Belgian town chooses anti-Semitic carnival floats over UN cultural heritage status
Belgian town chooses anti-Semitic carnival floats over UN cultural heritage status
dhimmis kafir murtids Yitzhak Mickey Oberman a minute ago
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children of a cursed genealogy: predestined to burn in the fire of hell!
figli di una genealogia maledetta: predestinati a bruciare nel fuoco dell'inferno!
dhimmis kafir murtids Yitzhak Mickey Oberman 2 minutes ago
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children of a cursed genalogy: predestined to burn in the fire of hell!
dhimmis kafir murtids Yitzhak Mickey Oberman 4 minutes ago
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your slanders against me are legendary ..
pity though that they always remain without explanation:
then, you come with your priests of Satan of the CIA FED FMI NWO NATO: to block my channels and make my comments invisible:
it is because you are the cowards!
dhimmis kafir murtids Yitzhak Jim Moritz 14 hours ago
I cannot take care of your demon: Allah Satan:
I am sorry for you
but, I must protect all peoples
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dhimmis kafir murtids Yitzhak bill53 14 hours ago
it is impossible not to believe in God, since even atheism is a dogmatic religion,
it is clear: Islam Sharia and Atheists are united in the unique religion of the antichrist!
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dhimmis kafir murtids Yitzhak ZionMyHome a day ago
there is no longer a people of Belgium:
there is Mohammed akbar and Fatima jihad ..
lgbt 666 and democratic party: with all perverted penguins and darwin rothschild's monkeys
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dhimmis kafir murtids Yitzhak a day ago
in effetti gli ebrei mondialisti: super liberisti: speculatori finanziari: tecnocrazia, loro per predare i goyims (tutti animali dalla forma umana) usurai senza una coscienza veri satanisti..
1. hanno corrotto il cristianesimo:
2. hanno fondato il partito democratico lgbt: come la dittatura gender: imposta a tutti i bambini di 3 anni per legge: invitati a 3 anni alla masturbazione come da regolamento europeo!
3. realizzato la UE tecnocratica Bilderberg: un mostro totale dell'anticristo,
4. hanno inventato i film di orrore:
4. hanno inventato i film sporchi e tutto ciò che di sporco e pervertito a sodoma e gomorra e che può esiste nel mondo:
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dhimmis kafir murtids Yitzhak a day ago
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worldisraelnews IDIOTA!!!
io, i sauditi, e gli israeliani: soltanto noi siamo i semiti!
dhimmis kafir murtids Yitzhak a day ago
chi ha detto che: i massoni: Bilderberg MES BCE FMI BM NWO, traditori, parassiti, ladri, e usurai: le feci di satana: la UE tecnocrazia: e burocrazia: i neo-liberisti, finanza speculativa, alto tradimento il signoraggio bancario: loro sono semiti?
no, sono soltanto i satanisti: the ENLIGHTENED DEMO PLUTO GIUDAICO MASSONE!
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Netanyahu expected to cry foul in request for immunity
dhimmis kafir murtids Yitzhak 6 hours ago
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if Netanjahu gets trampled on: how can peoples survive the New Demonic World Order of the Rothschild Democratic Party?
Netanjahu must request immunity, and he must face the process with it!
those who remove his photo from public places must be tried!
the false witnesses?
they must end up in jail for high treason!
Netanjahu has mocked the large number of witnesses: 333 - listed in the official accusation that they would testify against him in future court proceedings.
who suck the blood of the people, masons usurers: the scum of the demon Baal, all the enemies of the people
Rothschild traitors Saruman Soros Rochefeller Morgan Bilderberg:
the party 322 masonic system democratic 666 lgbt and criminal neo-liberism: where multinationals become more powerful than states national:
there is a large list of Pharisees parasites: technocrats: bureaucrats, financial speculators
fraud tax collectors: high constitutional treason: banking seigniorage ..
Discussion on World Israel News 2 comments
Holy hotline: Israeli rabbis set up 24-hour call center for families of terminally ill
dhimmis kafir murtids Yitzhak 6 hours ago
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there is an ontological incompatibility: systematic content in substance and substance between ISLAM and Judaism-Christianity.
in fact, even Satanism is a monotheism like ISLAM: a Satanism: not compatible with the survival of peoples.
while, JHWH holy asks for collaboration:
while, JHWH holy asks for collaboration the personal encounter: the personal and creative response: and the critical justification of one's FAITH.
