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As infections spike in Israel, Netanyahu pushes for Shin Bet to resume …

leonore35an hour ago

One doctor's opinion is not worth a headline

Don Spilman8 hours ago

“there are 8,970,977 confirmed coronavirus cases and 468,589 deaths worldwide,”
We will never know of course but I would bet that way more than half of those deaths had nothing or little to do with the Covid lie!

sidney weiner Don Spilman7 hours ago • edited

I know for a fact that a very high proportion of these fatalities occured,in N.Y. at least,
because the Democrats who run N.Y, dumped people with the virus into nursing homes full of very
Old residents.
Elderly residents with other ailments & weak immune systems who were easy prey for the virus.
They were,in effect,murdered!


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Don Spilman sidney weiner7 hours ago

Absolutely I know personally a young lady E R nurse who worked there for two months who could totally CONFIRM that !!!!


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White Elk Clearwater Don Spilman7 hours ago

Give the man a cupie doll


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o85o8 hours ago

Even if they develop a vaccine, I will not be taking it. No, I do not want the virus, and yes I understand it can really do some damage depending on how your body fights it. But China developed this and released it on its own people, likely how HIV started in NYC while federal health officials were experimenting with Hepatitis "vaccines" on gay men. However, while I hope America's HIV was unintentional and not related to the "Lavender Scare" under McCarthy-era type agendas, I believe China was intentional and deviant. I want nothing to do with a biological attack and would rather severely limit Chinese access to our country over trusting a pharmaceutical drug any day.


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leonore35 o85oan hour ago

the usual baseless conspiracy nonsense you and those like you are really pathetic


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ArleneB o85o7 hours ago

Nobody is forcing you to take the vaccine. Just make sure when you get the virus you don't waste hospital resources by seeking treatment.


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Dianne Kavon8 hours ago

Okay so now we know there are many insane folks who are supposedly learning about the virus. More than half the world is reading for the 2nd pandemic that has been talked about, and supposed to be much worse than the first. So italy if you found a way to avoid the future dealings with the virus it must nea MIRACLE, especially since the rest of us know that until there is at least a vaccine your virus is going NOWHERE
2 1


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sidney weiner Dianne Kavon6 hours ago

How do you know all of this!
The Powers That Be told you so,
and they wouldn't lie.
Would they?


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punch_corona sidney weiner3 hours ago

.. the w.h.o. .. who cares.. they are cheerleaders of the plague.. same as the Chinese.. I don't believe what they say..


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punch_corona Dianne Kavon3 hours ago

.. not interested in any vaccines.. this is one big scam .. the Italians have finally figured out the Covid.. no vaccines are needed.. a vaccine is useless to prevent inflammation .. hyper coagulation.. joint pain.. fever & other conditions..


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sidney weiner7 hours ago • edited

This is like a very bad joke on these Israeli sites,
"the vaccine is right around the corner"
All of this B.S. proves to me is that the NWO in Israel is in full control of the Media!
There is a cure right now but not a word about anywhere in the Israeli media! the information is completely suppressed.
Just stories about amazing vaccines ready to be created sometime in the future!
The cure I am writing about is the old & well tested malaria drug Chloroquine which is safe & has been in use for at least the last 60 Years.
President Trump is now using this drug as a preventive medicine with the approval of his own personal doctor.
Millions of doses of this drug have been promised to be donated free to save lives by the drug giant Novartis.
But this situation is bottled up in the FDA by Obama hold over Deep Staters for no reason other than to keep the Virus hysteria going!
With an immediate cure,no more virus.
No more virus,no more pandemic & hysteria.
no more virus hysteria & no more excuse to wreck the American Economy & drive President Trump from office.
The whole sleezy scam will collapse on Soros & Gates & the rest of the NWO.
And whst does the Israeli media say about all of this,..
not a peep,just a giant melodrama about wonderful Vaccines somewhere on the horizon.


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Greg Carr sidney weiner4 hours ago

Trump is no longer taking Chloroquine nor is he touting it anymore. Just like he is no longer recommending injecting Clorox to beat the Wuhan virus or talking about Obamagate or that Obama was born in Kenya. Dr.Bonnie Henry the chief medical officer of BC says a vaccine is at least a year away.


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B Maddigan8 hours ago

Unless God intervenes... likely Overly optimistic I dare say .


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Martin Brown B Maddigan4 hours ago

And IF, there is no God, Then what?


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Cheryl Mavrikos8 hours ago

I'd give anything to see this Italian witch doctor walk into a room filled with Covid-19 patients and share a soda with them. What a pile of garbage. Bet he never lost anyone he loved to this horrible disease. Of course we need a vaccine.
1 3


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Don Spilman Cheryl Mavrikos8 hours ago

Dumb puppet of the GLOBS, or worse yet maybe a full fledged member in good standing, that statement proves your qualifications!


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Martin Brown Cheryl Mavrikos4 hours ago

Can we believe the leftest news media to inform the public any good news or hope to get rid of the lefts propaganda? The Italians might have something, but it will be kept from us by the crooked media. You can count on that.


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sidney weiner Cheryl Mavrikos7 hours ago • edited

The virulence of this virus has been maximized by supposed experts who should have known better.
Experts who used faulty statistics & questionable information to make faulty judgements.
Faulty judgements about how to handle this virus.
Faulty opinions from supposed experts which have caused maximum deaths.
Either they are completely incompetent or they are in on the conspiracy,
acting as a 5th column.working to maximize the deaths.
Maximum deaths. as part of a giant conspiracy to destroy the American Economy.
Dr. Mercola calls it a Trojan Horse slipped into the USA with the help of Dr Fauci.
Dr. Fauci who is a board member of the Gates Foundation.
Bill Gates & George Soros are in collusion with the Chinese government.
Some expert virologists are saying that this virus was manipulated into a virulent state in a laboratory /laboratories,most likely in China.


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Martin Brown sidney weiner3 hours ago

Most times an expert is a dumbly away from home'


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Greg Carr sidney weiner4 hours ago

The economy of Canada, Spain, Britain, Germany etc. are also hooped because of the pandemic. Japan had to cancel the Olympics which they have spent billions on.


