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comunità ebraiche ed il rabbinato

This comment was marked as spam on many my account! le comunità ebraiche ed il rabbinato: dalla coscienza nera come la pece, loro mi hanno trasformato in un uomo invisibile sui siti ebraici, e non riescono a fare autocritica sul satanismo parassitario e massonico dei Rothschild, e si: questo è veramente inquietante! Shocking German Exhibit Contains Ashes and Bones of Jews Murdered by Nazis This comment was marked as spam

L'ufficio si concentrerà su partenariati che coinvolgono tecnologia, agricoltura, acqua e sicurezza informatica.

Lunedì, i funzionari israeliani hanno confermato che il Brasile aprirà un ufficio commerciale a Gerusalemme il 15 dicembre. L'ufficio non avrà uno status diplomatico, a differenza degli uffici commerciali di Ungheria e Honduras.

L'apertura dell'ufficio è stata annunciata per la prima volta a marzo, durante una visita in Israele da parte del presidente brasiliano Jair Bolsonaro.

Secondo l'Agenzia brasiliana per la promozione delle esportazioni e degli investimenti (Apex-Brasil), un organo collegato al Ministero delle relazioni estere che gestirà l'ufficio, l'ufficio gestirà il commercio, gli investimenti, la tecnologia e l'innovazione.

L'ufficio, situato nel parco hi-tech Har Hotzvim di Gerusalemme, sarà diretto da Camila Torres Meyer, un'analista di commercio internazionale, che lavora per Apex da 12 anni. Gli altri due impiegati saranno israeliani.

L'ufficio si concentrerà su partenariati che coinvolgono la tecnologia in agricoltura e acqua, nonché sulla sicurezza informatica per la protezione dei dati e l'applicazione militare, secondo le notizie Poder360 .

Saranno presenti all'inaugurazione dell'ufficio commerciale alti legislatori brasiliani, guidati dal figlio del presidente brasiliano Eduardo. Eduardo è noto per il suo forte sostegno a Israele e il suo desiderio di spostare l'ambasciata brasiliana a Gerusalemme.

Il Brasile deve ancora spostare la sua ambasciata da Tel Aviv a Gerusalemme, la capitale di Israele, sebbene Bolsonaro abbia espresso il suo desiderio di farlo.

Finora, gli Stati Uniti e il Guatemala hanno localizzato le loro ambasciate nella capitale di Israele. L'Honduras dovrebbe trasferire la sua ambasciata a Gerusalemme nelle prossime settimane.


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Grace Joy Guest10 months ago

Andy Guest10 months ago

time to fumigate the roaches

Gabor Ujvari10 months ago

Confiscating Jewish land and property is an old Arab profession.
Also, it is an old Arab profession to demonize the fellow Arabs who applied for well paid jobs in Jewish businesses.
The Arab despots need hungry, brain washed mob which can be used as propaganda tool and cannon fodder.
That is the real reason of the so called Palestinian problem.

Krystal Davis Gabor Ujvari10 months ago


arigatoo10 months ago

Arabs occupying Jewish lands is Hashem's punishment of Jews for giving jobs to Arab enemies. Stop the employment of the enemies!

aussiegooner10 months ago

The arabs have always managed to cut off their own noses to spite their faces. Whatever they are offered is never enough. What they want is another Shoah, and apart from the mentally deficient Jewish left, no-one is going to offer them that. If they really must kill Jews, offer them our lefties - it may educate some of them as to the the total insanity of their views.

As to illegal land grabs, things will be a lot clearer as soon as Israel annexes Judea and Samaria. The pretend Palestinians will then be there as gusts, and if they trash the hotel room, expel them to gaza.

arigatoo10 months ago

Israelis should not give jobs to the Arab enemies, because they help the Arab enemies to occupy the Jewish Land of Israel. Giving jobs to Arabs is a crime against the Jewish people and a treason.

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah10 months ago

yesterday at the General Prosecutor's Office in Rome said: "citizens have lost absolutely the possibility of obtaining justice from the state, that's why they are forced to turn to the Mafia" Pd Soros and Bilderberg have raised the MAFIA!

ieri al TG il Procuratore Generale di Roma ha detto: "i cittadini hanno perso in modo assoluto la possibilità di ottenere la giustizia dallo Stato, ecco perché sono costretti a rivolgersi alla Mafia" Pd Soros e Bilderberg hanno sollevato la MAFIA!

Grace Joy lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah10 months ago

It's a sad day when the Mafia becomes a savior.

Yitzchak Kaduri Messia Grace Joy10 months ago

just me. in Italy by the tenants: they are almost all transformed into criminals thieves murderers because of the laws of the Democratic Party, and this is true:
only the MAFIA can save me from the destruction of the rothschild mortgage loan!
the properties in 10 years have lost 50% of their value, and there is no liquidity to buy them and they can no longer lease to anyone, because everyone has precarious work, and because the judiciary or justice is unjust and blocked

proprio a me. in Italia dagli inquilini: sono quasi tutti trasformati in criminali ladri assassini a causa delle leggi del Pd, e questo è vero:
soltanto la MAFIA mi può salvare dalla distruzione del mutuo ipotecario rothschild!
gli immobili in 10 anni hanno perso il 50% del loro valore, e non c'é liquidità per comprarli e non si possono più dare in affitto a nessuno, perché tutti hanno lavoro precari, e perché la magistratura o giustizia è ingiusta e bloccata

cammo99 lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah10 months ago

I thought that was a line from the Godfather. Criminals use that as a justification to commit crime and live a criminal lifestyle like forever. Social Justifications are rationalization as opposed to morality I am only assuming you advocate morality and not the Mafia.

Yitzchak Kaduri Messia cammo9910 months ago

your considerations after my article are: slanderous, cynical and evil.
the State has committed itself with the citizen to carry out; just laws, and justice: economic, quick and accessible to all,
but this does not happen in Italy.
of course I am Unius REi and I will never go to the MAFIA even if I lose a building ..
but, others who do not have my faith, and who abandon themselves to despair? they will do it!
a pensioner came out of the hospital and found his apartment occupied, and was the police told him: "What are you waiting for?
go immediately to the MAFIA! "

le tue considerazioni dopo il mio articolo, sono: calunniose, ciniche e malvagie.
lo Stato si è impegnato con il cittadino a realizzare; leggi giuste e una giustizia: economica, rapida e accessibile a tutti,
ma, questo in Italia non avviene.
certo io sono Unius REi e non andrò mai dalla MAFIA anche se perdo un palazzo..
ma, altri che non hanno la mia fede, e che si abbandonano alla disperazione? loro lo faranno!
un pensionato uscì dall'ospedale e trovò il suo appartamento occupato, ma, fu la polizia a dirgli: "cosa aspetti?
vai subito dalla MAFIA! "

Henry Carlson10 months ago

to bad we can not just ship them gone, or better yet show them the POWER of the TRUE GOD. That will happen in HIS time

Yitzchak Kaduri Messia10 months ago

Bin Salman] and how do the Satanists and Aliens, can serve Satan and Allah: in perfect mode, if they do not know the perfect will of God JHWH holy first: that must be opposed?
and clear: they talk and communicate with each other (demons, Masons, Communists, Muslims, aliens, cursed souls of hell and Satanists) in the Entity of the NWO: there is technological and supernatural communication.
So the Satanists only know the perfect will of God: today!
and neither: Unius REI can reach their knowledge of the will of God:
in fact, I am not a super supernatural man, I am only a man like everyone!
How i can do to know the real will of God in a perfect way?
but, of one thing: I am sure: all those who hate the Israelis are the accomplices of Satan and Allah!

Bin SALMAN ] e come fanno i satanisti e Alieni a servire Satana e Allah: perfettametne, se non conoscono prima la perfetta volontà di Dio: che deve essere contrastata?
e chiaro: si parlano e si comunicano tra di loro (demoni, massoni, comunisti, islamici, alieni, anime maledette dell'inferno e satanisti) nella Entità del NWO: c'é comunicazione tecnologica e soprannaturale.
Quindi i satanisti soltanto conoscono la perfetta volontà di Dio!
e neanche: Unius REI può raggiungere la loro conoscenza della volontà di Dio:
infatti, io non sono un super uomo soprannaturale, io sono soltanto un uomo come tutti!
come faccio a conoscere la volontà di Dio in modo perfetto?
ma, di una cosa sono sicuro: tutti coloro che odiano gli israeliani sono i complici di Satana e Allah!

Grace Joy Yitzchak Kaduri Messia10 months ago

"all those who hate the Israelis are the accomplices of Satan and Allah!" Yes!

Yitzchak Kaduri Messia10 months ago

The husband of former minister Cecile Kyenge runs for the party Lega: by Matteo SALVINI,
and in South AFRICA the blacks of Mandela and Obama have not decided to do the genocide of the whites with the wire and the tires?
me if I were him? I would immediately make a preliminary divorce!
also because Cecile Kyenge? she is really ugly!

Il marito dell’ex ministra Cecile Kyenge si candida con la Lega: di Matteo SALVINI,
e in Sud AFRICA i neri di Mandela e Obama non hanno deciso di fare il genocidio dei BIANCHI con il filo di ferro e le gomme?
io se fossi in lui? io farei subito un divorzio preventivo!
anche perché Cecile Kyenge? lei è veramente brutta!

Grace Joy Yitzchak Kaduri Messia10 months ago

Who would vote an African "immigrant" for "Minister for Integration" in Italy???? Viva Salvini!!

Renee McDowell Grace Joy10 months ago

Cecile Kyenge is an African immigrant that is the ultimate Italian success story, so why not have her lead the nation as the Minister for Integration or President or Prime Minister?


Yitzchak Kaduri Messia Renee McDowell10 months ago

I never thought that a woman could be physically ugly: anywhere in the world! but,Cecile Kyenge hates Italians, like Soros .. in fact we have 10 million poor people and for her and for the democratic party they can die quickly!

non ho mai pensato che una donna potesse essere brutta fisicamente: in nessuna parte del mondo! ma,
Cecile Kyenge odia gli italiani, come Soros .. infatti noi abbiamo 10 milioni di poveri e per lei e per il partito democratico loro possono morire velocemente!

Renee McDowell Yitzchak Kaduri Messia10 months ago

Cecile Kyenge doesn't hate Italians because she is Italian. She doesn't want to hurt Italians. She's just tired of the fact that politicians disrespect her for her race.

Yitzchak Kaduri Messia Renee McDowell10 months ago

but most of the blacks, who are integrated in Italy
they hate both the Democratic Party and Cecile Kyenge. they hate the Islamic invasion, they hate all these parasites (300000) that stay in the hotel at our expense while the Italians commit suicide in desperation.
because in the Pd UE Junker Macron Bilderberg they have betrayed the people.
that's why many blacks have joined the LEGA party, and some are senators in the government with Salvini.
in reality there is no racial problem in Italy

ma maggior parte dei neri, che sono integrati in Italia
odiano sia il Pd che Cecile Kyenge. odiano la invasione islamica, odiano tutti questi parassiti(300000) che stanno in albergo a nostre spese mentre gli italiani commettono suicidio per la disperazione..
perché nel Pd Bilderberg loro hanno tradito il popolo.
ecco perché molti neri sono entrati nel partito della LEGA, e alcuni sono senatori al Governo con Salvini.
in realtà non esiste un problema razziale in Italia

Grace Joy Renee McDowell10 months ago

Because Italy is one of the few EU countries who refused to sign the UN's Global Compact for Regular Migration, making it a "human right" for hundreds of millions of African, Iraqi, Syrian, Paki, & other Mus lims to invade.

She is pro-Invasion. How is it a "success story" that EU is being destroyed in front of our eyes; simply because Mus lims are slaughtering Chrstians & each other in the 56 countries they've already taken from everyone else (slaughtering in excess of 670 million in the process).

"Italian success story" will be when Italians are no longer afraid to leave their homes for fear of the Mus lim invaders. "Italian success story" will be when the Italian elderly are not going through the trash to find food because the money is instead spent on young Mus lim invaders intent on making EU part of the Mus lim caliphate.

Renee McDowell Grace Joy10 months ago

What I mean by a Italian success story is that despite being an immigrant from a poor African country she pulled herself up by her bootstraps and became so successful that she became a member for the Letta cabinet. How many immigrants or born Italians achieve that?! Not many! She is an ideal example of being a good Italian immigrant from a third world country that not only integrates well into the society but becomes a member of the elite there as well. Because of her successful integration into Italian high society, she is the perfect person to help others integrate into Italian society. Now that said, I think that immigrants from anywhere including Africa can successfully integrate and overachieve in Italian society as long as they aren't Muslim. African immigrants, as long as they aren't Muslim, integrate well into Western society and become overachievers in the Western lands in which they settle. You say, "Viva Salvini," but he is a racist who favors a Jim Crow-style xenophobic approach to black people. There has to be a middle ground between letting Muslims wreck everything and hating black people. The proper middle ground is let everyone in as long as they aren't Muslim. That way the country doesn't become Euristan, and black Christian immigrants like her are welcome. Because he is racist, Salvini is not the best person to avoid that extreme. You need someone like Ayaan Hirsi Ali who is not racist against blacks but understands the importance of keeping Muslims out!

Grace Joy Renee McDowell10 months ago

She is the perfect person to deceive the Italians & make them think that allowing non-Italians have more rights than Italians.

The "racist" is YOU, who think the world will accept "no Mus lims." The racist is YOU, who thinks Salvini is a racist because he refuses to let "black people" take over Italy. Who are you to decide what the "middle ground" is? How many "black people" is "fair" to you? While you're at it, why don't you explain how "black people" don't let "white people" invade their lands, give them welfare, free housing & healthcare, & teach them to become "overacheivers" in "black peoples' lands?"

Why don't you explain to me how racists like you think "black people" from a continent as huge & spacious" as African should be allowed to take over the lands of "white people;" while not allowing "white people" into yours?

Is lam is a Cult of satan that should never be allowed anywhere. Still, your arguments are RACIST. Who are you to say Italians have no right to exist, because "black people" are more worthy?