ISLAM is quite the opposite,
Islam requires a total uncritical submission: obedience to a dogma: which is very convenient for pirates: to rape and take possession of property ... and this is the ARAB LEAGUE !!
therefore. this is why the Koran cannot be subjected to a historical-critical scientific study: simply because under this analysis: historical-critical, otherwise all Islamic Satanism would collapse!
as long as there is standing: the sharia?
we will be forced to the final solution, against all the ARAB ALLOY as a whole!
you prepare for this!
I decree the destruction of ISLAM worldwide!
dhimmis kafir murtids Yitzhak 7 hours ago
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ONU Cina Russia USA UE India ]
1. JHWH holy cerca collaboratori amanti: assetati di giustizia.
2. Allah come Satana cerca la sottomissione
ISLAM non ci lascia alternative: noi dobbiamo distruggere la LEGA ARABA.
Discussion on World Israel News 3 comments
Int’l Criminal Court affirms dismissal of Gaza flotilla complaint
dhimmis kafir murtids Yitzhak 13 hours ago
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la malattia mentale del partito democratico?
non è curabile!!
tutti ignorano cosa è la sharia law: una possessione demoniaca!
Attentato a Londra, la lettera del padre del ragazzo ucciso: «Non strumentalizzate la morte di Jack, lui credeva nella riabilitazione»
dhimmis kafir murtids Yitzhak 13 hours ago
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questi della sinagoga di satana: traditori ladri, complottisti, massoni, satanisti, lgbt, tecnocrati, burocrati: pervertitori del partito democratico: alto tradimento costituzionale massonico il signoraggio bancario: neo-liberismo: ricchi sempre più ricchi e poveri sempre più poveri
1. hanno distrutto il cristianesimo:
2. hanno foraggiato la invasione afro-islamica
3. hanno portato i popoli alla disperazione
4. e poi, si meravigliano che sorgono le destre: per ora democratiche!
5. ma, se non c'era Netanjahu? neanche Israele sarebbe esistito oggi!
e poi, proprio loro si lamentano dell'antisemitismo?
Rabbino capo d’Europa: "i miei più grandi timori si sono avverati": it sputniknews com/intervista/201912038361257-rabbino-capo-deuropa-i-miei-piu-grandi-timori-si-sono-avverati/
Discussion on World Israel News 31 comments
Netanyahu: I spoke with Trump about annexing Jordan Valley
dhimmis kafir murtids Yitzhak 13 hours ago
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tutti, in tutto il mondo?
noi abbiamo le PALLE piene di questi pazzi: Palestinesi, kamikaze stupidi assassini mostri crudeli(il vero volto dell'ISLAM dietro la ipocrisia Saudita):
Islam come negazione di ogni diritto umano: e crimini di guerra e distruzione (omicidi seriali) del proprio stesso popolo plagiato e terrorizzato grazie ad ONU e Cina e Russia: anche se lo dobbiamo dire chiaramente: "ISIS e Palestinesi leggono bene il Corano sharia Erdogan jihad akbar"! lo dicono loro a Riyadh che il Corano non può essere interpretato, ecco perché i sauditi non meritano nessuna fiducia !
Belgian town chooses anti-Semitic carnival floats over UN cultural heritage status on World Israel News 13 comments
DAILY RECAP: Israel To Annex Jordan Valley? Cave of Patriarchs To Get Major Renovation; Israel Adopts Less L…
dhimmis kafir murtids Yitzhak 13 hours ago
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Sheikh Abd-al-Aziz bin Baz, Muhammad bin Salman ] io amo la pace più di voi:
e nel regime della pace, io non farei mai del male alla Moschea di Al-Aqsa
dhimmis kafir murtids Yitzhak 13 hours ago
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La Giordania non è riuscita ad amministrare correttamente questo sito santo, a svilupparlo e trasformarlo in un sito attraente per il turismo religioso, la pace e la tolleranza, piuttosto che una piattaforma per l'odio. È tempo che sia sotto l'amministrazione saudita, gestita insieme alle due sante moschee alla Mecca e Medina. L'Arabia Saudita ha grandi idee per il Monte del Tempio, per trasformarlo in un punto di riferimento turistico e un centro di pace e amore, per collegare questi luoghi santi - La Mecca, Medina e la Moschea Al-Aqsa - in treno, in modo che pellegrini, visitatori e i turisti possono visitarli tutti in un giorno, sviluppando così opportunità economiche e occupazionali da tutte le parti.