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White Elk Clearwater Cheryl Mavrikos7 hours ago

Cheryl take this from a physician of over 50 years, the entire thing is overblown, hyped totally. Yes a small percentage pf people died, yes a smaller percentage horribly. But did you put next to the statistics of annual deaths by flu, Typhus, HIV, Tuberculosis, pneumonia?
Were you working in hospitals & saw that staff were given orders to list every & any patient with intestinal or respiratory trouble as being corona patient? Did you work in hospitals & saw that every patient who died in other than a severe bodily injury must be listed as having died of covid19?
Did witness patients being IGNORED, NOT EVEN GIVEN WATER TO DRINK, OR IV HYDRATION & purposely let die of dehydration then listed as covid19 deaths?
Hospitals and doctors were getting bonuses of tens of thousands of dollars for covid19 listings.
That is the evil truth behind the statistics!

Oh as for the vaccine. I can't work because this covid19 has too unstable an RNA genetic makeup. It mutates too easily. Vaccine for the current version will not help on any version making the rounds in another several months. To be done correctly anywhere near being safe, developing a vaccine tput out on the market must take at least 2 full years.


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sidney weiner White Elk Clearwater7 hours ago

Read the extended opinions of
Dr. Joseph Mercola who calls the virus a Trojan Horse for powerful interests trying to pull down president Trump.


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Don Spilman sidney weiner6 hours ago



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Don Spilman White Elk Clearwater6 hours ago

Wow that s great information


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Martin Brown Don Spilman3 hours ago

Let's face it, we have a corrupt Government making the laws against us.


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Don Spilman Martin Brown3 hours ago

As far as I am concerned it is the dip state that b o set up during his 8 looooooong years stinking up our White House! And the accursed RINOS!


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Greg Carr4 hours ago

The W.H.O. announced today that there was a record number of new cases.


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Don Spilman Greg Carr3 hours ago

Who in their right mind would believe ANYTHING the vile lying WHO says!


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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎15 hours ago

On June 22, 1941, at dawn, the troops of Nazi Germany, without declaring war, suddenly attacked the entire western border of the Soviet Union.
The Great Patriotic War began on June 22, 1941
The Great Patriotic War began - the bloodiest part of World War II. 27 million citizens of the Soviet Union, from the smallest to the largest, sacrificed their lives for victory.
Nobody is forgotten. Nothing is forgotten.
good don't forget ALSO: the 45 million Russian Christians killed by the Communists!



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Greg Carr 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎3 hours ago

The Soviet Union had a non-aggression pact with Hitler which they used to invade Eastern Poland in 1939 and take over the Baltic States. Both the Communists and the Nazis hated Christianity.


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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Greg Carr4 minutes ago

those who assembled the fragments of the Bible (the priests of the temple)
they are also the same ones who started writing the satanic talmud.
They supplanted the Davidic monarchy and led the Jewish people to destruction as they do today
all that antichrist exists in the world today:
neoliberalism, bureaucracy, technocracy, tax levy (scam banking seigniorage) ISLAM, wahhabites, french revolution, destruction of catholic monarchies, masonry, churches of satan, Deep State, Bilderberg regime, occult power, COMMUNISM, lgbtq, democratic party, anti-Zionism, terrorism Islamic, sharia genocide, FED IMF ECB NWO, chemtrails, nano particles in vaccines, CIA coronaviruses, world wars, etc.
if I have not invented? certainly they, the Supreme Sanhedrin "Beni Berith" interpreted it!
in fact you will find in the Koran the expressions of genocide and pedophilia and be-s-ti-ali-sm, of the satanic talmud



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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎15 hours ago

Palamara will challenge ANM decision: The system exists
The magistrate Luca Palamara defends himself in a long interview with Omnibus in which he reiterates the existence of a system made of currents and lists that interacts with politics.
it is not fair for him to be a scapegoat: about rothschild-bilderberg Masonic system Deep State, the swamp of the democratic party: "hang them all! "



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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎15 hours ago

South Korea is considering military options regarding North Korea's plan to send propaganda leaflets across the border, media reports reported Monday.
so those Satanist (Southern) Masons are afraid that the Communists the Satanists (from the North) can say / reveal:
that democracy is a Rothschild scam banking seigniorage Aru Mazda, Ja-BuuOn Deep State Masonic occulto power, Regime Bilderberg?
these are mutually terrified of the one about: the crimes one can say against the other



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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎17 hours ago

Coronavirus weakening, says Italian scientist, no need for vaccine
se si va indebolendo

allora, lo ha fatto la CIA

lo disse nel 2004
che avrebbe colpito la CINA nel 2020
e la Cina si è vendicata facendolo diffondere nel mondo



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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎18 hours ago

my JHWH holy] [their FED IMF ECB NWO Riyad OCI UN did not put the crown on my head (lorenzoJHWH) and put it on the head of a virus

on their hands was found the blood of Abel the righteous, the blood of all the prophets, and the blood of all those who bear the testimony of the innocent lamb: Jesus of Bethlehem.
and the blood of all those who have not betrayed God and have not wanted to kneel to the many demons of Allah and Satan


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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎18 hours ago

shalom + salam i am jewish messiah
Great Sanhedrin
1. they killed the Messiah Jesus of Bethlehem,
2. because they were already the Synagogue of Satan from the time of King Solomon, and the talmud is the idol of jealousy
3. JHWH kicked them out of the Holy Land promise to Abraham, and
4. they consecrated themselves to Satan to obtain his demonic protection: in the octopus of the Deep State
5. have stolen the banking seigniorage from the peoples, and
666. they pushed all the peoples of the planet: to hell!
7. all the predators: and the pests Antifa of the planet: the swamp of the democratic party: sharia islamic parasites and masons of the antichrist the scum lgbtq of the neoliberal technocratic EU?
yes, the Saud Kings Salman Erdogan Aziz joined them in an act of universal predation!


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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎18 hours ago

shalom + salam sono messia ebraica
Grande Sinedrio
1. hanno ammazzato il Messia Gesù di Betlemme,
2. perché loro erano già la Sinagoga di Satana dal tempo del Re Salomone, e il talmud è l'idolo della gelosia
3. JHWH li ha cacciati dalla terrasanta promessa ad Abramo, e
4. loro si sono consacrati a Satana per ottenere la sua protezione demoniaca: nella piovra del Deep State
5. hanno rubato il signoraggio bancario ai popoli, e
666. hanno spinto tutti i popoli del pianeta: nell'inferno!
7. tutti i predatori: e i parassiti Antifa del pianeta: il palude del partito democratico: sharia parassiti islamici e massoni dell'anticristo la freccia lgbtq della UE tecnocratica neoliberista?
si, i Re Saud Salman Erdogan Aziz si sono uniti a loro in un atto di predazione universale!