Renee McDowell Grace Joy10 months ago

She doesn't want to deceive anyone. She's just tired of racist politicians treating her like she is inferior because of her race. She wants black people to have equal and not superior rights to whites. It isn't possible for me to be racist because I am a multicultural girl from a multicultural family in a multicultural world. And-drum roll please- I am converting to Judaism. I have friends from all people groups. So you can't use the race card on me, especially since you seem to despise black people. You are racist, not me. I am not stupid. I know no one will accept no Muslims, but if they care about their country they will. Black people won't and can't take over Italy, so your and Savini's fears are unfounded. It's just xenophobia and racism on both of your parts. As long as they aren't Muslim, all of the black people who want to immigrate to Italy should be allowed to immigrate whatever number of blacks that should be. Black people kindly welcomed white people in South Africa and Zimbabwe and allowed them to prosper and raise their families there. Black people blessed white people by letting them use Africa's precious resources and the white people became rich and prospered. Because of these kind favors, white people should return the favor and allow blacks to prosper in Italy. I never said Italians don't have the the right to exist in their own country. I never said blacks were more worthy.

Yitzchak Kaduri Messia Renee McDowell10 months ago

it does not exist and there has never been an international right to emigrate, you are ignorant and mad!
but instead there is a right for political persecuted.
now the shariah jury of the ARAB LEAGUE will never give him
political asylum for Christians: since it gladly kills Christians who live there with him!

non esiste e non è mai esistito un diritto internazionale ad emigrare, tu sei ignorante e folle!
ma, invece esiste un diritto per i perseguitati politici.
adesso l'aguzzino shariah della LEGA ARABA proprio lui non darà mai
asilo politico ai cristiani: dato che uccide volentieri i cristiani che vivono li con lui!

Grace Joy Renee McDowell10 months ago

To say "white people" must allow "black people" to overrun & replace them is saying that "blacks were more worthy." "Black people" ensl aved "black people" & still do. "Black people" ensl aved "white people," & still do. White people ensl aved "black people" for less than 300 yrs; then fought & died to free sla ves & end sl avery. Yet "black people" are still invading & still ens laving "white people."

It's just "xenophobia and racism" for me & Salving to think "black people" will take over Italy with the hundreds of millions who have already caused such horrific r apes, mur der, theft, violence, Crime. YOU are the "xenophobe & racist." You think you're clever to ignore the question why "black people" who have a so much land already need "white people" to give them everything.

You want more land? Take care of the problems you have rather than force them on everyone else. You sound like a Mus lim with all your Cultural Relativism & self-important/supremacist Lies. You are a racist & a thief like all Mus lims.

Renee McDowell Grace Joy10 months ago

I never said white people need to have blacks replace and overrun them. Black people have never invaded or enslaved white people. As long as they are not Muslim, blacks are good for Italy and they will always be a small minority and are not a threat in any way to Italy. As long as they are not Muslim, blacks in Italy like the Jews in America will always be a small minority that enriches the nation. The issue is not more land for black people and less for whites. The issue is blacks who immigrate to Italy immigrate because they can't have a good life in Africa. As long as they aren't Muslim, Africans do not transfer Africa's problems onto Italy. African immigrants achieve more than native born Italians because they don't take opportunity for granted because they know what it is like to live without opportunity. Native born Westerners take opportunity for granted because they don't know the anguish of not being able to improve your situation. I can't possibly sound like a Muslim because I have been insulting them throughout this comment section. I am an All-American girl who hates Sharia. On the Seal of the United States and on American currency lies my favorite Latin phrase, "E pluribus Unum." It means, " Out of many, One." There may be one America but there are many races and ethnic groups that make Her great. So goes America. So goes the rest of the world. So goes Italy. As long as African immigrants are not Muslim, the Great American Experiment will work in Italy too.

Yitzchak Kaduri Messia Renee McDowell10 months ago

we, in Italy with all our problems, we needed to increase by 40% all the murders, crimes and crimes in Italy?
did we need the Nigerian mafia?
this brought us: Soros Bilderberg Merkel Junker the Islamic invasion of the Democratic Party and that demon of Cecile Kyenge

noi, in Italia con tutti i nostri problemi, noi avevamo bisogno di aumentare del 40% tutti gli omicidi, delitti e reati in Italia?
avevamo bisogno della mafia nigeriana?
questo ci ha portato: Soros Bilderberg Merkel Junker la invasione islamica il Pd e quel demonio di Cecile Kyenge

Grace Joy Renee McDowell10 months ago • edited

Stop your racist demands that "white" people let "black people" take over their lands; while refusing to allow "white people" into "black people" lands. You want everything for you; & you offer nothing to anyone. You have an entire giant continent. Why do you have the right to invade everyone else; & tell everyone else what to do; while you do NOTHING? You are a racist & a supremacist thief.

Renee McDowell Grace Joy10 months ago

The truth is that for a long time because of colonialism white people despite having the continent of Europe took over Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, North and South America, the Middle East, basically white people at one point or another have taken over the whole world.

Yitzchak Kaduri Messia Renee McDowell10 months ago

we have a 70% tax levy on all production activities,
every economic activity is impossible!
on the buildings and tax and absurd bureaucracy!
while Africans illegally open their activities, and because they are violent they let them do, so the Italian honest people are: 1. crushed on one side by the laws of an unjust Mason and usurer, and, 2. on the other by the violence of those, who as Africans have nothing to lose and are protected by unjust laws!
because in Italy citizens are not protected by the State: this is the truth, they have created a place where: only the rich Masons can live!
your Cecile Kyenge has proposed to confiscate the homes of the Italians to give them to Africans, and overall this is called genocide and ethnic substitution, nothing different from what the Muslims do with Shariah!

su tutte le attività produttive noi abbiamo un prelievo fiscale del 70%,ogni attività economica è impossibile!
sugli immobili una tassazione e burocrazia assurde!

mentre gli africani aprono illegalmente le loro attività, e poiché sono violenti li lasciano fare, quindi il popolo onesto italiano si trova: 1. stritolato da un parte dalle leggi di una Stato ingiusto massone e usuraio, e dall'altra dalla violenza di chi come gli africani non hanno niente da perdere e sono tutelati da leggi ingiuste!

perché in Italia i cittadini non sono protetti dallo Stato: questa è la verità, hanno realizzato un posto dove soltanto i ricchi massoni possono vivere!

la tua Cecile Kyenge ha proposto di confiscare le case sfitte degli italiani per regalarle agli africani, e nell'insieme questo si chiama genocidio e sostituzione etnica, nulla di diverso da quello che fanno i mussulmani con la shariah!

Renee McDowell Yitzchak Kaduri Messia10 months ago

Firstly, you believe in way too many conspiracy theories. The Rothschilds are just a nice Jewish family that does business, banking, and philanthropy. Nobody wants to take the homes of white Italians and give them to Africans in a sort of racial subsitution.

Yitzchak Kaduri Messia Renee McDowell10 months ago

if every power; it does not depend, and it does not belong to the people, but, it is owned by non-elective supranational demonic entities, then the conspiracy theory is a solidly founded theory!

se ogni potere; non dipende, e non appartiene al popolo, ma, è di proprietà di entità sovranazionali non elettive, allora la teoria della cospirazione è una teoria fondata solidamente!

Grace Joy Renee McDowell10 months ago

Why do you ignore A rab & Mus lim colonialism? 22 countries are A rab; & still are involved in "black people" ens laving "black people." Like Farakhan, you don't care. What about the 56 Mus lim countries that are still expanding, not "colonizing;" but r aping, ensl aving, & slaughtering "non-black" people?

Why are you such a racist that you call for the destruction of everyone but "black people" & Mus lims?

Renee McDowell Grace Joy10 months ago

Actually I despise Muslim colonialism even more than white colonialism. I despise the enslavement of blacks in Arab countries. I can't be compared to Farrakhan because I am converting to Judaism, I have white and Jewish friends and am a proud Zionist. I firmly stand against Muslim extremism, and I oppose Muslim immigration to Western nations. I have never called for anyone's destruction.

Yitzchak Kaduri Messia Renee McDowell10 months ago

if you are a proud Zionist, as you say, then you should support me: the Kingdom of ISRAEL
and you should hate to death: this false Masonic democracy without monetary sovereignty that today is only an ideaological entity of the Democratic Party PD Rothschild, a satanism of NWO totally abusive in the Holy Land!

se tu sei a proud Zionist, come tu dici, allora tu dovresti supportare me: il Regno di ISRAELE
e dovresti odiare a morte: questa falsa democrazia massonica senza sovranità monetaria che oggi è soltanto una entità ideeologica del Pd governo ombra Rothschild, un satanismo di NWO totalmente abusiva in terrasanta!

Renee McDowell Yitzchak Kaduri Messia10 months ago

The Rothschilds are innocent and blameless.

Yitzchak Kaduri Messia Renee McDowell10 months ago

you obviously do not know what it is: banking seigniorage!
you should follow the lessons of the scientist Giacinto Auriti!
if the Rothschilds, the masters of the world, failed to obtain a homeland for all the Jews: it is only because they did not want to do it!
that you are a poor and annoying stupid (and you do not know me), but, with the power of satan they know well who I am!

tu ovviamente, tu non sai cosa è: il signoraggio bancario!
dovresti seguire le lezioni dello scienziato Giacinto Auriti!
se i Rothschild, i padroni del mondo, non sono riusciti ad ottenere una Patria per tutti gli ebrei: è soltanto perché non hanno voluto farlo!
che tu sei una povera e fastidiosa stupida(e non lo sai di me), ma, loro con il potere di satana loro sanno bene chi io sono!

Grace Joy Renee McDowell10 months ago

"Mus lim extremism?" Are you serious? You are beyond ignorant & false. Your entire purpose is destruction & Lies.


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mrpoohead Grace Joy10 months ago

Most successful terrorist organization in last forty years? Lord's Resistance Army - Christian!


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Yitzchak Kaduri Messia mrpoohead10 months ago

you are only a cursed Islamic: false and traitor like all Muslims, but if it exists: Junker, Merkel Bilderberg Pd Macron Sodoma FED IMF BM NWO then, this is no longer the time of Christians, it is only the time of the antichrists .. today there is no economic or political or religious power of Christians in the world: outside of me!

tu sei soltanto un maledetto islamico: falso e traditore come tutti gli islamici, ma, se esiste: Junker, Merkel Bilderberg Pd Macron Sodoma FED FMI BM NWO poi, questo non è più il tempo dei cristiani, è soltanto il tempo degli anticristi.. oggi non esiste un potere economico o politico o religioso dei cristiani nel mondo: al di fuori di me!


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Grace Joy mrpoohead10 months ago

Over 670 million kafirs slaughtered by your apocalyptic genocdal Cult of Death. Mus lim taqiyya Liar shill ^^^


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mrpoohead Grace Joy10 months ago

Religion - any. Good excuse to be lousy to others.


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Yitzchak Kaduri Messia mrpoohead10 months ago

just today the Pope told his missionaries all over the world to help everyone and not to proselytize!
today there is no Christian wickedness against anyone anywhere in the world.
Christians today are the most persecuted in the world because there is no political power on the planet that can defend them!

proprio oggi il Papa ha detto ai suoi missionari in tutto il mondo di aiutare tutti e di non fare proselitismo!
non esiste oggi una cattivaria dei cristiani contro qualcuno in nessuna parte del mondo.
cristiani oggi sono i più perseguitati al mondo perché non esiste un potere politico nel pianeta che può difenderli!


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Grace Joy mrpoohead10 months ago

Is lam, specifically. The only one that mandates slaughtering others. The only one with a prophet who made a name for himself invading, robbing, ensl aving, & slaughtering.


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mrpoohead Grace Joy10 months ago

No it doesn't, it mandates violence for defense. Liar!


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Yitzchak Kaduri Messia mrpoohead10 months ago

hypocritical liar, like all demoniacal Muslims: is it for legitimate self defense that league ARAB, has made the genocide of 56 previous Christian nations?
is it in self-defense that the Ottomans exterminated 1.5 million Armenians?

ipocrita bugiardo, come tutti i mussulmani indemoniati: è per legittima difesa che la LEGA ARABA ha fatto il genocidio di 56 nazioni cristiane precedenti?
è per legittima difesa che gli ottomani hanno sterminato 1,5milioni di armeni?


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Yitzchak Kaduri Messia mrpoohead10 months ago

since you lost your bet against me: today, you paid $ 10,000 a martyr christians?

dato che hai perso la scommessa contro di me: oggi, tu hai fatto il versamento di 10000$?


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mrpoohead Yitzchak Kaduri Messia10 months ago

Refute, means to prove a statement or theory wrong. I clearly requested reputable references not idiotic opinion. You only have the latter.

My allegiance is to facts, nothing else.


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Yitzchak Kaduri Messia mrpoohead10 months ago

internet is full of thugs, but only you can vote for your own comments! you shariah muslims are possessed, a total threat to the survival of mankind!

I have listed 5 sites: of international and governmental value: where we describe all the violations of fundamental human rights that are committed in ARABA, but have you read them?

internet è pieno di balordi, ma, soltanto tu puoi votare i tuoi stessi commenti! voi musulmani shariah siete degli indemoniati, una totale minaccia per la sopravvivenza del genere umano!
io ti ho elencato 5 siti: di valore internazionale e governativo: dove si descrivono tutte le violazioni ai diritti umani fondamentali che si commettono nella LEGA ARABA, ma tu li hai letti?


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Grace Joy Yitzchak Kaduri Messia10 months ago

MrSh*tHead worships satan, god of Lies. Even the tiny Truths he occasionally utters are twisted into Lies.


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Yitzchak Kaduri Messia Grace Joy10 months ago

la LEGA ARABA ha pochi agenti segreti che scrivono nei social (i loro delitti contro i diritti umani, sono delitti di genocidio sharia universale e senza un confronto tra i crimini penali di questo pianeta), ma, quei pochi agenti Iraniani e Sauditi che sono in internet; sono totalmente spregiudicati, possono negare tutto e mentire su tutto!


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Grace Joy Renee McDowell10 months ago

I'm really sick of your racist BS.


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Renee McDowell Grace Joy10 months ago

Same here.


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Grace Joy Renee McDowell10 months ago

You are a racist bully Liar. "Black people" continue to ens alve, r ape, invade, & slaughter people today. You remind me of Farrakhan with your Lies.


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Renee McDowell Grace Joy10 months ago

Blacks are not that dangerous. They're really nice people who befriend, work with, date, and marry whites all the time. Blacks love whites. While Farrakhan is a bigot, I'm just a nice girl converting to Judaism who loves white people and all people.


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Grace Joy Renee McDowell10 months ago

You spew Lies. You are a Moral Relativist who wants to destroy the world. You're not a "nice girl" by any means. What is your purpose to "convert to J udaism?" All you do is spew fascist Leftist Lies. Everything about you is a filthy Lie.


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Renee McDowell Grace Joy10 months ago

I am not saying lies. You're just ignorant. I am not a moral relativist. I am against the following things: abortion, LGBT agenda, Islamic extremism, socialism, communism, and BDS. I wanna convert to Judaism because it is the one true faith and my previous religion was false.


