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One man was killed in broad daylight while washing his car.

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As infections spike in Israel, Netanyahu pushes for Shin Bet to resume …

leonore35an hour ago

One doctor's opinion is not worth a headline

Don Spilman8 hours ago

“there are 8,970,977 confirmed coronavirus cases and 468,589 deaths worldwide,”
We will never know of course but I would bet that way more than half of those deaths had nothing or little to do with the Covid lie!

sidney weiner Don Spilman7 hours ago • edited

I know for a fact that a very high proportion of these fatalities occured,in N.Y. at least,
because the Democrats who run N.Y, dumped people with the virus into nursing homes full of very
Old residents.
Elderly residents with other ailments & weak immune systems who were easy prey for the virus.
They were,in effect,murdered!


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Don Spilman sidney weiner7 hours ago

Absolutely I know personally a young lady E R nurse who worked there for two months who could totally CONFIRM that !!!!


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White Elk Clearwater Don Spilman7 hours ago

Give the man a cupie doll


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o85o8 hours ago

Even if they develop a vaccine, I will not be taking it. No, I do not want the virus, and yes I understand it can really do some damage depending on how your body fights it. But China developed this and released it on its own people, likely how HIV started in NYC while federal health officials were experimenting with Hepatitis "vaccines" on gay men. However, while I hope America's HIV was unintentional and not related to the "Lavender Scare" under McCarthy-era type agendas, I believe China was intentional and deviant. I want nothing to do with a biological attack and would rather severely limit Chinese access to our country over trusting a pharmaceutical drug any day.


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leonore35 o85oan hour ago

the usual baseless conspiracy nonsense you and those like you are really pathetic


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ArleneB o85o7 hours ago

Nobody is forcing you to take the vaccine. Just make sure when you get the virus you don't waste hospital resources by seeking treatment.


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Dianne Kavon8 hours ago

Okay so now we know there are many insane folks who are supposedly learning about the virus. More than half the world is reading for the 2nd pandemic that has been talked about, and supposed to be much worse than the first. So italy if you found a way to avoid the future dealings with the virus it must nea MIRACLE, especially since the rest of us know that until there is at least a vaccine your virus is going NOWHERE
2 1


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sidney weiner Dianne Kavon6 hours ago

How do you know all of this!
The Powers That Be told you so,
and they wouldn't lie.
Would they?


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punch_corona sidney weiner3 hours ago

.. the w.h.o. .. who cares.. they are cheerleaders of the plague.. same as the Chinese.. I don't believe what they say..


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punch_corona Dianne Kavon3 hours ago

.. not interested in any vaccines.. this is one big scam .. the Italians have finally figured out the Covid.. no vaccines are needed.. a vaccine is useless to prevent inflammation .. hyper coagulation.. joint pain.. fever & other conditions..


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sidney weiner7 hours ago • edited

This is like a very bad joke on these Israeli sites,
"the vaccine is right around the corner"
All of this B.S. proves to me is that the NWO in Israel is in full control of the Media!
There is a cure right now but not a word about anywhere in the Israeli media! the information is completely suppressed.
Just stories about amazing vaccines ready to be created sometime in the future!
The cure I am writing about is the old & well tested malaria drug Chloroquine which is safe & has been in use for at least the last 60 Years.
President Trump is now using this drug as a preventive medicine with the approval of his own personal doctor.
Millions of doses of this drug have been promised to be donated free to save lives by the drug giant Novartis.
But this situation is bottled up in the FDA by Obama hold over Deep Staters for no reason other than to keep the Virus hysteria going!
With an immediate cure,no more virus.
No more virus,no more pandemic & hysteria.
no more virus hysteria & no more excuse to wreck the American Economy & drive President Trump from office.
The whole sleezy scam will collapse on Soros & Gates & the rest of the NWO.
And whst does the Israeli media say about all of this,..
not a peep,just a giant melodrama about wonderful Vaccines somewhere on the horizon.


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Greg Carr sidney weiner4 hours ago

Trump is no longer taking Chloroquine nor is he touting it anymore. Just like he is no longer recommending injecting Clorox to beat the Wuhan virus or talking about Obamagate or that Obama was born in Kenya. Dr.Bonnie Henry the chief medical officer of BC says a vaccine is at least a year away.


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B Maddigan8 hours ago

Unless God intervenes... likely Overly optimistic I dare say .


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Martin Brown B Maddigan4 hours ago

And IF, there is no God, Then what?


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Cheryl Mavrikos8 hours ago

I'd give anything to see this Italian witch doctor walk into a room filled with Covid-19 patients and share a soda with them. What a pile of garbage. Bet he never lost anyone he loved to this horrible disease. Of course we need a vaccine.
1 3


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Don Spilman Cheryl Mavrikos8 hours ago

Dumb puppet of the GLOBS, or worse yet maybe a full fledged member in good standing, that statement proves your qualifications!