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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎18 hours ago

i am JEWISH Messia am i



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Greg Carr 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎3 hours ago

Walk on water and get back to us fraud.


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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Greg Carran hour ago

but didn't Jesus teach you to be merciful?
but, you don't see how President Rivlin is sad and confused: why is he missing a messiah?



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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Greg Carr2 hours ago

HAMC? now the holy angels of God will also hurt you.
I am not the messiah of Christians
I am the messiah of the Jews only



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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Greg Carr2 hours ago

now I go out of the bathroom and I have already seen you sliding down the sewer!



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ProclaimLiberty Greg Carr2 hours ago

This appears to be a new label for an old familiar troll previously recognized as "Lorenzo" and variations on "messiah". I've just blocked him to avoid any further irritation from his many and repetitive posts.


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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 ProclaimLiberty2 hours ago

testa di caxxo

in politics I am a rational agnostic
and I have no religious arguments to offer to tuou troll CIA cannibals



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TK8 hours ago

Other scientists dispute this assessment. To early to celebrate,


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Martin Brown TK3 hours ago

Those scientists could be lefties liberals.

Coronavirus weakening

Coronavirus weakening, says Italian scientist, no need for vaccine 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • i am JEWISH Messia am i Greg Carr 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • Walk on water and get back to us fraud. Cammina sull'acqua e torna da noi per frode. 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Greg Carr • but didn't Jesus teach you to be merciful? but, you don't see how President Rivlin is sad and confused: why is he missing a messiah? ma a te Gesù no ti ha insegnato ad essere misericordioso? ma, non vedi come il Presidente Rivlin è triste e confuso: perché gli manca un messia?

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

1 ora fa
Coronavirus weakening, says Italian scientist, no need for vaccine 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • i am JEWISH Messia am i Greg Carr 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • Walk on water and get back to us fraud. 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Greg Carr • HAMC? now the holy angels of God will also hurt you. I am not the messiah of Christians I am the messiah of the Jews only 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Greg Carr • now I go out of the bathroom and I have already seen you sliding down the sewer! ProclaimLiberty Greg Carr • This appears to be a new label for an old familiar troll previously recognized as "Lorenzo" and variations on "messiah". I've just blocked him to avoid any further irritation from his many and repetitive posts. 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 ProclaimLiberty • testa di caxxo in politics I am a rational agnostic and I have no religious arguments to offer to tuou troll CIA cannibals HAMC ? ora ti faranno del male anche gli angeli santi di Dio.. io non sono il messia dei cristiani io sono il messia degli ebrei soltanto

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

1 ora fa
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 i am JEWISH Messia am i Greg Carr Greg Carr Walk on water and get back to us fraud. 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 now I go out of the bathroom and I have already seen you sliding down the sewer! adesso esco dal bagno e ti ho già visto scivolare lungo la fogna!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

1 ora fa
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 On June 22, 1941, at dawn, the troops of Nazi Germany, without declaring war, suddenly attacked the entire western border of the Soviet Union.The Great Patriotic War began on June 22, 1941The Great Patriotic War began - the bloodiest part of World War II. 27 million citizens of the Soviet Union, from the smallest to the largest, sacrificed their lives for victory.Nobody is forgotten. Nothing is forgotten.ANSWERgood don't forget ALSO: the 45 million Russian Christians killed by the Communists! . RISPOSTA Buono non dimenticare ANCHE: i 45 milioni di cristiani russi uccisi dai comunisti! Greg Carr Greg Carr L'Unione Sovietica aveva un patto di non aggressione con Hitler che invadevano la Polonia orientale nel 1939 e conquistavano gli Stati baltici. Sia i comunisti che i nazisti odiavano il cristianesimo. Greg Carr Greg Carr The Soviet Union had a non-aggression pact with Hitler which they used to invade Eastern Poland in 1939 and take over the Baltic States. Both the Communists and the Nazis hated Christianity.

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

4 ore fa
Bolton reveals Iranian nuclear activities Israel discovered in Mossad raid 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • While Russian President Vladimir #Putin made a trip to the main cathedral of the Russian armed forces, just he promised me who also plans to erect a cathedral for the 45 million Christian martyrs killed by Russian communists! #Bin #Salman #Erdogan #Iran #OIC #UA also told me that cathedrals will be erected throughout the ARAB LEAGUE to celebrate 700 million Christian martyrs killed by sharia in these 1400 years 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • While Russian President Vladimir #Putin made a trip to the main cathedral of the Russian armed forces, just he promised me who also plans to erect a cathedral for the 45 million Christian martyrs killed by Russian communists! #Bin #Salman #Erdogan #Iran #OIC #UA also told me that cathedrals will be erected throughout the ARAB LEAGUE to celebrate 700 million Christian martyrskilled by sharia in these 1400 years Mentre il presidente russo Vladimir Putin ha fatto un viaggio verso la Cattedrale principale delle forze armate russe, proprio lui mi ha promesso che ha in progetto di erigere anche un cattedrale per i 45 milioni di martiri cristiani uccisi dai comunisti russi! anche Bin Salman mi ha detto che in tutta la LEGA ARABA verranno erette cattedrali per celebrare i 700 milioni di martiri cristiani uccisi dalla sharia in questi 1400 anni

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

5 ore fa
Judea and Samaria can wait but the destruction of Iranian nuclear power must be done immediately! Giudea e Samaria possono aspettare ma la distruzione del nucleare iraniano deve essere fatta subito!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

10 ore fa
Hilltop youth outpost in Judea and Samaria entirely populated by girls there will be no more wars against Israel without losing important parts of their nations the scum of allah! non ci saranno più guerre contro Israele senza perdere parti importanti delle loro nazioni la feccia di allah!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

10 ore fa
Forteto, pm (pubblico ministero) a commissione, 'io sola' ] il consociativismo mafioso-massonico del partito democratico: Forteto e Come Bibbiano, gli scheletri nell'armadio lgbtq del partito democratico: la palude. Coronavirus, Pechino ora chiude le scuole: caccia a 200 mila infetti Si chiudono gli Stati generali: le parole di Conte #Forteto, #Pm a commissione, 'io sola' (ANSA) - FIRENZE, 22 GIU - "Ricordo l'estate in cui ho letto le carte, estate passata spesso a piangere nella mia stanza quando leggevo gli atti riguardanti questi bambini mandati al Forteto". Così il pm di Firenze Ornella Galeotti, sentita dalla commissione parlamentare d'inchiesta sui fatti della comunità 'Il Forteto'. "Mi sono sentita molto sola - ha detto Galeotti -. Molti colleghi mi hanno tolto il saluto, sono diventata il soggetto deviante nell'ambiente fiorentino" giudiziario. "Ho avuto l'appoggio dal 2014 del capo del mio ufficio che è stato importantissimo -ha aggiunto-, il quale ha voluto dare segni di presenza nel processo ed è venuto in udienza varie volte. Poi ci sono stati colleghi, pochi, che mi hanno sostenuta sul piano personale". Tuttavia, "complessivamente c'era la sensazione che era tutta una sciocchezza, che io ero un'ingenua" e che le presunte vittime "erano dei calunniatori". Intorno al Forteto c'era "una coltre di consenso che non si riusciva a colpire, anche dopo la sentenza".