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Yitzchak Kaduri Messia Renee McDowell10 months ago

Renee McDowell you can prove at any time: that you are right: and that "Grace Joy" that she are wrong about your intentions.
if you support me: the Kingdom of ISRAEL? You did it!
Renee McDowell tu puoi dimostrare in qualsiasi momento: che tu hai ragione: e che" Grace Joy " che lei si sta sbagliando circa le tue intenzioni.
se tu supporti me: il Regno di ISRAELE? tu lo hai fatto!


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Grace Joy Renee McDowell10 months ago

You are a Moral Relativist. You are a supremacist who claims that your interpretation of everything is all that matters. You claim to speak for J ews, "black people," "white people," "Mus lims."

You don't deserve to convert to J udaism. You are a fake & a Liar who spews your racist fascist BS as fact. YOU are false. I'd personally recommend you convert to Is lam; as it fits your penchant for Lying, controlling others, revising reality for your personal agenda, & appropriating whatever you like that belongs to anyone else.

You are full of Hubris. You are false.


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Renee McDowell Grace Joy10 months ago

I am not a supremacist. Only the rabbis on my beit din have the right to determine whether I deserve to convert to Judaism, not you. Gentiles like you don't get to determine that. It's stupid to recommend that I convert to Islam. That religion is causing so much violence and problems in the world today. I am humble.


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Yitzchak Kaduri Messia Renee McDowell10 months ago

Renee McDowell • It does not matter to me what you want to convert yourself, or what you want to believe,
this is my job, is to see only in the purity of your heart: honesty and truth!

Renee McDowell • non ha nessuna importanza per me a cosa tu ti vuoi convertire, o a che cosa tu vuoi credere,
quello che è il mio lavoro è vedere soltanto nella purezza del tuo cuore: onestà e verità!


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Grace Joy Renee McDowell10 months ago • edited

You refer to others as "Gentiles?" You've not converted; yet you already speak for all J ews; & throw J ewish terms around to insult your inferiors, AS IF YOU WERE A BLOOD J EW? Rabbies accept such Hubris from converts? Are you converting at a reformed Temple? What is the process; & how long does it take?

I still think you're a perfect fit for Is lam. I can picture you hanging with Tlaib & Omar; practicing taqiyya on how to define other peoples to fit your revised, Sh'riafied narrative; to help appropriate the heritages of the last remaining kafir Peoples that haven't been destroyed & replaced by remnants of previous Mus lim Invasions.

What is the "previous religion" in which you were raised? The one you call "false," now?


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Renee McDowell Grace Joy10 months ago

If you're not a Jew, you're a Gentile. What's the big deal? I am not speaking for all Jews. Just myself. I throw Jewish terms around not because I want to insult anyone or act superior, but because I am a intelligent woman with a good vocabulary. Converts are just as Jewish as born Jews. My Rabbi is impressed with my Jewish vocabulary and in her mind it confirms her choice to sponsor my conversion. First I will convert Reform. Then I will convert Conservative. Then I will be Orthodox. For Reform, I am studying, attending a synagogue and Jewish events. I am taking a class. Then I will be counselled by the Rabbi, pick a Jewish name, go before the beit din, and go to the mikvah. As soon as I emerge from the mikveh waters and say the blessing, I will be a newborn Jew. When I convert Conservative, it will be the same thing except they are stricter on kashrut. When I convert Orthodox, I will have to add the rule of no electricity or driving on Shabbat, moving next to a synagogue, law of shatnez, tznius, and less opportunity as a woman in the synagogue. I have been working on my Reform conversion for two years and hope to be converted in the next two. I despise Tlaib and Omar and signed a petition calling for Tlaib's removal from office. I used to be a Charismatic Roman Catholic, which is a cross between a Catholic and a Evangelical Christian. I was very devout and was heavily involved in two churches-one Catholic the other Evangelical.


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Yitzchak Kaduri Messia Renee McDowell10 months ago

Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by United with Israel.

am I very impressed by your testimony of faith and if you are good for your Rabbi? then, you're good for me too ..
but, as it is for the priests, so it is also for the rabbis: not all are good ... because for example, for the bad rabbis?
the Jewish women married , they can separate themselves with a
momentary divorce from her husband: to put their seexx at the disposal of
the benefits of: Rothschild Bilderberg Rivlin JaBull-On, all is for the
welfare of Israel and for the benefits of the Synagogue itself.
but, if they ask you to do it with me? you must know that I am too very demanding seex-ually!

sono molto impressionato per la tua testimonianza di fede e se tu vai bene per il tuo Rabbino? poi, tu vai bene anche per me..
ma, come è per i preti, così è anche per i rabbini: non tutti sono buoni.. perché per esempio, per i rabbini cattivi?
le donne ebree sposate, loro possono separarsi con un divorzio
momentaneo dal marito: per mettere il loro se0so a disposzione per i
benefici di: Rothschild Rivlin, il benessere di Israele e per i
benefici della Sinagoga stessa.
ma, se ti chiedono di farlo con me? tu devi sapere che io sono troppo esigente sess-su-almente!


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Yitzchak Kaduri Messia Renee McDowell10 months ago

you can not bring someone into Italy when: every year: 150000 children: they can not be born, when 150000 are forced to emigrate.
and how much you have: 5 million absolute poor, and 5 million relative poor, with 40% unemployment in the South, this is suicide.
then, you give the racist or the fascist to Salvini? it's like slandering Netanjahu Trump the same way!

non puoi far entrare in Italia qualcuno quando: ogni anno: 150000 bambini: non riescono a nascere, quando 150000 sono costretti ad emigrare.
e quanto tu hai: 5milioni di poveri assoluti, e 5milioni di poveri relativi, con una disoccupazione al Sud del 40%, questo è un suicidio.
poi, tu dare del razzista o del fascista a Salvini? è come calunniare Netanjahu Trump allo stesso modo!


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Renee McDowell Yitzchak Kaduri Messia10 months ago

Nelson Mandela was a good man who liberated blacks in South Africa. Obama was our highly esteemed president. Neither one of them nor any other blacks are guilty of genocide against whites. Cecile Kyenge is not ugly. Sometimes I look at her and enjoy her beauty!


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Grace Joy Renee McDowell10 months ago

There is presently a genocde against whites in S Africa. Nation of Is lam & BLM have the rally cry of "k ill whitey."

Obama was raised in a Mus lim country, in a Mus lim school, by a Mus lim father. The Cult of Is lam goes through the father. There is the death penalty for apostasy in Is lam. Therefore, Obama is a Mus lim.

Here are a few quotes from your "highly esteemed" failed Messiah:

“So I have known Islam on three continents before coming to the region where it was first revealed”

“In ancient times and in our times, Muslim communities have been at the forefront of innovation and education.”

“Throughout history, Islam has demonstrated through words and deeds the possibilities of religious tolerance and racial equality.”


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Renee McDowell Grace Joy10 months ago

There's never been and never will be a genocide against whites. Black Lives Matter is about saving black lives, not killing white people. I see what you mean about Obama being Muslim through the father's line, but Christianity is the religion he chose for himself, not Islam. He's not my Messiah. My Messiah has yet to come. I have never voted for Obama, either for the Senate or the Presidency.


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Yitzchak Kaduri Messia Renee McDowell10 months ago

to the BIANCHI it is forbidden to hold weapons. and in the last 10 years: the BLACKS "have killed 600,000" whites "in South AFRICA: (where have you been able to read this news?)therefore, there is not only one WHITE (in South AFRICA) that does not know the genocide project of the Government: against all the Whites, (they are waiting for the world war of Rothschild and Saud RIAD to be able to kill them all) that's why many BIANCHI that they are not accepted in the USA they are moving to Siberia!I have the pictures and the desperate dialogues that a South African merchant gave me: I have firsthand testimony, but then he stopped me because I told him that I was the King of the Jews, but he said: "where are the holes in your hands?"he blocked me for theological ignorance!

ai BIANCHI è proibito detenere armi. e in questi ultimi 10 anni: i NERI" hanno ucciso 600.000 "bianchi" in Sud AFRICA: (dove tu hai potuto leggere questa notizia?)
quindi, non c'é un solo BIANCO (in Sud AFRiCA) che non conosce il progetto di genocidio del Governo: contro tutti i Bianchi, (stanno aspettando la guerra mondiale di Rothschild e Saud RIAD per poterli uccidere tutti) ecco perché molti BIANCHI che non sono accettati in USA si stanno trasferendo in Siberia!
io ho le foto e i dialoghi disperati che mi ha dato un commerciante Sud Africano: io ho testimonianze di prima mano, ma, poi, lui mi ha bloccato perché io ho detto a lui che io ero il RE degli ebrei,
ma lui ha detto: "dove sono i fori nelle tua mani?"
lui mi ha bloccato per ignoranza teologica!


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Grace Joy Yitzchak Kaduri Messia10 months ago

No one will believe you are King of the Jews, though; so consider letting them understand for themselves. Keep speaking the Truth.


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Renee McDowell Yitzchak Kaduri Messia10 months ago

Those are all just conspiracy theories.


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Yitzchak Kaduri Messia Renee McDowell10 months ago

in front of the testimony that I brought you? you do not show that you are an intellectually honest person:
all internet youtube and facebook is full of videos and photos (boer) of South Africa of extreme cruelty against WHITE!

di fronte alla testimonianza che io ti ho portato? tu non dimostri di essere una persona onesta intellettualmente:
tutto internet youtube e facebook è pieno di video e foto (boer) del sud Africa di una crudeltà estrema contro i BIANCHI!


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Renee McDowell Yitzchak Kaduri Messia10 months ago

You should read an article called, "South Africa: The groups playing on the fears of a 'white genocide.'"


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Yitzchak Kaduri Messia Renee McDowell10 months ago

this reveals your profile: all your study, of your last 25 days? every your dialogue?
it was only made against 2 people:
Renee McDowell vs. Grace Joy 5 days ago
Renee McDowell vs. Yitzchak Kaduri Messiah
ANSWER. it's really true when you say: "Satan is stupid, he makes pots but does not cover!"
and the most serious thing is not even this, you attacking us, you are proving to be the most insidious and deadly enemy of the hope of Israel


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Renee McDowell Yitzchak Kaduri Messia10 months ago

I am not anti-Israel. I am pro-Israel. None of my comments have been anti-Israel so I don't know why you are calling me an enemy to Israel.


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Yitzchak Kaduri Messia Renee McDowell10 months ago

in which cemetery sarcophagus have you been hidden in these 5 days?
in the CIA 666 NSA 322 FED they do dozens of human sacrifices on the altar of satan: to get a brain as disturbed as yours!
if you are not with me for the kingdom of ISRAEL,
then, you are a threat from the NWO against Israel: indeed!

in quale sarcofago del cimitero tu sei stata nascosta in questi 5 giorni?
nella CIA fanno decine di sacrifici umani sull'altare di satana: per ottenere un cervello disturbato come il tuo!
se tu non sei con me per il regno di ISRAELE,
poi, tu sei una minaccia del NWO contro Israele: in effetti!


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Yitzchak Kaduri Messia Renee McDowell10 months ago

perhaps "South Africa": pay your poor disinformation job? do not kill : 500,000 "Farm white" in South Africa in the last decade: if not there is behind it: a political and government ideological project OBAMA Pd FED IMF NWO regime Bilderberg, that supports genocide itself!

forse il "South Africa": paga il tuo scadente lavoro di disinformazione? non si uccidono: 500.000 "Farm white" in Sud Africa nell'ultimo decennio: se non c'é dietro: un progetto ideologico politico e governativo, che supporta il genocidio stesso!


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Renee McDowell Yitzchak Kaduri Messia10 months ago

The whites oppressed the blacks through colonialism and apartheid not the other way around. You can't believe everything you see on the Internet.


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Yitzchak Kaduri Messia Renee McDowell10 months ago

then you must recognize that 500,000 WHITE: killed in South Africa by the "blacks"under the government: of: Obama 666 Bush represent a real genocide of the BLACKS against the WHITE, a hidden genocide.
but, I'm in no hurry and you can document yourself!

allora tu devi riconoscere che 500.000 BIANCHI: uccisi in Sud Africa dai NERi sotto il Governo: di: Obama e Bush rappresentano un reale genocidio dei NERi contro i BIANChI, un genocidio nascosto.
ma, io non ho fretta e tu ti puoi documentare!


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Renee McDowell Yitzchak Kaduri Messia10 months ago

I have never heard of any thing like that happening. I looked it up online after you first mentioned it, and it is not mentioned anywhere online except your comments. So that's why I am skeptical.


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Yitzchak Kaduri Messia Renee McDowell10 months ago

in google: " boer genocide south africa"

Circa 379.000 risultati (0,53 secondi)


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Renee McDowell Yitzchak Kaduri Messia10 months ago

So here's the thing: some white farmers are being killed, but on the farms people of all races are being killed. African (black) farmers are being killed too. It's definitely a tragedy, but it's not a genocide particularly targeting whites.



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Yitzchak Kaduri Messia Renee McDowell10 months ago

with how many BIANCHI from South Africa did you speak personally? I spoke for months with one of them: who gave me: testimonials, facebook links, photos, etc ...moreover: there is a political and ideological movement that calls for the suppression of the "whites", as if it were the solution to the problems of their country,but the white farms expropriated by the government go bankrupt! and in video youtube: yes there are "blacks" who stab in the back, to death: the whites, and "blacks" not for the purpose of robbing them, but with the sole purpose of killing them! and have no mercy, blacks are like the Palestinians kill women and children too. so whites always live in fear and behind heavy iron fences, video cameras, etc.


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Renee McDowell Yitzchak Kaduri Messia10 months ago

What is Bianchi? You keep mentioning it, but I don't know what that is. There is a problem with the land of white farmers being taken from them, the farm failing and whites being killed by blacks, but you are blowing it out of proportion and ignoring the fact that black farmers are killed too and the killings of white farmers are not any higher than the South African murder rate in general. Not all the blacks wanna kill them just a few. The Palestinians are worse than the blacks because there are more Palestinians that want to kill Jews than there are blacks who want to kill white farmers. Also Palestinians have killed a lot more Jews than blacks have killed white farmers.


