyperbaric conditions.

Creation Model 1

Creation Mode 2

Creation Model 3

Creation Model 4

Creation Model 5

Creation Model 6

Creation Model 7

Creation Model 8

Creation Model 9

Creation Model 10

Creation Model 11

Creation Model 12

Creation Model - Session 13


Reference has been made to the Biblical text and Hebrew literature as requiring a crystalline canopy, in addition to the expanse of the heavens, during the second day of the Creation Week. Eight viable physical candidates have been introduced to demonstrate the plausibility of such a canopy. Candidate # 1, the Crystalline Silica Sugilite Canopy, is preferred due to the technical calculations demonstrated.

The mechanism that triggered the Flood was the voice of God in judgmental disruption of Earth’s internal structure.[136] This mechanism simultaneously disrupted the raqiya in its structure as a localized microcosm (canopy suspended over Earth) and as a universal macrocosm (expanse of space). “The skies sent out a sound.”[137] As a consequence “The stars are not pure in [God’s] sight.”[138]

“The secret things belong unto the Lord our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children forever, that we may do all the words of this law.”[139] Only the Creator knows the specific details involved in the creation, but it is a gratifying pursuit to “think God’s thoughts after Him.”

[1] Colin Russell, Nature, Vol. 308, April 26, 1984, p. 777

[2] Genesis 1:3

[3] Psalm 33:9

[4] Seth Putterman, “Sonoluminescence: Sound into Light,” Scientific American, Feb. 1995, p. 46

[5] “Hebrew and Chaldee Dictionary,” Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, Thomas Nelson Publishers, Nashville, Tenn., p. 110

[6] Strong’s op cit, p. 110

[7] R. Laird Harris, Gleason L. Archer, Jr., Bruce K. Waltke, Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament, p. 862

[8] Strong’s, op cit p. 107

[9] Ibid.

[10] Ibid., p. 51

[11] Josephus, Book I, chapter I

[12] John Bowers, from P.S. Jonathan translation, The Targums and Rabbinin Literature, Cambridge University Press, 1969, p. 95

[13] Midrash Rabbah, Chapter IV (Bereshith), p. 27

[14] R. Laird Harris, et al, op cit, p. 862

[15] David V. Bassett, Personal Correspondence calling attention to three distinctives in Ezekiel’s vision, December 6, 2008.

[16] David Voss and Robert Coontz, “Warp and Woof,” Science, Vol. 319, 4 January, 2008, p. 46

[17] Claude-Andre Faucher-Giguere, Adam Lidz, Lars Hernquist, “Numerical Simulations Unravel the Cosmic Web,” Science, Vol. 319, 4 January, 2008, p. 52

[18] Stella Hurtley, “This Week in Science,” Science, Vol. 322, 28 November, 2008, p.1299

[19] Hans Christian Von Baeyer, “Vacuum Matters,” Discover, March 1992, p. 111

[20] Ibid. p, 112

[21] M. Simhony, Matter, Space, and Radiation, World Scientific Publishing Company, New Jersey, 1994, pp. 86, 87

[22] Ibid., p. 108

[23] Ibid., p. 102

[24] Dietmar Rothe, Space and the Wave-Particle Enigma, p.8, World Wide Web

[25] Science, Vol. 256, June 12, 1992, p. 1518

[26] Louis J. Lanzerotti and Chanchal Uberoi, “Earth’s Magnetic Environment,” Sky and Telescope, Oct., 1998, pp. 360-362

[27] Larry Vardiman, “Cosmic Magnetic Fields,” Acts & Facts, April, 2008, p. 6

[28] D. Russel Humphreys, “The Creation of Earth’s Magnetic Field,” Creation Research Society Quarterly, San Diego, Vol. 20, p. 89

[29] Frederick Golden, “Another Milestone in the Solid State,” MOSAIC, Vol 22, No 2, Summer 1991, p. 23

[30] Jeffrey Linsky, “CU Researchers Discover Wall Around Solar System,” Joint Institute for Laboratory Astrophysics, Daily Camera, Boulder, CO, Jan. 17, 1996

[31] Edward Boudreaux and Eric Baxter, “A New Model of the Earth’s Pre-Flood Canopy,” God Created the Earth,” Rocky Mountain Creation Fellowship, P. O. Box 3451, Littleton, CO 80161-3451, pp. 114-122

[32] Ibid., pp. 1-113

[33] Ibid., p. 30

[34] Ibid., p. 116

[35] Ibid., p. 114

[36] Frederic Goldman, “Another Milestone in the Solid State,” MOSAIC, Volume 22, Number 2, Summer 1991, p. 25

[37] H.K. Mao and R.J. Hemley, “Optical Studies in Hydrogen,” Science, Vol. 244, p. 1463

[38] Dennis Normile, “Trial and Error in Japan: Levitating the Boss,” Popular Science, New York, May 1991, p. 104

[39] Frederic Goldman, op cit p. 27

[40] Frederic Goldman, op cit p. 29

[41] R.D. Pearson, Intelligence Behind the Universe, The Headquarters Publishing Co., London 1990, p. 105

[42] Mark Wilsey, “The Superconductivity Dynamo,” 21st Century Science and Technology, Fall 1994, p. 67

[43] Yoshio Omata, Potential Energy of the Magnetic Dipole of the Earth, world wide web, February 2003,

[44] Mark Wilsey, op cit.

[45] John S. Rigden, Hydrogen The Essential Element, Harvard University Press, 2002, p. 147

[46] Ibid., p. 156

[47] Philip Ball, Life’s Matrix: A Biography of Water, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, NY, 1999, p. 199

[48] Ibid., p. 201

[49] Ibid., p. 202

[50] R. Lipkin, “Squeezing H2 and O2 yields New Compound,” Science News, Vol 148, November 4, 1995, p. 293, reported in Nature, Nov. 2 by chemists Paul Loubeyre and Rene Le Toullec of the University of Paris

[51] P. Weiss, “Warm Ice,” Science News, Vol. 168, August 27, 2005, p. 131; Reported by Heon Kang, Physical Review Letters, Aug. 19

[52] Edward Boudreaux, “Origins of Chemical Elements from Water,” Technical Symposium, Fifth International Conference on Creationism, Pittsburgh, Penn., August, 2003, pp. 101-107

[53] “Space Between Stars Contains Atoms & Molecules of all the Elements,” Discover, Sept., 1993, p. 24

[54] Stephen Weinberg, “Life in the Universe,” Scientific American, October 1994, p. 44

[55] Dennis Normile, “Trial and Error: Levitating the Boss,” Popular Science, New York, May 1991, p. 104

[56] James D. Jorgensen, “Defects and Superconductivity in the Copper Oxides,” Physics Today, Vol 44, No 6, June 1991, p. 34

[57] Dennis Normile, op cit

[58] John M.C. Plane, Benjamin J. Murray, Xinzhao Chu, Chester S. Gardner, “Removal of Meteoric Iron on Polar Mesosphereic Clouds, Science, Vol. 304, 16 April, 2004, p. 426