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

10 ore fa
The girls see themselves as part of a historic process to take back the Land of Israel for the Jews. “If tomorrow in the morning they’ll apply sovereignty on Maoz Esther, we’ll advance to the next hill.” Goldstein said. “And if they apply sovereignty to the next hill, and on all of Judea and Samaria, we’ll go forward. There are two banks to the Jordan River. And if [there’s sovereignty] on the two banks of the Jordan, then we’ll advance to the entire Land of Israel,” Goldstein said. Hilltop youth outpost in Judea and Samaria entirely populated by girls Forteto, pm (public prosecutor) on commission, 'I alone'] the mafia-masonic consociativism of the democratic party: Forteto and Come Bibbiano, the skeletons in the lgbtq cabinet of the democratic party: the swamp. Coronavirus, Beijing now closes schools: hunts for 200,000 infected The General States are closed: Conte's words #Forteto, #Pm on commission, 'I alone' (ANSA) - FLORENCE, JUNE 22 - "I remember the summer in which I read the cards, the summer I often spent crying in my room when I read the documents concerning these children sent to Forteto". So the Florence prosecutor Ornella Galeotti, heard by the parliamentary commission of inquiry into the facts of the community 'Il Forteto'. "I felt very lonely - said Galeotti -. Many colleagues took my greeting away, I became the deviant subject in the Florentine judicial environment". "I have had the support since 2014 of the head of my office who was very important -he added-, who wanted to give signs of presence in the process and came to the hearing several times. Then there were colleagues, few, who they supported on a personal level ". However, "overall there was a feeling that it was all nonsense, that I was naive" and that the alleged victims "were slanderers". Around the Forteto there was "a blanket of consensus that could not be hit, even after the sentence".

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

12 ore fa
Hilltop youth outpost in Judea and Samaria entirely populated by girls 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • Cina love India ] litigare sul confine? è da stupidi!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

13 ore fa
Hezbollah brags its guided missiles can hit anywhere in Israel 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • Hezbollah brags its guided missiles can hit anywhere in Israel ANSWER quando invaderò il LIBANO? non lo restituirò più a Maometto!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

13 ore fa
Immigrati aggrediscono anziana di 81 anni, gamba amputata: la scippano mentre è in una pozza di sangue Desirée uccisa da spacciatori africani: Roma la ricorda con scultura contro il “femminicidio” Immigrants attack 81 year old woman, leg amputated: they steal her while she is in a pool of blood Desirée killed by African drug dealers: Rome remembers her with a sculpture against "femicide" Corona-Conte virus, GDP: - 14.3% since the beginning of the year Migrant takes a bidet in the fountain in front of everyone - VIDEO The invasion of NGOs starts again: a French ship is arriving from hundreds of illegal immigrants Italian massacred by herd of immigrants: robbed of everything, on the ground unconscious virusCorona-Conte, Pil: – 14.3% da inizio anno Migrante si fa il bidet nella fontana davanti a tutti – VIDEO Riparte l’invasione delle ong: in arrivo nave francese da centinaia di clandestini Italiano massacrato da branco immigrati: derubato di tutto, a terra privo di sensi

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

13 ore fa
Forteto: il gulag omosessuale e i suoi ispiratori Luglio 17, 2016 Vox Nei giorni della riduzione delle pene dei suoi ideatori, un interessante articolo: Forteto: the homosexual gulag and its inspirers July 17, 2016 Vox In the days of the reduction of the penalties of its creators, an interesting article: Those who went to Barbiana School as children in the evening ... and then grew up, went to bed at night ... with the children. After setting up a community "inspired by the school", they said, of their teacher Don Milani. Very particular school: of rape, pedophilia, homosexuality, even zoophilia. Continued for decades. Always red flag in hand and "Catholic protest" in the mouth. And so it was that the Forteto had become the oratory of the Cattocomunisti, of the red junctions, of the Coop, of the financings, of Zanotelli with his caravans of pea-fake, of the rainbows, of the gurus of "Catholic" progressivism. The two leaders, pupils of Don Milani, Goffredi and Fiesoli, who will prove to be the two abominable monsters, were the same ones who gave the Catholic Church "hypocrite" and the "troglodyte" to his moral Magisterium. And now we also understand why ... https://voxnews info/2016/07/17/forteto-il-gulag-omosessuale-e-i-suoi-ispiratori/ Quelli che da bambini la sera andavano alla Scuola di Barbiana… e poi cresciuti, la notte andavano a letto… coi bambini. Dopo aver messo su una comunità “ispirata alla scuola”, dicevano, del loro maestro don Milani. Scuola particolare assai: di stupri, pedofilia, omosessualità, addirittura zoofilia. Continuati per decenni. Sempre bandiera rossa in mano e “contestazione cattolica” in bocca. Ed è così che il Forteto era diventato l’oratorio dei cattocomunisti, delle giunte rosse, delle Coop, dei finanziamenti a palate, di Zanotelli con le sue carovane di paci-finti, degli arcobalenisti, dei guru del progressismo “cattolico”. I due capi, allievi di don Milani, Goffredi e Fiesoli, che si riveleranno i due abominevoli mostri, erano gli stessi che davano dell’”ipocrita” alla Chiesa cattolica e del “troglodita” al suo Magistero morale. E ora abbiamo capito anche perché…