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Yitzchak Kaduri Messia Renee McDowell10 months ago

no, the white farm not failing!
and the racist and socialist government that does the expressions,
so it is only black farms that fail.
Thus, the Government of South Africa is throwing the people into unprecedented ruin. as if the rich is a threat to society ...
but, this even the Chinese communists do not think so anymore!
the rich if he does not belong to Rothschild: high constitutional betrayal bank seigniorage (the technocratic financial monetary parasite, usury and interest on capital: which is a process of taxation and devitalization on economic and productive processes)
then, the rich is always a resource for the economy!
There is no problem with the land of white farmers being taken from them,
there never existed a numerical problem among the corpses:
because the life of only one innocent: a Christian martyr or an Israeli: it is worth much more than the life of 2 billion shariah criminals!
the Problem of South Africa is that there is an ideology to kill white men. and this ideological and racist crime: the international community to the Government of South Africa should never forgive it!

no, the farm white not failing!
e il governo razzista e socialista che fa gli esprori,
quindi sono soltanto le fattorie dei neri quelle che falliscono.
Così, il Governo del Sud Africa sta gettando il popolo in una rovina senza precedenti. come se il ricco è una minaccia per la società...
ma, questo neanche i comunisti cinesi lo pensano più!
il ricco se non appartiene a Rothschild: alto tradimento costituzionale il signoraggio bancario (il parassita monetario finanziario tecnocratico, usura e interesse sul capitale: che è un processo di tassazione e devitalizzazione sui processi economici e produttivi)
poi, il ricco è sempre una risorsa per la economia!
There is no a problem with the land of white farmers being taken from them,
non è mai esistito un problema numerico tra i cadaveri:
perché la vita di un solo innocente: di martire cristiano o di israeliano: vale molto di più della vita di 2miliardi di criminali shariah!
il Problema del Sud Africa è quello che esiste una ideologia per uccidere gli uomini bianchi. e questo delitto ideologico e razzista: la comunità internazionale al Governo del Sud Africa non dovrebbe mai perdonarla!see more


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Renee McDowell Renee McDowell10 months ago

I think bianchi may mean white people.


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Yitzchak Kaduri Messia Renee McDowell10 months ago

yes is so bianchi = white people


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Yitzchak Kaduri Messia Renee McDowell10 months ago

Brave mother holds onto her toddler while trying to fend off gunmen armed with assault rifles trying to break into her property in #Pinetown, #SouthAfrica La situazione in Sudafrica è questa: Sudafrica, assalto armato: mamma difende figli da gang neri – VIDEO sudafrica-assalto-armato-mamma-difende-figli-da-gang-neri-video/


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Yitzchak Kaduri Messia Renee McDowell10 months ago

Political assassinations in South Africa: the ANC kills one another, Subscribe to our channel on YouTube: f24 my / youtube LIVE - Follow FRANCE 24 here: f24 my / YTliveEN
youtu be / RucYprcUn4o

Assassinats politiques en Afrique du Sud : l'ANC s'entretue, Abonnez-vous à notre chaîne sur YouTube : f24 my/youtube En DIRECT - Suivez FRANCE 24 ici : f24 my/YTliveFR
youtu be/RucYprcUn4o


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Yitzchak Kaduri Messia Renee McDowell10 months ago

there can not be a genocide by BIACHI: or a Galassiah Jihadista can not be realized, which is financed: together: by the CIA and the ARABA LEaGue UN OCI; or an Islamic invasion and ethnic replacement Kalergi in Europe: if, all the NWO Regime Bilderberg: NetWork Satellite TV: no block: or sensitive information hidden!
so, to go back to the truth: you need to do a challenging job!
Is not Israel also subjected to continuous slander?
should not Israel also suffer a: unpunable Islamic shariah terrorism?
When Al-Sissi went to Libya to punish ISIS with his "leather heads" everyone in the ARABA LEAGUE they reprove him and said: "we are serious people!"
so also President Al-Sissi was forced to become a serious person too!
but, of one thing you can be sure: all mankind will be dragged to the feet of my court!

non può avvenire un genocidio di BIACHI: oppure non si può realizzare una Galassiah Jihadista, che è finanziata: insieme: dalla CIA e dalla LEGA ARABA; o una invasione islamica e sostituzione etnica Kalergi in Europa: se, tutto il NWO Regime Bilderberg: NetWork Satellite TV: non occulta le informazioni sensibili!
quindi, per risalire alla verità: occorre fare un impegnativo lavoro di raccordo!
non è anche Israele sottoposto a calunnie continue?
non deve anche Israele subire un impunibile terrorismo islamico?
Quando Al-Sissi andò in Libia a punire ISIS cone le sue "teste di cuoio" tutti nella LEGA ARABA lo hanno rimporverato ed hanno detto: "noi siamo persone serie!"
quindi anche Presidente Al-Sissi è stato costretto a diventare una persona seria anche lui!
ma, di una cosa tu puoi essere certa: tutto il genere umano sarà trascinato ai piedi del mio tribunale!


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Yitzchak Kaduri Messia Renee McDowell10 months ago

of course: Mahatma Gandhi was a victim of all this, also in South Africa!
but, children can not be killed for the sins of their fathers!
because the dead have already been judged by God and by history.
you make the same mistake as Erdogan that he kills Christians all over the world because there were crusades 1000 years ago!

ovviamente: Mahatma Gandhi è stato una vittima di tutto questo, anche lui in Sud Africa!
ma, non si possono uccidere i figli per le colpe dei padri!
perché i morti sono stati già giudicati da Dio e dalla Storia.
tu fai lo stesso errore di Erdogan che lui uccide cristiani in tutto mondo perché 1000 anni fa c'erano le crociate!


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Renee McDowell Yitzchak Kaduri Messia10 months ago

I am not saying that people should be punished for the sins of the fathers.


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Yitzchak Kaduri Messia Renee McDowell10 months ago

if you are not documented? you will be treated by me: like a troll, I do not joke about the life of choked innocent blood!

se non sei documentata? tu sarai trattata da me: come un troll, io non scherzo sulla vita del sangue innocente soffocato!

you must recognize that 500,000 WHITE: killed in South Africa by

the "blacks"under the government: of: Obama 666 Bush represent a real

genocide of the BLACKS against the WHITE, a hidden genocide.

but, I'm in no hurry and you can document yourself!


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Grace Joy Yitzchak Kaduri Messia10 months ago

Do you think she's actually interested in the Truth? I think there are nefarious agendas at play.


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Renee McDowell Grace Joy10 months ago

After you read the articles that I recommended, you shall know the truth too.


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Yitzchak Kaduri Messia Grace Joy10 months ago

my universal political ministry has a secret,
"when it is attacked it is fortified",
when the priests of satan's CIA in youtube, they understood? then, they left me completely alone!
but I am the celestial army and there is no bad medicine against me!

il mio ministero politico universale ha un segreto,
"quando viene aggredito esso si fortifica",
quando i sacerdoti di satana della CIA youtube, lo hanno capito? poi, mi hanno lasciato completamente solo!
ma io sono l'esercito celeste e non esiste una medicina cattiva contro i me!


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Renee McDowell Yitzchak Kaduri Messia10 months ago

You have your documents now.


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Yitzchak Kaduri Messia Renee McDowell10 months ago

the Bilderberg regime (you voted for it?) of Rothschild power (you have decided that at he people can not belong to monetary sovereignty?) has hidden the truth under layers of disinformation, but, you read in wikipedia that Rothschild is a nun of Mother Teresa of Calcutta (this is ok for you) .. but, you can not be a seeker of the truth (so deficient of critical sense up to this point: indecency), and this is your problem, you are a hidden racist: of fake conservative who looks to Cécile Kyenge, that she is the worst representative of the democratic party in Italy, like a hero!
but Cécile Kyenge wants to bring all of Africa to Italy!
and if 10 million poor and desperate people in Italy die? What does it matter to you and Cécile Kyenge?
they do not have the color of your skin!

il regime Bilderberg (tu lo hai votato?) di potere Rothschild (tu hai deciso che al popolo non può appartenere la sovranità monetaria?) ha nascosto la verità sotto strati di disinformazione, ma, tu hai letto in wikipedia che Rothschild è una suora di Madre teresa di Calcutta.. ma, tu non puoi essere un cercatore della verità (così deficitario di senso critico fino a questo punto: l'indecenza), ed è questo il tuo problema, tu sei un razzista nascosto: di finto conservatore che guarda a Cécile Kyenge, che lei è il peggiore rappresentante del partito democratico in Italia, come ad un eroe!
ma Cécile Kyenge vuole portare tutta l'Africa in Italia!
e se 10milioni di poveri e disperati in Italia muoiono? a te e Cécile Kyenge cosa importa?
loro non hanno il colore della tua pelle!


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Renee McDowell Yitzchak Kaduri Messia10 months ago

The Italians will be fine. They won't die.


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Yitzchak Kaduri Messia Renee McDowell10 months ago

if, Italians will be fine. and They will not die.
this depends only on me.
since your satan Obama talmud FED IMF NWO Mandela dracula, he is doing the genocide of the "whites" throughout South Africa

if, Italians will be fine. and They won't die.
questo dipende soltanto da me.
dato che il tuo satana Obama talmud FED FMI NWO Mandela dracula, lui si sta facendo il genocidio dei "bianchi " in tutto il sud africa


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Renee McDowell Yitzchak Kaduri Messia10 months ago

Why did you mention the Talmud?


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Yitzchak Kaduri Messia Renee McDowell10 months ago

Renee McDowell
Why did you mention the Talmud?
there is a demonic Talmud: and secret: from which both the Koran and the Bible of Satan were copied. and unfortunately this is an irreversible damage like racist primacy islamic SHARIAH Erdogan, against goyims DALIT DHIMMIS: of animals with human form,
that's why all the good (Tanach) and the evil (Talmud) of this planet? IS born of the Jews!

Renee McDowell
Perché hai menzionato il Talmud?
c'è un Talmud demoniaco e segreto: da cui sono stati copiati sia il Corano sia la Bibbia di Satana. e sfortunatamente questo è un danno irreversibile come il primato razziale islamico Erdogan, contro i goyims di animali dalla forma umana,
è per questo che tutto il bene (Tanach) e tutto il male (Talmud) di questo pianeta? nato dagli ebrei!


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Renee McDowell Yitzchak Kaduri Messia9 months ago

The Talmud is good because it teaches vital lessons to the Jewish people.


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Yitzchak Kaduri Messia Renee McDowell9 months ago

the Talmud is a precious cultural container: a historical literature,
we do not go to the destruction of the Talmud,
but, it can not claim to be recognized as "the word of God" or as an explanation of the Word of God.
and some pages are a jewel of wisdom and art and poetry,
and some pages are satanic,
as it is for the Koran!

il Talmud è un prezioso contenitore culturale: una letteratura storica,
noi non andiamo alla distruzione del Talmud,
ma, non può pretendere di essere riconosciuto come "parola di Dio" o come spiegazione della Parola di Dio.
e alcune pagine sono un gioiello di sapienza e arte e poesia,
ed alcune pagine sono sataniche,
come è per il Corano!


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Renee McDowell Yitzchak Kaduri Messia9 months ago

None of the Talmud's pages are satanic. All of it is a jewel of wisdom, art, and poetry.


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Yitzchak Kaduri Messia Renee McDowell9 months ago

daughter: unfortunately in every religion you will find lights and shadows,
but as for Hinduism Judaism and Islam you will find Satanism itself.
but you can put in the search engine: "satanic talmud"
to find the insights you are looking for!

figlia: purtroppo in ogni religione tu troverai luci e ombre,
ma come per induismo ebraismo e islam tu troverai il satanismo stesso.
ma tu puoi mettere in motore di ricerca : "talmud satanico"
per poter trovare gli approfondimenti che tu cerchi!


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Renee McDowell Yitzchak Kaduri Messia9 months ago

You should watch a YouTube TenakTalk video called "Is the Talmud Satanic or the Oral Law?"


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Grace Joy Renee McDowell10 months ago

You are a Liar.


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Renee McDowell Grace Joy10 months ago

Lying about what?



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Yitzchak Kaduri Messia Renee McDowell10 months ago

is it typical of Satanists like Obama and like you? to pretend and pretend to be everything!go away: nobody here will believe you anymore!

è tipico dei satanisti come Obama e come te? di pretendere e di fingere di essere ogni cosa!
vattene: nessuno quì ti crederà più!


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Grace Joy Yitzchak Kaduri Messia10 months ago



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Renee McDowell Yitzchak Kaduri Messia10 months ago

Obama was a Christian. I am a soon to be Jew. As long as you and Grace Joy keep replying to my comments, I will always be here.


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Yitzchak Kaduri Messia Renee McDowell10 months ago

Obama was a Christian. but then, he consecrated his soul to Satan and Bush made him become President of the United States


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Renee McDowell Yitzchak Kaduri Messia10 months ago

Says the guy who calls himself the King of the Jews.


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Yitzchak Kaduri Messia Renee McDowell10 months ago

I have to prove to you that I am the King of ISRAEL? but then, you anyway: you could not tell it, as has already happened: to thousands of priests of Satana into CIA: satan 666 youtube!
I'm not here to prove I'm the King of ISRAEL.
because one believes to a religion:
I am: the only political project of the Kingdom of ISRAEL: that exists in the world,
so whoever wants the Kingdom of ISRAEL (not to fall into the abyss of the world war)
then, he is politically forced to come to me!

io devo dimostrare a te, che io sono il Re di ISRAELE? ma, poi, tu comunque: tu non lo potresti raccontare, come è gia avvenuto: a migliaia di sacerdoti di satana della CIA in youtube!
io non sono quì per dimostrare di essere il Re di ISRAELE.
perché si crede una religione:
io sono: l'unico progetto politico del Regno di ISRAELE: che esiste al mondo,
quindi chiunque vuole il Regno di ISRAELE (per non cadere nel baratro della guerra mondiale)
poi, lui è politicamente costretto a venire da me!


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Grace Joy Renee McDowell10 months ago

Why are you so nasty?


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mrpoohead Grace Joy10 months ago

Why are you so ignorant?


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Renee McDowell Grace Joy10 months ago

Says the woman who has been flinging insults at multiple people.


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Grace Joy Renee McDowell10 months ago • edited

I speak the Truth; & call out Liars. If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear from me. Why do you chastise me for 'insulting" a Mus lim supremacist who only wants to destroy Israel? How do you put yourself in the same "multiple people" league as MrSh*tHead?


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Yitzchak Kaduri Messia Renee McDowell10 months ago

As long as you and Grace Joy keep replying to my comments, I will always be here.
Finché tu e Grace Joy continuate a rispondere ai miei commenti, sarò sempre qui.
if you want to follow us? you look for better!
se ci vuoi seguire? tu cerca di migliore!