[59] Eric Jensen, Gary Thomas, “Gravity Waves in the Clouds,” Discover, July, 1994

[60] Nature, “Earth’s Thermostat,” reported in Washington Post, June 28, 1991

[61] Graham P. Collins, “An Iron Key to High-Temperature Superconductivity?” Scientific American, August 2009, p. 66

[62] Ibid. p.69

[63] Scientific American, December 1993, pp. 121, 122

[64] Tai-Chang Chiang, “Superconductivity in Thin Films,” Science, Vol 306, 10 December, 2004, pp. 1900, 1901

[65] Nelly M. Rodriguez, “Can Graphite Nanofibers Store Hydrogen?,” Science News, Col 155, May 15, 1999, p. 314

[66] Anna-Maria Janner, “Electricity Switches a Mirror to a Window,” Science News, Vol 155, May 15, 1999, p. 314

[67] Bao-Qing Ma, Hao-Ling Sun and Song Gao, “Cyclic Water Pentameter in a Tape-like Structure,” Chemical Communications, 2004, pp. 2220 - 2221

[68] National Institute of Standards report in Applied Physical Letters, November 2007

[69] Roger Kornberg, Science, Fall, 2007

[70] Pablo Jadzinsky, Science News, March 15, 2003, p. 174

[71] A.P. Dubrov, “The Geomagnetic Field and Life,” Plenum Press, New York, 1978, p. 61

[72] Marcia Bartusiak, “The Sunspot Syndrome,” Discover, Nov. 1989, p. 46

[73] D. Russell Humphreys, “Earth’s Magnetic Field is Young,” Impact, Institute for Creation Research, El Cajon, CA, No. 242

[74] Thomas G. Barnes, “Dwindling Resource, Evidence of a Young Earth,” Creation Research Society Quarterly, Vol. 25, No. 4, pp. 170-171

[75] K.L. McDonald and R.H. Gunst, “An Analysis of the Earth’s Magnetic Field from 1935 to 1965,” ESSA Technical Report IER 46-IES, July, 1967, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC, Table 3, p 14

[76] www Earth Observatory, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

[77] Sarah Richardson, “War on Radicals,” Discover, July 1994, p. 27

[78] Eric J. Lerner, “Solid-State Photomultiplier,” NASA Tech Briefs / Aerospace America, November 1988, pp. 40,41

[79] Levi-Setti, Riccardo, Trilobites, University of Chicago Press, 1993

[80] Psalm 18, II Samuel 22

[81] Donald B. DeYoung, “Idea of Celestial Tones is Valid,” Astronomy and the Bible, Baker, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1989, p. 114

[82] Phillis B. Moses and Nah-Hai Chua, “Light Switches for Plant Genes,” Scientific American, April 1988, p. 88

[83] James W. Frazer and Joyce E. Frazer, “How Radiofrequency Waves Interact with Living Systems,” 21st Century Science and Technology, Washington, Vol 1, March-April, 1988, p.50

[84] T.C.N. Singh, “On the Effect of Music on Plants,” Bihar Agricultural College Magazine, Vol 13, No 1, 1962-63, Sabour, Bhagalpur, India, p. 390

Dorothy L. Retallack, The Sound of Music and Plants, DeVorss & Company, Santa Monica, CA, 1973

[85] Ed Regis, “The World’s Smallest Radio,” Scientific American, March 2009, pp. 40-45

[86] Ibid. p. 42

[87] Carl Zimmer, “The Sound Laser,” Discover, July 1994, p. 32

[88] Job 38:7

[89] Carol White, “The Universe Sings,” 21st Century Science and Technology, Washington, July – August, 1988, p. 52

[90] David Lines, Personal Correspondence, Sept. 12, 1995

[91] Robert O. Becker, The Body Electric, William Morrow, New York, 1985, p. 248

[92] Kyoichi Nakagawa, Magnetic Field Deficiency Syndrome and Magnetic Treatment, Isuzu Hospital Brief, Tokyo, p. 1

[93] Malcolm Beck, Personal Correspondence and Pre-publication Report, Dec. 2, 2008

[94] Namba, K. et al (1995) “Effects of magnetic field on germination and plant growth,” Acta Horticulturae, 339, 143-147.

[95] Matsuda, T. et al (1993) “Influence of magnetic fields on growth and fruit production of strawberry,” Acta Horticulturae, 348, 378-380.

[96] Ginzo. H.D. and Decima, E.E., (1995) “Weak static magnetic fields increase the speed of circumnution in cucumber tendrils, “Experimentia, 51, 1090-4.

[97] Paul Bartz, “Electric Bushes and Trees,” Letting God Create Your Day, Vol. 4, Bible-Science Association, Minn., MN, 1993, p. 55

[98] Robin Rees, “Animal Building Blocks,” The Way Nature Works, Macmillan Publishing Company, New York, 1992, p. 103

[99] Genesis 10:25

[100] H.G. Owen, “Has the Earth Increased in Size?” New Concepts in Global Tectonics, Texas Tech University Press, Lubbock, 1992, p. 289

[101] Neal Teague, Environmental Atmospheric Calculations, Personal Correspondence, Sept. 26, 1994

[102] Ibid.

[103] Robert A. Berner and Gary P. Landis, “Gas Bubbles in Fossil Amber as Possible Indication of the Major Gas Composition of Ancient Air,” Science, Vol. 239, p. 1406

[104] J.C.G. Walker, “Atmospheric Evolution,” Science, Vol. 230, p. 164

[105] William Fife, Personal Correspondence, March 29, 1995

[106] Arthur J. Vander, James H. Sherman, and Dorothy S. Luciano, Human Physiology: The Mechanics of Body Function, p. 315

[107] Jacques-Yves Cousteau, “At Home in the Sea,” National Geographic, Washington, DC, 1964, p. 496

[108] Jon Harrison, “Air’s Oxygen Content Constrains Insect Growth,” Science News, Vol. 170, October 21, 2006, p. 270

[109] Kirby Anderson, “Lung Capacity of Dinosaurs Small,” Personal Correspondence from Joseph Dillow, August 22, 1977

[110] Sherwood B. Idso, “Carbon Dioxide Can Revitalize the Planet,” OPEC Bulletin, March 1992, pp. 22-27

[111] Suan-Chin Wong, “Elevated Atmospheric Partial Pressure of CO2 and Plant Growth,” Photosynthesis Research, Springer Netherlands, Vol. 23, Number 2, Feb., 1990, pp. 171-180

[112] Ann Fausto-Sterling, “Is Nature Really Red in Tooth and Claw?” Discover, April 1993, p. 24

[113] Sherry Baker, “Internal Medicine,” Omni, New York, Jan. 1991

[114] Alene D. Destreicher, “Worldwide Traditions of a Primordial Paradise,” Impact, Institute for Creation Research, El Cajon, CA, No. 192