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Martin Brown Cheryl Mavrikos4 hours ago

Can we believe the leftest news media to inform the public any good news or hope to get rid of the lefts propaganda? The Italians might have something, but it will be kept from us by the crooked media. You can count on that.


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sidney weiner Cheryl Mavrikos7 hours ago • edited

The virulence of this virus has been maximized by supposed experts who should have known better.
Experts who used faulty statistics & questionable information to make faulty judgements.
Faulty judgements about how to handle this virus.
Faulty opinions from supposed experts which have caused maximum deaths.
Either they are completely incompetent or they are in on the conspiracy,
acting as a 5th column.working to maximize the deaths.
Maximum deaths. as part of a giant conspiracy to destroy the American Economy.
Dr. Mercola calls it a Trojan Horse slipped into the USA with the help of Dr Fauci.
Dr. Fauci who is a board member of the Gates Foundation.
Bill Gates & George Soros are in collusion with the Chinese government.
Some expert virologists are saying that this virus was manipulated into a virulent state in a laboratory /laboratories,most likely in China.


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Martin Brown sidney weiner3 hours ago

Most times an expert is a dumbly away from home'


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Greg Carr sidney weiner4 hours ago

The economy of Canada, Spain, Britain, Germany etc. are also hooped because of the pandemic. Japan had to cancel the Olympics which they have spent billions on.


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White Elk Clearwater Cheryl Mavrikos7 hours ago

Cheryl take this from a physician of over 50 years, the entire thing is overblown, hyped totally. Yes a small percentage pf people died, yes a smaller percentage horribly. But did you put next to the statistics of annual deaths by flu, Typhus, HIV, Tuberculosis, pneumonia?
Were you working in hospitals & saw that staff were given orders to list every & any patient with intestinal or respiratory trouble as being corona patient? Did you work in hospitals & saw that every patient who died in other than a severe bodily injury must be listed as having died of covid19?
Did witness patients being IGNORED, NOT EVEN GIVEN WATER TO DRINK, OR IV HYDRATION & purposely let die of dehydration then listed as covid19 deaths?
Hospitals and doctors were getting bonuses of tens of thousands of dollars for covid19 listings.
That is the evil truth behind the statistics!

Oh as for the vaccine. I can't work because this covid19 has too unstable an RNA genetic makeup. It mutates too easily. Vaccine for the current version will not help on any version making the rounds in another several months. To be done correctly anywhere near being safe, developing a vaccine tput out on the market must take at least 2 full years.


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sidney weiner White Elk Clearwater7 hours ago

Read the extended opinions of
Dr. Joseph Mercola who calls the virus a Trojan Horse for powerful interests trying to pull down president Trump.


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Don Spilman sidney weiner6 hours ago



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Don Spilman White Elk Clearwater6 hours ago

Wow that s great information


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Martin Brown Don Spilman3 hours ago

Let's face it, we have a corrupt Government making the laws against us.


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Don Spilman Martin Brown3 hours ago

As far as I am concerned it is the dip state that b o set up during his 8 looooooong years stinking up our White House! And the accursed RINOS!


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Greg Carr4 hours ago

The W.H.O. announced today that there was a record number of new cases.


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Don Spilman Greg Carr3 hours ago

Who in their right mind would believe ANYTHING the vile lying WHO says!


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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎15 hours ago

On June 22, 1941, at dawn, the troops of Nazi Germany, without declaring war, suddenly attacked the entire western border of the Soviet Union.
The Great Patriotic War began on June 22, 1941
The Great Patriotic War began - the bloodiest part of World War II. 27 million citizens of the Soviet Union, from the smallest to the largest, sacrificed their lives for victory.
Nobody is forgotten. Nothing is forgotten.
good don't forget ALSO: the 45 million Russian Christians killed by the Communists!



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Greg Carr 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎3 hours ago

The Soviet Union had a non-aggression pact with Hitler which they used to invade Eastern Poland in 1939 and take over the Baltic States. Both the Communists and the Nazis hated Christianity.


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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Greg Carr4 minutes ago

those who assembled the fragments of the Bible (the priests of the temple)
they are also the same ones who started writing the satanic talmud.
They supplanted the Davidic monarchy and led the Jewish people to destruction as they do today
all that antichrist exists in the world today:
neoliberalism, bureaucracy, technocracy, tax levy (scam banking seigniorage) ISLAM, wahhabites, french revolution, destruction of catholic monarchies, masonry, churches of satan, Deep State, Bilderberg regime, occult power, COMMUNISM, lgbtq, democratic party, anti-Zionism, terrorism Islamic, sharia genocide, FED IMF ECB NWO, chemtrails, nano particles in vaccines, CIA coronaviruses, world wars, etc.
if I have not invented? certainly they, the Supreme Sanhedrin "Beni Berith" interpreted it!
in fact you will find in the Koran the expressions of genocide and pedophilia and be-s-ti-ali-sm, of the satanic talmud