si tutto questo potrebbe essere fatto anche subito!
dhimmis kafir murtids Yitzhak • a day ago
chi ha detto che: i massoni: Bilderberg MES BCE FMI BM NWO, traditori, parassiti, ladri, e usurai: le feci di satana: la UE tecnocrazia: e burocrazia: i neo-liberisti, finanza speculativa, alto tradimento il signoraggio bancario: loro sono semiti?
no, sono soltanto i satanisti: the ENLIGHTENED DEMO PLUTO GIUDAICO MASSONE!
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Jim Moritz dhimmis kafir murtids Yitzhak • 16 hours ago
Hmmmm...looks like it’s baaack!
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dhimmis kafir murtids Yitzhak Jim Moritz • 15 hours ago
I cannot take care of your demon: Allah Satan:
I am sorry for you
but, I must protect all peoples
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Daniel Kelly Jim Moritz • 12 hours ago
Matron must have forgotten to give him his meds!
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MoonshineSA Daniel Kelly • 10 hours ago
Don’t blame her, she needs the meds more than her charges do. I heard that she has applied for a job as a substitute punch bag at a bar and boxing joint - says she’s looking for a less stressful job.
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MoonshineSA Jim Moritz • 10 hours ago
You think? I wonder what gives him away.
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dhimmis kafir murtids Yitzhak • a day ago
in effetti gli ebrei mondialisti: super liberisti: speculatori finanziari: tecnocrazia, loro per predare i goyims (tutti animali dalla forma umana) usurai senza una coscienza veri satanisti..
1. hanno corrotto il cristianesimo:
2. hanno fondato il partito democratico lgbt: come la dittatura gender: imposta a tutti i bambini di 3 anni per legge: invitati a 3 anni alla masturbazione come da regolamento europeo!
3. realizzato la UE tecnocratica Bilderberg: un mostro totale dell'anticristo,
4. hanno inventato i film di orrore:
4. hanno inventato i film sporchi e tutto ciò che di sporco e pervertito a sodoma e gomorra e che può esiste nel mondo:
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ZionMyHome • a day ago
Stupid Belgian fools deserve every islamic terror attack they suffer in their stupid country.
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dhimmis kafir murtids Yitzhak ZionMyHome • a day ago
there is no longer a people of Belgium:
there is Mohammed akbar and Fatima jihad ..
lgbt 666 and democratic party: with all perverted penguins and darwin rothschild's monkeys
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bill53 dhimmis kafir murtids Yitzhak • 16 hours ago
They are worse, they don't believe in any god let alone the real one.
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dhimmis kafir murtids Yitzhak bill53 • 15 hours ago
it is impossible not to believe in God, since even atheism is a dogmatic religion,
it is clear: Islam Sharia and Atheists are united in the unique religion of the antichrist!
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Mickey Oberman dhimmis kafir murtids Yitzhak • 12 hours ago
AKMY, yet another Belgian anti semite.
Go join your parade oh brainless puppet,
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dhimmis kafir murtids Yitzhak Mickey Oberman • 9 minutes ago
children of a cursed genealogy: predestined to burn in the fire of hell!
figli di una genealogia maledetta: predestinati a bruciare nel fuoco dell'inferno!
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will rodgers ZionMyHome • 13 hours ago
I think they just like to see their wives and daughters raped by these pagan tribal cult followers of muhammad who they are emulating.
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HankinColorado • 21 hours ago
...and what does the little girl in the black jacket on the right side of the picture learn from this stupidity?
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Ste • 17 hours ago
I wonder if they make equal efforts to satirise islam? Like a carnival float with a mock stoning event or paedophilia or beheading or perhaps a bomb-vest fashion show. I think I know the answer
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fof9l Ste • 17 hours ago
I really like the idea of a suicide-vest fashion show. You could go a long way with that idea.