[115] Psalm 46:6

[116] S.A. Weinstein, “Catastrophic Overturn of the Earth’s Mantle Driven by Multiple Phase Changes and Internal Heat Generation,” Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 20, 1993, pp. 101-104

[117] G.O.W. Kremp, “Earth Expansion Theory Versus Statistical Earth Assumption,” New Concepts in Global Tectonics, Texas Tech University Press, Lubbock, 1992, p. 304

[118] Carl Zimmer, “The Ocean Within,” Discover, Oct., 1994, p. 20

[119] Jonathon Weiner, “Earth’s Surface Cracked like a Giant Eggshell,” Bantam Books, New York, 1986, p. 31

[120] Thomas Klenck, “Microwave Over,” Popular Mechanics, Sept., 1989, p. 78

[121] “Microwaves,” Discover, Nov., 1989, p. 57

[122] Walter T. Brown, “The Continents and the Mid-Atlantic Ridge,” First International Conference on Creation, Pittsburg, PA, Vol. 1, p. 32

[123] Genesis 7:11,12

[124] Genesis 7:24

[125] M.E. Clark and Henry D. Voss, “Resonance on Flooded Planet Earth,” Proceedings of the 1992 Twin-Cities Creation Conference, Twin-Cities Creation Science Association, Minn., MN, 1992, p. 30

[126] M.E. Clark and Henry D. Voss, “Fluid Mechanic Examination of the Tidal Mechanism for Producing Mega-Sedimentary Layering,” Third International Conference on Creation, Pittsburg, July, 1994

[127] Derek V. Ager, “Catastrophic Stratigraphy,” The Nature of the Stratigraphical Record, John Wiley and Sons, New York, pp. 1-14

[128] Ibid.

[129] Roger Larson, “The Mid-Cretaceous Superplume Episode,” Scientific American, Feb., 1995, pp. 82-85

[130] Asish Basu, “It Came from Earth’s Core,” Discover, Dec., 1995, p. 22

[131] John Woodmorappe, “Studies in Creationism and Flood Geology,” Impact, Institute for Creation Research, El Cajon, CA, No. 238

[132] David V. Bassett, “Our Created Earth: Uniquely Designed for Life,” Study Series for CEM

[133] Jan-Olof Nilsson, “Steel Strong and Flexible due to Quasicrystals in its Microscopic Structure,” Science News, Vol. 154, December 12, 1998, p. 383

[134] Boudreaux, op cit, pp114-122

[135] Anna-Maria Janner, “Electricity Switches a Mirror to a Window,” Science News, Vol. 155, May 15, 1999, P. 314

[136] Psalm 46:6

[137] Psalm 77:17

[138] Job 25:5

[139] Deuteronomy 29:29

Non sono le povere vittime dell’Occidente

 TODAY’S HEADLINES is sponsored by

17 American missionaries kidnapped by armed gang in Haiti



This week in Christian history: Pope born, theologian dies, failed End Times prophecy

Here are some of the events that happened this week in Christian history. They include the birth of Pope Pius II, the death of influential theologian Jacob Arminius, and the final failed End Times prophecy of former Family Radio President Harold Camping.


Defend Free Speech

The Loudoun County School Board passed a new policy that forces teachers and students to affirm gender identity ideology by using pronouns demanded by students, no matter their biological sex. These teachers are risking their livelihoods to stand up to their school board and draw the line for freedom and for truth. Learn More



‘War Crime’: Aid group condemns torching of Baptist church, entire village in Myanmar

A human rights group has condemned the burning down of an entire village, including the local church, by Myanmar’s military in the predominantly Christian and embattled state of Chin, calling it a “war crime” under international law.



Chinese woman faces federal charges for setting multiple fires at historic Alabama church

A 27-year-old Chinese national who arrived in the United States on a student visa from China has been charged with setting multiple fires inside First Baptist Church of Montgomery in Alabama.



JD Greear talks prayer, need for unity in the Church and Southern Baptist Convention

J.D. Greear, pastor of Summit Church in Durham, North Carolina, shares his heart for restoring prayer to the "core" of the Church and reflects on his time as President of the Southern Baptist Convention.



The battle for courage — A hill to die on

If you’re knocked down, get back up and fight again. It’s not the fall that leads to defeat, it’s staying down that does. Finish strong — courage is a hill to die on.



Christian Podcasts You’ll Love: The World’s Best Faith App

Are you looking for good Christian podcasts that can help inform and inspire your faith? If so, look no further! Edifi is a powerful, faith-affirming app that brings together thousands of the top Christian podcasts in one place for your listening enjoyment. Download Now for FREE..



Postcard from Luxembourg

It is hard not to describe Luxembourg as reminiscent of the backdrop of a cheesy Hallmark or Lifetime movie — you know, commoner girl marries heir to the throne — set in some fictional European realm.


Activists and government officials are taking brash actions to indoctrinate the next generation in critical race and gender theories.

But in Virginia, they’re being challenged by three brave teachers who are standing for truth.

The Loudoun County School Board passed a new policy that forces teachers and students to affirm gender identity ideology by using pronouns demanded by students, no matter their biological sex.

This is blatantly unconstitutional. The government cannot FORCE Americans to support ideologies with which they disagree.

These teachers are risking their livelihoods to stand up to their school board and draw the line for freedom and for truth.

Alliance Defending Freedom attorneys have filed a lawsuit on their behalf. As a nonprofit, we provide our legal services without charging a dime — all the way to the Supreme Court, if needed.

Will you help fuel our stand for freedom by donating whatever you can today? Those who stand for freedom should never have to stand alone.

“Freedom—of speech and religious exercise—includes the freedom not to speak messages against our core beliefs.” – ADF Senior Counsel Tyson Langhofer


"Minacciate di morte per aver criticato il gender"

Giulio Meotti
Oct 17

Manifestazione per chiedere il licenziamento della professoressa Kathleen Stock all’Università del Sussex

Appello senza precedenti di accademici inglesi: "80 colleghe aggredite per aver sfidato l'ortodossia, volantini con pistole, costrette alla scorta, imbrattate di urina. Noi non ci piegheremo ai bulli". Intervista per la newsletter a una linguista russa: "Questa dittatura culturale l'ho già vista. In URSS..."


Dear lorenzo,

It’s been pretty busy in Hebron recently.

The crowds of worshippers who visited during the High Holidays, the weddings and brit milah ceremonies outside the Ma’arah, and the bulldozer in the upcoming building project in the Hezekiah neighborhood have brought a renewed energy to the Jewish Community of Hebron.

The icing on the cake is that we are tirelessly planning the VIP Chayei Sarah weekend here in Hebron! Last year, during a country-wide lockdown, we were unable to host anyone at our annual weekend event. This year we are back in action and can’t wait to see everyone who can fly in.

Great news - the group of Chayei Sarah participants has already received preliminary approval to enter Israel! Due to high demand, we are opening SECOND GROUP TOUR from the USA. Deadline is Monday, October 18th. Click here for more information.