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Grace Joy Yitzchak Kaduri Messia10 months ago

"I will always be here." When you say it, it sounds like a promise; & when she says it, it feels like a threat.


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Yitzchak Kaduri Messia Grace Joy10 months ago • edited

if you are on the profile of: "Renee McDowell"
then, you understand that in the last 25 days, she thought to attack only the two of us!
there is no third interlocutor outside of us, for her!
this is a Rothschild institutional attack


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Grace Joy Yitzchak Kaduri Messia10 months ago

Yes, I saw that. I'm not done talking to her. Too many Lies to let it be.


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Yitzchak Kaduri Messia Grace Joy10 months ago

of course: South Africa will pay the price for this malignant his infiltrated agent troll!


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Yitzchak Kaduri Messia Grace Joy10 months ago

Renee McDowell is to troll!!! Grace Joy 5 ore fa
Sì, l'ho visto. Non ho finito di parlarle. Troppe bugie per lasciare che possa essere una coerente valida discussione! il Sud Africa pagherà il prezzo per questo suo maligno agente infiltrato!


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Renee McDowell Grace Joy10 months ago

I didn't mean it as a threat. I was just being matter-of-fact.


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Yitzchak Kaduri Messia Grace Joy10 months ago

I am the champion of God (in the world today)
so, she is the champion of satan today in the world,
but, I need to fight and be hindered because I have to conquer the hearts of my people, to free them from fear !! That's not the case:
but once Satan himself came to this server to talk to me!

io sono il campione di Dio(nel mondo oggi)
quindi, lei è il campione di satana oggi nel mondo,
ma, io ho bisogno di combattere e di essere ostacolato perché devo conquistare il cuore del mio popolo, per liberarlo dalla paura!! non è questo il caso:
ma una volta venne proprio Satana in persona in questo server per parlare con me!


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Grace Joy Yitzchak Kaduri Messia10 months ago

Thank you :)


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Yitzchak Kaduri Messia Grace Joy10 months ago

uniusrei @ protonmail com


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Renee McDowell Yitzchak Kaduri Messia10 months ago

I am a nice conservative girl who is alarmed by yours and hers offensive alt-right comments.


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Yitzchak Kaduri Messia Renee McDowell10 months ago

if you are: 1. nice and: 2. conservative and 3. girl?
this is not up to you to judge it, since I have seen Satanists claim to be all whatever and something in the internet.
but, if you do not offend my intellectual honesty: and if you stop taking a stolking bullying behavior?
then, of course you too will be loved!

if you are: 1. nice and: 2. conservative and 3. girl ?
questo non sta a te giudicarlo, dato che io ho visto satanisti pretendere di essere qualsasi cosa in internet.
ma, se tu non offendi la mia onestà intellettuale: e se smetti di assumere un comportamento da stolking bullismo?
poi, certo anche tu sarai amata!


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Renee McDowell Yitzchak Kaduri Messia10 months ago

I am not stalking. I am just responding to your comments.


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Yitzchak Kaduri Messia Renee McDowell10 months ago

nobody is guilty if he wants to learn humbly.
however: to contest and my statements, you should document them:
because I am a teacher!
otherwise you will not become never, an intellectually honest person!

nessuno è colpevole se vuole apprendere con umiltà.
tuttavia: per contestare e mie affermazioni, tu le dovresti documentare:
perché io sono un docente!
altrimenti non ti trasformi in una persona onesta intellettualmente!


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Renee McDowell Yitzchak Kaduri Messia10 months ago

I am intellectually honest already.


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Grace Joy Renee McDowell10 months ago • edited

Lying about EVERYTHING. Your only purpose is to control & ens lave the world to your fascist Lies. You know NOTHING; yet want to ensl ave everyone as if you were god. You might as well join Is lam; as your progressive soul fits well with it.

For you to pretend Obama is a Chrstian proves you are a Mus lim disguised to sow misinformation & division. Your Lies don't even work together. And the only one you seem to get along with here is the Mus lim "anarchist."

Your father is satan.


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Renee McDowell Grace Joy10 months ago

I don't believe in fascism. You do. Don't forget that a lot of Jews have a progressive soul. I am conservative. You are alt-right. Obama attends church regularly. Who is the so-called Muslim anarchist? Satan cannot be my father because he doesn't have the capacity or the ability to be a father. He is not a sentient being.


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Grace Joy Renee McDowell10 months ago

You speak for the J ews? How long have you been a J ew? What did it take for you to become a J ew? You can't claim to be a J ew with a "progressive soul;" & then claim to be a "conservative; & dismissing me as "alt-right." Seriously: You are the epitome of a fascist who forces your Lies on everyone around you\

Is lam goes through the father. Obama was born to a Mus lim, raised by a Mus lim in a Mus lim country in a Mus lim school. Yet you evade with "O attends church regularly." Yes, with Jeremiah White, Mus lim supremacist disguised as an anti Semitic priest.

You father is satan, lord of Lies.

What is the "false religion" you used to belong to before you decided to convert to J udaism?


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Renee McDowell Grace Joy10 months ago

I only speak for myself. I am not a Jew. I never said I was a Jew with a progressive soul. I just said that there are a lot of Jews with a progressive soul. I was a Charismatic Roman Catholic which is a cross between a Catholic and a Evangelical Christian. I used to be heavily involved in both a Catholic church and a Evangelical Christian church.


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Grace Joy Renee McDowell10 months ago

I wonder if it's possible for you to say anything without Lying. Doesn't seem so.


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Renee McDowell Grace Joy10 months ago

The issue is not that I lie. It's that you believe things that aren't true.


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Yitzchak Kaduri Messia Renee McDowell10 months ago

are you the press officer of the democratic party? the one that organizes all the fake news of the FED FMI Hollywood TV satellite networkall for the sake of the shadow government Bilderberg and for the love of rothschild the usurer? Nelson Mandela was a good man for you? ok,but a proverb that says; "the good tree makes good fruit", do not you know it? South Africa full of gold diamonds, etc. .. because of who has become a nightmare? so who are you guilty of genocide against whites?


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Grace Joy Yitzchak Kaduri Messia10 months ago

She is a child of Lies. Imo.


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Renee McDowell Grace Joy10 months ago

All the negative views that you have about blacks are based on lies.


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Grace Joy Renee McDowell10 months ago

You have no idea how I think about "black people." All you do is look through your bigoted racist eyes. YOu are a propagandist liar.


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Grace Joy Yitzchak Kaduri Messia10 months ago

Proverbs 11:30 "The fruit of a righteous man is the tree of life, and the wise man acquires souls."

One of Mandela's fruits is Necklacing.


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Renee McDowell Yitzchak Kaduri Messia10 months ago

I am a registered Republican. I have participated in a College Republican campaign to help Chris Christie and other Republicans get elected. I voted for Alan Keyes against Barack Hussein Obama. I voted for McCain, Romney and Trump for President. I always vote for Republican Senators and Representatives both in the State Assembly and in Congress. I voted for Bruce Rauner. If I run for public office in the future, it will be as a Republican. The term Rothschild the Usurer is anti-Semitic. Nobody has ever really done genocide against whites, but whites have done the Holocaust, lynchings of blacks, colonialism, and the killings of Native Americans and the Aztecs, Mayans, and Incans.


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Grace Joy Renee McDowell10 months ago • edited

You're such a racist that you consider everyone from Spain to Indonesia to be "white;" & native peoples in the Americas, as well as people from Africa, to be "black." You blame "white people" for everything around the world done to "black people;" yet conveniently ignore what "black people" have done & still do. And, as only Mus lims do, you claim that Native Americans are "black." That's your appropriation: They don't consider themselves "black."

You're such a racist that you only see people as skin color. "Black people," as you like to call them, are genocding white in S Africa today. "Black people" have ensl aved "white people" for at least 1400 yrs & STILL DO. "Black people" sold "black people" to "white people," yet you ignore that. Meanwhile, those "white people," after less than 300 yrs fought to free sla ves & ban sl avery. Meanwhile, "black people" STILL ensl ave "white people."

You're a bully Liar. You are a great example of why "white people" should NOT allow "black people" to invade their lands. All you will do is demand more & more & more. You should look in the mirror to fix your problems; & stop trying to force others to be your sla ves.

P.S. "Rothschild the usurer" is NOT anti-Semitic. Why don't you take your fascist PC bullying somewhere else? You're not a republican: You're a fascist destroyer of Free Speech. And a bully Liar.


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mrpoohead Grace Joy10 months ago

No genocidevin South Africa.
Black people sold black people and whites sold whites. Tribalism stupid!


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Yitzchak Kaduri Messia mrpoohead10 months ago

¿Es típico de los satanistas como Obama y como tú? ¡Pretender y pretender ser todo!¡Nadie aquí te creerá más!

Est-ce typique des satanistes comme Obama et comme vous? prétendre et prétendre être tout!personne ici ne vous croira plus!


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Grace Joy mrpoohead10 months ago

It's Is lam, stupid!

An excellent article for anyone who sees this conversation is "Denials of Is lamic Sl avery." Many articles there about A rab & black African Mus lims ensl aving whites; & how their sl avery is a hell above & beyond the "white" sla very that they ended in less than 300 yrs. Also, for "black people" ens laving "white people" TO THIS DAY search "Yazidi s e x sl ave," & "Mus lim s ex-grooming gang EU."

In this link, exchange " dot " for "."

islamandwesterncivilisation dot com/posts/islamic-slavery/denials-islamic-slavery/

MrSh*tHead ^^ is an example of a Mus lim disguised as an "anarchist." His purpose is to deflect/distract from Is lam; & project what it does on its enemies. Notice also how he & "Ms Republican" Renee are supporting each other. Is lam is the Cult of Deceit.


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mrpoohead Grace Joy10 months ago

Nearly 80% of South Africans are Christian. 1.5% are Muslim.
Grooming gangs are all sorts. W Europe has a homicide rate a fifth to a tenth tenth of America's. Considerably safer.
If you can refute anything I have said with a reputable reference I'll pay $ 10,000 to a charity of your choice.
Agnostic actually!


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Grace Joy mrpoohead10 months ago

All you do is confuse things. The grooming gangs in EU are predominately Mus lim. The murdr rate in EU has gone up drastically since the Mus lim invasion.

There is plenty of news; but you Mus lim supremacists have the Left protecting you; since they also worship satan. In Britain, one can go to prison for speaking against Is lam on social media. There's not enough money to stop Mus lim crime in London because Mus lim Khan spends so much on "h8 crime against Is lam" online. The Italian court ruled "Matteo Salvini should be tried for 'kidnapping' illegal aliens he refused entry into Italy." Turdeau "is paying residents $25,000 to publicly support his illegal Mus lim migration policies."

You probably are on welfare in some EU country, like your lazy supremacist co-Cultists.

"Agnostic" or not: You are a follower of Mo; & you are a sl ave to the god of Lies.


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mrpoohead Grace Joy10 months ago

The homicide rate of W Europe has been stable for a century.
TV news is sensationalist claptrap, it does not provide all of the facts. And, the farvright's news is even more warped.
If you can refute anything I have said with a reputable reference I'll pay $ 10,000 to a charity of your choice. Fail!


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Grace Joy mrpoohead10 months ago

Repeating your Lies over & over doesn't change the fact that you're a Mus lim shill taqiyya Liar.


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mrpoohead Grace Joy10 months ago

Never refuted is what I am.


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Grace Joy mrpoohead10 months ago

More Lies. I refute you all the time.


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mrpoohead Grace Joy10 months ago

If you can refute anything I have said with a reputable reference I'll pay $ 10,000 to a charity of your choice. Fail!


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mrpoohead Grace Joy10 months ago

Still nothing huh. At least you're funny.


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Renee McDowell Grace Joy10 months ago

White means being purely of European descent. Indonesian people are not white. They are Asian. Only people with African ancestry are black. Native people in the Americas are not black. I'm not saying whites are responsible for all black people's problems but whites have done wrong to people of color in the past. With the exception of a few incidents here and there, black people have always been benevolent toward whites. I never said Native Americans were black. I don't see people as a skin color. I see them as beautiful individuals. I think you believe black people do a lot of bad stuff that they don't actually do. I am not a bully. I am trying to defend black people because your views of them are so negative. I get along very well in a predominantly white environment. I love white people and they love me. I contribute to society because I am a poll worker. I am not trying to enslave anyone. Why don't you ask a lot of Jews if Rothschild the Usurer is anti-Semitic? See how they respond. I don't think I am the fascist in here. I'm a Republican because not only do I vote for them, but I am anti-abortion, I think the conservatives should be protected from liberals suing them over LGBT issues. I support Israel and am anti-BDS. I support low taxes. Sounds Republican to me. I'm not against free speech. I'm just trying to defend black people against racists like yourself. I'm not a liar. You just perceive blacks as more nefarious than they really are. You perceive me as more nefarious than I really am.


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Grace Joy Renee McDowell10 months ago • edited

Only NWO Liars think it's anti-Semitic to speak against Rothschild. I bet you think it's anti-Semitic to speak against Soros, too.

Who are you to tell "white people, black people, J ews, Chrstians," EVERYONE how they think; & how they should think? You are a racist bigot fascist control-freak who hopes to make money ensl aving everyone to your psychotic vision of Utopia.


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Renee McDowell Grace Joy10 months ago

There's no such thing as a New World Order. The Rothschild family is an exemplary Jewish family that has made the world a better place. It's ok to object to Soros's actions and beliefs but if you don't watch it, it can get into anti-Semitic territory. Some of the things that you have said about me have just been crazy and absurd.


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Grace Joy Renee McDowell10 months ago

The Rothschilds are Globalists. By definition, they are Evil; not an "exemplary J ewish family." And Soros is a Na zi. Do these statements fall under "anti-Semitic territory?" How many Truths have you imprisoned under labels such as "crazy & absurd?"


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Renee McDowell Grace Joy10 months ago

The only way that the Rothschilds are globalists is that they have established themselves all over Europe through business and philanthropy. Slightly globalist but not super-globalist. They are not evil because they do honest business practices and philanthropy. Soros is not a Nazi. Yes, these statements are anti-Semitic. My statements about the Rothschilds is backed up by the Rothschild family Wikipedia page. My statement about Soros can be backed up by an article called, "George Soros is not a Nazi-explained" by Jane Coaston. My statement about the statements being anti-Semitic can be backed by the article, "Where do these conspiracy theories come from?" by Hannah Monicken.