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Tiger the Terrible fof9l • 6 hours ago
Just dress them up as American politicians who are Socialists and Progressive/Communist. Same thing.
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Don Spilman Ste • 16 hours ago
Hey the rainbow parades could be satire by a pedophile raping an 8 year old..... oh that wouldn’t be satire would it!
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Dave Alpern Ste • 8 hours ago
How curious that these pompous and arrogant cretins never seem to "poke fun" at Muslims, blacks, women, gays, Hindus or any others who don't happen to be Jews. They obviously know what Muslims would do in such a case!
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Tiger the Terrible Dave Alpern • 6 hours ago
Europe is in the grasp of Islam. It started long ago when I lived there. It has now escalated, especially beginning in 2015 with the invasion of 75% healthy, fighting age, Muslim men running from, FAKE wars, they didn't even come from Syria, they have caused crime, rape and terror and the reason so many countries said no to the FAKE refugees. Also the reason UK out of the EU and Germans and French etc. fighting to get Muslims out.
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Tiger the Terrible Ste • 6 hours ago
No and America filled to overflowing with them also. In every tiny town across this country. Thank you Obama. We know what Europe has become but the average American has no clue. They don't understand the dynamics and why the UK leaving the EU, why Germans and French are fighting mad and Italy along with other countries turned to leaders they call Trumpian. But we will know the horrors of Europe if ever the "Others" among us get hold of America.
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Jeyapaul Samathanam Ste • 6 hours ago
If they satirize Islam the whole of Belgium will burn. The people of Belgium are insensitive to Israel's feelings. Israel should make sure no Israeli inventions are given to Belgium.
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VTS Ste • 2 hours ago
Those caricatures of Jews still look better than most of Aalst residents.
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Denis • 17 hours ago
Another 20 years and Belgium will be an Islamic country with sharia law. How can Europeans be so weak and gullible. May Yehovah help us all. 🤒
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Raymond Martucci Denis • 16 hours ago
United States not to far behind. We have mindless sheep here too.
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Denis Raymond Martucci • 15 hours ago
I pray you are wrong. We in Australia admire most things American.Most of us believe that Trump has already helped make America Great Again, after Obama did his best to make you weak. The US military is fantastic, even Russia/China combined could never match you, unless you have a civil war. 🙂
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will rodgers Denis • 13 hours ago
I agree, The US is weakened by PC bullcrap put out by some politicians. They need to name CAIR an official Terrorist Organization. There is ample proof they fund terrorism all over the globe. Next they need to ban the NAZI Soros from doing his political support of all Anti American groups like ANtifa. BLM, CAIR, ISNA, and members of congress he supports. We do have a vast number of armed Americans willing to fight the Terrorists,if they rear their ugly heads
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Mickey Oberman will rodgers • 10 hours ago • edited
" We do have a vast number of armed Americans willing to fight the Terrorists,if they rear their ugly heads "
You are going to use a foreign army yo spare your cowardly ex Nazis?
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will rodgers Mickey Oberman • 10 hours ago
MIckey, unlike many nations, America is a nation of laws. What I am saying here is that America has the ability to deal with terrorism legally. We are not criminals we have laws and people who enforce laws. Your challenge is what I'd expect from a lawless person, an laced with name calling and threats
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Cauc-Asian Patriot will rodgers • 5 hours ago
I agree with you, Will Rogers. George Soros is the leader of the globalists who are supported by folks whom Lenin who was a great revolutionary, I give him that, called "Happy fools and useful idiots" like Mickey Oberman on here! Unfortunately, if Pres Trump loses in 2020, the lawless will be the ones making the laws like in the former USSR! Happy Holidays to all rightists especially Chanukah!
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Mickey Oberman Denis • 10 hours ago
Well, Raymond, There are the famous Strauss waltzes.
What else have you contributed to mankind????
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Nicholas George Denis • 7 hours ago
Yes Obama did a great deal of harm to America including more than doubling the national debt that is now so high that it has become an existinal threat that no one can reverse, when the final collapse occurs the lefty's will blame every one else except Obama.