Each year we invite lone soldiers to join us for Chayei Sarah, and it is one of the weekend’s highlights for both participants and the soldiers. Below we’ve shared some of the thank-you’s we received from the lone soldiers who were with us in 2019. If you can’t be here in person, you can still participate by clicking here to sponsor a lone soldier’s Shabbat in Hebron or the program in general.

Shabbat Chayei Sarah is a massive event; tens of thousands of people joined in 2019! Although many worshippers will sleep in tents and cars, there are still infrastructure costs to running the program. Please consider a donation to help cover the costs of this meaningful weekend.

Shabbat Shalom and Blessings from Hebron

Rabbi Daniel Rosenstein

Executive Director, The Hebron Fund


Donations to Hebron can also be made in Shekel, CAD, GBP, and other currencies

P.S. Oops! We had a glitch in our email system this week, so if you received multiple emails from us throughout the week, we apologize!

This week we remember Avraham Hasno H'YD, a 54-year-old father of seven and a resident of the town of Kiryat Arba, who was run over and killed by truck after his vehicle was stoned by Arabs in October 2015.
May his memory be a blessing.



Each year, our donors contribute towards bringing Lone Soldiers to Hebron for our VIP Chayei Sarah Weekend.Here is what some of these brave IDF soldiers wanted to share with our supporters after Chayei Sarah 2019:

"…Thank you so much for this unbelievable Shabbat in Hebron. I was able to connect to the holy city in a way I never have before. With the combination of the incredible meals, excitement, and prayers by our Fathers and Mothers, it was the perfect Shabbat to reenergize for another week in the army."

Kip Glickman – Detroit, MI

"…I moved from NJ to Israel, and [I've]… been serving as a computer programmer. I could not even dream of a Shabbat more enjoyable and exciting than the one that we got to experience together. Thank you so much for such a perfect weekend."
Pinchas Grad - Livingston, NJ

"I'm a lone soldier serving in the paratrooper's brigade. Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to join the Hebron Fund in Hebron for Parshat Chayei Sarah. I really enjoyed the opportunity to spend Shabbat with people from so many different places. It was a great way to spend a Shabbat away from the army."
Nesanel Gutstein – Chicago, IL

"Thank you for this weekend! I had an incredible time! I'm fueled up for the coming months in the army."
Sarah – Brooklyn, NY

"Before this Shabbat, I had never been to Hebron, even though I really wanted to visit. So thank you so so much for giving me the opportunity to partake in the Shabbat of a lifetime.
Lone Soldier – London, England

Being a lone soldier in the Artillery Corps is a tough job. Spending time in Chevron with everyone for Parshat Chayei Sarah was an unbelievable experience. The best part was the insane post-Shabbat BBQ - I'll always remember feeling the connection to the people and heritage of Hebron that was felt by everyone who dined, talked, danced, and sang together.
S – Bergenfield, NJ

"Thank you all so much for the opportunity to join the Hebron Fund for Shabbat. As a Lone Soldier, the notion that people care about us so much as to bring us with them on a program like this is incredible."
Sruli Sandler

Rabbi Simcha Hochbaum discusses this week's Torah portion of Lech Lecha in which Abraham builds an altar in Mamre, Hebron. This coincides with the new building project in Hebron today in the Hezekiah neighborhood next to Beit Romano.


Yishai Fleisher toured Hebron with UAE businessman Nasser Muhammed El Shamsi
He visited the Tomb of Abraham and spent time with local mukhtar, Ashraf Ja'abri, and with the leadership of the Jewish community.

Mazal tov to Elhanan and Ruchama on the celebration of their son's bris at the Ma'arat HaMachpela.

Mazal tov to newlyweds, Amitai and Yehudit! Rav Shmuel Eliyahu officiated their wedding outside the Ma'arah.

PARSHAT LECH LECHA October 15-16, 2021

And He [Avraham] Settled in Elonei Mamreh in Hebron and Built an Altar There To Hashem
By: Rabbi Moshe Goodman, Kollel Ohr Shlomo, Hebron

Our Sages teach that the actions of our Fathers act as significant "signs" to their offspring. Rabbi Mordechai Atia zt"l (in his treatise "Lech Lecha") uses this idea to explain a teaching in Tana Dvei Eliyahu (manuscript, ch. 25) which says that in merit of Avraham’s immediate compliance with Hashem’s command to ascend to the Land of Israel, also the redemption towards his offspring was (apparently in the Exodus)/will be hastened, measure for measure.

Continue reading here...

Candle Lighting

New York 5:57pm
Miami 6:34pm
Chicago 5:38pm
Los Angeles 6:00pm
Hebron 5:37pm

Shabbat Ends

New York 6:55pm
Miami 7:27pm
Chicago 6:49pm
Los Angeles 6:55pm
Hebron 6:43pm


Non sono le povere vittime dell’Occidente

Giulio Meotti
Oct 17

Il terrorista islamico che ha ucciso il deputato inglese David Amess è il figlio dell'ex braccio destro del premier della Somalia. Non sono analfabeti sfruttati che vengono dalle bidonville come diceva Umberto Eco, ma laureati con lauti conti in banca e che vivono nei quartieri bene. Ci odiano e vogliono distruggerci. Ma per l'Occidente che odia se stesso è impensabile...


In this mailing:
Giulio Meotti: France to Vote on the Great Replacement of Western Civilization
Amir Taheri: The General's Second Death in Baghdad

France to Vote on the Great Replacement of Western Civilization

by Giulio Meotti • October 17, 2021 at 5:00 am

"It is like humidity in a house. Initially the threat is invisible...." — Boualem Sansal, Algerian novelist, L'Express.

Bfmtv interviewed Fewzi Benhabib, a resident of Saint-Denis. Since his arrival from Algeria 25 years ago, he found in France the ideology from which he was fleeing in his former country "For the Islamists, it is a question of Islamizing modernity, not modernizing Islam."

Next year, France will decide to try to save itself or continue to sink. Either way, it will unleash a tsunami that will not stop at its borders and instead flood all of Western Europe.

"It is like humidity in a house. Initially the threat is invisible...." — Boualem Sansal, Algerian novelist. (Photo by Farouk Batiche/AFP via Getty Images)

"Where Islam takes hold, it is forever. Islamism is based on Islam, which no one has the right to criticize. But in your countries it also plays a role in democracy and in the rule of law. Islamism exploits these values. Since democracy recognizes all opinions, from the far right to the far left, it is obliged to recognize Islam as well. All those who do not commit attacks or violent acts are, in principle, protected in a state of law. Islamism thus immediately finds itself in a conquered terrain. It is necessary to fight Islamism from the beginning. Because it is like humidity in a house. Initially the threat is invisible, it penetrates the walls which, little by little, crumble. When you realize it is too late, you have to destroy everything to clean up. It becomes a mission impossible. France is at the stage where it has just discovered that Islam is eroding her home".