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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎15 hours ago

Palamara will challenge ANM decision: The system exists
The magistrate Luca Palamara defends himself in a long interview with Omnibus in which he reiterates the existence of a system made of currents and lists that interacts with politics.
it is not fair for him to be a scapegoat: about rothschild-bilderberg Masonic system Deep State, the swamp of the democratic party: "hang them all! "



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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎15 hours ago

South Korea is considering military options regarding North Korea's plan to send propaganda leaflets across the border, media reports reported Monday.
so those Satanist (Southern) Masons are afraid that the Communists the Satanists (from the North) can say / reveal:
that democracy is a Rothschild scam banking seigniorage Aru Mazda, Ja-BuuOn Deep State Masonic occulto power, Regime Bilderberg?
these are mutually terrified of the one about: the crimes one can say against the other



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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎17 hours ago

Coronavirus weakening, says Italian scientist, no need for vaccine
se si va indebolendo

allora, lo ha fatto la CIA

lo disse nel 2004
che avrebbe colpito la CINA nel 2020
e la Cina si è vendicata facendolo diffondere nel mondo



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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎18 hours ago

my JHWH holy] [their FED IMF ECB NWO Riyad OCI UN did not put the crown on my head (lorenzoJHWH) and put it on the head of a virus

on their hands was found the blood of Abel the righteous, the blood of all the prophets, and the blood of all those who bear the testimony of the innocent lamb: Jesus of Bethlehem.
and the blood of all those who have not betrayed God and have not wanted to kneel to the many demons of Allah and Satan


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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎18 hours ago

shalom + salam i am jewish messiah
Great Sanhedrin
1. they killed the Messiah Jesus of Bethlehem,
2. because they were already the Synagogue of Satan from the time of King Solomon, and the talmud is the idol of jealousy
3. JHWH kicked them out of the Holy Land promise to Abraham, and
4. they consecrated themselves to Satan to obtain his demonic protection: in the octopus of the Deep State
5. have stolen the banking seigniorage from the peoples, and
666. they pushed all the peoples of the planet: to hell!
7. all the predators: and the pests Antifa of the planet: the swamp of the democratic party: sharia islamic parasites and masons of the antichrist the scum lgbtq of the neoliberal technocratic EU?
yes, the Saud Kings Salman Erdogan Aziz joined them in an act of universal predation!


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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎18 hours ago

shalom + salam sono messia ebraica
Grande Sinedrio
1. hanno ammazzato il Messia Gesù di Betlemme,
2. perché loro erano già la Sinagoga di Satana dal tempo del Re Salomone, e il talmud è l'idolo della gelosia
3. JHWH li ha cacciati dalla terrasanta promessa ad Abramo, e
4. loro si sono consacrati a Satana per ottenere la sua protezione demoniaca: nella piovra del Deep State
5. hanno rubato il signoraggio bancario ai popoli, e
666. hanno spinto tutti i popoli del pianeta: nell'inferno!
7. tutti i predatori: e i parassiti Antifa del pianeta: il palude del partito democratico: sharia parassiti islamici e massoni dell'anticristo la freccia lgbtq della UE tecnocratica neoliberista?
si, i Re Saud Salman Erdogan Aziz si sono uniti a loro in un atto di predazione universale!



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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎18 hours ago

i am JEWISH Messia am i



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Greg Carr 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎3 hours ago

Walk on water and get back to us fraud.


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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Greg Carran hour ago

but didn't Jesus teach you to be merciful?
but, you don't see how President Rivlin is sad and confused: why is he missing a messiah?



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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Greg Carr2 hours ago

HAMC? now the holy angels of God will also hurt you.
I am not the messiah of Christians
I am the messiah of the Jews only



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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Greg Carr2 hours ago

now I go out of the bathroom and I have already seen you sliding down the sewer!



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ProclaimLiberty Greg Carr2 hours ago

This appears to be a new label for an old familiar troll previously recognized as "Lorenzo" and variations on "messiah". I've just blocked him to avoid any further irritation from his many and repetitive posts.


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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 ProclaimLiberty2 hours ago

testa di caxxo

in politics I am a rational agnostic
and I have no religious arguments to offer to tuou troll CIA cannibals



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TK8 hours ago

Other scientists dispute this assessment. To early to celebrate,


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Martin Brown TK3 hours ago

Those scientists could be lefties liberals.

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Epopea del Dio Marduk

1. tu sei nella Epopea del Dio Marduk: (hanno creato gli schiavi goyims dalit dhimmis) Islam Talmud Comunismo, lgbt, relativismo, tecnocraz...

Obama moderate terrorist Biden

Obama moderate terrorist Biden
Jihad Erdogan sharia ISIS Riyad

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