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Yitzchak Kaduri Messia Renee McDowell10 months ago

you are following an ideological vein (defending the NWO FED FMi), while we follow the desperation of the people who commit suicide: because they are devitalized peoples indebted and expropriated of their own money.

tu stai seguendo un filone ideologico (difendere il NWO FED FMi ), mentre noi seguiamo la disperazione dei popoli che commettono il suicidio: perché sono popoli devitalizzati indebitati ed espropriati del loro stesso denaro.


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Grace Joy Renee McDowell10 months ago

You & your supremacist bullying are nothing but Lies. You're a control freak fascist pretending to be a "compassionate" person.

You have no idea how I view "black people" other than through your racist bigoted fascist view.


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Grace Joy Renee McDowell10 months ago

"Whites" did not "do the Holocaust." Na zis, allied with MUS LIMS, "did the Holocaust."

As for the K K K: How do you defend that

-Is lamic terrorists murder more people every day than the K K K has in the last 50 years?

-Is lamists k illed more Buddhists in Thailand since 9/11 than the K K K k illed in the 100 YEARS from 1865 to 9165.

Why do you Lie about "black people" ensl aving & murdring people for 1400 yrs? Why do you deflect from Is lam's violence to slander Is lam's enemies? What makes you think you can speak for J ews, "black people," & everyone else? You are no Republican: You are a Snake spewing Lies amongst Is lam's enemies.


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mrpoohead Grace Joy10 months ago

Nazis were white supremacists. Muslims not involved.


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Grace Joy mrpoohead10 months ago

Na zis were not "white supremacists:" They were Aryan supremacists.

Mus lims were most certainly involved. Your Grand Mufti al Husseini was one of Hit ler's staunchest allies. He even was in charge of the SS Hanschar division that slaughtered Chrstians & J ews.

You're such a typical Mus lim who needs to Lie to deflect from the Truth of your Evil; & to attempt to project it onto anyone else. I should thank you for being such a perfect example of how Is lam is the Cult of Lies.


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mrpoohead Grace Joy10 months ago

Aryans weren't white?
Hitler had a number of alliances and sympathizers including about 20,000 Muslims. Americans too. France alone had 200,000 enlisted Muslims. Your point is stupid.


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Grace Joy mrpoohead10 months ago

First you said there were no Mus lims. Now you put a limit. Regardless, only racists like you pretend it was the "whiteness" of Aryans that was the issue. Plenty of J ews looked white; & even though all Poles looked "white," only some children were Aryan enough to be taken to be raised as Ar yans. The other "white" children were k illed.

It doesn't matter how many times I refute you: You change the goal posts, & deflect to new distractions & Lies. You're a Mus lim taqiyya-spewing Mus lim. On one of those Liars would pretend Is lam "mandates violence for defense. Liar!" Is lam didn't gain 56 countries & slaughter over 670 million infidels (and counting) in "self-defense." Any not in the House of Is lam are in the House of War.

A hadith, your "perfect man" prophet, regarding:

"But when the forbidden months are past, then fight and slay the Pagans wherever ye find them, and seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem (of war); but if they repent, and establish regular prayers and practice regular charity, then open the way for them" (9:5)

J ews & Chrstians:
"Fight against those who (1) believe not in Allah, (2) nor in the Last Day, (3) nor forbid that which has been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger (4) and those who acknowledge not the religion of truth (i.e. Is lam) among the people of the Scripture (J ews and Chrstians), until they pay the Jizyah with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued" (9:29)


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mrpoohead Grace Joy10 months ago

There were no Muslim Nazis, just alliances.
Islam didn't gain any countries, conversions. And Christianity has no moral high ground.
If you are going to cherry-pick quotes then I can find plenty in the Bible to. They are allowed to attack in defense according to the Quran.
You have refuted nothing!


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Grace Joy mrpoohead10 months ago

I refute one of your Lies: you ignore it, run away, & come back with another Lie. Not even semantics can save you: Mus lims were "allied" with the Na zis to slaughter Chrstians & J ews; AND they were SS, NA ZI, like I said.

"13th Waffen Mountain Division of the SS Handschar (1st Croatian) . . . The 13th Waffen Mountain Division of the SS 'Handschar' (1st Croatian) was a mountain infantry DIVISION OF THE WAFFEN-SS, AN ARMED BRANCH OF THE GERMAN NA ZI PARTY that served alongside but was never formally part of the Wehrmacht during WWII. . . . composed of Bosnian MUS LIM . . . it took an oath of allegiance to HIT LER." And who ran this NA ZI division? Your very own Al-Hussein, A rab Mus lim.

I quoted the quran properly: Kafirs are slaughtered if they don't convert; People of the Book are allowed to be second-class Dhimmis to live in humiliation.

Here are two challenges for you :

1. Pick something Chrstians have done historically that you would consider horrible; & support what they did with NT verses AND examples from Jesus' life.

2. Tell me something Mus lims have done historically that you would claim was NOT done because of Is lam. Challenge ME to defend their actions with verses from the Quran & examples from Mo's life.

THEN, you can explane to me how Chrstianity "has no moral high ground."


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mrpoohead Grace Joy10 months ago

Croatian people are Catholic you ignoramus.
When Christians invaded the Iberian Peninsula they demanded conversion, death or expulsion of all others - including Jews and pagans..
Rwanda, Christians whacked Muslim minority.
Lord's Resistance Army.
They created the first university.
A number of Muslim nations have a higher GDP per capita than America.
Jesus was a Jew!
You quoted the Hadith, not the Quran.
Liar, liar, pants on fire.
Game, Set and Match! MrPoohey!


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Yitzchak Kaduri Messia mrpoohead10 months ago

Rwanda, Christians whacked Muslim minority.
ANSWER. that is, let me understand, you want to doing pass the genre in Rwanda, as a genocide of Christians against Muslims?
ANSWER . cioè fammi capire, tu vuoi fare passare il genodio in Rwanda, come un genocidio dei cristiani contro i mussulmani?


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Grace Joy Yitzchak Kaduri Messia10 months ago • edited

Is lam revises history as it happens. It projects its evil onto those it wants to destroy & replace. It plays the victim to gain world compassion against those it wants to destroy & replace. Is lam is master at escaping blame for its atrocities.

Rwanda = Mus lims k illing Chrstians; yet MrSh*tHead twists it.

Know of the 1995 Srebrenica genocde? Not 8,000, but 7,000 men & boy soldiers. Why don't we also hear that it was in response to Mus lims slaughtering 3,200 Serbian Chrstian women, children, elderly, men and prisoners of war between the 1992-95.

Know about the Na zis & the Holocaust? Why don't we hear that the Mus lim Brotherhood was started to wipe out J ews in British Palestine? Or that A rab Mus lim al-Husseini & his men allied with Hit ler?

Myanmar: we hear news of Buddhists k illing "innocent" Mus lim; but nothing of the Mus lims r aping & hacking to death Buddhists.

Is lam is the Cult of Deceit.


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Yitzchak Kaduri Messia Grace Joy10 months ago

conosco la tecnica di dissimulazione che Islam usa per poter ottenere: la colpevolezza delle sue vittime: ottenere genocidio e pulizia etnica! e certo fin'ora ha potuto contare sulla complicita di: NATO, Russia Cina e Partito Democratico, ma, in futuro? non sarà più così.
questo demonio di Islam io lo sto braccando: è presto cadrà in un vicolo cieco: da dove non si potrà salvare!


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Grace Joy Yitzchak Kaduri Messia10 months ago

Rimandalo all'inferno.


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Grace Joy mrpoohead10 months ago • edited

More distraction, too.

1. You have no example of Chrstians doing things you think are horrible PLUS examples of Jesus' word & Jesus' action to rationalize it?

2. You have no challenge to me of things Mus ims have done that are horrible, for me to rationalize with examples of Mo's words & Mo's actions.

Man, every time I turn around from you, it takes me a while to find the goal posts again. It's amazing.


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mrpoohead Grace Joy10 months ago

Short term memory loss? Dumb or just inbred? I walked all over you.
Bible is fiction, Jesus said what in fiction?


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Yitzchak Kaduri Messia mrpoohead10 months ago

it's impossible for every scientist,
to speak adequately about history: that is, if you are not a specialized historian!
but, I see that you Muslims in the Qur'an goat, you have preserved all the top of science!
the fact is that: today it is the ARAB LEAGUE that: 1. has no reciprocity, 2. has no secularity and 3. has no religious freedom.
you Muslims are shameless murderers!

è impossibile per ogni scienziato,
di parlare adeguatamente di storia: cioè, se tu non sei uno storico specializzato!
ma, io vedo che voi mussulmani nel Corano capra, voi avete conservato tutta la sommità della scienza!
sta di fatto che: oggi è la LEGA ARABA che: 1. non ha reciprocità, 2. non ha laicità e, 3. non ha libertà di religione.
voi mussulmani siete degli spudorati assassini!


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mrpoohead Yitzchak Kaduri Messia10 months ago • edited

I think you'll find most Muslim nations are secular, but technically some European one's aren't either. All but one have moved on from Sharia Law and thankfully everyone has moved on from Biblical Law.
America is a plutocracy, so no reciprocity.
All Muslim nations have minorities. Liar!


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Yitzchak Kaduri Messia mrpoohead10 months ago

all Muslim nations are secular, just as you can find a virgin in a brothel
Sharia Law denies LAITY, RECIPROCITY and human rights

All Muslim nations have minorities. because the majorities have been exterminated by scimitar, jihzia, rape, kidnapping, slander, theft, as it is still!!


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mrpoohead Yitzchak Kaduri Messia10 months ago

I said most. Sharia exists in one nation. The rest use a bit of Sharia and civil like we use Biblical and civil. America has plutocracy - difference?
Please explain why Jews and Christians still live in Iran? Why the Lebanon has a Christian President - elected?


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Yitzchak Kaduri Messia mrpoohead10 months ago

la tua ostinazione: e disonestà intentellettuale dimostra che ISLAM coranico: non potrebbe mai diventare una religione positiva (divina)
siete soltanto un braco di indemoniati nella dimensione del soprannaturale maniacale dogmatico,
Jews and Christians still live in Iran, è vero: ma ai mussulmani non è permesso cambiare religione, ma, cristiani ed ebrei possono sempre diventare mussulmani!
allora voi con le moschee, voi non potete essere dei contraenti leali in nessuna parte del mondo!
ecco perché io farò demolire le moschee in tutto il mondo!


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Grace Joy Yitzchak Kaduri Messia10 months ago

All the "science" Is lam brought to the world was stolen from those invaded & conquered. For example, "A rabic numerals" are really "Hindu" numerals.


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Grace Joy mrpoohead10 months ago

You deflect from "composed of Bosnian MUS LIM."

-Rwanda, Is lamic genocde.

-You stole Numerals from Hindus.

-J ews & Chrstians know Jesus was a Jew. Your co-cultists, though, say jesus was a Mus lim A rab who didn't die on the cross; & will return to k ill all the Chrstians & J ews in your End Times.

-Quran + hadith = Sh'ria.

Those Goal Posts keep getting farther away.


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mrpoohead Grace Joy10 months ago

Croatian regiment, Catholic. Well documented.
Christian majority attacked Muslim minority, Rwanda. Well documented.
Think you'll find Muhammad said, "Of the book".
Quran is not Hadith.
Sharia exists in one country, it is as obnoxious as Biblical Law.


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Grace Joy mrpoohead10 months ago

Catholic Ustashe worked with the Mus lim Na zis. Together, they accomplished some of the most horrific abuses in history.

Is lam revises history as it happens: Your Lies are an example of how Is lam does this. Infidels eventually respond to stop Is lam's mandated teror: Then you complain. No mention that you're spreading even beyond the 56 countries you've already stolen from infidels, you demand more.

Underneath any genocde involving Is lam, Is lam is the cause. Martyried Mus lims go straight to Paradise. You worship death. You sacrifice humans. You can't pretend that the 670 million infidels you've left dead in your wake over 1400 yrs means everywhere you went, the infidels were treacherous.

Hindu Numerals; not "A rabic" numerals.

Quran + hadith = Sh'ria.

Only taqiyya is arrogant & delusional enough to pretend that Sh'ria can be dismissed as freely & easily as you indicate.


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mrpoohead Grace Joy10 months ago

Collaboration is not new and not related to religion.
You've said all the drivel before and I can't be bothered to laugh at you again.
Pathetic liar.


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Grace Joy mrpoohead10 months ago

You said "There were no Muslim Nazis, just alliances." I showed the SS Handschar was a mountain infantry DIVISION OF . . . AN ARMED BRANCH OF THE GERMAN NA ZI PARTY. . . . composed of Bosnian MUS LIM . . . oath of allegiance to HIT LER."

Mus lims did ally with Na zis, and THEY WERE NA ZIS.

I can't even see the goal posts anymore! Where did they go???


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mrpoohead Grace Joy10 months ago

I suggest you provide a reference for the SS Handschar. Croatian. Liar!


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Grace Joy mrpoohead10 months ago

Search it. Everything you've done is Distract, Deflect, & Deceive. You worship allah, god of Lies.


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mrpoohead Grace Joy10 months ago

Americans collaborated, so did others.
200,000 Muslims enlisted in French forces alone.


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Renee McDowell Grace Joy10 months ago

Um, sweetheart, the Nazis are white. With the exception of the resistance and people who hid Jews, the entire nation of Germany is collectively responsible for the Holocaust along with Mussolini who allied himself with Hitler and all the Europeans who were collaborators with Hitler. Only the British effectively stood against the Nazis. For the past 1400 years, whites enslaved and murdered black people not the other way around. I fully acknowledge the crimes of Islam and have never slandered anyone. I speak only for myself and no one else. I am a Republican because that's who I vote for and campaign for. You are the snake spreading lies and misinformation about blacks, immigration, Rothschild, and the Holocaust.


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Yitzchak Kaduri Messia Renee McDowell10 months ago

many things you say are true, however, you have ideological positions to defend (such as: defend the worst Satanism of the Rothschilds, who stole the monetary sovereignty of the people enslaving them, and the denial of the genocide of the Whites in South Africa: that these: they are arguments out of protest for an intellectually honest person), behold, this is what does not adequately render you: a servant of truth,
then all the slander spit here by the Muslim mrpoohead?
they leave you indifferent!

molte cose che tu dici sono vere, tuttavia, hai delle posizioni ideologiche da difendere (come: difendere il peggiore satanismo dei Rothschild, che ha rubato la sovranità monetaria ai popoli schiavizzandoli, e la negazione del genocidio dei Bianchi in Sud Africa: che questi: sono argomenti fuori contestazione per una persona onesta intellettivamente) , ecco, è questo, che non ti rende adeguatamente: un servo della verità,
poi tutte le calunnie sputate quì dal mussulmano mrpoohead?
ti lasciano indifferente!