Continue Reading Article

The General's Second Death in Baghdad

by Amir Taheri • October 17, 2021 at 4:00 am

First, last week's election, the fifth in Iraq's history since liberation in 2003, shows that despite many ups and downs caused by historic and cultural bumps on the road, the process of democratization is still well on its course.

The use of biometric cards also helped with ensuring the process against organized fraud.

We have not completed a breakdown of the results, but at first glance it is clear that a new generation of Iraqi politicians is taking shape. The fact that young activists representing pre-Covid street protesters won more than 8% of the seats may point to new directions in Iraqi politics.

Last week, the Tehran media labelled the Iraqi election as "the first test for Gen. Esmail Qa'ani" the lackluster bureaucrat who has replaced the bombastic Soleimani.

Well, Qa'ani emerges as the loser that he deserves to be. As for Soleimani, who died in Baghdad, his ghost now witnesses a second death in Iraq, this time of Soleimanism.

Last week's election, the fifth in Iraq's history since liberation in 2003, shows that despite many ups and downs caused by historic and cultural bumps on the road, the process of democratization is still well on its course. Pictured: A woman voter casts her vote at a polling station in Baghdad on October 10, 2021. (Photo by Ahmad Al-Rubaye/AFP via Getty Images)

Bravo Iraq!

This was the phrase that automatically came to my mind the other day as the Iraq's latest general election was completed without incident.

The kudos was deserved for several reasons.

First, last week's election, the fifth in Iraq's history since liberation in 2003, shows that despite many ups and downs caused by historic and cultural bumps on the road, the process of democratization is still well on its course.

It also reaffirmed the invaluable consensus reached among Iraqis of all political persuasions that winning and holding power is legitimate only through the free expression of the people through elections. Though nothing in history is irreversible, the traditional culture in which power was won and lost in rebellions, coups d'etat, street riots, foreign invasions or assassinations of the ruler may have had its day in Iraq.

Continue Reading Article

TODAY’S HEADLINES is sponsored by

17 American missionaries kidnapped by armed gang in Haiti



This week in Christian history: Pope born, theologian dies, failed End Times prophecy

Here are some of the events that happened this week in Christian history. They include the birth of Pope Pius II, the death of influential theologian Jacob Arminius, and the final failed End Times prophecy of former Family Radio President Harold Camping.


Defend Free Speech

The Loudoun County School Board passed a new policy that forces teachers and students to affirm gender identity ideology by using pronouns demanded by students, no matter their biological sex. These teachers are risking their livelihoods to stand up to their school board and draw the line for freedom and for truth. Learn More



‘War Crime’: Aid group condemns torching of Baptist church, entire village in Myanmar

A human rights group has condemned the burning down of an entire village, including the local church, by Myanmar’s military in the predominantly Christian and embattled state of Chin, calling it a “war crime” under international law.



Chinese woman faces federal charges for setting multiple fires at historic Alabama church

A 27-year-old Chinese national who arrived in the United States on a student visa from China has been charged with setting multiple fires inside First Baptist Church of Montgomery in Alabama.



JD Greear talks prayer, need for unity in the Church and Southern Baptist Convention

J.D. Greear, pastor of Summit Church in Durham, North Carolina, shares his heart for restoring prayer to the "core" of the Church and reflects on his time as President of the Southern Baptist Convention.



The battle for courage — A hill to die on

If you’re knocked down, get back up and fight again. It’s not the fall that leads to defeat, it’s staying down that does. Finish strong — courage is a hill to die on.



Christian Podcasts You’ll Love: The World’s Best Faith App

Are you looking for good Christian podcasts that can help inform and inspire your faith? If so, look no further! Edifi is a powerful, faith-affirming app that brings together thousands of the top Christian podcasts in one place for your listening enjoyment. Download Now for FREE..



Postcard from Luxembourg

It is hard not to describe Luxembourg as reminiscent of the backdrop of a cheesy Hallmark or Lifetime movie — you know, commoner girl marries heir to the throne — set in some fictional European realm.


Activists and government officials are taking brash actions to indoctrinate the next generation in critical race and gender theories.

But in Virginia, they’re being challenged by three brave teachers who are standing for truth.

The Loudoun County School Board passed a new policy that forces teachers and students to affirm gender identity ideology by using pronouns demanded by students, no matter their biological sex.

This is blatantly unconstitutional. The government cannot FORCE Americans to support ideologies with which they disagree.

These teachers are risking their livelihoods to stand up to their school board and draw the line for freedom and for truth.

Alliance Defending Freedom attorneys have filed a lawsuit on their behalf. As a nonprofit, we provide our legal services without charging a dime — all the way to the Supreme Court, if needed.

Will you help fuel our stand for freedom by donating whatever you can today? Those who stand for freedom should never have to stand alone.

“Freedom—of speech and religious exercise—includes the freedom not to speak messages against our core beliefs.” – ADF Senior Counsel Tyson Langhofer


"Minacciate di morte per aver criticato il gender"

Giulio Meotti
Oct 17

Manifestazione per chiedere il licenziamento della professoressa Kathleen Stock all’Università del Sussex

Appello senza precedenti di accademici inglesi: "80 colleghe aggredite per aver sfidato l'ortodossia, volantini con pistole, costrette alla scorta, imbrattate di urina. Noi non ci piegheremo ai bulli". Intervista per la newsletter a una linguista russa: "Questa dittatura culturale l'ho già vista. In URSS..."


Dear lorenzo,

It’s been pretty busy in Hebron recently.

The crowds of worshippers who visited during the High Holidays, the weddings and brit milah ceremonies outside the Ma’arah, and the bulldozer in the upcoming building project in the Hezekiah neighborhood have brought a renewed energy to the Jewish Community of Hebron.

The icing on the cake is that we are tirelessly planning the VIP Chayei Sarah weekend here in Hebron! Last year, during a country-wide lockdown, we were unable to host anyone at our annual weekend event. This year we are back in action and can’t wait to see everyone who can fly in.

Great news - the group of Chayei Sarah participants has already received preliminary approval to enter Israel! Due to high demand, we are opening SECOND GROUP TOUR from the USA. Deadline is Monday, October 18th. Click here for more information.

Each year we invite lone soldiers to join us for Chayei Sarah, and it is one of the weekend’s highlights for both participants and the soldiers. Below we’ve shared some of the thank-you’s we received from the lone soldiers who were with us in 2019. If you can’t be here in person, you can still participate by clicking here to sponsor a lone soldier’s Shabbat in Hebron or the program in general.

Shabbat Chayei Sarah is a massive event; tens of thousands of people joined in 2019! Although many worshippers will sleep in tents and cars, there are still infrastructure costs to running the program. Please consider a donation to help cover the costs of this meaningful weekend.

Shabbat Shalom and Blessings from Hebron

Rabbi Daniel Rosenstein

Executive Director, The Hebron Fund


Donations to Hebron can also be made in Shekel, CAD, GBP, and other currencies

P.S. Oops! We had a glitch in our email system this week, so if you received multiple emails from us throughout the week, we apologize!