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

13 ore fa
Italian massacred by herd of immigrants: robbed of everything, on the ground unconscious June 22, 2020 Parco delle Cascine, Florence: beaten and robbed in the park. Surrounded and attacked by a pack of immigrants. Who now control the area. The ambush occurred between Friday and Saturday. The victim was a 27-year-old Florentine beaten by four immigrants, then robbed and left unconscious inside the park for hours. In addition to the smartphone, the four would also take away his shoes. The victim's brother told the Isolotto Legnaia website: “He was surrounded by four black men. One of them punched him in the face and my brother went ashore, dazed. They continued to beat him mercilessly. To which he lost consciousness and no longer remembers anything. Nobody rescued him. He woke up alone between 4.30 and 5 in the morning, in a state of confusion, barefoot, bleeding, wounded, with a broken nose, a swollen face ... ". The complaint, the site explains, was then formalized to the provincial command of the carabinieri of Borgo Ognissanti. "The largest Florentine park is left in the hands of drug dealers and offenders and, despite the episodes increasing in severity and number, the PD administration is not doing anything" attacks Jacopo Cellai, group leader of Forza Italia at Palazzo Vecchio and coordinator citizen. Italiano massacrato da branco immigrati: derubato di tutto, a terra privo di sensi Giugno 22, 2020 Parco delle Cascine, Firenze: picchiato e rapinato nel parco. Accerchiato e aggredito da un branco di immigrati. Che ormai controllano la zona. L’agguato si è verificato tra venerdì e sabato. Vittima un fiorentino di 27 anni pestato da quattro immigrati, poi derubato e lasciato privo di sensi all’interno del parco per ore. Oltre allo smartphone, i quattro gli avrebbero portato via anche le scarpe. Il fratello della vittima ne ha parlato al sito Isolotto Legnaia: “È stato circondato da quattro uomini di colore. Uno di loro gli ha dato un pugno in faccia e mio fratello è andato a terra, frastornato. Hanno continuato a picchiarlo senza pietà. Al che ha perso i sensi e non ricorda più nulla. Nessuno lo ha soccorso. Si è svegliato da solo tra le 4,30 e le 5 del mattino, in stato confusionale, scalzo, sanguinante, ferito, col naso rotto, la faccia tumefatta…“. La denuncia, spiega il sito, sarebbe poi stata formalizzata al comando provinciale dei carabinieri di Borgo Ognissanti. “Il più grande parco fiorentino è lasciato in mano a spacciatori e delinquenti e, nonostante gli episodi si aumentino, di gravità e di numero, l’amministrazione PD non sta facendo alcunché” attacca Jacopo Cellai, capogruppo di Forza Italia a Palazzo Vecchio e coordinatore cittadino.

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

14 ore fa
https://lorenzoallah questa pagliacciata dei palestinesi finirà answer open letter Cina Russia India UE USA ONU e pensare che per amore di questi disgraziati pazzi OCI Riyadh Iran UMMA: io mi ero fatto per loro anche il Mahdì lorenzoALLAH ma, ora Dio è testimone contro di voi per causa mia

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

14 ore fa
Jerusalem Affairs Minister supports sovereignty plan despite proviso for Palestinian state 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • quando scenderò io in ISRAELE? questa pagliacciata dei palestinesi finirà... andranno tutti in viaggio di piacere dal loro Zio Assad 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • Palestinians will never meet American demands listed in the peace proposal becouse they are all KAPUT jihad sharia shoah genocide UMMA Allah uuuh Akbar

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

14 ore fa
On June 22, 1941, at dawn, the troops of Nazi Germany, without declaring war, suddenly attacked the entire western border of the Soviet Union. The Great Patriotic War began on June 22, 1941 The Great Patriotic War began - the bloodiest part of World War II. 27 million citizens of the Soviet Union, from the smallest to the largest, sacrificed their lives for victory. Nobody is forgotten. Nothing is forgotten. ANSWER good don't forget ALSO: the 45 million Russian Christians killed by the Communists! Il 22 giugno 1941, all'alba, le truppe della Germania nazista, senza dichiarare guerra, attaccarono improvvisamente l'intero confine occidentale dell'Unione Sovietica. Il 22 giugno 1941 ebbe inizio la Grande Guerra Patriottica La Grande Guerra Patriottica ebbe inizio - la parte più sanguinosa della Seconda Guerra Mondiale. 27 milioni di cittadini dell'Unione Sovietica, dai più piccoli ai più grandi, sacrificarono la loro vita per la vittoria. Nessuno è dimenticato. Nulla è dimenticato. ANSWER bravi non dimenticate anche i 45 milioni di cristiani russi che i comunisti hanno ucciso!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

14 ore fa
Coronavirus weakening, says Italian scientist, no need for vaccine Palamara will challenge ANM decision: The system exists The magistrate Luca Palamara defends himself in a long interview with Omnibus in which he reiterates the existence of a system made of currents and lists that interacts with politics. ANSWER it is not fair for him to be a scapegoat: about rothschild-bilderberg Masonic system Deep State, the swamp of the democratic party: "hang them all! " Palamara impugnerà decisione dell’Anm: Il sistema esiste Il magistrato Luca Palamara si difende in una lunga intervista rilasciata a Omnibus in cui ribadisce l'esistenza di un sistema fatto di correnti e di liste che interagisce con la politica. ANSWER non è giusto che lui faccia da capro espiatorio: sistema massonico rothschild-bilderberg Deep State, la palude del partito democratico: " impicchiamoli tutti!"

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

15 ore fa
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • South Korea is considering military options regarding North Korea's plan to send propaganda leaflets across the border, media reports reported Monday. ANSWER so those Satanist (Southern) Masons are afraid that the Communists the Satanists (from the North) can say / reveal: that democracy is a Rothschild scam banking seigniorage Aru Mazda, Ja-BuuOn Deep State Masonic occulto power, Regime Bilderberg? ANSWER these are mutually terrified of the one about: the crimes one can say against the other La Corea del Sud sta considerando opzioni militari per quanto riguarda il piano della Corea del Nord d'inviare volantini di propaganda oltre confine, secondo quanto riferito dai media lunedì. ANSWER quindi quei massoni satanisti (del Sud) hanno paura, che i comunisti i satanisti (del Nord) possano dire / rivelare: che la democrazia è un truffa di Rothschild? ANSWER questi sono terrorizzati reciprocamente di quello circa: i delitti che uno può dire contro l'altro

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

16 ore fa
Coronavirus weakening, says Italian scientist, no need for vaccine Coronavirus weakening, says Italian scientist, no need for vaccine answer se si va indebolendo allora, lo ha fatto la CIA lo disse nel 2004 che avrebbe colpito la CINA nel 2020 e la Cina si è vendicata facendolo diffondere nel mondo