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Anton Loew Raymond Martucci • 11 hours ago
Trump might save the US if the left does not destroy him and the Constitution.
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Nicholas George Raymond Martucci • 7 hours ago
As long as the Democrats remain as a party America is in danger.
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Efram Paul • 17 hours ago
I wonder if they would be so 'free expression' oriented if a float deriding Muslims wanted to join the parade.
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Grace Joy Efram Paul • 16 hours ago
I had a similar thought: Picture a float with Mohammed sitting in bed with his tiny child bride Aisha, ten other wives, & a bunch of s e x sl aves? Maybe some black African & white European sl aves to round out the display?
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punch_corona Grace Joy • 13 hours ago
.. the arabs gathered the slaves.. they are the slave trade business.. how about a float of arabs wearing their head rags with whips beating on half naked & barefoot african slaves.. with their neck chains..
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Lizzie Moore punch_corona • 11 hours ago
:-) :-) !!
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Grace Joy punch_corona • 8 hours ago
Oooh, & another float of young European boys being castrated.
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Anton Loew Efram Paul • 11 hours ago
The difference is the Arabs will fight with bombs and are united; the Jews are never united to stand up for themselves nor willing to bomb others. In the US all the Jewish leaders of the Dems. never stood up to the progressive fascists / Islamists nor for Israel. Actually, the best President Trump for Israel; was only supported by 25% Jewish vote; while 75% voted for Obama the man who financed and green lighted Iran to have nuke/ rocket; thus, now Israel has Iran axis on the Israeli borders. as well as the increase in anti-Semitism in the US. After all that they Jews are not united; nor willing to learn from History. Actually, out biggest enemies are Jews like Soros, Sanders and J Street.
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xx el • 17 hours ago
I bet they don't have the balls to do a muzslime float, the town will be in flame, allah u akbar
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Sha Terra xx el • 17 hours ago
It should be in flames after this carnival.
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Mickey Oberman Sha Terra • 10 hours ago
DURING the carnival!
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Jorge • 17 hours ago
Those disgraceful floats should be destroyed no matter what it takes to do it, they should not be allowed to be shown, Belgium as the rest of Europe is a stinking cesspool filled with brain dead Jew haters, Europeans are absolute shameless people, if such scum can be called people
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Walt Kleine • 16 hours ago
Terrible as well as disgraceful!
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Raymond Martucci • 16 hours ago • edited
Talk about a country doing a complete suicide. They killing themselves all the way. They get what they deserve people in Europe have become mindless sheep letting this cancer run them
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Steve Raymond Martucci • 14 hours ago
Brussels is something like 40% Muslim. Won't be long now, especially since Europeans are too nihilistic to even replace themselves.
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barbarakelly • 16 hours ago
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Mickey Oberman barbarakelly • 10 hours ago
Do not forget that Belgium was the very first country to adopt
Naziizm. Well before most Germans did.
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lizzardman • 16 hours ago
I guess we should have let the Nazis have their way with Belgium, and bypassed them. Shame on you racist a-holes! We all have a right to exist in peace and prosperity!
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Alec Becker • 16 hours ago
They are really sick people. Too bad that they disgrace the human race. Belgium has really fallen into a dung hole.
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bill53 Alec Becker • 16 hours ago
Remember this is the same country that allows children to commit state sanctioned suicide/euthanasia.
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Don Spilman • 16 hours ago
Most yourapeein countries are like the consummate fool that would cut off his nose to spite his face! I don’t know why any of this seems surprising to anyone, it has been predicted/prophesied for many centuries! Yourerp is burned toast!
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porpiassod • 16 hours ago • edited
I wonder if those dhimmis would dare mocking Mohammed and Islam...
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442rocketdave • 16 hours ago
The Belgians are so full of Islamic terrorist and anti Semites they wont dare put a stop to this disgraceful sick vile and DISGUSTING show of their complete stupidity and anti Semitism. The country is already lost just like France Germany and England all Islamic states basically.