This week we remember Avraham Hasno H'YD, a 54-year-old father of seven and a resident of the town of Kiryat Arba, who was run over and killed by truck after his vehicle was stoned by Arabs in October 2015.
May his memory be a blessing.



Each year, our donors contribute towards bringing Lone Soldiers to Hebron for our VIP Chayei Sarah Weekend.Here is what some of these brave IDF soldiers wanted to share with our supporters after Chayei Sarah 2019:

"…Thank you so much for this unbelievable Shabbat in Hebron. I was able to connect to the holy city in a way I never have before. With the combination of the incredible meals, excitement, and prayers by our Fathers and Mothers, it was the perfect Shabbat to reenergize for another week in the army."

Kip Glickman – Detroit, MI

"…I moved from NJ to Israel, and [I've]… been serving as a computer programmer. I could not even dream of a Shabbat more enjoyable and exciting than the one that we got to experience together. Thank you so much for such a perfect weekend."
Pinchas Grad - Livingston, NJ

"I'm a lone soldier serving in the paratrooper's brigade. Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to join the Hebron Fund in Hebron for Parshat Chayei Sarah. I really enjoyed the opportunity to spend Shabbat with people from so many different places. It was a great way to spend a Shabbat away from the army."
Nesanel Gutstein – Chicago, IL

"Thank you for this weekend! I had an incredible time! I'm fueled up for the coming months in the army."
Sarah – Brooklyn, NY

"Before this Shabbat, I had never been to Hebron, even though I really wanted to visit. So thank you so so much for giving me the opportunity to partake in the Shabbat of a lifetime.
Lone Soldier – London, England

Being a lone soldier in the Artillery Corps is a tough job. Spending time in Chevron with everyone for Parshat Chayei Sarah was an unbelievable experience. The best part was the insane post-Shabbat BBQ - I'll always remember feeling the connection to the people and heritage of Hebron that was felt by everyone who dined, talked, danced, and sang together.
S – Bergenfield, NJ

"Thank you all so much for the opportunity to join the Hebron Fund for Shabbat. As a Lone Soldier, the notion that people care about us so much as to bring us with them on a program like this is incredible."
Sruli Sandler

Rabbi Simcha Hochbaum discusses this week's Torah portion of Lech Lecha in which Abraham builds an altar in Mamre, Hebron. This coincides with the new building project in Hebron today in the Hezekiah neighborhood next to Beit Romano.


Yishai Fleisher toured Hebron with UAE businessman Nasser Muhammed El Shamsi
He visited the Tomb of Abraham and spent time with local mukhtar, Ashraf Ja'abri, and with the leadership of the Jewish community.

Mazal tov to Elhanan and Ruchama on the celebration of their son's bris at the Ma'arat HaMachpela.

Mazal tov to newlyweds, Amitai and Yehudit! Rav Shmuel Eliyahu officiated their wedding outside the Ma'arah.

PARSHAT LECH LECHA October 15-16, 2021

And He [Avraham] Settled in Elonei Mamreh in Hebron and Built an Altar There To Hashem
By: Rabbi Moshe Goodman, Kollel Ohr Shlomo, Hebron

Our Sages teach that the actions of our Fathers act as significant "signs" to their offspring. Rabbi Mordechai Atia zt"l (in his treatise "Lech Lecha") uses this idea to explain a teaching in Tana Dvei Eliyahu (manuscript, ch. 25) which says that in merit of Avraham’s immediate compliance with Hashem’s command to ascend to the Land of Israel, also the redemption towards his offspring was (apparently in the Exodus)/will be hastened, measure for measure.

Continue reading here...

Candle Lighting

New York 5:57pm
Miami 6:34pm
Chicago 5:38pm
Los Angeles 6:00pm
Hebron 5:37pm

Shabbat Ends

New York 6:55pm
Miami 7:27pm
Chicago 6:49pm
Los Angeles 6:55pm
Hebron 6:43pm


Non sono le povere vittime dell’Occidente

Giulio Meotti
Oct 17

Il terrorista islamico che ha ucciso il deputato inglese David Amess è il figlio dell'ex braccio destro del premier della Somalia. Non sono analfabeti sfruttati che vengono dalle bidonville come diceva Umberto Eco, ma laureati con lauti conti in banca e che vivono nei quartieri bene. Ci odiano e vogliono distruggerci. Ma per l'Occidente che odia se stesso è impensabile...


In this mailing:
Giulio Meotti: France to Vote on the Great Replacement of Western Civilization
Amir Taheri: The General's Second Death in Baghdad

France to Vote on the Great Replacement of Western Civilization

by Giulio Meotti • October 17, 2021 at 5:00 am

"It is like humidity in a house. Initially the threat is invisible...." — Boualem Sansal, Algerian novelist, L'Express.

Bfmtv interviewed Fewzi Benhabib, a resident of Saint-Denis. Since his arrival from Algeria 25 years ago, he found in France the ideology from which he was fleeing in his former country "For the Islamists, it is a question of Islamizing modernity, not modernizing Islam."

Next year, France will decide to try to save itself or continue to sink. Either way, it will unleash a tsunami that will not stop at its borders and instead flood all of Western Europe.

"It is like humidity in a house. Initially the threat is invisible...." — Boualem Sansal, Algerian novelist. (Photo by Farouk Batiche/AFP via Getty Images)

"Where Islam takes hold, it is forever. Islamism is based on Islam, which no one has the right to criticize. But in your countries it also plays a role in democracy and in the rule of law. Islamism exploits these values. Since democracy recognizes all opinions, from the far right to the far left, it is obliged to recognize Islam as well. All those who do not commit attacks or violent acts are, in principle, protected in a state of law. Islamism thus immediately finds itself in a conquered terrain. It is necessary to fight Islamism from the beginning. Because it is like humidity in a house. Initially the threat is invisible, it penetrates the walls which, little by little, crumble. When you realize it is too late, you have to destroy everything to clean up. It becomes a mission impossible. France is at the stage where it has just discovered that Islam is eroding her home".

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The General's Second Death in Baghdad

by Amir Taheri • October 17, 2021 at 4:00 am

First, last week's election, the fifth in Iraq's history since liberation in 2003, shows that despite many ups and downs caused by historic and cultural bumps on the road, the process of democratization is still well on its course.

The use of biometric cards also helped with ensuring the process against organized fraud.

We have not completed a breakdown of the results, but at first glance it is clear that a new generation of Iraqi politicians is taking shape. The fact that young activists representing pre-Covid street protesters won more than 8% of the seats may point to new directions in Iraqi politics.

Last week, the Tehran media labelled the Iraqi election as "the first test for Gen. Esmail Qa'ani" the lackluster bureaucrat who has replaced the bombastic Soleimani.

Well, Qa'ani emerges as the loser that he deserves to be. As for Soleimani, who died in Baghdad, his ghost now witnesses a second death in Iraq, this time of Soleimanism.