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

17 ore fa
Coronavirus weakening, says Italian scientist, no need for vaccine 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • shalom + salam i am jewish messiah Great Sanhedrin 1. they killed the Messiah Jesus of Bethlehem, 2. because they were already the Synagogue of Satan from the time of King Solomon, and the talmud is the idol of jealousy 3. JHWH kicked them out of the Holy Land promise to Abraham, and 4. they consecrated themselves to Satan to obtain his demonic protection: in the octopus of the Deep State 5. have stolen the banking seigniorage from the peoples, and 666. they pushed all the peoples of the planet: to hell! 7. all the predators: and the pests Antifa of the planet: the swamp of the democratic party: sharia islamic parasites and masons of the antichrist the scum lgbtq of the neoliberal technocratic EU? yes, the Saud Kings Salman Erdogan Aziz joined them in an act of universal predation! 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • shalom + salam sono messia ebraica Grande Sinedrio 1. hanno ammazzato il Messia Gesù di Betlemme, 2. perché loro erano già la Sinagoga di Satana dal tempo del Re Salomone, e il talmud è l'idolo della gelosia 3. JHWH li ha cacciati dalla terrasanta promessa ad Abramo, e 4. loro si sono consacrati a Satana per ottenere la sua protezione demoniaca: nella piovra del Deep State 5. hanno rubato il signoraggio bancario ai popoli, e 666. hanno spinto tutti i popoli del pianeta: nell'inferno! 7. tutti i predatori: e i parassiti Antifa del pianeta: il palude del partito democratico: sharia parassiti islamici e massoni dell'anticristo la freccia lgbtq della UE tecnocratica neoliberista? si, i Re Saud Salman Erdogan Aziz si sono uniti a loro in un atto di predazione universale!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

17 ore fa
Coronavirus weakening, says Italian scientist, no need for vaccine my JHWH holy] [their FED IMF ECB NWO Riyad OCI UN did not put the crown on my head (lorenzoJHWH) and put it on the head of a virus on their hands was found the blood of Abel the righteous, the blood of all the prophets, and the blood of all those who bear the testimony of the innocent lamb: Jesus of Bethlehem. and the blood of all those who have not betrayed God and have not wanted to kneel to the many demons of Allah and Satan my JHWH holy ] [ loro FED IMF ECB NWO Riyad OCI UN non hanno messo la corona in testa a me(lorenzoJHWH) e la hanno messa sulla testa di un virus sulle loro mani è stato trovato il sangue di Abele il giusto, il sangue di tutti i profeti, e il sangue di tutti quelli che portano la testimonianza dell'agnello innocente: Gesù di Betlemme. e il sangue di tutti quelli che non hanno tradito Dio e non si sono voluti inginocchiare ai tanti demoni di Allah e Satana

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

18 ore fa 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • Neocons messianists Lucifer-Allah decided with the Saudis to exterminate Russians and Chinese, but, I have decided for a tragic story, which is very different! 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • The neoconservatives are Satan's messianists and the American imperialism of Rothschild Morgan Rockefeller: it is their FED IMF ECB NWO: substitute theology. They consider lgbtq America of the priests of satan as the promised land, and the Americans "Beni Berith" as the chosen people. From their point of view, the Torah has been replaced by the Declaration of Independence: of the all-seeing eye of lucifer (on Masonic pyramids): which does not forget and does not forgive, because they are a legion of Talmud demons .... and that "all resistance is futile," that failure of 187AudioHostem told me!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

18 ore fa
Caroline Glick: Bolton’s temper tantrum Neocons messianists Lucifer-Allah decided with the Saudis to exterminate Russians and Chinese, but, I have decided for a tragic story, which is very different! messianisti neocons hanno deciso con i sauditi di sterminare russi e cinesi, ma, io ho deciso per una tragica storia, che è molto diversa!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

18 ore fa
Caroline Glick: Bolton’s temper tantrum The neoconservatives are Satan's messianists and the American imperialism of Rothschild Morgan Rockefeller: it is their FED IMF ECB NWO: substitute theology. They consider lgbtq America of the priests of satan as the promised land, and the Americans "Beni Berith" as the chosen people. From their point of view, the Torah has been replaced by the Declaration of Independence: of the all-seeing eye of lucifer (on Masonic pyramids): which does not forget and does not forgive, because they are a legion of Talmud demons .... and that "all resistance is futile," that failure of 187AudioHostem told me! I neoconservatori sono messianisti di Satana e l'imperialismo americano di Rothschild Morgan Rockefeller: è la loro FED IMF ECB NWO: teologia sostitutiva. Considerano l'America lgbtq dei sacerdoti di satana come la terra promessa, e gli americani “Beni Berith” come il popolo eletto. Dal loro punto di vista, la Torah è stata sostituita dalla Dichiarazione di Indipendenza: dell'occhio onniveggente di lucifero(su piramide massonica): che non dimentica e non perdona, perché loro sono una legione di demoni Talmud.... e che "ogni resistenza è futile" mi disse quel fallito di 187AudioHostem!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

19 ore fa
Netanyahu reads Gantz riot act: Sovereignty or elections Gantz, who leads the Rothschild Blue and White "Beni Berith" Satan, occult massonic power, esoeric agenda Aru Mazda, Deep State, and competed as Netanyahu's main opponent in the last election before joining as a coalition partner in the government, is expected to become Prime Minister after 18 months. ANSWER how should it? there is no place for Satanists in my Kingdom of ISRAEL Gantz, che guida il partito Blu e Bianco di Rothschild “Beni Berith” Satana, occult massonic power, esoeric agenda Aru Mazda, Deep State, e ha gareggiato come principale avversario di Netanyahu nelle ultime elezioni prima di unirsi come partner della coalizione nel governo, dovrebbe diventare Primo Ministro dopo 18 mesi. ANSWER come dovrebbe? non c'é posto per i satanisti nel mio Regno di ISRAELE

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

19 ore fa
WATCH: Roger Waters, in anti-Israel rant, calls Zionism ‘an ugly stain’ Jeffrey Lev • We all know this guy is a major antisemite. Stop showing him. No need to give him air time anywhere. 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Jeffrey Lev • even the Semites Morgan Rothschild Rockefeller Soros Kissinger Murdoch "Beni Berith" globalists Elightened neoliberals, can be Satanists like him! he is against the kingdom of God therefore it is anti-Zionist anche i semiti Morgan Rothschild Rockefeller Soros Kissinger Murdoch “Beni Berith” mondialisti Elightened neoliberisti, possono essere satanisti come lui! lui è contro il regno di Dio quindi è antisionista