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Grace Joy 442rocketdave • 16 hours ago
It has nothing to do with stupidity or anti-Semitism: It's GREED, as per the UN's Sustainable Development Agenda, Agenda 21, the 2030 Agenda, the Green New Deal, Climate Change agenda to systematically replace Westerners with Muslim,
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bill53 • 16 hours ago
First the UNESCO World Heritage site recognition is dubious at best anyway. No one needs UN approval or validation for anything. Heck they recognize Hiroshima and Nagasaki but not the rape of Nanking as World Heritage sites.The UN did nothing about Cambodia or Rwanda. The UN's predecessor did nothing about the Holocaust. The US and FDR wouldn't even take in Jewish refugee's who were clearly under threat.
Having said that this Antisemitism exhibited in this town and Belgium is so grotesque as to make me want to hurl. I can't understand what is going through this mayors head or his constituents minds either. The only thing good people can do is protest this garbage. Hopefully right thinking Belgians will push back on this hate.
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william carr • 16 hours ago
Do they make fun of Muslims also? No because that would result in terrorism attacks
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alpcns . • 16 hours ago
Now put on your big-boy pants and try the same with Islam and their murderous pedophile "prophet", you heroes.
And then see what happens.
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Cauc-Asian Patriot • 15 hours ago
The Town of Aalst which sounds Flemish as in Flanders, an area where there was a lot of pro-Germans in WWII era should be fair and put up a float showing depictions of Mohammad like Dutch MP Geert Wilders allowed and the Islamics killed people for doing in the Netherlands including a movie producer by the name of Van Gogh for a movie about Islamic mistreatment of European women called "Submission"! Truthfully, the floats are of such a nature that Israelis would be justified in wishing to attack them which I suspect is the main idea, to provoke Jews into attacking them to distract Europe from the recent actions of Jihadis in London, etc! Bet somewhere, funding linked to Jihadis provided an incentive for them and this Mayor to act the way he did! Israel should retaliate and boycott Aalst of their technology and tourism! BDS should work both ways!
The French speaking Walloons of Belgium get a bad deal as the people of Flanders are a lot like the Palestinians to the Walloons who are descendants of the original, Latinized Franks whose offspring, War Lord, Charles Martel freed France from Islamic conquest! They betrayed Belgium in both World Wars, subject them to bilingualism and keep Belgium down! The Walloons have gotten soft on the Flemish, giving them all kinds of rights when they deserve some lefts and often vote leftist, against their monarchy! The EU sucks the wind out of Belgian sails, making sure it will always be a weak, divided country! Happy Holidays including Chanukah to Rightists!
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Daniel Kelly Cauc-Asian Patriot • 13 hours ago
You've forgotten the Rexists!
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Cauc-Asian Patriot Daniel Kelly • 5 hours ago • edited
I'm an admirer of Belgian nationalist, Paul Hoornaert of the National Legion who was killed by the Nazis! The Rexists were a Nazi group! Post WWI, Belgium Walloons were a leading nation in rightist thought and their Catholic clergy was almost Eastern Orthodox! Happy Holidays to all rightists especially Chanukah!
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ricardo • 15 hours ago
The people of Belgium will get what they deserve ... not far away a day will come that the Shaharia Law will be enacted on the Country, and Christian festivities like this will be banned. I will not shed a single tear for these bastards.
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hank walter • 14 hours ago
Is Belgium a catholic country,,I WONDER
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bigal4u hank walter • 14 hours ago
NO, now run by the allah akbar brigade!!
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bigal4u • 14 hours ago
Belgium is now controlled by the mossrats!!
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Mickey Oberman bigal4u • 6 hours ago
Your source, please.
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Alberto DelBurgo • 13 hours ago
Aalst should be the first town on a list of non grata cities not to be touristed by jews, and we should have tue courage of publishing a list of cities or countries where jews should not be visiting because of antisemitic pride. After all, even animals could learn.
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Anton Loew Alberto DelBurgo • 11 hours ago
Jews will never unite
The difference is the Arabs will fight with bombs and are united; the Jews are never united to stand up for themselves nor willing to bomb others. In the US all the Jewish leaders of the Dems. never stood up to the progressive fascists / Islamists nor for Israel. Actually, the best President Trump for Israel; was only supported by 25% Jewish vote; while 75% voted for Obama the man who financed and green lighted Iran to have nuke/ rocket; thus, now Israel has Iran axis on the Israeli borders. as well as the increase in anti-Semitism in the US. After all that they Jews are not united; nor willing to learn from History. Actually, out biggest enemies are Jews like Soros, Sanders and J Street.