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Grace Joy Yitzchak Kaduri Messia10 months ago

Moral Relativism. Double Standards. Ignorance. Lies.


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Grace Joy Renee McDowell10 months ago

You are such an ignorant racist, it's almost unbelievable.

Are you actually incapable of considering anything other than skin color? Only racist bigots think Na zis did what they did because they're "white." And Mussolini had nothing to do with the Holocuast: A rab Mus lims did.

"Black people" ensl aved "black people" in the past; &still do. "Black people" ensla ved "white people" in the past; & still do. Do you pretend that skin color is erased when discussing what "black people" have done & continue to do Evil against "black people" & "white people" simply because they follow Is lam?

Everything you say is a twisting of facts to suit your racist Lies. You are such a fascist that you deny the reality of J ews, Na zis, Mus lims, Africans, "black people," "white people," & everyone else in order to label everything according to your twisted racist bigoted fascist utopian BS. You are worse than the Mus lims.


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Renee McDowell Grace Joy10 months ago

I don't really consider skin color. There are more important things. I'm not saying the Nazis did what they did because they are white. I am just saying that blacks have never done genocide against whites, but the Holocaust is just one of many genocides that whites have done to people of color. Mussolini was an ally of Hitler during World War II so he helped contribute to problems during that era.


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Yitzchak Kaduri Messia10 months ago

Is the fire of hell so unbearable for Satan and Allah, that with the Satanists, you want to anticipate: the day: of your disintegration in the universal judgment?
but my light disintegrates your darkness!
but this is my kingdom of Israel, and you must free the human race from your presence: now!

è così insopportabile il fuoco dell'inferno per Satana e Allah, che con i satanisti, voi volete anticipare la vostra disintegrazione nel giudizio universale?
ma la mia luce disintegra le vostre tenebre!
ma, questo è il mio regno di Israele e voi dovete libermi il genere umano dalla vostra presenza!


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Yitzchak Kaduri Messia10 months ago

@_dilaracar you are almost: the only one: that: in twitter: has the privilege: to read: what: I write in Israel
are you a: Rothschild witch: in the NWO?

@_dilaracar Neredeyse: tek kişi: o: twitter'da: ayrıcalık var: okuma: ne: İsrail’de yazıyorum
sen: Rothschild cadı: NWO içinde?

@_dilaracar tu sei quasi l'unica: che in twitter ha il privilegio di leggere quello che io scrivo in Israele
sei una strega Rothschild nel NWO?


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Yitzchak Kaduri Messia10 months ago

of course, the Shadow Government: Bilderberg regime: FED CIA 666 NSA NWO: Lucifer's eye: on Masonic pyramid: occult and esoteric powers:
in collaboration with the alien demons (flying saucers), and to cool their secret satellite: nuclear power plant: laser cannon, they are melting the South Pole, and with the laser they have realized: 1. a perfect floating giant parallelepiped, then, 2. they created an immense underground cave: under the South Pole, and 3. Erdogan thinks of killing the Israelis, while the aliens continue to feed on his bone marrow: and he does not notice it!
then, what about the infinite flaws of the F-35A: which now also has problems about: with his navigation system of the missiles: air-air. as if to say: and to what extent: can the Russians and the Chinese be stupid: to be able to use our trap?
and what do they do: Saud Riad: of its supersonic aircraft, if Bush-Rothschild has the remote control?
to me: from the satellite: the Merkel Opel has turned off the speedometer, cyclometer: and sensor and the petrol indicator: twice: to make me want to extend the warranty of my new car: another 2 years,
and that's how Merkel tried to steal to me: another 400 euros!
in this world? there is no more religion!

ovviamente, il governo Ombra CIA 666 NSA NWO: in collaborazione con gli alieni demoni (dischi volanti), e per raffreddare il loro satellite segreto: centrale nucleare: cannone laser, stanno scioglendo il popolo Sud, e con il laser hanno realizzato: 1. un perfetto parallelepipedo gigante galleggiante, poi, 2. hanno creato una immesa grotta sotterranea: sotto il polo Sud, ed 3. Erdogan pensa ad uccidere gli Israeliani, mentre, gli alieni si continuano a nutrire del suo midollo osseo: e lui non se ne accorge!
poi, che dire degli infiniti difetti del F-35A: che ora ha anche problemi circa: il sistema di navigazione dei missili: aria-aria. come a dire: e fino a che punto: possono essere stupidi i russi e i cinesi: per poter abboccare alla nostra trappola?
e cosa se ne fa: Saud Riad: dei suoi aerei supersonici, se Bush-Rothschild ha il telecomando?
a me: dal satellite: la Merkel Opel ha spento il sensore del contachilometri e dell'indicatore della benzina due volte: per invogliarmi ad estendere la garanzia della mia nuova vettura: di altri 2 anni,
ed è così che la Merkel ha tentato di rubarmi altri 400 euro!
a questo mondo? non c'é più religione!see more


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Vinegar Hill10 months ago

The Jewish settlements are illegal and the Palestinians have every right to develop their land as they wish.

The problem is not the work and actions of the indigenous Palestinians ; it is the illegal presence of the Jewish usurpers of land.



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Menachem Vinegar Hill10 months ago

First: the Land could have been Palestinian when the UN partition plan was put forward. The Jews agreed. The Arabs rejected the plan.
Secondly: the land could have been Palestinian when Israel offered it to them in 2000. The Arabs rejected the proposal.
Thirdly: the land could have been Palestinian when it was offered to them in 2008. The Arabs rejected the proposal.
Every time the land was offered, the Arabs said NO! And every time, the circumstances on the ground changed. Put simply: you cannot get today what was offered 70 years ago. Is the land Arab land? No!


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Daveed Menachem10 months ago • edited

Exactly. They want all of Israel. ANY proposed peace plan will be rejected unless they are offered it all, which will never happen.


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PDave Vinegar Hill10 months ago

Let the indigenous Pals move to their original land in Egypt or Jordan. Oh, I forgot; neither Egypt or Jordan want ANY Palestinians.


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Ariette Singer Vinegar Hill10 months ago

it is evident you, will not change your idiotic and ignorant views shaped by your willfully BRAINWASHED WITH LIES MIND. You are wasting your time on trolling - intelligent people know the truth, but you are too feeble minded to want to research the true facts. JUDEA AND SAMARIA JEWISH LANDS HAVE THOUSANDS OF YEARS LONG HISTORY. THE SO CALLED "PALESTINIANS" ARE A FICTION = AN ARAB SCAM = A LIE = UNTRUTH And how do you explain the fact that other ARAB COUNTRIES TELL THESE SO CALLED FICTITIOUS "PALESTINIANS" OFF , AND DO NOT WANT THESE LIARS IN MANY ARAB COUNTRIES ? GOT ANSWERS? I BET YOU DO NOT. YOU ARE TOO IGNORANT TO KNOW THE TRUTH AND YOU LACK THE NOBILITY OF HEART/SOUL TO SEEK THE TRUTH.


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Grace Joy Ariette Singer10 months ago

It's very sad when people only have Lies to rationalize their existence. The sad thing is that it's never too late to start over; but greedy, lazy idiots like this guy are trapped in the promise that they, like their mass-murdring, pedo, r apist "profit" (I like that), will also be able to survive by theft, r aped, sla very, appropriation, & Lies.


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marcellawachtel Ariette Singer10 months ago

It is a pity that you cannot disagree with someone without insulting them


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Ariette Singer marcellawachtel10 months ago

those who deserve to be insulted will and SHOULD BE insulted. This is my simple philosophy.


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Ina Combest marcellawachtel10 months ago

u must be joking...haha


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Grace Joy Vinegar Hill10 months ago

A rabs already have 22 countries; & their Cult has 56. Over 670 million infidels were slaughtered in less than 1400 yrs for that. What is your excuse for wanting Israel, too? Myanmar? All of India? EU? When will your greed be satiated? When all the kafirs are dead, & their belongings handed out to the followers of a mass-murdring, r apist, pedofile pervert prophet?


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Ariette Singer Grace Joy10 months ago

Grace Joy, the Arabs would have a different mentality IF their religion was not concocted by the 'mentally sick 'profit' (misspelling intentional) mohammed (lower case "m" intentional). His obsession to conquer the whole world for Islam and for allah, that the fanatics follow faithfully. ISLAMIC SICK MENTALITY OF CONQUEST OF THE WHOLE WORLD has been a most serious problem since the 7th century.


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futaiul Grace Joy10 months ago

there good chances to install peace,when the Popes catholics and ortodoxes will declare the truth to the world,signaling who killed the jewish Jesus and decapitate christians nowadays,burning churches,etc, etc,,,,,


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Grace Joy futaiul10 months ago

I don't understand. What will the Pope say? He's a huge fan of Is lam. Huge fan.


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Ariette Singer futaiul10 months ago

Judging from the previous pronouncements by this pope, you are overestimating the pope's ability to say something positive and something truly wise and persuasive that will have the desired positive outcome. I sincerely hope I am wrong this time...


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Grace Joy futaiul9 months ago

Who "k illed the J ewish Jesus" other than the Romans at the behest of the Pharisees et al? I know the answers to the rest.


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mrpoohead Grace Joy9 months ago

Who sentenced him?


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jegwe Vinegar Hill10 months ago

The Jews are the Palestinians as is clear from any book written before El Fatah invented an Arab "Palestinian people" in the 1960's. The Arabs are the invaders and have stolen Jewish land.If

Ariette Singer Vinegar Hill10 months ago

"indigenous palestinians" are the JEWISH PEOPLE!!! When in 135 AD, the Roman emperor Hadrian has defeated the Jewish uprisings against the arrogant Romans, he changed the name of THE LAND OF ISRAEL to "SYRIA PALAESTINA". So... the first Syrian Palaestinians were the JEWS in the land! With time, Syria Palaestina got shortened to "Palestine". The MUSLIM ARABS have INVADED this territory in the 7th century. THEREFORE ARABS ARE THE INVADERS OF THE ANCIENT LAND OF ISRAEL, WHERE ISRAELITES (also called HEBREWS or JEWS) are the rightful historical owners of THE LAND OF ISRAEL - for thousands of years. The ARABS ARE FROM ARABIA. End of the argument. Jews are from JUDEA. They were also called in antiquity as ISRAELITES because there was the KINGDOM OF ISRAEL. And they were also known as the HEBREWS who spoke Hebrew. DO YOU SEE NOW THAT THE ARABS ARE NOT "INDIGENOUS" TO THE LAND OF ISRAEL? And another historical fact: when the Romans invaded the LAND OF ISRAEL, they also called this conquered territory as THE LAND OF THE JEWS. DO NOT ARGUE WITH HISTORY ! Well, Hadrian did not succeed to erase the connection to the land from Jewish memory. The Jewish returned to their HOMELAND after 2,000 years. The ARAB FAKESTINIANS should know their place of ORIGIN - ARABIA, and stop LYING TO THE  word

mrpoohead Ariette Singer10 months ago

Are you one of those that thinks if it says it enough times it'll come true? They share the same DNA - Palestinian tribe! Awwww!!!!!!!!!!!

mrpoohead Ariette Singer10 months ago

Arabs have many tribes, Palestinian is one of them. They're from the Holy Land, they have embraced a variety of religions. They are all related.

Harold Goldstein Vinegar Hill10 months ago

Palistine don’t exist anymore they are Saudi Arabia slaves Jordan Seria Lebanon Sinai was part of Judea Jerusalem capital 6 brothers of Joseph north and 6 brothers south Judea Israel was north Judea south different Rabbi in both until King David United Jewish country not Arabs their religion Hebrews not Islam put a dome of the rock there it will come down by Yahweh god your not the chosen ones you Jin’s children rapped your women keep them in Burma full no seeing them womanare slaves in mohamidads no claims to Hebrews state at all they stay because of tourists dollars other if Israel was poorer they would leave under British rule they brought India slaves and Arab slaves to Jerusalem Muslim conversation of India people now Pakistan Queen Victoria own India Judea Egypt all middle east Lawrence of Arabia gave them parts of Judea Jordan sodom and Gamora was there molibites Ruth people where there other people no mohamidads Seria was part of Judea Sinai and Lebanon all robbed by mohamidads give them now Iraq Iran Afghan Lebanon Seria they palistine philistins by real name all dead Goliath people killed off in king wars none exist do palistine was nig name for Hebrew not Arab they don’t exist all dead zombies people so not happy living in Jerusalem Judea move to these countries make a business there make it safe for tourists and you make money but you can’t your country are backward third world so stop crying live in peace with the Jews who let you stay there not happy move

Grace Joy Harold Goldstein 10 months ago

There are 56 countries under Is lam's rule. How much history, memories, knowledge, wealth, potential, was lost because of Is lam's Destruction? Remember the Giant Buddhas? 80 million Buddhists, slaughtered.

Sahih 20:128 "Then, has it not become clear to them how many generations We destroyed before them as they walk among their dwellings? Indeed in that are signs for those of intelligence."

mrpoohead Grace Joy10 months ago

Most are secular - liar!

Grace Joy mrpoohead10 months ago

"Secular" Mus lims are hypocrites, to be slaughtered with the kafirs. You are such a Mus lim taqiyya spewer shill. Smh.

Harold Goldstein Vinegar Hill10 months ago

First of all no palistine is alive the Roman word for palistine was for Jews not mohamidads philistins Goliath people all killed off with Samson King Saul and son Johnathan then Johnathan was killed Saul killed him self then David became King no mohamidads In Judea Jerusalem capital they had a small country Saudi Arabian Scarabs cut Sc bug of underworld called by Pharos evil Jin people so learn history King David created Jerusalem not mohamidads they came as slaves by the British with Queen Victoria they have no claim to Judea Jerusalem capital other stealing all land they live in such as Jordan was part of Judea Jerusalem capital molibites Ruth pagen people come from their so sodom and Gamora was there so Arabs robbed lands even Romans Greeks land turkeys

Grace Joy Harold Goldstein 10 months ago

There are 22 A rab countries, which include all of N Africa & M.E.

questo è veramente inquietante

Bibbiano, la Cassazione revoca l'obbligo di dimora per il sindaco: "Non c'erano la condizioni per l'arresto"

 Unius kingREI • a few seconds ago

le comunità ebraiche ed il rabbinato: dalla coscienza nera come la pece, loro mi hanno trasformato in un uomo invibile sui siti ebreici, non riescono a fare autocritica sul satanismo parassitario e massonico dei Rothschild,

e si: questo è veramente inquietante!