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

22 ore fa
Discussion on World Israel News 41 comments ‘Ninja Bomb’ shreds al-Qaeda terrorists IsraelReader IsraelReader Tiger Indeed. If someone threatens to kill you tomorrow, rise up, and kill him today. 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 terrorists burn satana in jesus's name 🕎 • on their hands was found the blood of Abel the righteous, the blood of all the prophets, and the blood of all those who bear the testimony of the innocent lamb: Jesus of Bethlehem. and the blood of all those who have not betrayed God and have not wanted to kneel to the many demons of Allah and Satan

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

22 ore fa
on their hands was found the blood of Abel the righteous, the blood of all the prophets, and the blood of all those who bear the testimony of the innocent lamb: Jesus of Bethlehem. and the blood of all those who have not betrayed God and have not wanted to kneel to the many demons of Allah and Satan

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

22 ore fa
Statues come down across US, even George Washington defaced shalom + salam i am jewish messia We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by United with Israel. We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by World Israel News. World Israel New ] 666 SpA OWL Baal Peor [ United with Israel 1. they killed the Messiah Jesus of Bethlehem, 2. because they were already the Synagogue of Satan: JaBullOn Aru Mazda satanic talmud and kabbalah black magic: 3. holy holy holy JHWH kicked them out of my Holy Land promise to Abraham, and 4. they consecrated themselves to Satan CIA, Deep State: scam banking seigniorage “Beni Berith” to obtain his protection 5. have stolen the banking seigniorage from the peoples, and 666. they pushed fake shoah rothschild star on flag Israael: all the peoples of the planet: to hell! 7. all predators: sharia islamic: Iran Riyadh demonic possessed Allah parasites and masons of antichrist the lgbtq scum of the neoliberal technocratic EU? they joined them in an act of predation! sulle loro mani è stato trovato il sangue di Abele il giusto, il sangue di tutti i profeti, e il sangue di tutti quelli che portano la testimonianza dell'agnello innocente: Gesù di Betlemme. e il sangue di tutti quelli che non hanno tradito Dio e non si sono voluti inginocchiare ai tanti demoni di Allah e Satana

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

22 ore fa
WATCH: Key moments of Bolton's ABC interview blasting Trump 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • shalom + salam i am jewish messia We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by United with Israel. We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by World Israel News. World Israel New United with Israel 1. hanno ammazzato il Messia Gesù di Betlemme, 2. perché loro erano già la Sinagoga di Satana 3. JHWH li ha cacciati dalla terrasanta promessa ad Abramo, e 4. loro si sono consacrati a Satana per ottenere la sua protezione 5. hanno rubato il signoraggio bancario ai popoli, e 666. hanno spinto tutti i popoli del pianeta: nell'inferno! 7. tutti i predatori: sharia parassiti islamici e massoni dell'anticristo la feccia lgbtq della UE tecnocratica neoliberista? si sono uniti a loro in un atto di predazione!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

22 ore fa
shalom + salam i am jewish messia We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by United with Israel. We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by World Israel News.

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

1 giorno fa
New U.S. sanctions threaten Assad regime and Hezbollah im Yitzhak Kaduri ☦️ Messiah im Yitzhak Kaduri ☦️ Messiah Detected as spam Thanks, we'll work on getting this corrected. yes there is good ISLAM but non there is good sharia CINA RUSSIA INDIA UE USA UN ] [ it is becouse, all ARAB LEAGUE OIC must be razed to zero! [ DICE CHE IL MIO ACCOUNT NON è ATTIVO, ma io non sono passivo: lo giuro! ] im Yitzhak Kaduri ☦️ Messiah im Yitzhak Kaduri ☦️ Messiah Detected as spam Thanks, we'll work on getting this corrected. shalom salam = universal brotherhood i am Jewish MESSIA am i

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

1 giorno fa
Reporter describes 'terrifying' 5 days in Seattle’s cop-free CHAZ area 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • WASHINGTON, JUNE 22 - The family of the late American musician Tom Petty formally warned Donald Trump to use the song 'I Won't Back Down' in his campaign, as he did at the Tulsa rally. A campaign, they wrote on Twitter, that "has left too many Americans and common sense behind." "We are firmly against racism - they explain - and any kind of discrimination, Tom Petty would not have wanted this song to be used for a hate campaign". The family declares its support for America and democracy and says that "Donald Trump is not representing the noble ideals of either of them." ANSWER too many constitutional crimes have been committed here. 1. anyone who sells a license fee cannot judge its use, 2. all slanders against the President must be prosecuted, 3. this is a clear example of the bullying of the New World Order, Deep State: the swamp of the democratic party, transnational masonic regime, FED IMF ECB NWO Bilderberg Regime satellite TV network WASHINGTON, 22 GIU - La famiglia del defunto musicista americano Tom Petty ha diffidato formalmente Donald Trump dall' usare nella sua campagna il brano 'I Won't Back Down', come ha fatto nel comizio di Tulsa. Una campagna, hanno scritto su Twitter, che "si è lasciata alle spalle troppi americani e il buon senso". "Siamo fermamente contro il razzismo - spiegano - e ogni tipo di discriminazione, Tom Petty non avrebbe voluto che questa canzone fosse usata per una campagna di odio". La famiglia dichiara il suo sostegno per l'America e la democrazia e afferma che "Donald Trump non sta rappresentando i nobili ideali di nessuno dei due". ANSWER quì sono stati commessi troppi reati costituzionali. 1. chi vende una canone non può giudicare il suo utilizzo, 2. tutte le calunnie contro il Presidente devono essere perseguite, 3. questo è un chiaro esempio del bullismo del Nuovo Ordine Mondiale, Deep State: la palude del partito democratico, regime massonico trasnazionale, FED IMF ECB NWO Regime Bilderberg network satellite Tv 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • ☦️burn satana ☦️shariah ☦️Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself, ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️ 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • Islam and democratic party they are subversive forces outside the constitutional law