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Will-BWL • 13 hours ago
Belgium is against the Jew's. . The North Westerns up and on the run to get away. The animal catchers are running, The route Behind the college. Belgium is looking at people ready to kick out the Muslims on the street because of their inability, or their hate of trump. The time portal allows spirits past to Blend into society. or Demonstration. Jesus stated that the Prophets are easy to identify. You will evaluate those claiming they come from God. You will find their works, Needed to bring in the spiders, and The boys running around Pharaoh.
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Mickey Oberman Will-BWL • 6 hours ago
Do not rely too heavily on god.
He/she/it has had 3,500 years to get things in order.
We are still waiting!!!
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Mickey Oberman • 12 hours ago
The Belgians are undoubtedly anxious to be the victims, as a part of their past, by renewing their former past surrenders to and celebrate yet another surrender thus whining them the right to beg the world for its, as they see it, share of the planet's largest.
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mikeatkron • 12 hours ago
Perhaps, Belgian. Jews, if any still live in that shit-hole country, should dress up as muzslimes, ride on their own. float holding RPGs, AK-47s, wearing fake suicide vests, head rags and holding a female child by a neck-chain to represent the pedophile prophet of their Islamo-Fascist religion. That is not PC, but then neither are the muzslimes, who have taken over that shit-hole country!
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Olga Epshteyn • 12 hours ago
These are the children and grandchildren of those Europeans who transferred the Jews into the hands of the Gestapo to seize their property. What else can you expect from them? Mills of history are polished slowly, but justice is close. They hated Jewish neighbors; they now have Muslim neighbors. Soon they will understand everything, even the most stupid.
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michael greene • 12 hours ago
There was significant Nazi collaboration and support by occupied Belgium during WWII which
allowed the German army to recruit two divisions of the Waffen-SS from Belgium. They also facilitated in helping the Germans murder the Jews in which which nearly 25,000 were killed. It is a cursed European country (like Nazi collaborator France), and why Jews still live there is beyond me. Nazism is still alive and well in that s-hole country, and they are unabashed about it, which means they are very serious in their Jew hatred. They are no more worthy of belonging to the community of civilized nations than Iran or N. Korea. I suggest boycotting any product from Belgium and avoiding traveling there.
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Lizzie Moore • 11 hours ago
Wow! This is so totally over the top. Provincial French Catholicism, essentially. Does not do much for the image of Continental Catholicism, sadly. [Lizzie in Australia]
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Anton Loew • 11 hours ago
EU; UN are 100% mostly anti-Semitic leaders led by Merkel; dictators and the progressive left. Time for Israel to accept reality. That we have to rely on ourselves- must have defensible borders. Land for Peace has failed 100%. So, no more Land for War.
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MoonshineSA • 10 hours ago
Hopefully sales of Belgian chocolates will slide down the same drain that their morals have done.
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cammo99 • 10 hours ago
My concern is that hate speech creates a reaction that may adversely affect free speech. We know what hate speech is we know what hate crimes are but we apply the rules in civil court unfairly. For example a black man enters the Mall of the Americas with the stated intent to kill someone. He selects as a victim a 5 year old blue eyed blonde haired boy and tosses him 40 feet from a balcony nearly killing the child. No one asks why a black man chose a defenseless white kid with blue eyes and blonde hair for his victim. No one asks if it is a hate crime, furthermore St Paul has become a center for Radical support of Islam. No one asks questions, no one is allowed to ask questions. One might ask if such suppression is a hate crime in itself. Liberalism only goes so far and too often picks sides perhaps unintentionally promoting or choosing which form of hate is more acceptable over another.
The positive of this event is the over whelming response to what is an open demonstration of contempt for Jews and Antisemitism. (Sometimes disguised as anti Zionism.)
What I do not understand here is how did the Aalst Carnival become a platform for hate speech? How were they blinded to it and permit it?