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le comunità ebraiche ed il rabbinato: dalla coscienza nera come la pece, loro mi hanno trasformato in un uomo invibile sui siti ebreici, non riescono a fare autocritica sul satanismo parassitario e massonico dei Rothschild,

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Shocking German Exhibit Contains Ashes and Bones of Jews Murdered by Nazis.
The exhibit has sparked outrage for violating Jewish ritual law and dishonoring the memories of those who perished in the Holocaust.
The Center for Political Beauty installed, on Monday, an exhibit on the grounds of the former Kroll Opera House, near the Bundestag German federal parliament. The urn-like structure appears to contain the ashes and bones of Jews murdered by the Nazis. The exhibit is meant as a protest-call against German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s conservatives about the dangers of working with right-wing extremists.
The display, dubbed the “Resistance Column,” is a large, grey metal tube with an orange illuminated glass area in which soil that contains the human remains of Holocaust victims floats.
The Center’s website describes itself as “an assault team that establishes moral beauty, political poetry and human greatness while aiming to preserve humanitarianism. The group’s basic understanding is that the legacy of the Holocaust is rendered void by political apathy, the rejection of refugees and cowardice. It believes that Germany should not only learn from its History but also take action.”
It also credits itself for engaging in “the most innovative forms of political performance” that “must hurt, provoke and rise in revolt,” an endeavor it describes “aggressive humanism.”
The group said it spent “two years digging up soil and testing rivers near areas where the ‘Nazis perfected and industrialized mass murder,'” according to DW. “At one of the horrific sites we found ashes and bone char a meter deep. This column contains the sample from this soil that has been preserved for all eternity.”
Over that time, the Center said “it collected over 240 samples from 23 locations across Germany as well as in previously Nazi-occupied areas in Poland and Ukraine,” according to DW. Samples were taken from areas near Auschwitz, Sobibor, Treblinka and other concentration camps where ashes and remains of Holocaust victims were spread in nearby fields and rivers.
Human remains were found in over 70 percent of soil samples sent to a lab, the group said in a statement.
The Center said that the placement of the display was chosen intentionally as it is the site where German members of parliament gave dictator Adolf Hitler virtually unlimited authority in 1933.

The Central Council of Jews in Germany said that the display was “problematic,” while recognizing that fighting against rising far-right extremism is important.
“From a Jewish perspective, the Center for Political Beauty’s latest campaign is problematic because it violates Jewish religious law about not disturbing the dead,” council president Josef Schuster told DW in a statement.
Schuster added that, when the display is dismantled, a rabbi should be consulted to “ensure, at least, a respectful and correct handling of the ashes according to Jewish law.”
The exhibit is scheduled to remain in place until Saturday. The ‘artists’ have set up a crowdfunding campaign to raise funds in order to pour concrete around the urn and make it a permanent memorial.

L'esibizione tedesca scioccante contiene ceneri e ossa di ebrei assassinati dai nazisti.
La mostra ha suscitato indignazione per aver violato la legge rituale ebraica e disonorato i ricordi di coloro che sono morti nell'Olocausto.
Il Center for Political Beauty ha installato, lunedì, una mostra sul terreno dell'ex Kroll Opera House, vicino al parlamento federale tedesco del Bundestag. La struttura simile ad un'urna sembra contenere le ceneri e le ossa degli ebrei assassinati dai nazisti. La mostra è intesa come un appello di protesta contro i conservatori del cancelliere tedesco Angela Merkel sui pericoli di lavorare con estremisti di destra.
Il display, soprannominato "Colonna della resistenza", è un grande tubo di metallo grigio con un'area di vetro illuminata di arancione in cui galleggia il suolo che contiene i resti umani delle vittime dell'Olocausto.
Il sito web del Centro si descrive come "una squadra d'assalto che stabilisce la bellezza morale, la poesia politica e la grandezza umana mentre mira a preservare l'umanitarismo. La comprensione di base del gruppo è che l'eredità dell'Olocausto è resa nulla dall'apatia politica, dal rifiuto dei rifugiati e dalla codardia. Crede che la Germania non debba solo imparare dalla sua storia, ma anche agire. "
Si riconosce anche per essersi impegnato in "le forme più innovative di performance politica" che "devono ferire, provocare e sollevarsi in rivolta", uno sforzo che descrive "umanesimo aggressivo".
Il gruppo ha dichiarato di aver trascorso "due anni a scavare nel terreno e testare i fiumi vicino ad aree in cui" i nazisti hanno perfezionato e industrializzato l'omicidio di massa ", secondo DW. “In uno dei siti orribili abbiamo trovato ceneri e ossa in profondità di un metro. Questa colonna contiene il campione di questo suolo che è stato conservato per tutta l'eternità. "
Nel corso del tempo, il Centro ha affermato che "ha raccolto oltre 240 campioni da 23 località in tutta la Germania e in aree precedentemente occupate dai nazisti in Polonia e Ucraina", secondo DW. Sono stati prelevati campioni da aree vicine ad Auschwitz, Sobibor, Treblinka e altri campi di concentramento in cui cenere e resti di vittime dell'Olocausto erano sparsi nei campi e nei fiumi vicini.
I resti umani sono stati trovati in oltre il 70 percento dei campioni di terreno inviati a un laboratorio, secondo il gruppo.
Il Centro ha affermato che il posizionamento del display è stato scelto intenzionalmente in quanto è il sito in cui i membri del parlamento tedesco hanno dato al dittatore Adolf Hitler un'autorità praticamente illimitata nel 1933.

Il Consiglio centrale degli ebrei in Germania ha affermato che la manifestazione era "problematica", pur riconoscendo che la lotta contro il crescente estremismo di estrema destra è importante.
"Dal punto di vista ebraico, l'ultima campagna del Center for Political Beauty è problematica perché viola la legge religiosa ebraica sul non disturbare i morti", ha dichiarato il presidente del consiglio Josef Schuster in una nota.
Schuster ha aggiunto che, quando il display viene smantellato, un rabbino dovrebbe essere consultato per "assicurare, almeno, una gestione rispettosa e corretta delle ceneri secondo la legge ebraica".
La mostra dovrebbe rimanere in vigore fino a sabato. Gli "artisti" hanno organizzato una campagna di crowdfunding per raccogliere fondi al fine di riversare cemento intorno all'urna e renderlo un memoriale permanente.

Shocking German Exhibit Contains Ashes and Bones of Jews Murdered by Nazis
Shocking German Exhibit Contains Ashes and Bones of Jews Murdered by Nazis

Unius kingREI •
le comunità ebraiche ed il rabbinato: dalla coscienza nera come la pece, loro mi hanno trasformato in un uomo invibile sui siti ebreici, non riescono a fare autocritica sul satanismo parassitario e massonico dei Rothschild,

e si: questo è veramente inquitante!



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truth beknown replied to you on BDS Bust: Arab Dignitaries Reject Boycotts, Seek Relations with Israel 6 days ago

Unius kingREI 7 days ago everything has always been consistent with the Islamic hypocrisy that produced 1400 genocides, and the worst criminal Nazi-Bolshevist communism: as still today jihad sharia UK Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn gives an interview to the BBC and refuses repeatedly to apologize for anti-Semitism plaguing his party.He ignores the interviewer’s questions about an apology, 
truth beknown 6 days ago 

Corbyn is a modern day Nazi. He has no business being the leader of a major political party.
Britain was a stand up, tough country with integrity under Churchill and Thatcher.
If they elect Corbyn, it will join the Titanic. Reply View in discussion 

American at large 2 others upvoted you on BDS Bust: Arab Dignitaries Reject Boycotts, Seek Relations with Israel 7 days ago

Unius kingREI 7 days ago everything has always been consistent with the Islamic hypocrisy that produced 1400 genocides, and the worst criminal Nazi-Bolshevist communism: as still today jihad sharia UK Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn gives an interview to the BBC and refuses repeatedly to apologize for anti-Semitism plaguing his party.He ignores the interviewer’s questions about an apology, View in discussion 

North upvoted you on BDS Bust: Arab Dignitaries Reject Boycotts, Seek Relations with Israel 7 days ago

Unius kingREI 7 days ago Thousands rally in support of Netanyahu in Tel Avivmagistrates are: parasites, lobbyists, mobsters, Satanists, Masons, coups and perverted lgbt .. even in Italy nothing works anymore !! View in discussion 

commenterjoe9999 replied to you on Palestinians Skip PA Riots, 'Day of Rage' a Major Flop 7 days ago

Unius kingREI 7 days ago my President RIVLIN] [I will never invoke Nazism,and also fascism is an ideological intrinsic aberration,but, however, there could be a better interpretation of fascism than what Mussolini did ..I myself will be forced to invoke the return of fascism, if the usurers Rothschild, and his Masons magistrates of the Democratic party will not stop exterminating the Italian people: bringing them to extinction!my President RIVLIN ] [ io non invocherò mai il nazismo,e anche il fascismo è una ideologica aberrazione intrinseca,ma, tuttavia ci potrebbe essere una migliore interpretazione del fascismo di quello che ha fatto stesso sarò costretto ad invocare il ritorno del fascismo, se gli usurai Rothschild, e i suoi massoni magistrati del partito democratico non smetteranno di sterminare il popolo italiano: portandolo alla estinzione! 
commenterjoe9999 7 days ago 

Meet the new sock same as the old sock Reply View in discussion 

YACIE. 2 others upvoted you on Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Threatens US, Allies Over Protests 8 days ago

Unius kingREI 8 days ago Bin SALMAN [ son ] Love uprightness you who are rulers on earth, be properly disposed towards the Lord and seek him in simplicity of heart;2. for he will be found by those who do not put him to the test, revealing himself to those who do not mistrust him.3. Perverse thoughts, however, separate people from God, and power, when put to the test, confounds the stupid. 4. Wisdom will never enter the soul of a wrong-doer Mohammeddans, nor dwell in a body enslaved to sin of false prophet Mohammed;5. for the holy spirit of instruction flees deceitfulness, recoils from unintelligent thoughts, is thwarted by the onset of vice.6. Wisdom is a spirit friendly to humanity, though she will not let a blasphemer's words go unpunished; since God observes the very soul and accurately surveys the heart, listening to every word.7. For the spirit of the Lord fills the world, and that which holds everything together knows every word said.8. No one who speaks what is wrong will go undetected, nor will avenging Justice pass by such a one.9. For the schemes of the godless will be examined, and a report of his words will reach the Lord to convict him of his crimes.10. There is a jealous ear that overhears everything, not even a murmur of complaint escapes it.11. So beware of uttering frivolous complaints, restrain your tongue from finding fault; even what is said in secret has repercussions, and a lying mouth deals death to the soul.12. Do not court death by the errors of your ways, nor invite destruction through the work of your hands.13. For God did not make Death, he takes no pleasure in destroying the living.14. To exist -- for this he created all things; the creatures of the world have health in them, in them is no fatal poison, and Hades has no power over the world:15. for uprightness is immortal.16. But the godless call for Death with deed and word, counting him friend, they wear themselves out for him; with him they make a pact, worthy as they are to belong to him. View in discussion 

גבריאל בן יעקב replied to you on Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Threatens US, Allies Over Protests 8 days ago

Unius kingREI 8 days ago Now Asia Argento drops the MeTooANSWERin fact, prostitution is still a  crime in Saudi Arabia ..and who could suspect "she sold her body in exchange for success?"and did the MeToo with the same purpose!Ora Asia Argento molla il MeTooANSWERin effetti, la prostituzione è ancora un reato in Arabia Saudita.. e chi potrebbe sospettare: "lei ha venduto il suo corpo in cambio del successo?"ed ha fatto il MeToo con lo stesso scopo! 
גבריאל בן יעקב 8 days ago 

Unius, sorry it looks like you're in the wrong place at the wrong time, and posting the wrong comments to the wrong media. Why not check first whether you should be here? Reply View in discussion 

Grace Joy upvoted you on Attorney general: Netanyahu not required to resign 8 days ago

Unius kingREI 8 days ago for example: the satanic theosophy of the GENDER theory lgbtq:serves precisely to deconstruct the natural sterotypes (xx and xy) of male-female, and serves, above all to redefine the meanings of the human being at the world level. but, I don't think anyone, has could vote: on all this satanism!per esempio: la teosofia satanica della teoria del GENDER lgbtq:serve proprio a decostruire gli sterotipi naturali (xx e xy) di maschio-femmina, e serve, soprattutto a ridefinire i significati dell'essere umano a livello mondiale. ma, io non credo che qualcuno ha potuto votare: su tutto questo satanismo! View in discussion 

Grace Joy replied to you on Israel’s attorney general: I charge the prime minister with a heavy heart 8 days ago

Unius kingREI 8 days ago Israel's attorney general: I charge the prime minister with a heavy heartthis new not exist in my brouser becouse CIA are satanist A.I, lgbtq zippopippocagna, Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit 
Grace Joy 8 days ago 

Lorenzo, that avatar is brilliant, but unbearable. I can't look at it. Reply View in discussion 

bev replied to you on Attorney general: Netanyahu not required to resign 8 days ago

Unius kingREI 8 days ago Detected as spam BIN SALMAN] [ the greatest Owl Baal Ja-Bull-On Allah architects: freemasons COGLIONI Attorney-General Avichai Mandelblit, specialists: in social engineering lgbt 666 Satan: all perverted perversions, and satanism scam banking seigniorage.they thought they had absolute power in the NWO.but they had underestimated Unius REI.God told me: "you must make the mortgage loan!"I replied: "Are you a fool God?"no, he wasn't stupid: he knew I would destroy the NWO by alone with you .. 
bev 8 days ago 

what the hell does this all mean Reply View in discussion 

JussSomeBloke replied to you on Attorney general: Netanyahu not required to resign 8 days ago

Unius kingREI 8 days ago Detected as spam BIN SALMAN] [ the greatest Owl Baal Ja-Bull-On Allah architects: freemasons COGLIONI Attorney-General Avichai Mandelblit, specialists: in social engineering lgbt 666 Satan: all perverted perversions, and satanism scam banking seigniorage.they thought they had absolute power in the NWO.but they had underestimated Unius REI.God told me: "you must make the mortgage loan!"I replied: "Are you a fool God?"no, he wasn't stupid: he knew I would destroy the NWO by alone with you .. 
JussSomeBloke 8 days ago 

what on earth are you talking about ?? Your heart might be in the right place, but your posts are disjointed and just sound like rambling and muttering. I'm tired of constantly having to block your many psudonyms.


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