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

1 giorno fa
Left-wing British Jews demand UK reject new Israeli ambassador primo ministro Benjamin Netanyahu ] about [ my friend Abdel Fattah al-Sisi Presidente dell'Egitto ] lui sa che io l'ho portato al potere, e che non lo abbandonerò certo adesso! quello che è totalmente patetico è concepire: da qualche massone imbecille che: possa esistere un Islam amico, democratico libertario che non sia un regime di assassini: o una OCI Lega ARABA che possa rispettare i diritti umani: dato che Allah è il demonio e che il Corano è un mucchio di bugie ... quindi soltanto i dittatori brutali come Assad Saddam Gheddafi: possono mostrare il volto meno crudele dell'ISLAM.. ecco perché Erdogan non si fermerà finché non avrà ricostituito l'impero Ottomano

lorenzoJHWH Unius REI 1 giorno fa
DAILY RECAP: Vaccine Breathrough; Israel Demonizer Dies; 2nd Wave Is Here: More Top News Russia Cina India UE USA UN ] [ get the whole package: OCI Riyadh Iran don't leave anyone alive! prendi tutto il pacchetto: OCI Riyadh Iran non lasciare in vita nessuno!

lorenzoJHWH Unius REI 1 giorno fa
DAILY RECAP: Vaccine Breathrough; Israel Demonizer Dies; 2nd Wave Is Here: More Top News lorenzoJHWH_Messia • every sharia is a deadly jihad galaxy UMMA Mecca idol 🕋 Kaaba: demonic islamic possessed, Erdogan suprematist threat to all mankind these beasts of allah and Talmud FED IMF ECB Bilderberg, lgbtq democratic party, and UMMA OCI UN they have forced me to do the Observatory on the martyrdom of Christians for 33 years lorenzoJHWH_Messia • i am lorenzoJHWH Messia jewish kingdom Israel ogni sharia è un minaccia mortale per tutto il genere umano queste bestie di allah e Talmud FED IMF ECB Bilderberg, partito democratico lgbtq, e UMMA OCI ONU loro mi costringono a fare l'Osservatorio sul martirio dei cristiani da 33 anni

Lorenzo Fedele250660 1 giorno fa
Arab political party celebrates perpetrators of Jewish massacre The Israeli Arab Balad political party recently commemorated the 90th anniversary of the execution of three terrorists who massacred Jews in Mandate-era Palestine, ANSWER why this party is not dissolved and its followers are NOT all imprisoned for instituting the Islamic genocide? ANSWER perché questo partito non viene sciolto e i suoi adepti NON vengono tutti incarcerati per istigazione al genocidio islamico?

Lorenzo Fedele250660 1 giorno fa
Left-wing British Jews demand UK reject new Israeli ambassador A small left-wing Jewish organization (Rothschild Morgan Rockefeller Saruman) in the United Kingdom is calling on the British government to turn down Israel’s nomination of cabinet minister Tzipi Hotovely to be the Jewish state’s next ambassador in London.

Lorenzo Fedele250660 1 giorno fa
WATCH: Israeli news anchor suspended over Netanyahu rape comment 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • il mondo è pieno di sciacalli Rothschild e parassiti calunniatori del partito democratico sulla stampa europea i neoliberisti mettono Trump sempre in cattiva luce

Lorenzo Fedele250660 1 giorno fa
Gaza Islamic scholar promises believers 'saliva-less' virgins in paradise eeehh che caxxo!! Gaza Islamic scholar promises believers 'saliva-less' virgins in paradise ANSWER our priests and our rabbis? they are not so explicit from the pulpit ... perhaps they should try this Islamic method for greater success ANSWER i nostri preti e i nostri rabbini? non sono così espliciti dal pulpito... forse dovrebbero provare questo metodo islamico per avere un successo maggiore

Lorenzo Fedele250660 1 giorno fa
Caroline Glick: Netanyahu must stay strong on sovereignty as pressure builds Deep State, Baal, Aru Mazda, JaBullOn 🧛‍♂️ Owl Cremation of cure, bohemian Bush 322 Kerry Skull and bones" the pirates: delCaxxocheFOTTE, you Soros Rockefeller, that Marduch said: "there is no longer anyone who bites: to Hillary the witch"! DON'T GIVE ALL MONEY to Biden, set aside 25% for psychiatric care! Deep State Owl Cremation of cure, bohemian Bus 322 Kerry Teschio e ossa i pirati: delCaxxoche ti fotte Soros Rockefellr Marduch "non c'é più nessuno che abbocca: ad Hillary la strega"! NON DATE TUTTI I SOLDI a Biden, mettete da parte un 25% per le cure psichiatriche!

Lorenzo Fedele250660 1 giorno fa
Hello lorenzoJHWH, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN !! MAGA PATRIOT HERO MAGA MAGA PATRIOT ... Exciting news—President Trump is hosting a re-election rally today in Tulsa, Oklahoma, his first rally since the coronavirus pandemic swept the country. Even more exciting, we’re going to LIVE STREAM the rally and I’m hosting a watch party! I’ll be chatting with All Access members before and after the rally, so head over to or our mobile app at 7:45pm ET / 4:45pm PT to watch it live and hang out. Hope to see you there! Cheers, Michael Knowles Host, The Michael Knowles Show

Lorenzo Fedele250660 1 giorno fa
storia di ordinaria follia e tradimento e depravazione del partito democratico: in Italia! DIECI IMMIGRATI MASSACRANO CARABINIERE A SEDIATE E CALCI Ore tre del mattino. Scontri tra immigrati a Piazzale Loreto a Milano. Che poi si trasformano in una brutale aggressione contro un militare. Una decine di immigrati acccerchia un carabiniere e lo massacra di botte. Secondo il Giornale, sul posto era presente un maresciallo capo dei carabinieri, si avvicina agli immigrati e mostra il distintivo, qualificandosi come carabiniere. Illuso. A quel punto, l’aggressione. Gli immigrati, una decina, l’hanno colpito con sediate, calci e pugni. “Lo hanno distrutto di botte”, dice una fonte. Si sarebbe salvato, raccontano, perché di mole imponente. “Altrimenti sarebbe finita molto peggio”. “La città, finito il lockdown, è tornata una bolgia dove l’ordine pubblico è fuori controllo”, tuona il deputato leghista Paolo Grimoldi accusando apertamente il ministro dell’Interno, Luciana Lamorgese, “che pure è stata prefetto a Milano (uno dei peggiori peraltro) pochi anni fa”, di non accorgersi di nulla. Lamorgese è una nota cazzara. Un’opposizione seria l’andrebbe a prendere.

non è una testata giornalistica

non è una testata giornalistica

Epopea del Dio Marduk

1. tu sei nella Epopea del Dio Marduk: (hanno creato gli schiavi goyims dalit dhimmis) Islam Talmud Comunismo, lgbt, relativismo, tecnocraz...

Obama moderate terrorist Biden

Obama moderate terrorist Biden
Jihad Erdogan sharia ISIS Riyad

non è una testata giornalistica