"In 2013, a group had members who dressed up in SS-uniforms and paraded around with cans marked Zyklon B, which led to a protest by UNESCO.[3][4] In 2019, one float featured two huge puppets resembling orthodox Jews, one with a rat on his shoulder, sitting on bags of money and gold coins.[5] In December 2019 the Mayor of Aalst Christophe D'Haese said that he wanted to renounce its place on the United Nations cultural heritage list after widespread complaints that the 2019 carnival contained blatant antisemitism. [6]"
How did the line between "satire" and hate become so blurred? A liberal permissive platform provided an opportunity for hate to express itself, is one possible explanation..
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pamela preedy • 7 hours ago • edited
'No religion off-limits to poke fun at'? What lying hypocrisy! The Belgians are so infested with muslims they wouldn't DARE poke fun at islam because 'jihadists' aka criminals/murderers would shoot 'em up like Hebdo or attack with bombs as they have done here in the UK many times with no provocation except hatred of anyone who doesn't believe in their cult. The silly Belgians probably use this obscene display to appease the enemies their treacherous leaders allowed into the country. Btw, please don't condemn 'all Europeans' as 'stupid' or 'getting what they deserve'. The ordinary people of Europe did not invite or allow a hateful, dangerous religion into their countries - no politician here was ever given a mandate to do that. And now they're here, the politicians are too cowardly to control them, even to avoid future conflict.
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mortymooze • 7 hours ago
THE MOOZER ( not the mumzer) ASKS:
Does the material from which this float is made catch fire easily and burn rapidly?
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crinedel • 7 hours ago
Hey, it is a form of a Christian holiday--"Carnival" preceding Lent which commemorates, according to Christian thought no matter how much they change it, the time the evil Joooooos killed their god, or his son, or whatever--so what can you expect? This is Christianity at its core and Jews must understand that hated filled core.
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Tiger the Terrible • 6 hours ago
Parts of Belgium are long gone to Muslims. The Islamic infestation was strong in Brussels when I visited. They were covering Christian statues and using Christian churches for their mosques. So I was never going to go back to Belgium, I lived in Europe and this was in 2004 but I was talked into visiting Bruges and a couple of other medieval towns and I was so glad I did. They were gorgeous.
I heard, sadly that Muslims are now also everywhere including the lovely little villages. So very sad to see Europe going down to the depths of the turbaned manics. France already getting filled with black Africans when I was there, they were vulgar and pushy and filthy mouthed. I had an out with several. Always carried a bumbershoot with a long and very pointed top on it. Good for weeding out people who get too close to me.
This float is representative of the many countries now, including our own U.S.A. with it's Nazi and it's Progressive/Communist/Socialist. Anyone listening to the Demonic Rat Convention in 2016 say it. They wanted to drop God, drop Israel and go with Muslims. Their speakers and guests Muslims and also BLM mothers whose sons killed by police. So hang onto your hats America the Jew Haters are among us. The threats to the Trump Supporters are the same as that to the Jews. I have posters tell me all the time, we will pack the train cars with all of you and you will be taking showers.
We in the U.S.A. are living in a country so divided that if it goes to the "Others" you will see the U.S.A. also go against the Jews.
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retired22 • 4 hours ago • edited
What I would like to know is,
After all of the murder & abuse dropped on the Jewish People in Europe,why do these Jewish people stay there?
Are they masochists who enjoy pain?
I read an article a few days back about the Jewish Community in Berlin,of all places,they were complaining about anti semitic acts,
Really,who would have guessed?
If they determined to stay & be abused,...stop complaining!
If the Belgians hate the Jews so much,...let's see how much the miserable uncircumsized bosterds love the Muslims pouring in!
As I heard many years back
"No one can make a fool of you,...You alone can make a fool of yourself''!
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Frances Weingarten • 3 hours ago
The Belgians are so daft they don't understand that what they're doing re the floats shows the world just where they stand! It's obvious that anti-semitism is okay for them as if it weren't noticeable that the floats remained in their place while they allowed UNESCOs place to be removed. If they're not ashamed of this obvious blunder, then they're farther from understanding just what these floats respresent!
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a fellow charedi • an hour ago
Maybe it's to for Jews (and others) to boycott Belgian products. They think we're all rich anyway, so let's put the myth to work!
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