Last week's election, the fifth in Iraq's history since liberation in 2003, shows that despite many ups and downs caused by historic and cultural bumps on the road, the process of democratization is still well on its course. Pictured: A woman voter casts her vote at a polling station in Baghdad on October 10, 2021. (Photo by Ahmad Al-Rubaye/AFP via Getty Images)

Bravo Iraq!

This was the phrase that automatically came to my mind the other day as the Iraq's latest general election was completed without incident.

The kudos was deserved for several reasons.

First, last week's election, the fifth in Iraq's history since liberation in 2003, shows that despite many ups and downs caused by historic and cultural bumps on the road, the process of democratization is still well on its course.

It also reaffirmed the invaluable consensus reached among Iraqis of all political persuasions that winning and holding power is legitimate only through the free expression of the people through elections. Though nothing in history is irreversible, the traditional culture in which power was won and lost in rebellions, coups d'etat, street riots, foreign invasions or assassinations of the ruler may have had its day in Iraq.

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 TODAY’S HEADLINES is sponsored by

17 American missionaries kidnapped by armed gang in Haiti



This week in Christian history: Pope born, theologian dies, failed End Times prophecy

Here are some of the events that happened this week in Christian history. They include the birth of Pope Pius II, the death of influential theologian Jacob Arminius, and the final failed End Times prophecy of former Family Radio President Harold Camping.


Defend Free Speech

The Loudoun County School Board passed a new policy that forces teachers and students to affirm gender identity ideology by using pronouns demanded by students, no matter their biological sex. These teachers are risking their livelihoods to stand up to their school board and draw the line for freedom and for truth. Learn More



‘War Crime’: Aid group condemns torching of Baptist church, entire village in Myanmar

A human rights group has condemned the burning down of an entire village, including the local church, by Myanmar’s military in the predominantly Christian and embattled state of Chin, calling it a “war crime” under international law.



Chinese woman faces federal charges for setting multiple fires at historic Alabama church

A 27-year-old Chinese national who arrived in the United States on a student visa from China has been charged with setting multiple fires inside First Baptist Church of Montgomery in Alabama.



JD Greear talks prayer, need for unity in the Church and Southern Baptist Convention

J.D. Greear, pastor of Summit Church in Durham, North Carolina, shares his heart for restoring prayer to the "core" of the Church and reflects on his time as President of the Southern Baptist Convention.



The battle for courage — A hill to die on

If you’re knocked down, get back up and fight again. It’s not the fall that leads to defeat, it’s staying down that does. Finish strong — courage is a hill to die on.



Christian Podcasts You’ll Love: The World’s Best Faith App

Are you looking for good Christian podcasts that can help inform and inspire your faith? If so, look no further! Edifi is a powerful, faith-affirming app that brings together thousands of the top Christian podcasts in one place for your listening enjoyment. Download Now for FREE..



Postcard from Luxembourg

It is hard not to describe Luxembourg as reminiscent of the backdrop of a cheesy Hallmark or Lifetime movie — you know, commoner girl marries heir to the throne — set in some fictional European realm.


Activists and government officials are taking brash actions to indoctrinate the next generation in critical race and gender theories.

But in Virginia, they’re being challenged by three brave teachers who are standing for truth.

The Loudoun County School Board passed a new policy that forces teachers and students to affirm gender identity ideology by using pronouns demanded by students, no matter their biological sex.

This is blatantly unconstitutional. The government cannot FORCE Americans to support ideologies with which they disagree.

These teachers are risking their livelihoods to stand up to their school board and draw the line for freedom and for truth.

Alliance Defending Freedom attorneys have filed a lawsuit on their behalf. As a nonprofit, we provide our legal services without charging a dime — all the way to the Supreme Court, if needed.

Will you help fuel our stand for freedom by donating whatever you can today? Those who stand for freedom should never have to stand alone.

“Freedom—of speech and religious exercise—includes the freedom not to speak messages against our core beliefs.” – ADF Senior Counsel Tyson Langhofer


"Minacciate di morte per aver criticato il gender"

Giulio Meotti
Oct 17

Manifestazione per chiedere il licenziamento della professoressa Kathleen Stock all’Università del Sussex

Appello senza precedenti di accademici inglesi: "80 colleghe aggredite per aver sfidato l'ortodossia, volantini con pistole, costrette alla scorta, imbrattate di urina. Noi non ci piegheremo ai bulli". Intervista per la newsletter a una linguista russa: "Questa dittatura culturale l'ho già vista. In URSS..."


Dear lorenzo,

It’s been pretty busy in Hebron recently.

The crowds of worshippers who visited during the High Holidays, the weddings and brit milah ceremonies outside the Ma’arah, and the bulldozer in the upcoming building project in the Hezekiah neighborhood have brought a renewed energy to the Jewish Community of Hebron.

The icing on the cake is that we are tirelessly planning the VIP Chayei Sarah weekend here in Hebron! Last year, during a country-wide lockdown, we were unable to host anyone at our annual weekend event. This year we are back in action and can’t wait to see everyone who can fly in.

Great news - the group of Chayei Sarah participants has already received preliminary approval to enter Israel! Due to high demand, we are opening SECOND GROUP TOUR from the USA. Deadline is Monday, October 18th. Click here for more information.

Each year we invite lone soldiers to join us for Chayei Sarah, and it is one of the weekend’s highlights for both participants and the soldiers. Below we’ve shared some of the thank-you’s we received from the lone soldiers who were with us in 2019. If you can’t be here in person, you can still participate by clicking here to sponsor a lone soldier’s Shabbat in Hebron or the program in general.

Shabbat Chayei Sarah is a massive event; tens of thousands of people joined in 2019! Although many worshippers will sleep in tents and cars, there are still infrastructure costs to running the program. Please consider a donation to help cover the costs of this meaningful weekend.

Shabbat Shalom and Blessings from Hebron

Rabbi Daniel Rosenstein

Executive Director, The Hebron Fund


Donations to Hebron can also be made in Shekel, CAD, GBP, and other currencies

P.S. Oops! We had a glitch in our email system this week, so if you received multiple emails from us throughout the week, we apologize!

This week we remember Avraham Hasno H'YD, a 54-year-old father of seven and a resident of the town of Kiryat Arba, who was run over and killed by truck after his vehicle was stoned by Arabs in October 2015.
May his memory be a blessing.



Each year, our donors contribute towards bringing Lone Soldiers to Hebron for our VIP Chayei Sarah Weekend.Here is what some of these brave IDF soldiers wanted to share with our supporters after Chayei Sarah 2019:

"…Thank you so much for this unbelievable Shabbat in Hebron. I was able to connect to the holy city in a way I never have before. With the combination of the incredible meals, excitement, and prayers by our Fathers and Mothers, it was the perfect Shabbat to reenergize for another week in the army."

Kip Glickman – Detroit, MI

"…I moved from NJ to Israel, and [I've]… been serving as a computer programmer. I could not even dream of a Shabbat more enjoyable and exciting than the one that we got to experience together. Thank you so much for such a perfect weekend."
Pinchas Grad - Livingston, NJ

"I'm a lone soldier serving in the paratrooper's brigade. Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to join the Hebron Fund in Hebron for Parshat Chayei Sarah. I really enjoyed the opportunity to spend Shabbat with people from so many different places. It was a great way to spend a Shabbat away from the army."
Nesanel Gutstein – Chicago, IL

"Thank you for this weekend! I had an incredible time! I'm fueled up for the coming months in the army."
Sarah – Brooklyn, NY

"Before this Shabbat, I had never been to Hebron, even though I really wanted to visit. So thank you so so much for giving me the opportunity to partake in the Shabbat of a lifetime.
Lone Soldier – London, England

Being a lone soldier in the Artillery Corps is a tough job. Spending time in Chevron with everyone for Parshat Chayei Sarah was an unbelievable experience. The best part was the insane post-Shabbat BBQ - I'll always remember feeling the connection to the people and heritage of Hebron that was felt by everyone who dined, talked, danced, and sang together.
S – Bergenfield, NJ

"Thank you all so much for the opportunity to join the Hebron Fund for Shabbat. As a Lone Soldier, the notion that people care about us so much as to bring us with them on a program like this is incredible."
Sruli Sandler

Rabbi Simcha Hochbaum discusses this week's Torah portion of Lech Lecha in which Abraham builds an altar in Mamre, Hebron. This coincides with the new building project in Hebron today in the Hezekiah neighborhood next to Beit Romano.


Yishai Fleisher toured Hebron with UAE businessman Nasser Muhammed El Shamsi
He visited the Tomb of Abraham and spent time with local mukhtar, Ashraf Ja'abri, and with the leadership of the Jewish community.

Mazal tov to Elhanan and Ruchama on the celebration of their son's bris at the Ma'arat HaMachpela.

Mazal tov to newlyweds, Amitai and Yehudit! Rav Shmuel Eliyahu officiated their wedding outside the Ma'arah.

PARSHAT LECH LECHA October 15-16, 2021

And He [Avraham] Settled in Elonei Mamreh in Hebron and Built an Altar There To Hashem
By: Rabbi Moshe Goodman, Kollel Ohr Shlomo, Hebron

Our Sages teach that the actions of our Fathers act as significant "signs" to their offspring. Rabbi Mordechai Atia zt"l (in his treatise "Lech Lecha") uses this idea to explain a teaching in Tana Dvei Eliyahu (manuscript, ch. 25) which says that in merit of Avraham’s immediate compliance with Hashem’s command to ascend to the Land of Israel, also the redemption towards his offspring was (apparently in the Exodus)/will be hastened, measure for measure.

Continue reading here...

Candle Lighting

New York 5:57pm
Miami 6:34pm
Chicago 5:38pm
Los Angeles 6:00pm
Hebron 5:37pm

Shabbat Ends

New York 6:55pm
Miami 7:27pm
Chicago 6:49pm
Los Angeles 6:55pm
Hebron 6:43pm


Non sono le povere vittime dell’Occidente

Giulio Meotti
Oct 17

Il terrorista islamico che ha ucciso il deputato inglese David Amess è il figlio dell'ex braccio destro del premier della Somalia. Non sono analfabeti sfruttati che vengono dalle bidonville come diceva Umberto Eco, ma laureati con lauti conti in banca e che vivono nei quartieri bene. Ci odiano e vogliono distruggerci. Ma per l'Occidente che odia se stesso è impensabile...


In this mailing:
Giulio Meotti: France to Vote on the Great Replacement of Western Civilization
Amir Taheri: The General's Second Death in Baghdad

France to Vote on the Great Replacement of Western Civilization

by Giulio Meotti • October 17, 2021 at 5:00 am

"It is like humidity in a house. Initially the threat is invisible...." — Boualem Sansal, Algerian novelist, L'Express.

Bfmtv interviewed Fewzi Benhabib, a resident of Saint-Denis. Since his arrival from Algeria 25 years ago, he found in France the ideology from which he was fleeing in his former country "For the Islamists, it is a question of Islamizing modernity, not modernizing Islam."

Next year, France will decide to try to save itself or continue to sink. Either way, it will unleash a tsunami that will not stop at its borders and instead flood all of Western Europe.

"It is like humidity in a house. Initially the threat is invisible...." — Boualem Sansal, Algerian novelist. (Photo by Farouk Batiche/AFP via Getty Images)

"Where Islam takes hold, it is forever. Islamism is based on Islam, which no one has the right to criticize. But in your countries it also plays a role in democracy and in the rule of law. Islamism exploits these values. Since democracy recognizes all opinions, from the far right to the far left, it is obliged to recognize Islam as well. All those who do not commit attacks or violent acts are, in principle, protected in a state of law. Islamism thus immediately finds itself in a conquered terrain. It is necessary to fight Islamism from the beginning. Because it is like humidity in a house. Initially the threat is invisible, it penetrates the walls which, little by little, crumble. When you realize it is too late, you have to destroy everything to clean up. It becomes a mission impossible. France is at the stage where it has just discovered that Islam is eroding her home".

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The General's Second Death in Baghdad

by Amir Taheri • October 17, 2021 at 4:00 am

First, last week's election, the fifth in Iraq's history since liberation in 2003, shows that despite many ups and downs caused by historic and cultural bumps on the road, the process of democratization is still well on its course.

The use of biometric cards also helped with ensuring the process against organized fraud.

We have not completed a breakdown of the results, but at first glance it is clear that a new generation of Iraqi politicians is taking shape. The fact that young activists representing pre-Covid street protesters won more than 8% of the seats may point to new directions in Iraqi politics.

Last week, the Tehran media labelled the Iraqi election as "the first test for Gen. Esmail Qa'ani" the lackluster bureaucrat who has replaced the bombastic Soleimani.

Well, Qa'ani emerges as the loser that he deserves to be. As for Soleimani, who died in Baghdad, his ghost now witnesses a second death in Iraq, this time of Soleimanism.

Last week's election, the fifth in Iraq's history since liberation in 2003, shows that despite many ups and downs caused by historic and cultural bumps on the road, the process of democratization is still well on its course. Pictured: A woman voter casts her vote at a polling station in Baghdad on October 10, 2021. (Photo by Ahmad Al-Rubaye/AFP via Getty Images)

Bravo Iraq!

This was the phrase that automatically came to my mind the other day as the Iraq's latest general election was completed without incident.

The kudos was deserved for several reasons.

First, last week's election, the fifth in Iraq's history since liberation in 2003, shows that despite many ups and downs caused by historic and cultural bumps on the road, the process of democratization is still well on its course.

It also reaffirmed the invaluable consensus reached among Iraqis of all political persuasions that winning and holding power is legitimate only through the free expression of the people through elections. Though nothing in history is irreversible, the traditional culture in which power was won and lost in rebellions, coups d'etat, street riots, foreign invasions or assassinations of the ruler may have had its day in Iraq.

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